Section 21. Oath of Senators,-The Oath of Office Shall Be Ad

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§ 21 TITLE 2.


Section 21. Oath of Senators,-The oath of office shall be ad- sec.

43. Mileage of Senators, Representatives, and Delegates.
ministered by the President of the Senate to each Senator 44. Mileage allowance to Delegate from Alaska.
who shall be elected, previous to his taking his seat. (R. S. 45. Mileage allowance to Resident Comalssloners from Philippine
§ 28.) Islands.
40. Mileage allowance to Resident Commissioner from Porto Rico.
22. Oath of President of Senate.-When a President of tite
47. Mode of payment.
Senate has not taken the oathS'of office, it shal be adminis- 48. Certification of salary and mileage accounts.
terei to him by any Member of the Senate. (R. S. § 29.) 40. Certificate of salary during recess.
23. Presiding officer of Senate may administer oaths.-The 0. Substitute to sign certificates for salary and accounts.
51. Monuments to deceased Senators or Members of Hlouse.
presiding officer, for the time being, of the Senate of the United
States, shall have power to administer ll oaths and alirina- Section 31. Compensation of Members of Congress.-The
tions that are or may be required by the Constitution, or by compensation of the Speaker of the House of Representatives
law, to be taken by any Senator, officer of the Senate, wvitness, shall be at the rate of $15,000 per annum, and the compensation
or other person, in respect to any matter within the Jurisdic- of Senators, Representatives in Congress, Delegates fron Ter-
tion of the Senitte. (Apr. 18, 1876, e. 01, § 1, 19 Stat. 34.) ritories, Resident Commlsioner from Porto Rico. and Resident
24. Secretary of kenate or Chief Clerk may administer Commissioners from the Philippine Islands shall be at the
oaths.-The Secreti.ry of the S nate, and the Chief Clerk thereof, rate of $10,000 per annum each. (Mar. 4, 1925, c. 549, § 4,
shall, respectively, hav, power to administer any oath or 43 Stat. 1301.)
afirnation required by law, or by the rules or orders of the 32. Compensation of President of Senate.-Whenever there Is
Seiate, to be taaen by any oflicer of the Senate, and to any no Vice President, the President of the Senate for the time
witness produecd before it. (Apr. 18, 1870, c. 60, § 2, 19 being is entitled to the compensation provided by law for the
Stat. 34.) Vice President. (R. S. § 36.)
25. Oath of Speaker, Members, and Delegates.-At the first 33. Senators' salaries payable monthly.-Senntors elected,
sesslo.i of Congress after every general election of Representa- whose term of offlice begins on the 4th day of March, and
tives, the oath of offlce shall be administered by any Member whose credentials in due form of law shall have been presented
of the House of Representatives to the Speaker; and by the in the Senate, but who have had no opportunity to be qualified,
Speaker to all the Members and Delegates pre-ent, and to the may receive their compensation monthly, from the beginning
Clerk, previous to entering on any other business; and to the of their term, until there shall be a susion of the Senate.
Members and Delegates who afterward appear, previous to (Mar. 3, 1883, c. 143, 22 Stat. 032.)
their taking their seats. (R. S. § 30.) 34. Representatives' salaries payable monthly.-Itepresenta-
26. Roll of Representatives-elect.-Before the first meeting of tives and Delegates elect to Congress, whose credentials In due
each Congress the Clerk of the next preceding House of Repre- form of law have been duly filed with the Clerk of the louso
sentatives shall make a roll of the Representatives-elect, and of Representatives, in accordance with the provisions of sec-
place thereon the names of those persons, and of such persons tlon 20 of this title, anay receive their compensation monthly,
only, whose credentials show that they were regularly elected from the beginning of their term until the beginning of the
in accordance with the laws of their States respectively, or the
first session of each Congress, upon a certificate In the form
laws of the United States. In case of a vacancy in the office of now in use to be signed by the Clerk of the House, wh!ch cer-
Clerk of the House of Representatives, or of the absence or
tiflcate shall hav, the like force and effect as is given to the
inability of the Clerk to discharge the duties imposed on him
certificate of the Speaker. (R. S. § 38; Mar. 3, 1875, c. 130,
by law or custom relative to the pre 'aration of the roll of Rep-
§ 1, 18 Stat. 389.,
resentatives or the organization of the House, those duties shall
35. Salaries payable monthly after taking oath.-Each Mlem-
devolve on the Seegeant at Arms of the next preceding House of
her and Delegate, after he has taken and subscribed tha re-
Representatives. In case of vacancies in the offices of both the
quired oath, is entitled to receive his salary at the end of each
Clerk and the Sergeant at Arms, or of the absence or inability
month. (R. S. § 89.)
of both to act, the duties of the Clerk relative to the prepara-
36. Salaries of Senators appointed or elected to fill vacan-
tion of the roll of the House of Representatives or the organ-
cies.-Salarles of Senators appointed to fill vacancies in the
ization of the House shall be performed by the Doorkeeper of
the next preceding House of Representatives. (R. S. §§ 31, 32, Senate shall commence on the day of their appointment and
33.) continue until their successors are elected and qualified; and
27. Change of place of meeting.-Whenever Congress is about salaries of Senators elected to fill vacancies In the Senate
to convene, and front the prevalence of contagious sickness, or shall commence on the day they qualify: Provided, That where
no appointments have been made to fill such vacancies, the
the existence of other circumstances, it would, in the opinion
salaries of Senators elected to fill such vacancies shall com-
of the President, be hazardous to the lives or health of the
mence on the day following their election. (Feb. 10, 1923,
members to meet at the seat of Government, the President is
authorized, by proclamation, to convene Congress at such other c. 68, 42 Stat. 1225.)
place as he may judge proper. (R. S. § 34.) 37. Salaries of Representatives, Delegates, and Resident
Commissioners elected for unexpired terms.-The salaries of
Chapter 3.-COMPENSATION OF MEMBERS. Representatives In Congress, Delegates from Territories, and
Sec. Resident Commissioners, elected for unexpired terms, shall
1i. Compensation 6f Members of Congress. commence on the ditto of their election and not before. (R. S.
82. Compensation of President of Senate.
83. Senators' salaries payable monthly. § 51; July 10, 1914, c. 141, § 1, 38 Stat. 458.)
84. Itepresentatives' salaries payable monthly. 38. Pay of Member dying after commencement of Con-
35. Salaries payable monthly after taking oath. gress.-When any person who has been elected a Member of or
0. Salaries of Senators appointed or elected to fill vacancies.
Delegate in Congress dies after the commencement of the Con-
87. Salaries of Representatives, Delegates, and Resident Commissioners
elected for uneipired terms, gress to which he has been elected, his salary shall be com-
38. Pay of Member dying after commencement of Congress. puted and paid to his widow, or, if no widow survive him, to
39. Deductions for absence. his heirs at law, for the period that has elapsed from the coin-
40. Deductions for withdrawal.
41. Newspapers. mencement of such Congress, or from the last payment re-
42, Postage. ceived by him to the time of his ueath, at the rate of
$10,000 a year, with tny nilleage remaining due for actuallj 50. Substitute to sign certificater for salary and accounts.-
going to or returning front any session of Cong.ess. Snit- The Speaker Is authorized to designate front tline to tine solile
ries so allowetd shall be computed mid paid In illcasts, one from among those appointed by hai and lppropriaied for
for a period of not less than three months from the commence. and employed ii is office, ivhqe duty It shall lie ner lhe
nent of the Congress. (It. S. § 49, 50; Jan. 20, 1874, c. :1, direction of the Speaker to sign in hIs nmime anad for lilhn all
18 Stat. 4.) certilcates required by section 48 of this title for salary and
39. Deductions for absence.-lie Secretary of the Senate and accounts for traveling expenses in going to and ret urning front
Sergeant at Arms of the House, respectively, shall ded it Congress of Relrenitatives and Delegates. (Nov 12, 19(0,
from the monthly payments of each Member or Delegate -he No. 1, 33 Stit. 1.)
amount of hh4 salary for each day that he hus been absent from 51. Monuments to deceased Senators or Members of louse.-
lhe Sent 0 r loxme, respecively, uliles such Member or Wlhencver tilny tihceased Senator or Menber of the Iloirwe of
Delegate assigiis as the reason for such absence the sickness Representatives shmill bI, actually Interred in the Conigre~sloull
of hlilself or of sonio member of his hamily, (1t. S. § 40.) Cometery, so-called, it shall be tile (dy of the Sergeant at Arims
40. Deductions for withdrawal.-Wlhen any Member or Dole- of the Senate, in the eiise of it Senltor, and of the Sergeant
gale wlithdraws front his seat and does not return before the at Arns of the louse of Itepresentatives, in the case of it Menli-
adjournment of Congress, be shall, In addithin to tie sum tier of the Ilouse, to have a inonlument et'ected, of granlte,
lelucted for each day, forfeit a suni equal to the amount which with suitable ins,-riptions, and the cost of the samne sliill be a
would have been allowed by law for his mileage ietreturnlng charge upon and pal out either from the contingent fimids of
hoie ; and Such sun shall be deducted fron ]iis compensation, the Senate or of the House of ltepresentatives, to whicleover
unless the withdrawal is with the leave of the Senate or House (lie de(nceased iniy have belonged, and any exi tAlog onlissliois
of Ilepresentatives respectively. (R. S. 1 ,41.) of mnonlm(ts or Inscrlptions, as aforesaid, are directed itd
41. Newspapers.-No Member or Delegate Is entitled to any authorized to be sul)plled u#I ".ike munner. (Alay 23, 1870,
allowance for newspapers. (It. S. § 43.) c. 103, V Stat. 54.)
42. Postage.--No compensation or alloWvluce shall lie niade
to Senators, Itepresentatives, or Delegates on account of
postage. (It. S. § 44.) AND HOUSE OF It3P1IESENTATIVIS.
43. Mileage of Senators, Representatives, and Delegates.- see.
Each Sciuntor, Representative, and Delegate sull receive 01. LImit on rate of conlensailon of ofllcers and employees of Senate.
62. Limitation on compensation of Sergeant at A rms and Doorkeiper
mileage at the rate of 20 cents per mile, to be estimated by of Senate.
the nearest route usually traveled i going to and returning 03. Dutlies of Senate Doorkeeper.
from wicli reguiar session. (July 28, 1866, c. 290, § 17, 14 61. Secretary of Semiate a disburing officer.
'itnt. 323; Jan. 20, 1874, c.11, 18 Stat. 4.) 65. Bond of Secretary of Senate.
66. Fiscal year for adjustment of accounts of Secretary of Senate.
44. Mileage allowance to Delegate from Alaska.-The Ilele- 67. Clerks to Senatora elect.
gate from Alaska, in lieu of all other allowances, shall, in ad- 68. 'ayments from contingem fund of Senate.
dition to his salary, receive the suni of $1,500 per annuin which 691. Sine; for expenses of committees.
shall cover all mileage and other expenses, except stationery 70. Saine; Senate resolutions for payment for clerical and lieshciiger
allowance and conpmsatlon for clerik hire. (May 7, 19006, 71. Motor equipment for Senste.
e. 2083, § 1, 34 Stat. 170.) 72. Committee employees after termination of Congres.
45. Mileage allowance to Resident Commissioners from Phil- 7:3. Clerk for inilorlly members of Committee on Ways and Means.
ippine Islands.-Each of the Resilent Conmnissloners from the 74. Clerk hire, Melnbers, Delegates. and ltesldent Cemmnlmloners.
75. Bond of Clerk of lIouse of tiepresentntlves.
Philippine Islands shall, In addition to the salary allowed by 76. Duties of Doorkeeper of llouse of Itipresentatlves.
law, receive $2,000 eachi per annmuni, In lieu of mileage. (July 1, 77. Sergeant ait Arius of House of Rleprisenlatives; dditlonal eom-
1902, c. 1369, § 8, 32 Stat. 694; Aug.- 29, 1916, c. 416, 1 20, pelsat ion.
7S. SaiiII dutileq.
89 Stat. 552.)
79. Sl Ro sVIol of office.
46. Mileage allowance to Resident Commissioner front Porto 8(0. Saue ; dlsbursemeat of colmpensation of Memibers and Dlegates.,
Rico.-The Resient Comnissloner front Porto Rico shall be 81. Sale; fiscal year for adjustment of lccoilts.
allowed the suin of $500 as mileage for each session of the 82. ,lame; bond.
House of Representntives. (Mar. 2, 1917, c. 145, § 10, 39 Stat. 83. aa.e tenirie of office.
903.) 84. Same; statement cf illursenlmnts.
85. I'erformnce of ldutles by employvee of llouse.
47. Mode of payment.-The compensation of Menlbers unit 8 . lilvislon of hitlhri'i of elliplo3eq of Itoilse of lteprcs.nttlves.
Delegates shal lie passed as public accounts, and paId out (,f 87. Stblettlng of duties of employees of House of lt(presentatlvet for-
the public Treasury. (R. S. § 40.) bidden.
88. ImiIt of age of pages In llouge of itelirsentatlve.
48. Certification of salary and mileage accounts.-Salary rend 89. Certlilcales to pay rolls of emplloyees in louse of ltepreschntiltivs.
mileage accounts of Senators shall be certified by the Presl- 90. Removal from offle of eiiployees of louse of Teipresentatives.
lent of the Senate, end those of Representativcs and Delegates 91. Inquiry by Committee on Accolnts of Houtse of tepresentatlve,.
by the Speaker of the House of Representatives; and such 02. 'ayment of approprliailons fer clerk hiro for Members, Delegates,
and Resident Coinmissioners.
certificates shall be conclusive upon all the departments and 0a. Time of beginning of compensation of clerks to commitees of
officers of the Government. (R. E.. §§ 47, 48; JTuly 28, 1810, House of llteresentatlves paid during session ionly.
e. 290, § 17, 14 Stat. 323; Jan. 20, 1874, e. 11, 18 Stat. 4.) 94. Appointment, dties, nand removal of Janitors to comlittees of
49. Certificate of salary during recess.-The Olerk of the House of Representatives.
95. Payments from conlilngent funds of House of Rtepresentatives.
House of Representatives is authorized and directed to sign, 00. Payment from moneyc of House of Representatives of certain Ills.
during the recess of Congress after the first session and until 97. Temporary committee on Accounts of House of Rtepresentatives.
the first day of the second session, the certificates for the 98. Contracts for horses for service of Iouso of Representatives.
monthly compensation of Members and Delegates In Congreps, 90. Contracts for horses and mail wagon, for House of ltepresenla-
which certificate shall be in the form in use on August 15, 1870, 100. Contracts for packing boxes for Iouse of tepresentatives.
and shall have the like force and effect as Is given to the cer- 101. Subletting duties of employees of Senato or House of, tepresenta-
tificate of the Speaker. (Aug. 15, 1870, c. 287, § 1, 19 Stat. 145.) Lives.

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