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T1I2LB 5.


eligibility for appointment under the law, rules and reglnlations 652. Removals from classified civil service only for cause.-
of the Civil Service Commission in effect on March 1, 1919, and No person In the classified civil service of the United States
at tle time of demobilization their civil service status shall be shall be removed therefrom except for such cause as will pro-
the same ns when they entered the service. (Mar. 1, 1919, mote the efficeiency of said service and for reasons given in
c. 80, § 1, 40 Stat. 1224.) writing, and tie person whose removal is sought shall haivo
646. Bureau of Efficiency.-Tho division of efficiency of the notice of tie same and of any charges preferred against him,
Civil Service Commission shall be (n independent establish- aLd be furnished with a copy thereof, and also be allowed a
ment and shall be known as the Bureau of Efficiency. (Feb. 28, reasonable time for personally answering the same In writing;
9016, e. 37, 1 1, 39 Stat. 15.) aid affidavits In Funport thereof; but no examination of wit-
647. Same; chief of bureau reports.-The Chler of the Bureau nesses nor any trial or hearing shall be required except in the
of Effleency shall be appointed by the President and shall re- discretion of tile officer making the removal; and copies of
port t. Congress at the beginning of each regular session, charges, notice of hearing, answer, reasons for removal, all(!
throagh tho President, the nature and progress of work under- of the order of removal shall be made a part of the records
taken by the division together with a detailed statement of ex- of the proper department or ofilce, as shall also the reasons for
penditures showing the persons employed, their duties, and the reduction in raiic or compensation ; and copies of the sam1e
compensation paid to each. (Mar. 4, 1915, c. 141, 1 1, 38 Stat. shall be furnished to the person affected upon request, :nd the
1007, 1008.) Civil Service Commission also shall, upon request, be furnished
648. Same; efficiency ratings for classified service In execu- copies of the same. Membership i any society, association, club,
tive departments.-The Bureau of Efficiency shall, subject to or other form of organization of postal employecs not afllliated
(lie approval of the President, establish a system of efficiency with any outside organization Imposing an obligation or duty
ratings for tie classified service in the several executive de- upon them to engage In tny strike, or proposing to assist them
partments in the District of Columbia based upon records kept in any strike, against the United States, having for its objects,
in each department and independent establishment with such among other things, improvements in the condition of labor of
frequeney as to make them as nearly as possible records of its miembers, Including hours of labor and compensation there-
fact, Such system shall provide a minimum rating of efficiency for and leave of absence, by any person or groups of persons lit
which must be attained by an employee before lie may be pro- said l'ostal Service, or the presenting by tiny such person or
nfoted; it shall also provide a rating below which no employee groups or persons of any grievance or grievances to the Con-
miay fall without being demoted; it shall further provide for a gress or any Member thereof siall not constitute or be cause
rating below which no employee may fall without belig dis- for reduction Ilirank or compensation or removal of such
missed for Inefficlency. All promotions, demotions, or dis- person or groups of persons from said service. The right, of
missals shiall be governed by provisions of the civil-service persons employed in the civil service of the United Slates,
rules. Copies of all records of efficiency shall be furnished by either individually or collectively, to petition Congress, or any
the departmrpnts and independent establishments to the Bureau Member thereof, or to furnish Informnitlon to either Hmuse of'
of Efficiency for record in accordance with the provisions of Congress, or to any committee or mewiber thereof, shall ,, t he
this section. In tile event of reductions being made in the deied or Interfered with. (Aug. 24, 1912, c. 389, § II, 37 3iat.
force in any of the executive departments no honorably dis- 555.)
charged soldier or sailor whosd record In said department is Chapter 13.-CLASSIFICATION OF CIVILIAN POSI-
rated good shall be discharged or dropped or reduced In rank TIONS.
or salary.
Any person knowingly violating the provisions of this section 661. Citation.
shall be summarily removed from office, and may also upon 602. lDefinitions.
conviction thereof be punished by a fine of not more than 063. l'erdonnel Classification Board; members; chairman; detils to
board; cooperation of Civil Service Commission, etc.; rules
$1,000 or by imprisonment for not more than one year. (Aug. and regulations; grades and subdivisions thereof.
23, 1912, c. 350, § 4, 37 Stat. 413; Feb. 28, 1910, c. 37, § 1, 604. Allocation of positions to grades and fixing of rates of comen-
39 Stat. 15.) sation by department heads; review and revision by board.
649. Same; reports as to needs of personnel in depart- 005. Application of compensation schedules.
ments.-Tho Bureau of Efficiency shall investigate and report 60(. Rules" governiag fixing of compensation schedules.
007. increases In compensation.
to the President, with its reconmnendations, as to tie adminis- 668. Existing prefrences in appointment, etc., not affected.
trative needs of the service relating to personnel in the several 609. iliciency ratings.
executive departments and independent establislhnents in tile 670. Transfer or promotion of employees.
District of Columbia, and report to Congress details of ex- 071. Temporary appointments not mado permanent.
072. lReadJustmeut of rates of compensation.
penditure and of progress of work at the beginning of each 673. (1,)mpesatioa schedules enumerated.
regular session. (Mar. 4, 1913, c. 142, 9 1, 37 Stat. 750; Feb. 074. E0stlmates of expenditures and appropriations In Budget to con-
28, 1910, c. 37, § 1, 39 Stat. 15.) :form to classifications; rates of compensation, when effective.
650. Same; information furnished to by departments.-Offi- 075. 4lveruge of salaries not to exceed average imto for grade during
cers and employees of tie executive departments and other 676. S Ilarles for year 1920 of persons In field service.
establishments shall furnish authorized rep,..sentatlves of the
Sec ion 661. Citatio.-This chapter nmy be cited as "The
Bureau of Efficiency with all information thi, the bureau may
require for the performance of the duties imposed on it by law, Class leatlon Act of 1923." (Mar. 4, 1923, c. 265, § 1, 42 Stit.
and shall give such representatives access to all records and
papers that may be needed for that purpose. (Mar. 3, 1917, 662k Deflnitions.-The term " compensation schedules" means
e. 163, § 1, 39 Stat. 1081.) the stinedules of positions, grades, and salaries, as conained li
651. Same; records and papers transferred to.-Not later sectio . 673 of this title.
than June 30, 1919, all books, records, and papers relating to Tha. term "department" means tin executive department of
the Investigations of duplication of statistical and other work the 1'sited States Government, a governmenlal estnbisliment
and to the work of the statistical clearing house of the Central In tin executive branch of the United States Governanmit wiich
Bureau of Planning and Statistics shlall be transferred to the is notl a part of ali executive department, tie municipal govern-
Bureau of Efficiency. (July 11, 1919, e. 0, § 1, 41 Stat. 36.) moat Of the District of Columbia, the Botanic Garden, Library

of Congress, Library Building and Grounds, Government Print- tions required for the satisfactory performance of such duties
ing Office, and the Smithsonian Institution. and tasks, and (3) the titles given to said classes. In perform.
The term "the head of the department." means the officer or Ing the foregoing duties, the board shall follow as nearly as
group of officers in the department who are not subordinate or practicable the classification made pursuant to the Executive
responsible to any other officer of the department. order of October 24, 1921. The hoard may from time to time
The term "board" means the Personnel Classification Board designate additional classes within the several grades and may
established by section 063. combine, divide, alter, or abolish existing classes. Department
The term "position" means a specific civilian office or em- heads shall promptly report the duties and responsibilities of
ployment, whether occupied or vacant, inI a department other new positions to the board. The board shall make necessary
than the following: Offices or employments in the Postal Serv- adjustments in compensation for positions carrying mainte-
ice; teachers, librarians, school attendance officers, and em- nance and for positions requiring only part-time service.
ployces of the community center department under the Board (Mar. 4, 1923, c. 265, § 3, 42 Stat. 1489.)
of Education of the District of Columbia; officers and mem- 664. Allocation of positions to grades and fixing of rates of
bers of the metropolitan police, the fire department of the Dis- compensation by department heads; review and revision by
trict of Columbia, and the United States park police; and the board.-After consultation with time board, and In accordance
commissioned personnel of the Coast Guard, the Public Health with a unifornm procedure lrescribed by it, the head of each
Service, and the Coast and Geodetic Survey. department shall allocate all positions in his department in the
The term "employee" means any person temporarily or per- District of Columbia to'their appropriate grades in the com-
manently in a position. pensation schedules and shall fix the rate of compensation of
The term "service" means the broadest division of related each employee thereunder, in accordance with the rules pre-
offlices and employments. scribed in section 660 of this title. Such allocations shall be re-
The term "grade" means a subdivision of a service, includ- viewed and may be revised by the board and shall beci,,nc final
ing one or more positions for which approximately the same upon their approval by said board. Whenever an existing
basic qualifications and compensation are prescribed, the dis- position or a position created by law after March 4, 192.3 shall
tinctlon between grades beingbased upon differences in the im- not fairly and reasonably be allocable to one of the grudes of
portance, difficulty, responsibility, and value of the work. the several services described in the compensation schedules,
The term "class" means a group of positions to be estab- the board shall adopt for such position the range of compensa-
lished under this chapter sufficiently similar in respect to the tion prescribed for a grade, or a class thereof, comparable
duties and responsibilities thereof that the same requirements therewith as to qualifications and duties.
as to education, experience, knowledge, and ability are de- In determining the rate of compensation which an employee
mnanded of incumbents, the same tests of fitness are used to shall receive, the principle of equal compensation for equal
choose qualified appointees, and the same schedule of compen- work irrespective of sex shall be followed. (Mar. 4, 1923, c.
sation is made to apply with equity. 265, § 4, 42 Stat. 1489.)
The term "compensation" means any salary, wage, fee, al- 665. Application of compensation schedules.-The compen-
lowance, or other emolument paid to an employee for service sation schedules shall apply only to civilian employees in the
iu a position. (Mar. 4, 1923, c. 265, § 2, 42 Stat. 1488.) departments within the District of Columbia and shall not
663. Personnel Classification Board; members; chairman; apply to employees in positions the duties of which are to per-
details to board; cooperation of Civil Service Commission, etc.; form or assist in apprentice, helper, or Journeyman work in a
rules and regulations; grades and subdivisions thereof.-There recognized trade or craft and sldled and semiskhtled laborers,
is established an cx officio board, to be known as the Personnel except such as are under time direction and contiol of tle cus-
Classification Board, to consist of the Director of the' Bureau of todian of a public building or perform work which Is subordi-
the Budget or an alternate from that bureau designated by the nate, incidental, or preparatory to work of a professional, sci-
director, a member of the Civil Service Commission or an alter- entific, or technical character. (Mar. 4, 1923, c. 265, § 5,
nate from that commission designated by the commission, and 42 Stat. 1489.)
the Chief of the United States Bureau of Efficiency or an alter- 666. Rules governing fixing of compensation schedules.-In
nate from that bureau designated by the chief of the bureau. determining the compensation to be established initially for the
The Director of the Bureau of the Budget or his alternate shall several employees the following rules shall govern:
be chairman of the board. 1. In computing the existing compensation of an employee,
Subject to the approval of the President, the heads of the any bonus which the employee receives shall be included.
departments shall detail to the board, at its request, for tem- 2. If the employee Is receiving compensation less than the
porary service under its direction. officers or employees pos- minimum rate of the grade or class thereof in which his duties
sessed of special knowledge, ability, or experience required in fall, the compensation shall be increased to that minimunm rate.
the classification and allocation of positions. The Civil Service 3. If the employee is receiving compensation within the range
Commission, the Bureau of the Budget, and the Bureau of of salary prescribed for the appropriate grade at one of the rates
Efliciency shall render the bard such cooperation and assist- fixed therein, no chane shall be made in the existing comppnsa-
ance as the board may require for the performance of its duties tion.
unler this chapter. 4. If the employee is r. ceiving compensation within the range
The board shall maim all necessary rules and regulations not of salary prescribed for the approiriate grade, lut not at one
inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter and provide of the rates fixed therein, the compensation shall be increased
such subdivisions of the grades contained in section 073 of this to the next higher rate.
title and such titles and definitions as it may deem necessary 5. If the employee is not a veteran of the Civil War, or a
according to the kind and difficulty of the work. Its regula- widow of such veteran, and is receiving compensation inI excess
tions shall provide for ascertaining and recording the duties of the range of salary prescribed for the appropriate grade, the
of posltions and the qualifications required of incumbents, and compensation shall be reduced to the rate within the grade
it shall prepare and publish an adequate statement giving (1) nearest the present compensation.
the duties and responsibilities Involved in the classes to be 6. All new appointments shall be made at the minimum rate
established within the several grades, illustrated where neces- of the appropriate grade or class °thereof. (Mar. 4, 1923, e.
sary by examples of typical tasks, (2) the minimum qualiflca- 205, § 0, 42 Stat. 1490.)
667. Increases In compensation.-Increases in compensation provided in-this chapter for the various services and ,grades
shall be allowed upon the attainment and maintenance of tile with a view to any readjustment demned by said board to be
appropriate efficiency ratings, to the next higher rate within just and reasonable. Said board shall, after such study aml
the salary range of the grade. In no case shall the compensa- at such subsequent times as it may deem necessary, report Its
tioe of any employee be increased unless Congress has appro- conclusions to Congress with any recommendations It may
priated money from which the increase may lawfully be paid, deem advisable. (Mar. 4, 3023, c. 265, § 12, '42 Stat: 1491.)
nor shall the rate for any employee be increased beyond the 673. Compensation schedules enumerated.--The compensa-
maximum rate for the grade to.which his position iS allocated. tion schedules be as follows:
Nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent the pro-
motion of an employee from one class to a vacant position in a PROFESSIONAL AND SCIENTIFIC SEalVIC

higher class at any time in accordance with civil service rules, The professional and scientific service shall include all classes
and when so promoted the employee shall receive compensa. of positions tile duties of which are to perform rontne, ad-
tion according to the schedule established for the class to which visory, administrative, or rosm rch work which in based npol
le is promoted. (Mar. 4, 1923, c. 205, § 7, 42 Stat. 1490.) the established principles of a profession or science, and which
668. Existing preferences in appointments, etc., not affected.- requires professional, scientific, or teclnical training equivalent
Nothing in this chapter shall modify or repeal any existing to that represented by graduation from a college or university
preference in appointment or reduction in the service of honor- of recognized Standing.
ably discharged soldiers, sailors, or marines under any existing Grade one, in this service, which may be referred to as the
law or any lxecutive order in force Mtarch 4, 1923. (Mar. junior professional grade, shall include all classes of positions
4, 1923, e. 265, § 8, 42 Stat. 1490.) the duties of which are to perform, under immediate super-
669. Efficiency ratings.-The board shall review and may re- vision, simple and elementary work requiring profCssioal,
vise uniform systems of efficiency rating established or to be scientific, or technical training as herein specified, but little or
established for the various grades or classes thereof, which no experience.
shall set forth the degree of efliciency which shall constitute The amnal rates of compensation for positions in this grade
ground for (a) increase in the rate of compensation for em- shall be $1,860, $1,920, $2,000, $2,100, $2,200, $2,300, and $2,400.
ployees who have not attained the maximum rate of the class
Grade two, In this service, which may be referred to as the
to which their positions are allocated, (b) continuance at the assistant professional grade, shall Include all classes of posi-
existing rate of compensation without increase or decrease, tions the duties of which arc to perform, under immediate or
(c) decrease In the rate of compensation for employees who at
general supervision, individually or with a small lumbr of
the time are above the minimum rate for the class to which subordinates, work requiring professional, scientific, or tech-
their positions are allocated, and (d) dismissal. nical training as herein specified, previous experience, find, to
The head of each department shall rate in accordance with
a limited extent, the exercise of independent judgment.
such systems the efficiency of each employee under his control
The aumal rates of compensation for posiions in this grade
or direction. The current ratings for each grade or class
shall be $2,400, $2,500, $2,600, $2,700, $2,800, $2,900, and $3,000.
thereof shall be open to inspection by the representatives of the
Grade three, III this service, which may be referred to as tie
board Pnd by the employees of the department under conditions
associate professiolal grade, shall include all classes of post-
to be determined by the board after consultation with the
tions the duties of which are to perform, individually or with
department heads.
Reductions in compensation and dismissals for inefficiency a small number of trained assistaits, under general super
shall be made by heads of departments in all cases whenever vision but with considerable latitude for the exerclse of inde-
the efliclency ratings warrant, as provided herein, subject to plendent judgment, responsible work requiring extended profes-
sional, scientific, or technical training and considerable previhus
the approval of the board.
Tile board may require that one copy of such current ratings experience.
shall be transmitted to and kept on file with tbe board. (Mfar. The annual rates of compensation for positions I thils grade
4, 1923, c. 265, § 9, 42 Stat. 1400.) shall be $3,000, $3,100, $3,200, $3,300, $3,400, $3,500, and $3,600.
670. Transfer or promotion of employees.-Subject to such Grade four, in this service, which may be referred to as the
rules and regulations as tile President may from time to time full professional grade, shall include all classes of positions
prescribe, and regardless of the department or independent the duties of which are to perform, under general adminisira-
establishment In which th position Is located, an employee tive supervision, Important specialized work requiring extended
may be transferred from a position in one grade to a vacant professional, scientific, or teclhical training and experiem'e,
losition within the same grade at the same rate of compensa- the exerciso'of independent Judgment, and tile lssupllolpt of
tion, or promoted to a vacant position in a higher grade at a responsibility for results, or for the admhistration of a 81111111
,higher rate of compensation, in accordance with civil service scientific or technical organization.
rules, any provision of existing statutes to the contrary not- The anmnal rates of compensation for positions il this grade
withstanding. Nothing herein shall be construed to authorize shall be $3,800, $4,000, $4,200, $4,/00, $4,000, $4,800, and $5,000,
or permit the transfer of an employee of the United States to unless a higher rate Is specifically authorized hy law.
a position under the municipal government of the District of Grade five in this service, which may be referred to as the
Columbia, or an employee of the municipal governmout of the senior professional grade, shall include all classes of positions
District of Columbia to a position under the United States. the duties of which are to act as assistant ]lead of a iarge pro-
(June 22, 1000, c. 3514, § 5, 34 Stat. 449; Oct. 6, 1017, c. 70, fessional or scientific organization, or to act as administrative
§§ 0, 7, 40 Stat. 383; Mfar. 28, 1018, e. 28, § 2, 40 Stat. 459; head of a major subdivision of such all organization, or to net
Mar. 4, 1923, e. 205, § 10, 42 Stat. 1491.) as head of a small professional or scientific organization, or to
671. Temporary appointments not made permanent.-Noth- serve as consulting specialist, or independently to plan, organi-
Ing contained in this chapter shall be construed to make per- ize, and conduct investigations in original research or develop-
manent any temporary appointments under existing law. ment work in a professional, scientific, or technical field.
(Mar. 4, 1923, c. 205, § 11, 42 Stat. 1491.) The annual rates of compensation for positions in tils grade
672, Readjustment of rates of compensation.-It shall be the shall be $5,200, $5,400, $5,600, $5,800, and $6,000, unless a higher
duty of the board to make a study of the rates of compensation rate is specifically authorized by law.
Grade six in tMIs service, which may be referred to as the Grade six In this service, which may be referred to as the
chief professional grade, shall ioelude all classes of positions senior subprofessional grade, ahall include all classes of posI-
the duties of which are to act as the scientific and administra- tions the duties of which are to perform, under immediate or
tive head of a major professional or scientific I' areu, or as general supervision, subordinate but difficult and responsible
professional consultant to a department head or a commission work of a professional, scietific, or technical character, re-
or board dealing with professional, scientific, or technical quiring a thorough knowledge of a limited field of professional,
problems. sclentifc, or technical work, and the exercise of independent
The annual rates of compensation for positions In this grade judgment, or to supervise the work of a small number of em-
shall be $0,000, $6,500, $7,000, and $7,500, unlems a higher rate is ployees holding positions in grade five of this service.
specifically authorized by law. The annual rates of compensation for positions in this grade
Grade seven hi this service, which may be referred to as the shall be $1,800, $1,920, $2,000, $2,100, $2,200, $2,300, and $2,400.
special professional gr,de, shall include all classes of positions Grade seven in this service, which may be referred to a s the
the duties and requirements of which are more responsible and principid subprofesslonal grade, shall include all classes ol posi-
exacting than those described in grade six. tions the duties of which are to perform, under' general super-
The annual rate of compensation for positions in this grade vision, subordinate but responsible work of a professlnal, sci-
shall be $7,500, unless a higher rate is authorized entific, or technical character requiring a working knnwledge
by law. of the principles of the profession, .art,or science involved, and
SUnpROPESSIONAL savIcE the exercise of Independent Judgment, or to supervise the work
of a small number of employees holding positions in grade six
The subprofesslonal service shall include all classes of posi- of this service.
tions the duties of which are to perform work which is inci- The vnnual rates nf compensption for positions tn this grade
dent, subordinate, or preparatory to the work required of em- shall be $2,100, $2,200, $2,300, 42,400, $2,500, $2,600, and $2,700.
ployees holding positions in the professional anl scientific serv- Grade eight in this service, which may be referred to as the
ice, and which requires or involves professional, scientific, or chief rlubprofesslonal grade, shall include all classes of posi-
technical training of any degree Inferior to that represented by tions the duties of which are to perform, under general super-
graduation from a college or university of recognized standing. vision, subordinate but difficult and responsible work of a pro-
Grade one in this service, which may be referred to as the fessional, scientific, or technical character, requiring a thor-
minor subprofessional grade, shall include all classes of posi- ough working knowledge of the principles of the profession, art,
tions the duties of which are to perform, under immediate or science involved, and the exercise of independent judgment,
supervision, the simplest routine work in a profe.,sional, scien- or to supervise the work of a small number of employees hold-
tific, or technical organization. lig positions in grade seven of this service.
The annual rates of compensation for positions In this grade
The annual rates of compensation for positions in this grade
shall be $900, $960, $1,02d, $1,080, $1,140, $1,200, and $1,260. shall be $2,400, $2,500, $2,000, $2,700, $2,800, $2,900, and $3,000.
Grade two, in this service, which may be referred to as the
under-subprofessional grade, shall include all classes of posi-
tions the duties of which are to perform, under immediate
supervision, assigned subordinate work of a professional, scien-
The clerical, administrative, and fiscal service shall include
tific, or technical character, requiring limited training or ex-
all classes of positions the duties of which are to perform cleri-
perience but not the exercise of independent judgment.
cal, administrative, or accounting work, oc any other work com-
The annual rates of compensation for positions in this grade monly associated with office, business, or fiscal administration.
shall be $1,140, $1,200, $1,260, $1,320, $1,380, $1,440, and $1,500.
Grade one in this service, which may be referred to as the
Grade three, in this service, which may be referred to as the under clerical grade, shall include all classes of position" the
junior subprofessional grade, shall include all classes of posi-
duties of which are to perform, under immediate supervision,
tions the duties of which are to perform, under immediate
the simplest routine office work.
supervision, subordinate work of a professional, scientific, or
The annual rates of compensation for positions in this grade
technical character, requiring considerable training or experi-
shall be $1,140, $1,200, $1,200, $1,320, $1,380, $1,440, and $1,500.
ence, but not the exercise of independent judgment.
Grade two, in the service, which may be referred to as the
The annual rates of compensation for positions in this grade
junior clerical grade, shall include all classes of positions the
shall be $1,320, $1,380, $1,440, $1,500, $1,560, $1,620, and $1,080. duties of which are to perforn, under immediate supervision,
Grade four In this service, which may be referred to as the assigned office work requiring training or experience but not the
assistant subprofessional grade shall include all casses of posl- exerch:e of independent judgment.
tions tMe duties of which are to perform, under immediate su- The annual rates of compensation for positions in this grade
pervision, subordinate work of a professional, scientific, or shall be $1,320, $1,380, $1,440, $1,500, $1,560, $1,020, and $1,080.
technical character requiring considerable training or experiernce, Grade three in this service, which may be referred to as the
and, to a limited extent, the exercise of independent judgment. assistant clerical grade, shall include all classes of positions
The annual rates of compensation for positions in this grade the dtiles of which are to perform, under immedia'te or general
shall be $1,500, $1,500, $1,020, $1,680, $1,740, $1,800, and $1,860. supervision, assigned office work requiring training and ex.
Grade five in this service, which may be referred to as the perience and knowledge of s specialized subject matter or the
main subprofessional grade, shall include all classes ot posi- exercise of independent judgment or to supervise a small sec-
tions the duties of which are to perform, under immediate or tion performing simple clerical operations.
general supervision, subordinate work of a professional, sci-
The annual rates Gf compensation for positions In this grade
entific, or technical.'character requiring a thorough knowledge shall be $1,500, $1,560, .$1,020, $1,680, $i,740-, $1,800, and $1,800.
of a limited field of professional, scientific, or technical work, Grade four, in this service, which may be referred to as the
and the exercise of independent judgment, or to supervise the main clerical grade, shall include all classes of positions the
work ot a small number of employees performing duties of an duties of which are to perform, under immediate or general
inferior grade in the subprofessional service. supervision, responsible office work requiring training and ex-
The annual rates of compensation for positions in this grade perience, the exercise of Independent judgment or knowledge of
shall be $1,080, $1,740, $1,800, $1,800, $1,920, $1,980, and $2,040, a specialized subject matter or both, and an acquaintr.nce'with
office procedure and practice, or to supervise a small steno- The annual rates of compensation for positions In this grade
graphic section or a small section performing clerical opera- shall be $3,000, $3,100, $3,200, $3,300, $3,400, $3,500, and $3,C00.
tions of corresponding difficulty. Grade ten fn this service, which may be referred i,, as tho
The annual rates of compensation for positions in this grade senior admhidistrative grade, shall include all classes of post-
shall be $1,080, $1,740, $1,800, $1,860, $1,920, $1,080, and $2,040. tions the duties of which are to perform, under general super-
Grade five, in this service, which may be referred to as the vision, the most difilcult aind responsible office work along sp-
sculor'clerical gliade, shall inlilde all classes of positions the clalized, and technical lines, requiring extended training, con-
duties of which are to perform, under general supervision, siderable experience, and the exercise of independent judg-
difficult and responsible office work requiring considerable ment, or to supervise P large or important office organization
training and experience, the exercise of independent Judgment engaged in work involving considerable technical training and
or knowledge of a specialized subject matter or both, and a experience on the part of the employees.
thorough knowledge of office procedure and practice, or to su- The annual rates of compensation for )oslthins in this grado
pervise a large stenographic section or any large section per- shall be $3,300, $3,400, $3,500, $3,600, $3,700, $3,800, and
forming simple clerical operations or to supervise a small sec- $3,000.
tion engage(] iii difficult hut routine office work. Grade eleven, In tl)is service, wl-, many lie referred to as
The annual rates of compensation for positions in this grade the assistant chief administralive grade, shall Include all
shall be $1,860, $1,020, $2,000, $2,100, $2,200, $2,300, aind $2,400. classes of positions the duties of which are to perform the
Grade six in is service, which may be referred to as the most difficult all responsible office work along speciallzed
principal clerical grade, shall include all classes of positions and technical lines, requiring ext ended training and expel ence,
the duties of which are to perform, under general Aupervislon, the exercise of Independent judgment, and the ussumption of
exceptionally difficult and responsible office worl, requiring responsibility for results, or to supervise the general i;Ilnes-
extended training and experience, the exercise of independent operations of an executive department, or to supervise a large
judgment or knowledge of a specialized and complex subject and Inportant office organizattn engaged in work Involvinlg
matter, or both, and a thorough knowledge of office procedure extended training and considerahle experience on lhe part of
and practice, or to serve as the recognized nuthority or adviser the employees.
in matters requiring long experience and an exceptonal knowl- The anmal rates of compensation for positions in this grade
edge of the most difficult and complicated procedure or of a shall be $3,800, $4,000, $4,200, $4,400, $4,600, ii,800, and N.5,t00,
very difficult and complex subject, or to supervise a large or unless a higher rate Is specifically authorized hy law.
important office organization engaged in ditflicult or varied work. Grade twelve in this ,.,rvice, which may be referred to a1
The annual rates of compensation for positions fin this grade the chief adminibtrative grade, shall include all clas:v' of
shall be $2,100, $2,200, $2,300, $2,400, $2,500, $2,600, and $2,700. positions the duties of which are to supervise the dsign and
Grarie seven in this z.,vico, which may he referred to as the installation uf office syste'ls, methods and procedures, or to
assistant administrative grade, shall Include all classes of posi- be head of a snall hureau In ease lroft-sioll or scieniic
tions the duties of which are to perform, under general supervi- training is not required, or to iperforn WoI.rk of siihlar Itiior-
sion, responsible office work along specialized and --ellnical tance, difficulty, and responsibility.
lines, requiring specialized training and experience and the The annual rates of compensation for positions In this grade
exercise of independent judgment, or as chief clerk to supervise shall he $5,200, $5,,100, $5,600, $5,800, and $6.00O, unless It
the general business operations of a small Independent'estab- liigier rate Is specifically authorized by law.
lishinent or a minor bureau or divlsion of an executive depart. Grade thirteen, in this service, which may lie referred to as
ment, or to supervise a large or important office organization the executive grade, shall include all (-lasses (f posltiini lios,
engaged in difficult and specialized work. duties of which are to superviie the design of syfenis (if ao-
The annual rates of compensation for posItions In this grade counts for use by private corporatiolns subject to reguiniiaon Iy
shall be $2,400, $2,500, $2,600, $2,700, $2,800, $2,900, and the United States, or to act its the technical COlsullant Io it
$3,000. department head or a commission or board in colilletloti withi
Grade eight in this service, which nny be referred to as the technical or fiscal matters, or to act ts chile f a large blureolul
associate administrative grade, shall include all classes of or a bureau having important administrative or itnv4tigltive
posithms the duties of which are to perform, under general functions In case professional or scientilc training is not
supervision, difficult and responsible office work along spe- reuired, or to perforia work of similar Ilmportance, difficulty,
cialized and technical lines, requiring specialized training and responsibility.
and experience and the exercise of independent Judgment, or The annual rates of comlensat1on for pwditlo1s In till,; grade
to supervise a large or important office organization engaged sli all be $(I,000, $6,500, $7,000, and $7,500, inless a higher rilte
fit work involving specialized training on the part of the Is speciilcally lutho,'lzcd by law.
employees. Grade fourteen ii this service, wh'lh may lie referred to 119
The annual rates of compensation for positions in this grade the special executive grade, shall Itlude fill ,llsk(,of poi-
shall be $2,700, $2,800, $2,90 $3,000, $3,100, $3,200, and lions tie duties an(I reqta!rentetits of whih are more rI'io I],111
till( exacting tihan those described lit grade 13.
The annual rate of cOlensation for positi; ltin i this 'l'll i (
Grade nine in this service, which may he referred to as
shall lie $7,500, unless a higher rate is spvfliIhally attlmized
the full administrative grade, shall Include all classes of
po'itions tile duties of which are to perform, under genetal by law.
supervision, exceptionally difficult and responsible office work
along specialized and technical lines, requiring considerable The custodial service shall include all clisses of posllotn
specialized training and experience and the exercise of Inde- tile duties of which are to supervise or to perfornl intial vork
pendent judgineit, or as chief clerk, to supervise tie general involved In tie cus tody, nnllintealnmce, and protection(if l1ddie
business operaticns of a large Independent establishment or buildings, premises, and equipment, tile trlinsportatioli (if iflIle
a major bureau or division of an executive department, or officers, employees or property, and the transmnissiin of oflilcal
to supervise a large or Imlortant office organizatloit enguged papers.
in work involving technical 'training on the part of tile em- Grade one, in this service, which may be referred to as tile
ployees. junior messenger grade, shall include all classes of positloiw

the duties of which are to run errands, to check parcels, or to electrical devices andequipment; to have general supervision
perform other light manual or mechanical tasks with little or over large forces of watchmen and building guards; or to per-
no responsibility. form other work of similar character.
The annual rates of compensation for positions In this grade The annual rates of compensation for positions in this grade
shall be $000, $630, $660, $090, $720, $750, and $780. shall be $1,680, $1,740, $1,800, $1,860, $1,020, $1,980, and $2,040.
Grade two, in tils service, which may be referred to as the Grade eight in this service, which may be referred to as the
office-laborer grade, shall include all classes of positions the senior custodial grade, shall include all classespof positions the
dulies of which are to handle desks, mail sacks, and other heavy duties of which are to direct supervisory and office assistants,
objects and to perform similar work ordinarily required of mechanics, watchmen, elevator conductors, laborers, Janitors,
unskilled laborers; to operate elevators; to clean office rooms; messengers, and other employees engaged in the custody,
or to perform other work of similar character. maintenance, and protection of a small building, or to assist
The annual rates of compensation for positions in this grade in the direction of such employees when engaged in similar
shall be $900, $9060, $1,020, $1,0S0, and $1,140: Provided, That duties in a large building, or to perform other custodial work
elmarwonmen working part time be paid at the rate of 40 cents an of equal difficulty and responsibility.
hour and head charwomen at the rate of 45 cents an hour. The annual rates of compensation for positions in this grade
Grade three, in this service, which may be referred to as the shall be $1,860, $1,920, $2,000, $2,100, $2,200, $2,300, and $2,400.
minor custodial grade, shall Include all classes of positions the Grade nine in this service, which nny be referred to as (he
duties of which are to perform, under Immediate supervision, principal custodial grade, shall Inclmlude all classeq of positions
custodial or manual office work with sonic degree of responsi- the duties of which are to direct supervisory and office as-
bility, such as guarding office or storage buildings; operating sistants, mechanics, watchmen, ,le,-Lorconductors, laborers,
paper-cutting, canceling, envelope-opening, or envelope-sealing Janitors, messengers, and other employees engaged in the
machines ; firing and keeping up steam in boilers used for heat- custody, nmintenance, and protection of a large builldng, or
ing purposes in office buildings, (leaning boilers, and oiling to assist in the direction of such employees when engaged in
machinery and related apparatus; operating passenger or similar dtitles in a group of buildings; or to perform other
freight automobile; ; packing goads for shipment; supervising custodial work of equal difficulty and responsibility.
a large group of charwomen ; running errands and doing light The annual rates of compensation for positions in this grade
manual or mechanical tasls with sonm responsibility; carrying shall be $2,100, $2,200, $2,300, $2,400, $2,500, $2,600, and $2,700.
important documents from one office to another; or attending Grade ten in this service, which may be referred to as the
the door and private office of a department head or other public chief custodial grade, shall include all classes of positions, the
offlicer. duties of which are to direct supervisory and offce assistants,
The annual rates of compensation for positions in this grade mechanics, watchmen, clevatar conductors, laborers, janitors,
shall be $1,020, $1,080, $1,140, $1,200, and $1,260. mes',engers, and other employees engaged in the custody, ,naln-
Grade four in this service, dhich may be referred to as the tenance, and protection of a group of buildings; or to perform
under custodial grade, shall include all classes of positions the other custodial wNorl: of equal difficulty and responslblllty.
duties of which are to perform, under genceral supervision, The annual rates of compensation for positions In tls grade
custodial work of a responsible character, such as supervislng shall be $2,400, $2,500, $2,600, $2,700, $2,800, $2,900, and $3,000.
a small force of unskilled laborers ; directly supervising a small
detachment of watchmenn or building guards; firing and keep-
ing up steaim li heating apparatus and op rating the boilers The clerlcal-nmchanical service shall Include all classes of
mnid other equipment used for hating purposes; or performing positions which are not it a recognized trade or craft and
general senmimnechalmical new or repalr work requiring some which are located in the Governm-iit Printing Ofice, the
skill with hand tools. Bureau of Engraving and Printing, the Mail E1quilpmlent shop,
The annual rates of compensation for positions In this grade the duties of which are to perform or to direct ;anual or
shall be $1,140, $1,200, $1,260, $1,320, $1,380, $1,440, and $1,500. nmachine operations requiring special skill or experience, or to
Grade five In this service, which may be referred to as the perform or direct the counting, examining, sorting, or other
junior custodial grade, shall Include all classes of positions the verification of the product of manual or mamchine operations.
ditties of which are to have general supervision over a small Grade one shall Include all classes of positions iln this service
forco of watchmnen or building guards, or to have direction of a the duties of which are to perform the simplest operations or
considerable detachment of such employees; to supervise the processes requiring special skill and experience.
operation atnd maintenance of a small heating plant and its The rates of compensation for classes of positions in tlis
auxiliary equipment; or to perform other work of similar grade shall be 45 to 50 cents n hour.
character. Grade two shall include all classes of positions in this service
The annual rates of compensation for positions in this grade tile duties of which are to operate simple machines or to pe'r-
shall be $1,320, $1,380, $1,440, $1,500, $1,50, $1,620, and $l,6S0. form operations or processes requiring a higher degree of sklli
Grade six in this service, which may be referred to as the than those in grade one.
assistant custodial grade, shall include all classes of positions The rates of compensation ior classes of positions ill this
the dutties of which are to assist li the supervision of large grade shall be 55 to 60 cents an hour.
forces of watchmen and building guards, or to have general Grade three shall Include all classes of positions it this serv.
supervision over smaller forces; to supervise a large force of ice the duties of which are to operate machines or to perform
unskil!cd laborers ; to repair ofilce appliances; or to perform operations or processes requiring the highest degree of skill, or
other work of sinillar character. supervise a small number of subordinates.
The annual rates of compensation for positions in this grade The rates of compensation for classes of posllions Ill this
shall be $1,500, $1,560, $1,620, $1,680, $1,740, $1,800, and $1,860. grade shall be 05 to 70 cents an hour.
Grade seven in this service, which may be referred to as the Grade four shall Include all classes of positions In this service
main custodial grade, shall Include all classes of positions the the duties of which are to perform supervi.sory work over a
duties of which are to supervise the work of skilled mechnics; large unit of subordinates.
to supervise the operation and maintenance of a large heating, The rates of compensation for classes of positions in this
lighting, and power pmlant and all auxiliary mechanical and grade shall be 80 to 00 cents an hour.
orade fire shall include all classes of positions in this service See.
695. Same; temporary employees of 'Ileasury Deplrtmentl ; llyn),infs to.
tile ditties of witchti are to tIeresponsible for the administration 100. Same; credit to flccounts of disllrshig offltcei for silaLl 11aln3ti t.
or a major dlvision of a itirge bureau or establlthinent with ;97. Same; other ellyee,i exchled.
varied work. 098. Clssitflcathog findrato .
The rates of conlensaton for classes of positions In this 6119. Clrs A; u1iit1 of annuity.
700. CIaH 11; amount of ainilty.
grade shall be $3,000, .$3,100,$3,200, $3,,300, $3,400, $3,500, and 701. Clas, C; o1111oint of annifilt ty.
$3,000 a year. (Mar. 4, 1923, c. 265, § 13, 42 Stit. 1491; liine 702. Class D; atno31nt of at3ulty.
7, 1924, c. 378, 43 StaL 609.) 70:1. Chts 1,; , amount of annully.
674t. Estimates of expenditures and appropriations in Budget 701. Class P aifount of annsuiy.
to conform to classifications; rates of compensation, when 705. Clas-i:; Ca1n1nt of annuity.
701f. Ilaie sal:', i3 oI rf i llkll(iltioll (letfilel.
effect Ive.-The estinMte of the exlenditures nod approrlai oIn 7(7. Contiltio of piriod of svr1,ci.
set forth Ilithe Budget to be transtiitted by the Preshifnt to 70S. Sa le ; fecluSionI of periods of selplrlat Ion frOlmt S' I'v.
Congress on the first (lay of the next ensuing regular sesaleo 701). l'ooi'r. f1i(] dutle,; of ( .OIIllt OIllr (if
o I'. IielOIlU ll il);le l to
Secretary of Interior.
shall conform to the clas lltlcathic hercin provlied, and the
710. Itctlreiniat for likalility ; enilployei-q entitled to ; ll ic:10t11th
ratvs of salary in filecoin pensa tion scheduls ,hall not become Ili ( 11lexit till fill t 1o11
effet Ive until the lirst day of the fiseal year estinated for i 711. Slllel; II(ditc(,l e\xlllliationl ; restorati3on3 31 hcIrle.
such Budget. (Mar. 4, 1923, c. 2;5, § 14, 42 Stat. 1,199.) 712. Sa lli llhdqa
e ('llfl 1101 ti1; fees fur.
of 1313l3ilty ; refunl3d of ie'Xies
675. Average of salaries not to exceed average rate for 71:1. Samp; (io]t,llltil(Iici of eo('((hIi( .
tolls over.
grade during 1926.-In expending alprolrilations of- portions of
7 14. Colpetllhtton unlde1r chtelir and11 ciillllatthlll for thlJol Iv; fir
331lrolirittiio ns contained In tife various Acts lnklingllali'ol l3a- mlille p~eriod lnot alllowed1.

iIns for tile fl,,cal year enditing June 30, 192(. for tike itaykient 715. Noilc to eIiilifof.e of retl3emlont ; 3leicitOn Ili service iift.r
for personal services In tik,)istrict of Columbia li accordance reachig retiltinlt ate.
716. Applicalton for relh'Ielnt ; h,
h t1( be made,.
with this chapter, the average of the salaries of the total nui-
717. Same; d]chv.illlatlhl; certificati of roth'ell'nt.
ber of persons under inty grade In any ibureau, olice, or other 718. VolillIfnc'lllnie t a31d3 d1it11 ,1 of anui 1(3lty.
appropriation unit shall not at aitny tinie exceed the average of 71 ). D1e) llo31-3from salities; alol0l1t; civil-servi el retirement fit11
the compensation rates Slievifled for the grade by such chapter, dblabllty full3].
and In grades Iliwhich Only (,no isitloni is allocated the salary 720. Investment of fil(].
721. Conttlllttions, donations, etc., to ilpmltClent eLo0ll) tlIoi by
(if 'llcl posllh1 shall t exceed tie averagte of tile coni- ellil oy(e" es.

pejniatlon rates for the grade: Provided, That tills restric- 722. Consent of employees to deductions deened gien.
tion shall not apply (1) to grades 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the clerical- 723. Tranfcr of ellployee from l|nclassitled to clsslflild stat11 ior
reinstatement of former ellljh,3ce ; deposit of di(itlo 3lll0 loIll
Incclianical service, or (2) to require the reduction in salary
of n-'y person wh¢,se compensation was fixed, as of July 1, 724. Return of dedtlons to cnildo e on transfer from cla.Isflhd3o
1924, ilnaccordance with the rules of section d6 of this title, iichtlsslki d htttu or eparaitlon f out srtlee, ir ilofi
(il (it
(3) to require tie reduction iu salary of any person who is f iplu3 e; record; alicatlion for return of dedlictlons; rulel
and regulations.
transferred froia one position to another positio linthe samle
725. Times for payment of annuliltis.
or different grade in tile same or a different bureau, office, or 720. Reports by heads of exectithl dhepartments find IndepI lendnt esiab-
other appropriltio unit, or (4) to prevent the layiaent of llishmeuts of nanies and gr'ades of emplloyee.
a salary under any grade at a rate higher than tile llaxititla 727. IRecord by commission of aplointment, tkasfern, chan'es Ink
rate of tike grade when such higher rate Is permnitted by tils gtodes, etc.
728. Report of Comilnsloler of 'ensilons.
chapter, f1nd Is specificnlly authorized by otler law. (Jan. 22, 72.). Allknnltlc- l3t subject to asbilgnient, exeClttoln, levy, or ottler
1925, e. 87, 43 Stat. 764; Feb. 10, 1925, c. 200, 43 Stat. 822; Feb. legal process.
11, 1925, c. 209, 43 Stat. 861; Feb. 12, 1925, c. 225, 43 Stat. 892; 730. Estlimate.s(f p1 oprilatis n(eesviry.
Feb. 27, 1925, e. 364, 43 Stat. 1014; Mar. 3, 1925, c. 402, 43 731. Board of actunris; duties, etc.
7112. Actuartes ; compensation ; traveling expenl';e of board of actinrle..
Stat. 1141; Mar. 3, 1925, c. 468, 43 Stat. 1212; Mar. 4, 1925,
733. Anniltiles to employees Invoilntarily separa~ted friom lhiihervtco
c. 5,19, 43 Stat. 1301.) before reaehing age of 70 years; deferred annulty; perion
676. Salaries for year 1926 of persons in field service.- enllttledto; deductilol.
Those civilian positions in the field services under the several 734. SBmrn; Immedalel animity In 1ll of deferred sanuity; conditiolll
a13 comptitalion.
executive departnents and Independent establishnents, the 7:35.Sameo; effect of reemlolyment.
comiupensation of which was fixed or linited by law but ad- 730. Saie; appjliatilon to employees separated froin the s rvie stll-u
justed for tile fiscal year 1925 under tile authority find sequent to Augut 20, 1920.
appropriations conotklrfed In the Act entitled "Aln Act nalkhng 737. Elllloye(i-'-onitheld In sellee wilt'illit approval of ('lvil SivIh-e
Comm tsli or reemployed sub-3eivr13t to reele'nt ; credit for
additional appropriations for tie fiscal year enling June 30, se'vliel, blat 3o annuity; removal of tjbpeslol of a3333lty.
1925, to enable the heads of the several executive departntents 738. Dlsabtl~ty retirenlient not affected.
and Idependent establislhmients to adjust tie rates of col-
Section 691. Employees eligible for retirement.-All em-
pensatlon of civilian emiployees In certain of tile field sere-
ices," approved December 6, 1924 (43 Stat. 604), may be pal ployees In the classlild cl it service of tile Unkited 83Mios
who ha( oIl Augukst 2(0, 1920, or shall have t oI iny dhaiethet'-
under the applicable appropriations for the fiscal year 1926
after, reached the age of seventy year's ad rellded lt et'h t
at rates not in1excess of those permitted for theliunder tile
fifteen years of ,ert ice COnljliftedl its, irese'rlbed fIn seclifns 707
provisions of such Act of December 0, 1924. (Jan. 22, 1925,
find 70S of this tItle, sall le el igi ile for rttirelient oni n1
c. 87, Title I, 43 Stat. 764.)
ann'iity as provided ill sections (198 to 70(1 of this fitlto. Mi,-
Chapter 141.-RETIREMENT OF CIVIL SERVICE EM- chatles, city fitd r1ral htter catiers, and Ic l-ftller (h (ks
PLOYEES. shall lie eligible for rett/i'ckkt tit sixty-five years of age, 1ind
Sec. railway postal cilrk lit sixty-two years of 1311,, If11 kihl
(01. Employees eligible for retirement. fechanlcs, city rural hltcr carrilrs, ilisl-ollic' clirics, and
692. Same; extension of chapter to nonclaissl fledemployees; employees railway postal clerks shall have rendered lit lhat fifteen vVH';I
Il e exhifCldd fronm
whIo may operation of chapter.
of service conipulcd ins prescrlibed In sections 707 33ll33 7038,
(193. Same; employees of District of Columbia,
694. Same; deflnitlons. (May 22, 1920, c. 195, § 1, 41 Stit. 611.)

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