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2T'TLE 2.


tion of tlis section shall be filned not more than $1,000, or Im- under the direction of two legislative counsel. (Feb. 21, 1019,
priuoned not more than one year, or both. (Jan. 26, 1007, c. c. 18, 9 1303, 40 Stat. 1141; June 2, 1924, c. 231, § 1101, 4.1 Stat.
420, 34 Stat. 864; Mar. 4, 1909, c. 321, § 83, 35 Stat. 1103; 353.)
Feb. 28, 1925, c. 368, Title III, § 313, 43 Stat. 1074.) 272. Appointment of legislative counsel; qualifications.-
252. General penalties for violatiens.-(a) Any .person One of this legislative counsel 8111111 be appointed by tile l'rest-
who vinlaites any of the foregoing provisions of this chapter, of the Senate, and one by the Speaker of tile House of
except those for which a specific penalty Is imlsed by see- Representatives, without reference to political allilintlols and
tion 208 of Title 18, and section'251 of this title, shmll be flned solely on the ground of fitness to perform the duties of the
not more than $1,000 or imprisoned not more than one year, otlle. (Feb. 24, 1019, c. 18, § 1303, 40 Stat. 1111 ; June 2, 1021,
or both. e. 231, § 1101, 43 .Itut. 353.
(b) Any person who willfully violatc4 any of the foregoing 273. Compensation of legislatve counsel.-The positions of
provisions of this chapter, except those for whieh a specific legislative counsel s11ll be allocated from tine to tille by the
penalty is Imposed by section 208 of Title 18, and section 251 Preshlent of tih, Senate and the Speaker of the House of
of this title, shall be lined not more than $10,000 and il, prisoned Representatives, Jointly, to the appropriate grade il the coin-
not more than two years. (June 25, 1910, c. 392, § 11, 30 Stat. pensItioll schedules of sectinll 073 of Title 5. The rate of
824; Aug. 19, 1011, c. 33, § 2, 37 Stat. 26; Feb. 28, 1925, c. 368, compensation of each of the two legislative counsel sha1ll !ie
Title III, § 314, 43 Stat. 107.1.) lixed from t1e to time, within the linits of such grade, by
253. Expenses of election contests.-Thls chapter shall not the I'resident of the Senate and tle Spealker of the House of
lhit or affect tie right of any person to niake expenditures ltepresentitives, respectively. (June 2, 1024, c. 2:14, § 1101,
for proper legul expenses In contesting the reults of an elec- 43 Stilt. 353.)
thin. (June 25, 1910, c. 392, § 10, 30 Stilt. 824 ; Aug. 19, 1911, 274. Assistant legislative counsel; clerks and employees;
c. 33, § 2, 37 Stat. 26; Feb. 28, 1025, c. 308, Title III, § 315, -13 office equiplrent and supplies.-The legislative counsel .shal1,
Stat. 1074.) subject to the approvll of tile P',,sldent of the Senaie an1 tile
25,. State laws not affected.-hli3 chapter shall not be con- Speaker of the House of Roprest littives, elploy nid1 lix tie
strued to annul the laws of any State relating to the nonlin- conllensation of sluch as1sistant eounsel, clerks, and otherlcn-
lployes, and purchase such furniture, office equilpment, boohs,
tLou or election of candliates, unless directly inconsistent with
the provisions of this title, or to exemupt any candlate from stationvry, and other supplies, as may be necessary for ilit
colplyilng with such State laws. (June 25, 1910, e. 392, § 8, proper performance of the duties of the oilce and as Iily bie
30 Stat. 824; Aug. 19, 1911, c. 3:3, § 2, 37 Stat. 26; Aug. 23, 1912, appropriated for by Congress. (Feb. 24, 1919, c. 18. § 130:3,
e. 349, 37 Stat. 300; Feb. 28, 1925, c. 308, Title Ill, § 316, 43 40 Stilt. 1141; June 2, 1924, e. 23.1, § 1101, 43 Stat. 2X:.)
Stat. 1074.) 275. Duties of office; rules and regulations.-The oflce of tile
255. Partial invalidity.-If any provision of tills chapter legislative counsel shall ald in drafting puldi blls WINand reso-
or tile application thereof to any person or circumstance lutions or almendments thereto 01l the request of any conilit-
Is held Invalid, the validity of the remainder of the c'hapter tee of either House of Congress, but the Library Committee
and of the application of such provision to other persons and of tile Senate and tile Library Committee of tile louse of
circumstances shall not be affected thereby. (Feb. P8, 1925, e. Representatives, respectively, may determine the preft'ence,
308, Title Ill, § 317, 43 Stat. 1074.) if alny, to be given to such requests of the committees of either
256. Citation.-This chapter may be cited as the " Federal House, respectively. The legislative counsel shll, from time
Corrupt Practices Act." (Feb. 28, 1925, c. 308, Title 111, to tile, prescribe rules and regulations for the conduct of tie
§ 301, 43 Stat. 1070.) work of the office for tle committees of each House, subject to
the approval of the Library Committee of each House, respec-
Chapter D.--OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL. tively. (Feb. 24, 1019, c. 18, § 1303, 40 Stat. 1141; June 2,
See. 1924, c. 234, § 1101, 43 Stat. 353.)
271. Creation of office. 276. Disbursement of appropriatior.s.-One-lif of till ippro-
272. Appoltmlent of legislative counsel; qualifications. priations for the office shall be disbursed by the Secretary of
273. Coaip.asntlon of legislative counsel.
274. Assistant legislative counsel; clerlks and employees; offlee equip- the Senate and one-half by the Clerk of the hIouse of Repro.
nent and supplies, sentatives. (Feb. 24, 1919, e. 18, § 1303, 40 Stat. 1141 ; June
275. Duties of ofilco; rules and regulations. 2, 1924, c. 234, § 1101, 43 Stat. 353.)
276. Dibllrserneut of appropriations. 277. Official mail matter.-The legislative counsel sl1ll have
277. O icinIill
M nutter.
tile same privilege of free transmissim of oficiall mail mattet
Section 271. Creation of office.-There shall be an office to as other officers of the United States Government. (June 2,
be known as tie office of the legislative counsel, and to be 1924, c. 234, § 1101, 43 Stat. 353.)
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