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Choose which time period

each sentence is about.
1. I wish I could leave soon.
a. past b. present c. future
2. I wish I had remembered that.
a. past b. present c. future
3. I wish I were more like you.
a. past b. present c. future
4. I wish it would stop raining.
a. past b. present c. future
5. He wishes the class wasn’t so noisy.
a. past b. present c. future

B. I wish things were different! Make sentences using ‘wish’ about the
things I don’t like.

6. I don’t have a car. I wish I had a car.______________________________________

7. I’m at work. ____________________________________________________
8. I can’t play the piano. ____________________________________________________
9. I am sick. ____________________________________________________
10. My laptop is broken. ____________________________________________________

C. Create your own wishes. Write four sentences using wish.

11. ____________________________________________________________________________
12. ____________________________________________________________________________
13. ____________________________________________________________________________
14. ____________________________________________________________________________

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