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Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Progress Presentation


40450 SHAH ALAM (Sustainability)- PO7 (15%)
Tel: 03-55435190 Fax: 03-55435160 UPDATE: Sept 2020

Project Title :

Group/Class : _______________________________ Supervisor/Lecturer : ______________________

Department : __________________________________________________

Student ID No. Name Signature

Progress assessment PO7 (Sustainability) 15%


To Student: Each group/ department is required to provide all evidences (i.e. picture(s) with
caption/description) for criteria (1-5) and present to panel during progress assessment day as planned
by coordinator.

To Panels: please evaluates accordingly with rubrics provided on shaded row with mark from 0 to 10
as maximum if criteria and evidence(s) are complete.

Grade, (
Weight, score
Criteria Score
w (%) ×w
1. Sustainable Design Process and Planning 4.0
0-4 5-7 8-10
No planning concept Partially follow the Exactly follow the
planned concepts planned concepts
2. Design for Sustainable Manufacture 4.0
0-4 5-7 8-10
No product Partial product Complete product
blueprint/processes blueprint/processes blueprint/processes
3. Design for Sustainable Product Usage, Maintenance and End of Life
0-4 5-7 8-10
No consideration on Product usage & Product usage &
product usage & maintenance are maintenance are
maintenance are considered considered
4. Environmental Impact Criteria 2.0
0-4 5-7 8-10
Introduce more damage Partially reduces Very friendly to
to environment damages to environement
5. Economic & Social Design Criteria 2.0
0-4 5-7 8-10
No benefit of product Product designed Product designed
designed benefits but cannot benefits and potential
utilize the product to the customers in waiting

Assessed By : ________________________________________ (signature)

Name : ________________________________________

Date : _______________
Rubrics for Progress Presentation Report MEC 532 PO7 (15%)

Items/Components Poor (0-4) Fair (5-7) Good (8-10)

1 Sustainable Design  Poor utilization sustainable design  Adequately shows utilization sustainable  Clearly understand and shows excellent
Process and philosophy encourages decisions at each design philosophy encourages decisions utilization sustainable design philosophy
Planning phase of the design process and at each phase of the design process and encourages decisions at each phase of
planning. planning. the design process and planning.
 No organizational chart, job scopes,  Use of organizational chart, job scopes,  Support with proper organizational chart,
design process and Gantt chart design process and Gantt chart. job scopes, design process and Gantt

2. Design for  Poor design for sustainable manufacture  Adequately shows design for sustainable  Clearly shows excellent design for
Sustainable during design phase, no process for manufacture during design phase which sustainable manufacture during design
Manufacture fabrication on part/component/sub- includes process for fabrication on phase.
assembly/product adapt conservation part/component/sub-assembly/product  Clearly shows proper process for
(cost/source). adapt conservation (cost/source). fabrication on part/component/sub-
 No proof of part/component/sub-  Provides proof of part/component/sub- assembly/product adapt conservation
assembly/product blueprint. assembly/product blueprint. (cost/source).
 Clearly provides proof of
 Minimizing the number of parts, design
parts for ease of fabrication and

3 Design for  Poor design for sustainable product  Adequately shows design for sustainable  Clearly shows excellent design for
Sustainable Product usage and maintenance. product usage and maintenance. sustainable product usage and
Usage,  No component simplicity and  Provide simplicity of components and maintenance.
Maintenance and standardization, poor accessibility for standardization, accessibility for ease of  Clearly provides simplicity of components
End of Life Disposal
removal of components nor detail design removal of components and detail design and standardization, clear accessibility for
for quick and easy maintenance, design for quick and easy maintenance, design ease of removal of components and
for sustainable end of life disposal, for sustainable end of life disposal, detail design for quick and easy
reduce, re-use/refurbish, recycle. reduce, re-use/refurbish, recycle. maintenance, design for sustainable end
of life disposal, reduce, re-use/refurbish,

4 Environmental  Poorly addresses environmental impact  Adequately addresses environmental  Excellently addresses environmental
Impact Criteria criteria such as to conserve and improve impact criteria such as to conserve and impact criteria such as to conserve and
natural ecosystems, while protecting improve natural ecosystems, while improve natural ecosystems, while
human health and well-being i.e. protecting human health and well-being protecting human health and well-being
atmosphere, ecosystem, health, i.e. atmosphere, ecosystem, health, i.e. atmosphere, ecosystem, health,
aesthetics etc. i.e. Less pollution. aesthetics etc. i.e. Less pollution. aesthetics etc. i.e. Less pollution.
 No evidence of environmental design  Adequately shows environmental design  Clearly shows environmental design
criteria such as less waste of materials criteria such as less waste of materials criteria such as less waste of materials
and consumables, minimizes natural and consumables, minimizes natural and consumables, minimizes natural
resource depletion, prevents waste, resource depletion, prevents waste, resource depletion, prevents waste,
protects natural ecosystems, uses protects natural ecosystems, uses protects natural ecosystems, uses
renewable energy sources, ensure that renewable energy sources, ensure that renewable energy sources, ensure that
all material/energy inputs/outputs are as all material/energy inputs/outputs are as all material/energy inputs/outputs are as
inherently safe and benign as possible. inherently safe and benign as possible. inherently safe and benign as possible.

5 Economic & Social  Poorly addresses the economic impact  Adequately addresses the economic  Excellently addresses the economic
Design Criteria with clear cost and/or cost-benefit impact with clear cost and/or cost-benefit impact with clear cost and/or cost-benefit
analysis. analysis. analysis.
 No evidence of requests/requirements.  Provide evidence of  Clearly addresses requests/requirements.

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