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Gabriell Jace Mart L.

Tangaran Opto - 61B

1. ) Why is group dynamics importance in an organization?

In an organization, group dynamics refers to the behavioral

patterns and attitudes in the way the individual members interact
and influence each other. A positive group dynamic is one of the
most critical foundation of a successful organization. Positive
group dynamics is characterized by effective leadership which
inspires the members to trust each other and to work harder in
order to achieve their collective goals.
Group dynamics is important because it recognizes the
varying personalities and skill set of individuals within an
organization. A leader’s solid understanding of group dynamics
can help encourage a more open and transparent communication
among the members which in turn, fosters a sense of trust and
helps the group to be more focused towards their purpose.
2. ) What is the impact of culture in an organization?

Culture plays a vital role toward the overall success of an

organization. Colture is defined as the set of values that leaders
and members within an organization share. Culture shape the kind
of environment where the team members work by giving a clear
definition to the company’s core values.
Culture in an organization impacts the individual
performances of the members. Good organizational culture entails
better collaboration and a more comfortable workspaces which
inspires loyalty among members and enhances their overall
performance. An individual is much more likely to stay within their
current organization when they feel they are treated right

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