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Musalmano or Dosre Mazahib ke Qabarastan mei faraq| chowki, mundare or kadde ki


Presented by: Dr Abdul Wajid Shazli

Date:​ 20-12-09

Link:​ ​​ ©

Goal of the video:

We will discuss the significance of graveyards and the nature of practices undertaken in Muslim
and non-Muslim graveyards. Also, where do practitioners of Sifli amliyaat head to? In addition
we discuss what is the meaning of chowki, mundara and kadde.

General Misconception pertaining to Muslim graveyards:

Most people are scared of going to the graveyard especially during the night time. There is a
fear embedded in our hearts of shiateen and hamzaad attacking us. However, there is nothing
to fear in Muslim graveyards. The fears have been put in us and there is nothing outside that we
need to be apprehensive about. A person who has his/her heart immersed in zikr has nothing to
be afraid of. However, it is individuals with ignorant hearts that are more vulnerable to attacks.

Muslim graveyards:

In Muslim graveyards no demonic entities are allowed to enter. Why? This is because it is said
that wherever there are 40 graves, there is one grave of a momin. In this context, a momin is
one who is 'sahibe eman'; someone who has been bestowed with spirituality during his/her life
and it is infact the same spirituality that is attached with the momin's grave. This means that
what we achieve spiritually in this life continues post our death.

There is no end of ​spiritual association.​ It only transitions. For instance, if there is an aamil of
Surah Quraysh, the spirituality and blessings attached with Surah Quraysh will continue after
the death of the practitioner. The blessings of a grave of a momin takes away the punishment
from the graves of the other average believers buried in the same vicinity. The demonic entities
can not come into this area. If a person with ill deeds dies or someone who is a non-Muslim
then his hamzaad can only instil fear in the visitors but he can not physically harm the visitors of

the graveyard in any way.

Caution when in the graveyard:

If you are visiting a burial site, there are a few things to be ​mindful​ of. First, do not spit around
and jump over graves; especially children's graves. Avoid having conversations in the
graveyard. This is a place that deserves respect and recitation of the Quran. When you
desecrate such a place, the spirituality around the graves gets affected and bothered. There is a
certain decorum to be maintained in some instances like I mentioned earlier that when you have
to recite Darood Shareef sit in one place and read it. There is an etiquette that has to be

When you violate a certain code of conduct, the action triggers a reaction. The negativity inside
of the person gets activated and the hamzaad gets affected.

Going to the graveyard with permission:

One way is to go and perform an Amal in the graveyard without permission. This route is taken
by some. The second, preferred way is to conduct an Amal at the grave with your Shaikh or
guide's permission at the grave of someone who has undertaken the same Amal in his life.
Although it is not harmful to go without advice. However, getting permission is preferred and
your Amal will be completed quickly.

Do not read information out of random books and turn up at the graves. Take proper guidance
from a teacher. Those who go to graveyards, first practice on their own hamzaad and then they
practice on someone else's. Until one hasn't practiced on their own hamzaad, they are unable
to practice on someone else's.

At the time of Muslim burials, we recite thrice on the dust in our hand and then throw it. This
recitation keeps the hamzad of the deceased inside the grave.

Benefits of undertaking practices inside the vicinity of the Graveyards:


Inside the graveyards, the practices undertaken are noorani; those linked with Quranic surahs,
Isma e Ilahi, practices linked with kadde, mundaray and chokis. For instance if there is a person
who goes to the grave to activate the spirituality linked with Surah Quraysh, then the graveyard
will facilitate the practitioner in some ways:

🔵 The recitation creates a temperature inside the body of the practitioner

🔵The blessings of the sahib e mazaar
🔵 The good jinnat who are subservient to the sahib e mazaar also help the practitioner reciting.
These jinnat have different duties to perform

The efficacy of reciting at the mazaar goes way up compared to doing the Amal/recitation at

🔵 The practitioner also benefits from the attention of the sahib e mazaar
🔵 The silence and peace at the graveyard helps the spirituality get affiliated with the person

The concept of ​waseela​can be understood in the light of the Quran. Qur'an states:

َ‫ﻮل َﻟ َﻮ َﺟ ُﺪوا ﱠ‬
‫اﷲ َﺗﻮﱠاﺑًﺎ ﱠر ِﺣﯿﻤًﺎ‬ ُ ‫اﻟﺮ ُﺳ‬
‫اﺳَﺘ ْﻐ َﻔ َﺮ َﻟ ُﻬ ُﻢ ﱠ‬ َ‫ﺎﺳَﺘ ْﻐ َﻔ ُﺮوا ﱠ‬ َ ‫اﷲۚ َوَﻟ ْﻮ َأﻧﱠ ُﻬ ْﻢ إذ ﱠﻇَﻠﻤُﻮا َأﻧﻔُ َﺴ ُﻬ ْﻢ َﺟﺎء‬
ْ ‫ُوك َﻓ‬ ِ‫ﺎع ِﺑِﺈ ْذ ِن ﱠ‬ َ ‫ﻮل إ ﱠﻻ ِﻟﯿ‬ ْ َ
ْ ‫اﷲ َو‬ ِ َ ‫ُﻄ‬ ِ ٍ ‫َوﻣَﺎ أ ْر َﺳﻠَﻨﺎ ِﻣﻦ ﱠر ُﺳ‬

Translation: We sent not the Messenger, but to be obeyed, in accordance with the will of Allah.
If they had only, when they were unjust to themselves, come to the Messenger and asked
Allah's forgiveness, and the Messenger had (also) asked forgiveness for them, they would have
found Allah indeed Oft-returning, Most Merciful.(Al-Qur'an, Surah an-Nisa, 4:64)
This is a direct Divine order to seek intercession of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)
and this verse is Mutlaq (not restricted to any time).

Some special days:

There are some days and dates in the calendar that are significant to undertake practices in the
graveyard. These include times like the lunar eclipse, solar eclipse, Muharram etc. I think it was
around 2001 or 2002 that there was a complete solar eclipse; there was full darkness in the day
and Mian Huzoor asked me to go to the graveyard to do an Amal for Surah Naas that included a
dawat.​ These are good times to go because the spirituality is bound to take ascension in these
special times. However, all my students at this point in the journey are not advised to go to the
graveyard. I will tell you when the right time comes.

Why Sifli Practitioners do not go to graves:

There is a common misconception that those who practice black magic and engage in dark
activities undertake rituals in graveyards. This is not true because the demonic entities can not
appear inside the graveyards that Sifli practitioners want to summon.

Places Sifli Practitioners prefer:

The practitioners of black magic choose places that are barren, far removed from the general
population like jungles. These are places where there is no zikr done or places where the sound
of the azaan doesn't reach. They sometimes pick non-Muslim graveyards. This is because the
hamzaads are free and even the houses around such graveyards start getting affected. Caves,
places where shiateen are unleashed are hot spots for such black practices. When non-Muslims
are buried or people who have led a malicious life, their hamzaad shiateen are very active. In
short such people look for places without Noor.

For instance there is Bheroun's Sifli Amal, the practitioner will tie a black dog outside the place
where he does the practice. As the aamil gets successful, the shiataan turns into a dog and the
aamil is able to assign tasks to the shiataan to undertake. The doer of such black magic is
devoid of any faith. Eventually it's the same shiateen that the Aamil had held subservient in his

life that take his life and then the Aamil's hamzaad becomes even more powerful and
detrimental after his death.

What is a Mundara?

There are different types of mundaras; for instance Hazrat Ali's mundara, Shah Madaar's
mundara and Sarkar Ghous Pak's mundara to name a few. When we recite the mundara of the
elders, we seek help through the spirituality of these buzurgaan as waseela. When the
blessings descend, the mundara becomes successful.These are basically 'isms'. There are also
mundaras of different surahs for instance Surah Fateha's mundara.

An excerpt of Surah Fateha's mundara:

‫اول ﻧﺎم اﻟﻞﮦ دا‬

‫دوﺟﺎ ﻧﺎم ﻣﺤﻤﺪ دا‬
‫ﺗﯿﺠﺎ ﻧﺎم ﭼﺎر ﯾﺎراں دے‬
‫ﭼﻮتھا ﻧﺎم ﭘﯿﺮ اﺳﺘﺎد دا‬
‫آﯾﺖ ﻗﺮآن ﭘﺎک دی‬
‫ﻗﻮل ﻧﺒﯽ ﭘﺎک دا‬

What is a Chowki?

It is also an Amal. We can have different types of chowkis of Surah Ikhlas, Surah Fateha
amongst other surahs. We can also have chowkis of different ​buzurgaan​and angels. This is
also another way to seek waseela from the spirituality of different sources. There is a lot of
practice and accessories used for each chowki.

Mundara, kara and chowki are done in the graveyards. These are noorani practices. They are in
no way in friction with the Shariat and infact there is a hadith which shows that waseela is not
problematic as long as it is in line with our faith.

There was a man who used to recite something to cure people's headaches. When this news
got to the Prophet SAW, he asked the man to come meet him. When the Prophet SAW heard
the recitation he said it was not shirkiya and therefore he permitted it. He left it to the man's
choice to continue or discontinue as it was not shirk.

Guidance for those reciting Surah Quraysh:

For those students who have finished reciting Surah Quraysh 313 times for 40 days should offer
niaz (​some sweet and a glass of water). Also, make dua for blessings and present the recitation

blessings in the service of Prophet Muhammad SAW and Sarkar Ghaus Pak and the ​buzurgaan
of the silsila.

🌺 For those who have completed Surah Quraysh for forty days, do not stop the recitation.
Continue till the twenty ninth of the lunar calendar and wait for my further guidance.

🌺 For those who have read it forty times daily for forty days, they need to now read it 313 times

🌺 For those who have been reading it 70 times daily for forty days, then after completion of
forty days they need to start reading it for 313 times as well. However, those who were already
on 313 times need to wait for my guidance.

🌺 For those who complete the zakaat of the naqsh of 45 and have my permission can start
writing the naqsh ba muaqqil and complete the 45 days. When the 45 days are complete, they
then offer the niaz and Fateha and wait for further guidance.

🌺 For those who are focusing on treatment through meditation should continue and there are
those students who are focusing for building their concentration only. Remain steadfast because
amliyaat and focus are both part of Roohaniyat. At the moment we are covering the theory but it
will all come together when you step in the practical world. It is a definite sequence that I am
taking you through.

🌺 Going forward, I will ask you to record your own experiences in this spiritual journey that I can
turn into a collage and share on my channel so what we have learnt along this journey becomes
evident. We all learn from each other in this community so it will be a platform for us to share
experiences with each other.

● source:

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