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A Grading System for the Assessment of Risk of

Extraprostatic Extension of Prostate Cancer at
Multiparametric MRI
Sherif Mehralivand, MD  •  Joanna H. Shih, PhD  •  Stephanie Harmon, PhD  •  Clayton Smith, BA  • 
Jonathan Bloom, MD  •  Marcin Czarniecki, MD  •  Samuel Gold, BS  •  Graham Hale, BS  •  Kareem Rayn, BS  • 
Maria J. Merino, MD  •  Bradford J. Wood, MD  •  Peter A. Pinto, MD  •  Peter L. Choyke, MD  •  Baris Turkbey, MD
From the Department of Urology and Pediatric Urology, University Medical Center, Mainz, Germany (S.M.); Urologic Oncology Branch, National Cancer Institute,
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md (S.M., J.B., S.G., G.H., K.R., P.A.P.); Molecular Imaging Program, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health,
10 Center Dr, MSC 1182, Building 10, Room B3B85, Bethesda, MD 20892-1088 (S.M., C.S., M.C., P.L.C., B.T.); Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis: Bio-
metric Research Program, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Rockville, Md (J.H.S.); Clinical Research Directorate/Clinical Monitoring Research
Program, Leidos Biomedical Research, NCI Campus at Frederick, Frederick, Md (S.H.); Laboratory of Pathology, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, Md (M.J.M.); and Center for Interventional Oncology, National Cancer Institute and Radiology and Imaging Sciences, Clinical Center, National Institutes of
Health, Bethesda, Md (B.J.W.). Received May 31, 2018; revision requested July 25; final revision received November 19; accepted December 3. Address correspondence
to B.T. (e-mail:
S.M. supported by Dr. Mildred Scheel Stiftung für Krebsforschung (Bonn, Germany).
This project has been funded in whole or in part with federal funds from the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, under Contract No. HH-
SN261200800001E. The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department of Health and Human Services, nor does mention
of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

Conflicts of interest are listed at the end of this article.

See also the editorial by Eberhardt in this issue.

Radiology 2019; 00:1–111 • • Content code:

Purpose:  To evaluate MRI features associated with pathologically defined extraprostatic extension (EPE) of prostate cancer and to
propose an MRI grading system for pathologic EPE.

Materials and Methods:  In this prospective study, consecutive male study participants underwent preoperative 3.0-T MRI from
June 2007 to March 2017 followed by robotic-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy. An MRI-based EPE grading system was
defined as follows: curvilinear contact length of 1.5 cm or capsular bulge and irregularity were grade 1, both features were grade 2,
and frank capsular breach were grade 3. Multivariable logistic regression and decision curve analyses were performed to compare the
MRI grade model and clinical parameters (prostate-specific antigen, Gleason score) for pathologic EPE prediction by using the area
under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) value.

Results:  Among 553 study participants, the mean age was 60 years 6 8 (standard deviation); the median prostate-specific antigen
value was 6.3 ng/mL. A total of 125 of 553 (22%) participants had pathologic EPE at radical prostatectomy. Detection of patho-
logic EPE, defined as number of pathologic EPEs divided by number of participants with individual MRI features, was as follows:
curvilinear contact length, 88 of 208 (42%); capsular bulge and irregularity, 78 of 175 (45%); and EPE visible at MRI, 37 of 56
(66%). For MRI, grades 1, 2, and 3 for detection of pathologic EPE were 18 of 74 (24%), 39 of 102 (38%), and 37 of 56 (66%),
respectively. Clinical features plus the MRI-based EPE grading system (prostate-specific antigen, International Society of Urological
Pathology stage, MRI grade) predicted pathologic EPE better than did MRI grade alone (AUC, 0.81 vs 0.77, respectively; P ,

Conclusion:  Higher MRI-based extraprostatic extension (EPE) grading categories were associated with a greater risk of pathologic
EPE. Clinical features plus MRI grading had the highest diagnostic performance for prediction of pathologic EPE.
© RSNA, 2019

Online supplemental material is available for this article.

Pcomprehensive risk assessment and staging to ensure

atients diagnosed with prostate cancer benefit from approach comes at the cost of higher rates of urinary in-
continence and erectile dysfunction (7). Therefore, having
optimal counseling and treatment planning. Extrapros- more accurate assessment of pathologic EPE prior to sur-
tatic extension (EPE) of tumor is associated with a higher gery is of utmost importance to optimize clinical decision
risk of positive surgical margins, biochemical recurrence, making.
metastatic disease, and lower cancer-specific survival after Multiparametric MRI is used to depict and localize sus-
radical prostatectomy (1–4). In patients who elect surgery, pected prostate cancer lesions primarily for guiding image-
preoperative assessment of the location of pathologic EPE directed biopsies. Besides detection of prostate cancer, there
impacts the surgical strategy because a wider excision with is a potential role in preoperative staging for depiction of
removal of the neurovascular bundles may be attempted pathologic EPE and seminal vesicle invasion. Several stud-
to increase the likelihood of a negative margin (5,6). De- ies have reported that multiparametric MRI outperforms
spite improved cancer control, this more aggressive surgical clinical risk calculators in predicting pathologic EPE; the
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Assessment of Risk of Extraprostatic Extension of Prostate Cancer at MRI

view board approval was obtained. The study was funded by

Abbreviations the intramural research program of the National Institutes of
AUC = area under the receiver operating characteristics curve, EPE = Health. Written informed consent was obtained from all par-
extraprostatic extension, ISUP = International Society of Urological
Pathology, PI-RADS = Prostate Imaging Reporting and Data System ticipants (NCT00026884 and NCT02594202). All authors
had control of the participants’ data and study information.
Summary A subset of 115 participants from this population were previ-
MRI grading for extraprostatic extension combined with clinical ously reported (21,22). Those studies focused on detection of
variables (prostate-specific antigen, Gleason score, and digital rectal
prostate cancer rather than staging. A prospectively maintained
examination) showed the highest diagnostic performance for predic-
tion of pathologic extraprostatic extension of prostate cancer. database was queried for participants who underwent prostatec-
tomy at our institution from June 2007 to March 2017. Par-
Implications for Patient Care ticipants with biopsy-confirmed nonmetastatic prostate cancer
nn Curvilinear contact length of more than 1.5 cm, capsular bulge who underwent multiparametric MRI and subsequent robotic-
and irregularity, and MRI-visible extraprostatic extension (EPE)
were the primary features that were associated with greater likeli- assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy were eligible. Exclu-
hood of pathologic EPE. sion criteria were prior local or neoadjuvant systemic therapy for
nn An MRI grading system consisting of curvilinear contact length, prostate cancer or benign prostatic hyperplasia (external beam
capsular bulge, and MRI-visible EPE was developed for prediction radiation therapy, proton-beam therapy, high-intensity focused
of pathologically defined EPE of prostate cancer. ultrasound, brachytherapy, focal laser ablation, transurethral
nn MRI grade 3 was associated with a 66% positive predictive value resection of the prostate, a2-blocker therapy, neoadjuvant an-
and 82% negative predictive value for defining pathologic EPE of
prostate cancer. drogen deprivation, neoadjuvant enzalutamide, neoadjuvant
prostate immunotherapy). In five participants, multiparametric
MRI was not performed because of contraindications and one
combined use of multiparametric MRI and clinical risk further patient underwent an outside multiparametric MRI without a
improve prediction of pathologic EPE (8–11). However, there is diagnostic T2 sequence. Three participants in the database who
significant interreader variability due to lack of standardization underwent simple prostatectomy for benign prostatic hyperplasia
and because the likelihood of pathologic EPE varies with specific and had no prostate cancer at final histopathologic evaluation
MRI findings. Pathologic EPE has commonly been reported in were also excluded (Fig 1).
binary terms (ie, “present” or “absent”) despite the fact that MR
findings are rarely definitive for pathologic EPE (12). In such Imaging Technique, Surgery, and Histopathologic
cases, it is common to create a likelihood scale that estimates Evaluation
the risk of pathologic EPE rather than providing a definitive, A detailed description of imaging technique, surgery proce-
but possibly inaccurate, binary answer. Recently, studies have dure, and histopathologic evaluation is presented in Table E1
aimed to apply a Likert scale of 1–5 to EPE that showed moder- and Appendix E1 (online). Briefly, all participants were imaged
ate interreader agreement. However, Likert scales typically lack with an endorectal coil (BPX-30; Medrad, Pittsburgh, Pa) with
objective criteria and therefore are difficult to reproduce (13). a 3.0-T magnet (Achieva 3.0-T-TX; Philips Healthcare, Best,
Additionally, few studies have used specific Prostate Imaging Re- the Netherlands). All surgeries were performed by a single ex-
porting and Data System (PI-RADS) terms as criteria in the as- perienced prostate surgeon (P.A.P.). The histopathologic reads
sessment of pathologic EPE (14–16). To overcome these issues, were performed by a genitourinary pathologist (M.J.M.) ac-
a standardized grading system of EPE at multiparametric MRI cording to the International Society of Urological Pathology
would be helpful to improve consistency in reporting and to aid (ISUP) 2014 consensus statement (23).
in training.
Several multiparametric MRI features are associated with MRI Evaluation and Reporting
pathologic EPE. These include curvilinear contact length, cap- All examinations were interpreted by two genitourinary radiol-
sular irregularity and bulge, obliteration of rectoprostatic angle, ogists (P.L.C. and B.T., with 15 years and 9 years of experience
asymmetry of the neurovascular bundles, invasion of the peri- in prostate cancer imaging, respectively). All prostate MRI ex-
prostatic fat, and seminal vesicle invasion. However, validation aminations were prospectively evaluated based on an in-house
studies for these markers are still sparse (17–20). Hence, the prostate MRI interpretation system between June 2007 and
purpose of our study was to evaluate the diagnostic value of six May 2015, which was supplemented with PI-RADS version
well-defined multiparametric MRI features for the prediction of 2 between May 2015 and March 2017. Reader 1 (P.L.C.) re-
pathologic EPE. Based on these results, we also introduce a stan- ported the examinations from 2007 to 2009. Reader 2 (B.T.)
dardized grading system that predicts the likelihood of patho- started reporting from 2009 to present. All examinations were
logic EPE at multiparametric MRI. read by a single reader; therefore, interreader variability was not
assessed. A validated in-house scoring system (National Insti-
Materials and Methods tutes of Health score) was applied to lesions visible at MRI to
assess the underlying risk of prostate cancer at biopsy (24–26).
Patient Population Pathologic EPE status was prospectively assessed at MRI
This prospective study was compliant with the Health Insur- based on the presence or absence of secondary indicators of
ance Portability and Accountability Act and institutional re- pathologic EPE. MRI indicators of pathologic EPE used in

2  n  Radiology: Volume 00: Number 0— 2018

Mehralivand et al

was a relatively rare finding at multiparametric MRI that may

otherwise indicate EPE; neurovascular asymmetry was not
implemented in our system. Obliteration of the rectoprostatic
angle may also indicate pathologic EPE but only occurs in pos-
teriorly located tumors and was, therefore, excluded in the pro-
posed standardized system to maintain simplicity.

Statistical Analysis
Data acquisition and reporting was consistent with the Standards
of Reporting for MRI-targeted Biopsy Studies, or START, of the
prostate (27). Variables were defined as follows: prostate-specific
antigen, continuous (nanograms per milliliter); suspicion of
EPE at digital rectal examination, binary (0 or 1 [negative or
positive]); ISUP category, categorical (1, Gleason score of 3+3;
2, Gleason score of 3+4; 3, Gleason score of 4+3; 4, Gleason
score of 8; 5, Gleason score of 9–10); MRI-based EPE grade,
categorical (grades 1, 2, or 3); and curvilinear contact length,
Figure 1:  Flowchart shows determination of
capsular irregularity and bulge, obliteration of rectoprostatic
final study population. ADT = androgen depriva-
tion therapy, BPH = benign prostatic hyperplasia, angle, asymmetry of the neurovascular bundles, EPE visible at
EBRT = external beam radiation therapy, HIFU = MRI or suspicion of seminal vesicle invasion at MRI, all binary
high-intensity focused ultrasound, TURP = trans- (0 or 1 [negative or positive]).
urethral resection of prostate. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative
predictive value for pathologic EPE were calculated at each clini-
this study were as follows: (a) curvilinear contact length with cal and MRI variable threshold. Both univariable and multivari-
the capsule, defined as positive when this distance equals or able logistic regression models were estimated to correlate with
exceeds 1.5 cm; (b) capsular bulge, defined as a smooth convex pathologic EPE.
extension of the margin of the prostate into the extraprostatic Four multivariable models were considered: clinical vari-
space, in continuity with an intraprostatic tumor; (c) EPE vis- ables only, MRI-derived EPE grade only, clinical variables
ible at MRI, a well-defined breach of the prostate capsule with plus MRI-derived EPE grade, and clinical variables plus
tumor extension into the periprostatic space or invasion of MRI features. The last model was used to assess whether it
adjacent anatomic structures such as the rectum, bladder, or had an advantage in predictive value over the MRI-derived
pelvic wall; (d) obliteration of the rectoprostatic angle, defined EPE grade. Variables included in that model were selected
as loss of the space between the prostate and the rectum; and from the backward variable selection procedure based on the
(e) neurovascular asymmetry, defined as an unequal appearance Akaike information criteria. Diagnostic performance quanti-
of the neurovascular bundles in presence of an ipsilateral intra- fied by using area under the receiver operating characteris-
prostatic tumor. tic curve (AUC) was compared between nested models with
Seminal vesicle invasion was reported when there was loss the likelihood ratio test (28) and between nonnested models
of the normal high signal within the seminal vesicles, a finding by using the Wald test with bootstrap-based standard errors.
that increases the risk of pathologic EPE. Capsular irregularity Model fit was assessed with the calibration plot of predicted
and bulge and suspicion of EPE at MRI were extracted from risk deciles versus observed risks (28).
the reports and treated as binary variables (Fig 2). Curvilinear Clinical utility of each prediction model was assessed by us-
contact length was not prospectively reported on a consistent ing the decision curve analysis, in which net benefit was plotted
basis and, therefore, was measured retrospectively in the axial against risk threshold for each prediction model along with the
plane by using a Digital Imaging and Communications in treat-none and treat-all strategy (29,30). Net benefit at each risk
Medicine viewer measuring tool (Carestream Health, Roch- threshold was defined as the difference between the proportion
ester, NY). The 48 participants who were imaged in the first of true-positive results and weighted proportion of false-positive
3 years of our study (June 2007 to June 2010) had prostate results with the weight equal to the ratio of risk threshold to
cancer staging and reporting of the previously mentioned pa- 1 minus risk threshold. The treatment strategy or prediction
rameters performed retrospectively, because these examinations model that has the highest net benefit at a given risk threshold
were read by a different reader before comprehensive prostate has the highest clinical value.
cancer staging was part of the routine workflow. The 95% confidence intervals of the diagnostic performance
Imaging features were implemented in an EPE grading sys- parameters were obtained from 2000 bootstrap samples by ran-
tem as follows: grade 0, no suspicion for pathologic EPE; grade 1, domly sampling participants with replacements. The 95% confi-
either curvilinear contact length or capsular irregularity and dence limits were taken from the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles of
bulge; grade 2, both curvilinear contact length and capsular ir- the bootstrap resampling distribution. All tests were two sided,
regularity and bulge; grade 3, frank EPE visible at MRI or inva- and P values , .05 were considered to indicate statistical signifi-
sion of adjacent anatomic structures. Neurovascular asymmetry cance. All the statistical and graphical analysis were performed

Radiology: Volume 00: Number 0— 2018  n 3

Assessment of Risk of Extraprostatic Extension of Prostate Cancer at MRI

Figure 2:  Images show indirect (a) curvilinear contact length associated with left midperipheral zone lesion (arrows), (b) capsular
bulge or irregularity associated with left apical-midperipheral zone lesion (arrows), (c) obliteration of rectoprostatic angle associated
with left apical-midperipheral zone lesion (arrows) compared with normal right side, (d) asymmetry of neurovascular bundles associ-
ated with left apical peripheral zone lesion [arrows]) and direct (e) frank breach of prostate capsule associated with right midperiph-
eral zone lesion (arrows) MRI features at axial T2-weighted MRI and (f) seminal vesicle invasion (arrows) at sagittal T2-weighted MRI
associated with pathologic extraprostatic extension.

by using the R software (version 3.4.0; R Foundation for Statisti- neurovascular bundles, 37 of 56 (66%) for suspicion of EPE
cal computing, Vienna, Austria) (31). at MRI, and 12 of 15 (80%) for suspicion of seminal vesicle
invasion at MRI. There was an incremental increase in the
Results detection rate of EPE with higher grades as follows: grade 1,
18 of 74 (24%); grade 2, 39 of 102 (38%); and grade 3, 37
Study Population of 56 (66%) (Fig 3).
A total of 601 consecutive participants underwent robotic- Diagnostic measures for all features and grade cutoffs are
assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy between 2007 and summarized in Table 3. Although specificity was moderate to
2017 at our institution. After excluding 48 participants for high for all variables, sensitivity varied. For example, seminal
reasons described previously, 553 participants remained for fi- vesicle invasion at MRI was associated with a high detection rate
nal analysis (Fig 1). Mean participant age was 60 years (range, (12 of 15 [80%]) and specificity (425 of 428 [99%]) for patho-
38–76 years), median prostate-specific antigen value was 6.28 logic EPE, but a low sensitivity rate (12 of 125 [10%]).
ng/mL (range, 0.21–170 ng/mL), and median prostate volume
was 42.07 mL (range, 11–164 mL). Clinical, surgical, and de- Relationship of Clinical and MRI Features to
mographic characteristics of the final patient cohort are sum- Presence of EPE
marized in Table 1. Clinical variables of pathologic EPE, imaging features, and
MRI-derived EPE grades were evaluated in a univariable logis-
Imaging Features tic regression for predicting final pathologic EPE. All variables
All multiparametric MRI–based EPE features were assessed were significant predictors of pathologic EPE in the univariable
before being included in our grading system. The detection analysis (Table 4).
rates for MRI-derived EPE features and grades are summa- Clinical variables included log (prostate-specific antigen)
rized in Table 2. The detection rate was 88 of 208 (42%) and biopsy ISUP categories as independent predictors for
for curvilinear contact length, 78 of 175 (45%) for capsu- multivariable analysis. Clinical stage based on digital rectal
lar irregularity and bulge, 31 of 51 (61%) for obliteration of examination was not associated with EPE (P = .08) and there-
rectoprostatic angle, 19 of 25 (76%) for asymmetry of the fore was excluded (Table E2 [online]).

4  n  Radiology: Volume 00: Number 0— 2018

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Table 1: Participant Demographics and Characteristics Table 2: Diagnostic Accuracy of Individual MRI Param-
eters for Pathologic EPE
Variable Value
Age at MRI (y)* Variable Value

60 6 8 (38–76)
Clinical stage Individual MRI features
 cT1c 481 (90.1)   Curvilinear contact length greater than 88/208 (42) [35, 49]
 cT2a 41 (7.7)   1.5 cm
 cT2b 4 (0.7)   Capsular bulge 78/175 (45) [38, 52]
 cT2c 8 (1.5)   Obliteration of rectoprostatic angle 31/51 (61) [48, 75]
Prostate-specific antigen (ng/mL)‡ 6.28 (5.02)   Neurovascular bundle asymmetry 19/25 (76) [59, 91]
Prostate volume at MRI (mL)‡ 42.07 (19)   EPE at MRI 37/56 (66) [53, 78]
Index lesion size at MRI (mm)‡ 15.57 (8)   Seminal vesicle invasion at MRI 12/15 (80) [57, 100]
No. of detected lesions at MRI* 2.12 6 1.16 Proposed MRI-derived EPE grading
NIH score for MRI index lesions (%)   system
 1 36 (7.6)   Grade 1 18/74 (24) [14, 34]
 2 17 (3.6)   Grade 2 39/102 (38) [29, 47]
 3 229 (48.2)   Grade 3 37/56 (66) [53, 78]
 4 65 (13.7) Pathologic grading system*
 5 128 (26.9)   ISUP score of 1 11/106 (10) [5, 17]
Weight at radical prostatectomy (g)‡ 49 (22)   ISUP score of 2 36/182 (20) [14, 26]
ISUP category and Gleason score at radical   ISUP score of 3 10/68 (15) [7, 24]
  prostatectomy   ISUP score of 4 36/93 (39) [29, 48]
  1, 3+3 53 (9.6)   ISUP score of 5 15/25 (60) [39, 79]
  2, 3+4 267 (48.3) Note.—Numerators are numbers of pathologic extraprostatic
  3, 4+3 37 (6.7) extension (EPE) and denominators are numbers of participants.
  4, 8 136 (24.6) Data in parentheses are percentages, with 95% confidence
  5, 9+10 60 (10.8) intervals in brackets. ISUP = International Society of Urological
Cancer involvement at radical prostatectomy 25 (20)
  (%)‡ * ISUP score was missing in 60 participants due to outside
biopsy reports that were not retrievable retrospectively.
Pathologic EPE
 Yes 125 (22.6)
 No 428 (77.4)
Pathologic seminal vesicle invasion the clinical variables to predict the risk of pathologic EPE
 Yes 37 (6.7) (AUC, 0.81 vs 0.81; P = .54), suggesting comparable diagnos-
 No 516 (93.7) tic performance of both models. The calibration plots exhib-
Note.—Unless otherwise specified, data in parentheses are per- ited better fit of the MRI and clinical combined models, as
centages. EPE = extraprostatic extension, ISUP = International well as the MRI-derived EPE grade model, than did the clinical
Society of Urological Pathology, NIH = National Institutes of model (Fig 4).
* Data are means 6 standard deviation. Decision Curve Analysis

Data in parentheses are ranges. Net benefits are displayed in Table 5 and Figure 5. Clinical plus

Data are medians, with interquartile ranges in parentheses. the MRI-derived EPE grade model and clinical plus MRI fea-
tures model had comparable and persistently higher net benefit
The final clinical model was refitted to the data containing 493 than did the other models for risk thresholds greater than or
participants without missing values because 60 participants had to equal to 20%. As an example, at a risk threshold of 25%, the
be excluded due to missing ISUP scores from outside histopatho- net benefit was 6% for the clinical, 9% for the MRI-derived
logic evaluation, which could not be retrieved retrospectively. EPE grade, 10% for the clinical plus the MRI-derived EPE
The MRI-derived EPE grading system trended toward bet- grade, and 10% for clinical plus MRI features model compared
ter diagnostic performance compared with clinical parameters with null for the treat-none strategy (standard treatment) and
(AUC, 0.77 vs 0.71; P = .05) (Table 4). When the MRI-derived 24% for the treat-all strategy (more advanced treatment).
EPE grading system was combined with clinical parameters,
the AUC improved (from 0.71 for the clinical model alone Discussion
to 0.81 for both; P , .001). Furthermore, with the addition Preoperative assessment of the presence of EPE of prostate can-
of the MRI-derived EPE grade, log (protein-specific antigen) cer may result in wider excision with removal of the neurovas-
was no longer associated with EPE (P = .16) and was therefore cular bundles to increase the likelihood of a negative margin.
eliminated from the clinical plus the MRI-derived EPE grade We developed an MRI-derived EPE grading system to predict
model (Table E3 [online]). There was no improvement in AUC pathologically defined EPE of prostate cancer. This grading sys-
when MRI features instead of EPE grade were combined with tem combines MRI features of curvilinear contact length of the

Radiology: Volume 00: Number 0— 2018  n 5

Assessment of Risk of Extraprostatic Extension of Prostate Cancer at MRI

Figure 3:  Axial T2-weighted MR images show proposed MRI-derived extraprostatic extension (EPE) grading system for prediction of pathologic
EPE (pEPE). MRI features included curvilinear contact length, defined as present when distance exceeded 1.5 cm (arrows); capsular bulge, defined
as smooth convex extension of margin of prostate into extraprostatic space, in continuity with intraprostatic tumor (arrows); and EPE visible at MRI,
a well-defined breach of prostate capsule with tumor extension into periprostatic space or invasion of adjacent anatomic structures such as rectum,
bladder, or pelvic wall (arrows).

Table 3: Diagnostic Measures for Different Cutoffs for MRI Features and ISUP Categories

Variable Sensitivity (%)* Specificity (%)† PPV (%)‡ NPV (%)§

Individual MRI features
  Curvilinear contact length greater 88/125 (70) [62, 79] 308/428 (72) [68, 77] 88/208 (42) [36, 49] 308/345 (89) [86, 92]
  than 1.5 cm
  Capsular bulge 78/125 (62) [54, 71] 331/428 (77) [73, 81] 78/175 (45) [38, 52] 331/378 (88) [84, 91]
  Obliteration of rectoprostatic 31/125 (25) [17, 33] 408/428 (95) [93, 97] 31/51 (61) [48, 75] 408/502 (81) [78, 85]
  Neurovascular bundle asymmetry 19/125 (15) [9, 22] 422/428 (99) [97, 100] 19/25 (76) [59, 91] 422/528 (80) [77, 83]
  EPE at MRI 37/125 (30) [21, 38] 409/428 (96) [94, 98] 37/56 (66) [53, 79] 409/497 (82) [79, 86]
  Seminal vesicle invasion at MRI 12/125 (10) [5, 15] 425/428 (99) [98, 100] 12/15 (80) [57, 100] 425/538 (79) [76, 82]
Proposed MRI-derived EPE grading
 Grade 1 94/125 (75) [67, 83] 290/428 (68) [63, 72] 94/232 (41) [34, 47] 290/321 (90) [87, 93]
 Grade 2 76/125 (61) [53, 69] 346/428 (81) [77, 84] 76/158 (48) [40, 56] 346/395 (88) [84, 91]
 Grade 3 37/125 (30) [21, 38] 409/428 (96) [94, 98] 37/56 (66) [53, 79] 409/497 (82) [79, 86]
Pathologic grading system
  ISUP score 1 109/109 (99) [97, 100] 18/384 (5) [3, 7] 108/474 (23) [19, 27] 18/19 (95) [82, 100]
  ISUP score 2 97/109 (89) [83, 95] 113/384 (29) [25, 34] 97/368 (26) [22, 31] 113/125 (90) [85, 95]
  ISUP score 3 61/109 (56) [46, 65] 259/384 (67) [64, 72] 61/186 (33) [26, 40] 259/307 (84) [80, 88]
  ISUP score 4 51/109 (47) [37, 56] 317/384 (83) [79, 86] 51/118 (43) [34, 52] 317/375 (85) [81, 88]
  ISUP score of 5 15/109 (14) [8, 21] 374/384 (97) [96, 99] 15/25 (60) [39, 79] 374/468 (80) [76, 83]
Note.—Data in parentheses are percentages, with 95% confidence intervals in brackets. EPE = extraprostatic extension, ISUP = International Society of
Urological Pathology, NPV = negative predictive value, PPV = positive predictive value.
* Numerators are number of participants with individual MRI and clinical variables above and equal to the cutoff value and denominators are number
of pathologic EPE.

Numerators are number of participants with individual MRI and clinical variables below the cutoff value and denominators are number of non-EPE.

Numerators are number of EPE and denominators are number of participants with individual MRI and clinical variables above and equal to the
cutoff value.
Numerators are number of non-EPE and denominators are number of participants with individual MRI and clinical variables below the cutoff value.

6  n  Radiology: Volume 00: Number 0— 2018

Mehralivand et al

Table 4: Univariable and Multivariable Logistic Regression Model for Pathologic EPE Risk Prediction by
Using Different Predictors
Variable b Coefficient Odds Ratio 95% CI P Value
Univariable logistic regression model
  Log (prostate-specific antigen) (ng/mL) 0.82 2.3 1.7, 3.0 ,.001
  Clinical stage 0.66 1.9 1.0, 3.6 .034
  Individual MRI features
   Curvilinear contact length greater than 1.5 cm 1.8 6.1 3.9, 9.4 ,.001
  Capsular bulge 1.7 5.6 3.7, 8.6 ,.001
   Obliteration of rectoprostatic angle 1.9 6.7 3.7, 12.3 ,.001
   Neurovascular bundle symmetry 2.5 12.6 4.9, 32.3 ,.001
   EPE at MRI 2.2 9.1 5.0, 16.5 ,.001
   Seminal vesicle invasion at MRI 2.7 15.0 4.2, 54.1 ,.001
  Proposed MRI-derived EPE grading system
  Grade 0 Reference … … …
  Grade 1 1.1 3.0 1.6, 5.7 .003
  Grade 2 1.8 5.8 3.4, 10.0 ,.001
  Grade 3 2.9 18.2 9.4, 35.4 ,.001
  Pathologic grading system
  ISUP score 3 Reference … … …
   ISUP score of 4 1.2 3.4 2.1, 5.7 ,.001
   ISUP score of 5 2.1 8.2 3.5, 19.1 ,.001
Multivariable logistic regression model
  (Intercept) 22.7 … … ,.001
   Log (prostate-specific antigen) (ng/mL) 0.56 1.7 1.3, 2.4 .001
   ISUP score of 4 0.96 2.6 1.5, 4.4 ,.001
   ISUP score of 5 1.8 5.9 2.4, 14.6 ,.001
  MRI-derived EPE grade
  (Intercept) 22.4 … … ,.001
   mEPE grade 1 1.3 3.6 1.8, 7.2 ,.001
   mEPE grade 2 1.9 6.7 3.7, 12.1 ,.001
   mEPE grade 3 3.1 22 10.6, 44.5 ,.001
  Clinical plus MRI-derived EPE grade
  (Intercept) 22.6 … … ,.001
   ISUP score of 4 0.87 2.4 1.4, 4.2 .002
   ISUP score of 5 1.8 6.1 2.3, 16.0 ,.001
   mEPE grade 1 1.2 3.3 1.6, 6.8 .001
   mEPE grade 2 1.8 6.0 3.2, 11.0 ,.001
   mEPE grade 3 2.8 17.4 8.3, 36.4 ,.001
  Clinical plus MRI features
  (Intercept) 23.17 … … ,.001
   Log (prostate-specific antigen) (ng/mL)† 0.33 1.4 0.98, 1.98 .068
   ISUP score of 4 0.78 2.2 1.2, 4.0 .01
   ISUP score of 5 1.69 5.4 2.0, 14.6 .001
   Curvilinear contact length greater than 1.5 cm 0.98 2.7 1.3, 5.3 .006
   Capsular bulge† 0.53 1.7 0.83, 3.4 .146
   Obliteration of rectoprostatic angle† 0.65 1.9 0.78, 4.7 .153
   Neurovascular bundle symmetry† 1.02 2.8 0.78, 9.8 .116
  mEPE† 0.67 2.0 0.9, 4.3 .09
Note.—Clinical plus MRI-derived extraprostatic extension (EPE) grade model consists of clinical factors and MRI-derived EPE grade; clinical plus
MRI features model consists of clinical factors and MRI features. CI = confidence interval, ISUP = International Society of Urological Pathology,
mEPE = suspicion of extraprostatic extension at MRI.
* Initial clinical model was eliminated for consideration because of nonsignificant effect of clinical stage. The final clinical model was refitted to
the data containing 493 participants without missing values. (All 60 excluded participants did not have ISUP scores due to outside histopathologic
evaluation that could not be retrieved retrospectively).

Combined effect of prostate-specific antigen, capsular bulge, obliteration of rectoprostatic angle, neurovascular bundle symmetry, and mEPE was
significant (P , .001).

Radiology: Volume 00: Number 0— 2018  n 7

Assessment of Risk of Extraprostatic Extension of Prostate Cancer at MRI

Figure 4:  Calibration plots show mean predicted risk of pathologic extraprostatic extension (EPE) and the 95% confi-
dence interval versus observed proportion of pathologic EPE in each decile of pathologic EPE risk scores calculated from
each multivariable logistic regression model. Clinical plus MRI-derived EPE grade model consists of clinical factors and
MRI-derived EPE grade; clinical plus MRI features model consists of clinical factors and MRI features. Clinical model had
poorer fit and worse ability in discriminating between EPE and non-EPE cases than did other three models, because it
had more observed proportions of EPE lying outside 95% confidence intervals and less spread in predicted risks. Thus,
including MRI-derived EPE grade or MRI features in risk prediction model improves predicted value for EPE.

tumor with the capsules, capsular bulge, and overt direct EPE of 45 studies revealed a pooled sensitivity of only 57% and a
(Fig 3). The sensitivity of individual MRI features (eg, oblitera- specificity of 91% for the detection of EPE at multiparametric
tion of rectoprostatic angle, neurovascular bundle asymmetry, MRI (32). However, definitions of EPE at multiparametric MRI
seminal vesical asymmetry) was poor, ranging from 10% to vary among readers and centers. Moreover, the reporting of EPE
30% for predicting pathologic status. These findings are rela- is unrealistically binary and it is generally acknowledged that in-
tively late markers of pathologic EPE and only become visible terpretations should estimate the likelihood of pathologic EPE,
when the tumor is already at an advanced stage. However, the rather than state definitively whether it is or is not present. A
combination of clinical features and MRI-derived EPE grade previously proposed five-tier system for EPE was not validated in
model was superior to evaluation of clinical features (prostate- a clinical study and did not define criteria (33). The definition of
specific antigen and ISUP staging) alone (AUC, 0.81 vs 0.71, clear, simple, and reproducible criteria for EPE at MRI is there-
respectively; P , .001). The main advantage of using the MRI- fore important to standardizing and clarifying the likelihood
derived EPE grade system is its simplified approach of report- that a finding at MRI will represent EPE at pathologic evalu-
ing suspicion of pathologic EPE at multiparametric MRI. ation. Several imaging features have been linked to pathologic
In general, multiparametric MRI is not considered highly EPE including curvilinear contact length, capsular irregularity
sensitive for detecting pathologic EPE. A recent meta-analysis and bulge, obliteration of rectoprostatic angle, and asymmetry of

8  n  Radiology: Volume 00: Number 0— 2018

Mehralivand et al

Table 5: Decision Curve Analysis of the Four Risk Prediction Models

True-Positive Rate against Risk False-Positive Rate against Risk Net Benefit at Risk Threshold
Threshold (%) Threshold (%) (%)*

Variables in
Model the Model 20% 25% 30% 20% 25% 30% 20% 25% 30%
Clinical Log (PSA), 62 (48, 75) 50 (38, 62) 43 (29, 55) 27 (16, 43) 18 (13, 27) 16 (8, 20) 9 (5, 12) 6 (3, 10) 4 (2, 8)
MRI-derived mEPE grade 78 (61, 85) 63 (57, 85) 63 (36, 83) 32 (17, 37) 19 (16, 35) 19 (5, 33) 11 (8, 15) 9 (6, 13) 8 (4, 11)
  EPE grade
Clinical plus ISUP, mEPE 74 (66, 88) 74 (53, 84) 56 (46, 81) 23 (18, 38) 23 (10, 34) 12 (8, 26) 12 (8, 16) 10 (7, 14) 8 (5, 12)
 MRI-derived  grade
EPE grade
Clinical plus ISUP, log (PSA), 78 (65, 84) 70 (56, 81) 62 (50, 77) 24 (15, 33) 20 (10, 27) 14 (8, 23) 13 (9, 16) 10 (7, 14) 9 (6, 13)
  MRI features  individual
MRI features
Note.— Data in parentheses are 95% confidence intervals. Clinical plus MRI-derived extraprostatic extension (EPE) grade models consist
of clinical factors and MRI-derived EPE grade; clinical plus MRI features model consist of clinical factors and MRI features. ISUP = Inter-
national Society of Urological Pathology, mEPE = suspicion of extraprostatic extension at MRI, PSA = prostate-specific antigen.
* Net benefit at each risk threshold was defined as the difference between the proportion of true positive-results and weighted proportion of
false-positives results with the weight equal to the ratio of risk threshold to 1 minus risk threshold.

the neurovascular bundles, whereas a visible breach of the pros- with Partin tables alone (AUC, 0.73 vs 0.61) in 501 patients. A
tate capsule or tumor in the periprostatic fatty tissue are con- similar improvement was shown when comparing Cancer of the
sidered direct and highly reliable signs of pathologic EPE (17). Prostate Risk Assessment, or CAPRA, score combined with MRI
The PI-RADS version 2 document recommends reporting these to CAPRA alone (AUC, 0.77 vs 0.69). Our data confirm these
features when evaluating multiparametric MRI prostate exami- findings; however, here we provide a specific set of MRI criteria
nations for staging, but refrains from assigning a likelihood of for grading likelihood of pathologic EPE, which has the potential
pathologic EPE based on a combination of these findings (34). to better standardize and decrease the subjectivity of diagnosing
One of the few studies of EPE at MRI was published by Yu et pathologic EPE if validated in future multireader studies.
al in 1997 (17). Technological improvements in imaging quality When investigating new diagnostic biomarkers or imaging
have occurred since this study. Moreover, their analysis was based modalities, it is important to determine the clinical value when
on only 77 patients who underwent radical prostatectomy and implementing these into prediction models (29). Furthermore,
imaging features were assigned retrospectively by three readers with the rise of multimodal treatment strategies for localized
of varying experience. Asymmetry of the neurovascular bundles prostate cancer, it is even more important to stage a patient ac-
and obliteration of rectoprostatic angle were the strongest pre- curately prior to treatment. We applied a decision curve analy-
dictors of pathologic EPE with high specificity (81%–95% and sis to all four models to compare net benefits to the treat-none
81%–95%, respectively) but, as in our study, showed low-to- strategy. Treat none and treat all must not be confused in this
moderate sensitivity (21%–38% and 57%–71%, respectively). context because treat none means standard treatment for lo-
Our results are in accordance with other publications sug- calized prostate cancer (radical prostatectomy, external beam
gesting an improved diagnostic accuracy of MRI for pathologic radiation therapy), whereas treat all refers to more radical or
EPE compared with clinical parameters, and even greater accu- advanced multimodal therapy (eg, neoadjuvant androgen depri-
racy when MRI is combined with clinical information to estimate vation, wider excision during robotic-assisted laparoscopic radi-
pathologic EPE. Gupta et al (10) found a superior AUC for MRI cal prostatectomy, etc). Because of higher adverse-effect profiles,
(AUC, 0.82) in predicting organ-confined disease compared with referring physicians would only recommend a more aggressive
Partin tables (AUC, 0.62). However, their analysis was based on a treatment regimen when there is a high risk for locally advanced
sample size of 60 patients. Similarly, Feng et al (9) found a small prostate cancer. Therefore, we selected high risk thresholds for
increase in AUC after the addition of MRI to the Partin tables our decision curve analysis. There was a consistently higher net
(AUC increased from 0.85 to 0.92) and Memorial Sloan-Kettering benefit among risk thresholds greater than or equal to 20% for
Center risk calculators (AUC increased from 0.86 to 0.95) in 112 all models compared with the treat-all and treat-none strategies.
patients. Tay et al (35) found an increase of AUC in a clinical and The MRI-derived model based on our grading system resulted in
MRI-based model compared with a clinical-based model (AUC, higher net benefit than did the clinical model, suggesting an im-
0.72 vs 0.69) in 120 men. AUC was even higher with special- proved clinical value. Both clinical plus MRI-combined models
ized MRI reading (AUC, 0.91). Morlacco et al (8) showed greater demonstrated similar and only slightly higher net benefit than
AUC of a Partin table plus MRI-combined model compared did the MRI-derived EPE grade.

Radiology: Volume 00: Number 0— 2018  n 9

Assessment of Risk of Extraprostatic Extension of Prostate Cancer at MRI

Figure 5:  Graphs show performance of four multivariable logistic regression models. Clinical plus MRI-derived extra-
prostatic extension (EPE) grade model consists of clinical factors and MRI-derived EPE grade; clinical plus MRI features
model consists of clinical factors and MRI features. (a) Receiver operating characteristic curves are shown. Both clinical
plus MRI-combined models had higher area under receiver operating characteristic curves (AUCs) than did MRI-derived
EPE grade model and clinical model. (b) True-positive rate was plotted against risk threshold. Clinical model exhibited
lower true-positive rate than did other three models except for risk threshold less than 15%. (c) False-positive rate was
plotted against risk threshold. False-positive rates did not differ significantly among four models except for risk threshold
less than 15%, whereas false-positive rate in clinical model was much higher. (d) Net benefits (proportion of true-
positive results minus weighted proportion of false-positive results with weight equal to ratio of risk threshold to 1 minus
risk threshold) of two clinical plus MRI-combined models were comparable and higher than were those of MRI-derived
EPE grade or clinical model for risk threshold greater than 10%. Thus, MRI-derived EPE grade can simplify EPE reporting
while maintaining same diagnostic performance as by using all MRI features.

Our study had some limitations. Although the majority of differences in patient populations. Finally, all participants in
MRI examinations were reported prospectively, 48 patients our study were imaged with an endorectal coil. These results
from the initial 3 years of our subject accrual had to be reported may not apply to patients imaged without an endorectal coil,
retrospectively in terms of primary and secondary EPE imag- which is a common practice in many centers.
ing features. Thus, not all of the features were prospectively In conclusion, we propose a standardized grading system for
identified. However, the retrospective reader was blinded to the detection of pathologic extraprostatic extension (EPE) at
the pathologic data, which would mimic a prospective reading. multiparametric MRI. The system adds additional diagnostic
Furthermore, at our institution, prostate MRI examinations are value to clinical parameters and provides a graded quantifiable
read by a single reader; therefore, interreader variability of our risk assessment of pathologic EPE. It is based on only a few
MRI grading system could not be assessed. Because this was a imaging features, making it easy to teach, and it should be rela-
single-institutional study, external validation is also needed to tively easy to implement. External validation and multireader
assess generalizability of our grading system. We do not know studies are underway to evaluate the generalizability of these
whether these findings will generalize to other centers due to results.

10  n  Radiology: Volume 00: Number 0— 2018

Mehralivand et al

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