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Oracle SCM Cloud

Manufacturing Foundation

Activity Guide

You’ve been assigned a unique, two-digit student number for this
course. In the following pages, wherever you see “xx,” substitute
your student number.

Note: You student number is only valid for the duration of the
Running Session Warmers
The first time you access the environment each week, you should run session warmers to
improve environment performance. Running session warmers prior to starting any of the scripts
ensures the best performance. To run the session warmers, do the following steps:
1. In your browser, enter the URL for the training environment for your event.
2. Sign in to the application using your assigned username and password.
3. Open a new browser tab and go to the URL for the training environment.
4. Do one of the following:
 If you are on the Environment Landing page, then click Demo Tools.
 If you are on the Sign In page, then go the Environment Landing page and
click Demo Tools. To do this, locate the Environment Landing page by replacing
the text after in your URL with/main.html#!/main. For
example, if your Sign In page URL looks like this:
Then your Environment Landing page URL looks like this:!/main

5. Click Session Warmers, and then click SCM.

6. Click Supply Chain Management - Core. A dialog box opens; allow the session
warmers to run until the dialog box closes on its own. You can ignore any messages in
the dialog box.
7. Close the Environment Landing page tab and begin your work in the environment.

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Practices for Lesson 3: Manufacturing Setup 1

Practice 3-1: Creating a Work Area

In this practice, you create a work area.


Summary of Tasks
 Create a Work Area
 Verify Creation of Your Work Area

User Login: scmXX.student (XX is the student number assigned to you)

1. From the Navigator, under Supply Chain Execution, select Work Definition.
Note: If you are logging in for the first time, in the Select Organization dialog box, select
the manufacturing organization as 002. If you are not a first-time user, verify that the
manufacturing organization is set to 002 in the top-right corner of the page. If not, click
Change Organization and select 002.
2. On the Work Definition Overview page, click the Tasks panel tab and then, select Manage
Work Areas.

Create a Work Area

3. On the Manage Work Areas page, click the Create icon.
4. In the Create Work Area dialog box, enter or select values as follows, replacing XX with
your student number:
Field Value
Name Tablets_XX
Description Tablets Work Area_XX

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2 Practices for Lesson 3: Manufacturing Setup

5. Click Save and Close.

Verify Creation of Your Work Area

6. On the Manage Work Areas page, in the Filter list, select Code, enter: TABLET_XX.
Replace XX with your student number. Then, click the Search icon.
7. Click Done.

Practice Complete:
In this practice, you created a work area.

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Practices for Lesson 3: Manufacturing Setup 3

Practice 3-2: Creating Resources and Adding Resource Instances

In this practice, you create labor and equipment work resources and add resource instances for
the resources.


User Login: scmXX.student (XX is the student number assigned to you)

Summary of Tasks
 Create a Labor Resource
 Verify Creation of Your Resource
 Add Labor Resource Instances for Resource TECHL1_XX
 Create an Equipment Resource
 Verify Creation of Your Resource
 Add Equipment Resource Instances for Resource LCD_PAE_XX

1. From the Navigator, under Supply Chain Execution, select Work Definition work area
2. On the Work Definition Overview page, click the Tasks panel tab, and then select the
Manage Resources link.

Create a Labor Resource

3. On the Manage Resources page, click the Create icon.
4. In the Create Resource dialog box, enter or select values as follows, replacing XX with
your student number:
Field Value
Name Technician Level 1_XX
Description Technician Level 1_XX
Type Labor
Usage UOM Hr
Note: The UOM selected for this field must belong to the UOM class as
defined in the profile SCM Common: Default Service Duration Class
in order to schedule this resource.

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4 Practices for Lesson 3: Manufacturing Setup

Costing Enabled Selected

5. Click Save and Close.

Verify Creation of Your Resource

6. Click the Create icon to add the following additional resources using the details in the table
below. Note that you do not need to enable costing for these resources in this practice.
Name Code Description Type Usage UOM

Quality Assurance QA1_XX Quality Assurance 1_XX Labor Hr

Technician Level 2_XX TECHL2_XX Technician Level 2_XX Labor Hr

Add Labor Resource Instances for Resource TECHL1_XX

7. On the Manage Resources page, in the Filter list, select Name and then, enter
Technician Level 1_XX and click the search icon.

8. Click the Technician Level 1_XX hyperlink to navigate to the Edit Resources page.
9. In the Resource Instances section, click the Add icon.
10. In the Identifier field, enter E100_XX. Replace XX with your student number.

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Practices for Lesson 3: Manufacturing Setup 5

11. Do not enter anything in the Name and Primary Work Center field.
12. Click the Person Name list and then, select the Search link. In the Search and Select:
Person dialog box, click the Advanced button. Then, click the Add Fields list and then,
select Department.

13. In the Department field, enter Manufacturing US. Then, click Search.
14. Select any employee, say Karen Curtis. Then, click OK to close the Search and Select:
Person dialog box. This field is automatically defaulted and can be modified, if required.
Note: When selecting a person, ensure that you select a person who has not yet been
associated to any other resource instances so far.
15. Optionally, select a Primary Work Center. If you do not see any values, please revisit this
step after completing Practice 3-3.
16. (Optional) Repeat steps 8 through 14 to add a few more resource instances with unique
identifier and unique name associations.
17. Click Save and Close. You created new labor resources and added a resource instances
belonging to it.

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6 Practices for Lesson 3: Manufacturing Setup

Create an Equipment Resource
18. From the Navigator, under Supply Chain Execution, select Work Definition.
19. On the Work Definition Overview page, click the Tasks panel tab, and then select the
Manage Resources link
20. On the Manage Resources page, click the Create icon.
21. In the Create Resource dialog box, enter or select values as follows, replacing XX with
your student number:
Field Value
Name LCD Panel Assy Equipment_XX
Description LCD Panel Assy Equipment_XX
Type Equipment
Usage UOM Hr
Note: In order to schedule this resource, the unit of measure selected
for this field must belong to the UOM class as defined in the SCM
Common: Default Service Duration Class profile.
Costing enabled Selected
22. Click Save and Close.

Verify Creation of Your Resource

23. On the Manage Resources page, in the Filter list, select Code, and enter: LCD_PAE_XX.
Then, click the Search icon.
24. Verify that the resource you created corresponds with the values specified in the practice

Add Equipment Resource Instances for Resource LCD_PAE_XX

25. On the Manage Resources page, in Filter list, select Name and then, enter
LCD_PAE_XX. Then, click the Search icon.
26. Click the LCD_PAE_XX link to navigate to the Edit Resources page.
27. In the Resource Instances region, click the Create icon.
28. In the Identifier field, enter M100_XX. Replace XX with your student number.
29. Do not enter anything in the Name and Primary Work Center fields
30. Optionally, select a Primary Work Center. If you do not see any values, please perform this
step after completing Practice 3-3.
31. Optionally, in the Asset Number field, you can specify an asset. To do this, click the
Search icon next to the field. In the Search and Select: Asset dialog box, click the Search

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Practices for Lesson 3: Manufacturing Setup 7

button. A list of assets that are available appears. Select an asset, for example:
100000288610258 and then, click OK.
Note: When selecting an asset number, ensure that you pick an asset number which has
not yet been associated to any other resource instances.
32. Repeat steps 26 to 30 and add a few more resource instances with unique identifiers and
unique asset number associations.
33. Click Save and Close.

Practice Complete:
In this practice, you created new labor and equipment resources and added resource instances
to them.

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8 Practices for Lesson 3: Manufacturing Setup

Practice 3-3: Creating a Work Center and Associating a Resource

In this practice, you create a work center and associate previously created resources with the
work center. In addition, you specify the resource capacity for the work center and create
resource exceptions.

 Work Area that you created in practice 3-1.
 Resources that you created in practice 3-2.

User Login: scmXX.student (XX is the student number assigned to you)

Summary of Tasks
 Create Work Centers
 Associate Resources to Work Center and Specify Its Capacity Details
 Create Resource Exception


Create Work Centers

1. From the Navigator, under Supply Chain Execution, select Work Definition.
2. On the Work Definition Overview page, click the Tasks panel tab and then, select Manage
Work Centers.
3. On the Manage Work Centers page, click the Create icon.
4. On the Create Work Center page, enter or select values as follows, replacing XX with your
student number:
Field Value
Name Tablet Assembly_XX
Description Tablet Assembly_XX
Work Area Tablets_XX
Supply Stores

Associate Resources to This Work Center and Specify Its Capacity Details
5. On the Create Work Center page, navigate to the Resource Availability tab, and click the
Add Row icon.

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Practices for Lesson 3: Manufacturing Setup 9

6. In the Add Work Center Resource dialog box, enter or select values as follows:
Field Value
Resource LCD Panel Assy Equipment_XX (Replace XX with your student
Default Units 2
Available 24 Deselected
Check Capable to Selected
Utilization 100%
Efficiency 100%

7. Click OK to close the Add Work Center Resource dialog box.

Note: Note that the resource capacity available for each of the shifts is the default unit
value 2 entered previously. Depending on how many resources are available in a given
shift, update the 8 Hour Shift – Facility or 8 Hour Shift – Night field to any value between
0 and 2. If a resource is not available in any of the shifts, then enter 0 as the value.
8. On the Create Work Center page, click Save and Close.
9. On the Manage Work Centers page, in the Search region, in the Filter list, select Code,
and then, enter: TASSY_XX.
10. Click the work center name and review the details you entered. In the Resource
Availability tab, click the Resource Calendar icon. The Manage Work Center Resource
Calendar page for the work center appears displaying the applicable shifts associated with
the work center. The plant time zone for the calendar is displayed at the top.

11. Click anywhere on a working shift belonging to a current or a future date. Then, from the
Actions menu, select Create Resource Exception.

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10 Practices for Lesson 3: Manufacturing Setup

12. In the Resource Availability and Overrides region, in the Availability Override field,
enter: 0.
13. Click Save and Close. The Manage Work Center Resource Calendar page is now
displayed with the selected shift as unavailable. This is characterized by a red color for the
shift duration.
14. Next, let us add a shift for this resource. Click anywhere on a nonworking shift or a
nonworking day.
15. From the Actions menu, select Create Resource Exception.
16. Specify a Start Time in the hh:mm am/pm format (example: 09:00 AM) and Duration for
which you want to add a shift for this resource.
17. In the Availability Override field, enter: 1.

18. Click Save and Close.

19. The Manage Work Center Resource Calendar page is now displayed with the newly
added shift. This is characterized by green color for the new shift duration.
20. Click Done.
21. On the Edit Work Center: Tablet Assembly_XX page, click Save and Close.
22. Click Done to return to the Overview page.

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Practices for Lesson 3: Manufacturing Setup 11

23. Click the Tasks panel tab and then, select Manage Work Centers.
24. Enter or select the following values to create two more work centers. Be sure to replace XX
with your student number.
Note: To add each of the following two work centers, click the Create icon and then, click
Save and Close.
Work Center Name Work Description Work Area
Tablet Testing_XX TTST _XX Tablet Testing_XX Tablets_XX
Tablet Packing_XX TPCK_XX Tablet Packing_XX Tablets_XX

25. On the Manage Work Centers page, locate the work either by filtering by Work Center
Name or Work Center Code (refer to the first two columns of the table in the next step).
26. Now let’s add a few resources to the work centers you created. Be sure to replace XX with
your student number. You will use these work centers and resources in the subsequent
a. On the Manage Work Centers page, search for and click the Work Center link
(example: Tablet Assembly_XX).
b. On the Edit Work Center page, in the Resource Availability region, click the Add
Row icon.
c. In the Add Work Center Resource dialog, enter or select values as specified in the
following table.
d. Click OK and then, click Done to return to the Manage Work Centers page. Repeat
steps a to d to add the other work center resources given in the table.

Work Work Resource Default Availabl Utilizatio Efficienc

Center Center Units e 24 n% y%
Name Code Availabl hours
Tablet TASSY_ Technician 2 N 100 100
Assembly_X XX Level 2_XX
Quality 2 N 100 100
Tablet TTST Assurance
Testing_XX _XX 1_XX
Tablet TPCK_X Technician 1 N 100 100
Packing_XX X Level 1_XX
27. Click Done to return to the Overview page.

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12 Practices for Lesson 3: Manufacturing Setup

28. (Optional) At this stage, since resource have been associated to work centers, you can
perform steps 14 and 29 of Practice 3-2 in order to associate a Primary Work Center to
each resource instance.

Practice Complete:
In this practice, you created new work centers and associated previously created resources with
the work centers. In addition, you created a Resource Exception.

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Practices for Lesson 3: Manufacturing Setup 13

Practice 3-4: Creating Standard Operations

In this practice, you create standard operations.

 Work Center that you created in practice 3-3.
 Resources that you created in practice 3-2.

User Login: scmXX.student (XX is the student number assigned to you)

Summary of Tasks
 Create a Standard Operation
 Verify Creation of Your Standard Operation

1. From the Navigator, under Supply Chain Execution, select Work Definition.
2. On the Work Definition Overview page, click the Tasks panel tab and then, select
Manage Standard Operations.

Create a Standard Operation

3. On the Manage Standard Operations page, click the Create icon.
4. In the Create Standard Operation dialog box, enter or select values as follows. Replace
XX with your student number.
Field Value
Operation Type Supplier
Name Tablet Assembly_XX
Description Tablet Assembly_XX
Work Center Tablet Assembly_XX
5. Notice the several attributes specific to a Supplier type of Operation. These include the
mandatory attribute for Outside Processing Item as well as other optional attributes such
as a Supplier and Supplier Site.
6. In the Operation Type list, select In-house.
7. Select the Count Point check box.
8. In the Resources region, click the Create icon.

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14 Practices for Lesson 3: Manufacturing Setup

9. Enter the following resources and their attributes as follows:
Sequ Resource Units Basis Inverse Scheduled Charge
ence Assigned Usage Type
10 LCD Panel Assy 1 Variable 0.5 Hr Yes Manual
20 Technician Level 1 Variable 0.5 Hr Yes Manual
10. Click the Expand icon on the left to view the additional resource attributes.
11. Click the Add icon next to the Alternates field to associate one or more alternate
resources. Notice that the attributes such as Units Assigned and Usage are defaulted with
the values from the Standard Resource; however, you can provide a unique Priority.

12. Click Cancel to close the Alternates dialog box.

13. Click Save and Close to close the Create Standard Operations dialog box.

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Practices for Lesson 3: Manufacturing Setup 15

Verify Creation of Your Standard Operation
14. On the Manage Standard Operations page, in the Filter list, select Code and then, enter:
TASSY_XX. Be sure to replace XX with your student number.
15. Click the Search icon.
16. Next, let us add two more standard operations and then, assign a resource to each.
Replace XX with your student number.
a. On the Manage Standard Operations page, click the Create icon.
b. In the Create Standard Operations dialog box, enter or select values as follows.
c. Click Save and Close.

Name Code Description Work Center Count Automatically

Point Transact
Tablet TTST_XX Tablet Tablet N Y
Testing_XX Testing_XX Testing_XX
Tablet TPCK_X Tablet Tablet Y N
Packing_XX X Packing_XX Packing_XX
17. Now let us assign resource to each of the standard operations we created in the previous
step. Be sure to replace XX with your student number.
a. On the Manage Standard Operations page, search for the standard operation either
by name or code given in the first two columns of the table below.
b. Click the Standard Operation to which you want to assign a resource.
c. In the Edit Standard Operation dialog box, in the Resources region, click the Create
d. Enter or select values as follows.
e. Click Save and Close.
Standard Code Seq Resourc Unit Basis Usage Sche Charge
Operation uen e s duled Type
Name ce Assi
Tablet TTST_ 10 Quality 1 Variable 0.25 Yes Automati
Testing_XX XX Assuranc Hr c
e 1_XX
Tablet TPCK 10 Technicia 1 Variable 0.5 Hr Yes Automati
Packing_XX _XX n Level c
18. On the Manage Standard Operations page, click Done.

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16 Practices for Lesson 3: Manufacturing Setup

Practice Complete:
In this practice, you created standard operations and assigned resources to them. In addition,
you reviewed details for a Supplier type of operation and attributes for an alternate resource.

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Practices for Lesson 3: Manufacturing Setup 17

Practice 5-1: Creating and Updating an Outside Processing Work
Definition for a Non-Serialized Item

In this practice, you create and update an outside processing work definition for a non-serialized

User Login: scmXX.student

Summary of Tasks
 Create a Work Definition Name
 Create a Work Definition Header
 Create Work Definition Operations
 Assign Operation Items
 Update Operation Items


Create a Work Definition Name

1. From the Navigator, under Supply Chain Execution, select Work Definition.
2. On the Work Definition Overview page, click the Tasks panel tab and then, select Manage
Work Definition Names.
3. On the Manage Work Definition Names page, click the Add Row icon.
4. Enter or select values as follows in the new row that appears. Replace XX with your student
Field Value
Display Name Outside Processing_XX
Internal Name OSP_XX
Description OSP_XX created for class practice
Type Standard
Used in Planning Selected
Start Date Defaulted to system date
5. Click Save and Close.

Create a Work Definition Header

6. On the Work Definition Overview page, click the Tasks panel tab and then, select Manage
Work Definitions.
7. On the Manage Work Definitions page, in the Search Results region, click the Add icon.

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Practices for Lesson 5: Manage Work Definitions 1

8. In the Create Work Definition dialog box, in the Item field, enter: AS4751100 and tab out
of the field.
9. In the Structure Name list, select Production.
10. In the Work Definition region, in the Name list, select Outside Processing_XX. Note that
in the Work Definition region, the Type is Standard.
11. Retain the default values for the Version, Start Date, and Production Priority fields.
12. Click the Show More link.

13. Click Next.

Create Work Definition Operations

14. On the Create Work Definition page, click the Add Row icon. A new operation row is
added with operation sequence defaulted.
15. Enter the following standard operations. Leave the Referenced check box selected.
Op Operatio Operati Operatio Operation Work Start End Coun Autom Seria
Seq n Code on n Name Descripti Center Date Date t atically lizati
Type on Point transa on
10 TASSY In- Tablet Tablet Tablet Sysdat Blank Y N N
house Assembly Assembly Assembly e

20 SUPTST Supplie Supplier Supplier Tablet Sysdat Blank Y N N

r Testing Testing Testing e
30 TPCK In- Tablet Tablet Tablet Sysdat Blank Y N N
house Packing Packing Packing e

16. Click Save and Edit.

View Supplier Operation

17. Right click operation 20, and then in the Actions menu, select Edit.

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2 Practices for Lesson 5: Manage Work Definitions

18. In the Edit Operation dialog box, in the Supplier Operation Details region, notice the
following fields. Except for the Generate Shipment, these fields are read-only as they
come from the standard supplier operation definition. When you are done reviewing the
options, click Cancel.
Field Value
Outside Processing Item TABTST100
Outside Processing Item Description Tablet Testing
Supplier Midtown Computer Supplies
Supplier Site MCS US1
Generate Shipment Selected (Defaulted from the Shippable
attribute of the OSP item)
Lead Time UOM Day
Fixed Lead Time 1
Variable Lead Time 1

Assign Operation Items

19. On the Edit Work Definition Details: AS4751100 – Outside Processing_XX page, drag
and drop item CM4751101 from item structure to operation 10. Note that a green check
mark appears on item CM4751101 indicating that the item is assigned.
20. In the Item Structure: Production region, right-click item CM4751103 and from the
Actions menu, select Assign.

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Practices for Lesson 5: Manage Work Definitions 3

21. In the Assign Operation Item dialog box, in the Operation list, select 10 Tablet
22. Retain all the other default values.
23. Click OK. Two items are now assigned to operation 10.
24. In the Item Structure: Production region, click the Collect icon.
25. Select items SB4751105, SB4751108, CM4751111, CM4751113, CM4751115, and
CM4751118 by clicking the circle. A blue check mark appears after selecting each item. Six
items appear in the Collected Items basket.

26. Right-click the Collected Items icon. Then, in the Actions menu, select Assign.
27. In the Assign Operation Items dialog box, in the Operation list at the top, select 10 Tablet
28. Accept all the other default values.
29. Click OK. Eight items are now assigned to operation 10.
30. Select item CM6530007. One item appears in the Collected Items basket.

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4 Practices for Lesson 5: Manage Work Definitions

31. Drag and drop the Collected Items basket icon to operation 30. One item is now assigned
to operation 30.
32. Click Save.
Note: The supply type of item CM6530007 is Phantom. To view its components, you can
query the work definition for CM6530007 separately. It has a work definition of its own,
where the following item structure components are assigned: CM6530000, CM6530001,
CM6530002, CM6530003, CM6530004, CM6530005, and CM6530006. When the work
order is created, the phantom item CM6530007 is exploded based on its work definition.
You don’t see component CM6530007 in operation 30, but instead see the components of
the phantom item.

Update Operation Items

33. On the Edit Work Definition Details: Item – Outside Processing page, in the Search:
Work Definition region, click the Expand All icon.
34. Click the Items container for operation 10 Tablet Assembly to display all items assigned.

35. Right-click item CM4751103, and in the Actions menu, select Edit.
36. In the Edit Operation Item dialog box, in the Supply Type list, select Push.
37. Click OK.
38. On the Edit Work Definition Details: AS4751100 – Outside Processing_XX page, click
39. In the Search: Work Definition region, click the Collect icon.
40. Click the Collect All icon located in the bottom of the Items container to select all of the
items assigned to operation 10. Eight items appear in the Collected Items basket.

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Practices for Lesson 5: Manage Work Definitions 5

41. Right-click the Collected Items icon and then, in the Actions menu, select Edit.
42. On the Edit Operation Item page, ensure that the operation item attributes are as follows.
Make changes as necessary.
Item Item Name Basis Qua UOM Item Supply Type
Sequence ntity Yield
10 CM4751101 Variable 1 Ea 1 Operation
20 CM4751103 Variable 1 Ea 1 Push
30 SB4751105 Variable 1 Ea 1 Push
40 SB4751108 Variable 1 Ea 1 Push
50 CM4751111 Variable 1 Ea 1 Operation
60 CM4751113 Variable 1 Ea 1 Operation
70 CM4751115 Variable 1 Ea 1 Operation
80 CM4751118 Variable 1 Ea 1 Operation
43. Click OK.
44. Click Save.
45. On the Edit Work Definition Details: AS4751100 – Outside Processing_XX page, click
Save and Close.

Practice Complete:
In this practice, you created an outside processing work definition for a non-serialized item and
updated the operation items attributes.

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6 Practices for Lesson 5: Manage Work Definitions

Practice 6-1: Creating and Updating Standard Work Order with a
Supplier Operation

In this practice, you create and update a standard work order with a supplier operation.

Prior to this practice, ensure that you have defined the following:
 An item with Build in WIP set to Yes.
 A work definition for the item (AS4751100) defined with Supplier Operation, with work
definition name Outside Processing.
 Plant Parameter value for Outside Processing Purchase Requisition Trigger set as
Work order Release.
 SCM Common profiles for UOM are set up.

User Login: scmXX.student (XX is the student number assigned to you)

Summary of Steps
 Navigate to the Manage Work Orders Page
 Create and Update Standard Work Orders


Navigate to the Manage Work Orders Page

1. From the Navigator, under Supply Chain Execution, select Work Execution.
2. Click the Tasks panel tab and then, select Manage Work Orders.

Create and Update Standard Work Orders

2. On the Manage Work Orders page, in the Search Results section, click the Create icon
and then, select Create Standard Work Order.
3. In the Create Standard Work Order dialog box, enter or select values as follows:
Field Value
Item AS4751100
Quantity 10
Start Date Default Date
4. Click the Show More link
5. In the Subtype list, select Standard Production.
6. In the Work Definition region, in the Name list, select Outside Processing (this is the
work definition you created previously for the item AS4751100).
7. Review the Work Definition and Item Structure sections.

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Practices for Lesson 6: Manage Work Orders 1

8. Click Save and Edit. A Work Order number is generated. Note this number
9. On the Work Order: <WO number> - AS4751100 page, review the following in the
General Information tab: Product, Work Definition, Item Structure, Details, and
Completion Information regions.
10. Click the Operations tab. Review the contents of the operations that were populated from
the work definition.
11. Click the first operation in the list and expand the Edit icon, and click Edit Operation
Items. Review the contents of the operation items that were populated from the work
12. Click the OK button.
13. Select the row corresponding to operation 20 and click the Tablet Testing - Supplier link.

14. Click the Expand icon next to operation 20.

15. In the Edit Operations dialog box, review the Supplier Operation Details region.
16. The following details of the supplier operation are shown: Outside Processing Item, Outside
Processing Item Description, Supplier, Supplier Site, Generate Shipment indicator, Lead
Times, and UOM.

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2 Practices for Lesson 6: Manage Work Orders

Note: You can’t define Resources for the supplier operation. The Edit Operation
Resources action under Edit Operations is disabled. Also, there is no Resource link
shown for the supplier operation.
17. Click OK.
18. Click the General Information tab and then, in the Status list, select Released.
19. Click Save.
20. Click the History tab, and ensure that the Released Date is populated, and the Status
History table displays the status transition details. The Remaining Quantity field displays
a value of 10.
21. Click the Operations tab.
22. Select the Operation 20 row and then, from the Actions menu on the right of the row,
select Supplier Operation Details.

23. Review the Supplier Operation Details <WO number> - <Operation Name> page.
24. Review the Work Order Quantity (10) and PO Requested quantity (10) displayed.
Note: When the work order is released, the purchase requisition is triggered via Supply
Chain Orchestration. This is due to the Plant Parameter value for Outside Processing
Purchase Requisition Trigger set as Work order Release.

Practice Complete:
In this practice, you created and released a standard work order with supplier operation.

Copyright © 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practices for Lesson 6: Manage Work Orders 3

Practice 8-1: Reporting Production Transactions at an In-House
Operation and Collecting Inspection Results

In this practice, you query a serial tracked work order operation in a dispatch list and record the
 Report Material transactions manually in a serial tracked operation.
 Report Resource Transactions manually in a serial tracked operation.
 Report Operation transactions in a serial tracked operation using Quick Complete action
with inspection.

All users should have privilege to scrap.

User Login: scmXX.student (Replace XX with your student number)

Summary of Tasks
 Create and Release the work order
 Report Material transactions in a serial tracked operation
 Report Resource Transactions in a serial tracked operation Steps
 Report Operation transactions in a serial tracked operation using Quick Complete action
with inspection.

Create and Release Work Order

1. From the Navigator, under Supply Chain Execution, click Work Execution.
2. Verify that the manufacturing organization is set to 002 in the top right corner of the page. If
not, click Change Organization and set it to 002.
3. On the Overview page, click the Tasks panel tab, select Manage Work Orders.
4. On the Manage Work Orders page, click the arrow next to the Create icon and select
Create Standard Work Order.
5. On the Create Standard Work Order dialog box, enter or select values as follows:
Field Value
Item AS4751200
Quantity 10
Start Date Default Date
6. Click the Show More link.
7. In the Status list, select Released.
8. In the Subtype list, select Standard Production.
9. In the Work Definition region, in the Name list, select Main.

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Practices for Lesson 8: Execute Production 1

10. Click the Save and Edit button. The work order number is generated. Note down this
number here____________.
11. On the Work Order WO-002-XXXX - AS4751200 page, click the Serial Numbers tab, and
then, in the Generate and associate serial numbers field, enter: 10.
12. Click the Generate button.
Note: The required serial numbers are generated and associated. The Status column in the
table below show as Associated against each serial.

13. Click the Save and Close button.

14. Click Done to return to the Overview page.

Report Material Transactions in a Serial Tracked Operation

15. On the Overview page, click the Tasks panel tab and then, select the Review Dispatch
List link.
16. On the Review Dispatch List page, in the Search region, enter or select values as follows:
Field Value
Work Area Tablets
Work Center All
Status Ready
Work Order WO-002-#### (where WO-002-#### is the work order number created
for item AS4751200 with work definition “Manufacturing with
inspection” above).
17. Click Search.
Note: The records matching the search criteria are displayed.
18. Find the row with Work Order set to a value of WO-002-####-10.
19. Click the Manual reporting required icon to report material transactions.

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2 Practices for Lesson 8: Execute Production

20. Select the first serial number in sequence in the left item serial list. Leave the Item Serial
Number defaulted to the first serial number in sequence.
21. Review the material transactions defaulted from the work order definition as follows:
Component Basis UOM Required To Transact
SB4751109 Variable Ea 1 1
SB4751107 Variable Ea 1 1
22. Click the Expand icon for row with the component SB4751109.
23. Ensure that the Subinventory selected is Stores. If not, update it.
24. For the component SB4751109, in the Component Serial Number list, select any serial
Note: The status is checked when all the required data entry for the component is
25. Click the Expand icon for row with the component SB4751107.
26. Ensure that the Subinventory field is defaulted to Stores. If not, update it.
27. For component SB4751107, in the Component Serial Number list, select any serial
28. Click the Save and Close button to return to the Review Dispatch List page.
Note: The action is completed and a confirmation message is displayed to confirm that
materials transactions have been reported.

Report Resource Transactions in a Serial Tracked Operation

29. On the Review Dispatch List page, search for WO-002-#### -10 that you created (where
WO-002-#### is the work order number created for item AS4751200 with work definition
“Main” above).
30. Click the Report resources transactions option to report resource transactions.

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Practices for Lesson 8: Execute Production 3

31. The Report Resource Transactions page appears without any default data, as there are
no manual resources to be reported.
32. Click the Create icon.
33. In the Resource list, select LCD Panel Assy Equipment.
34. Notice that the Type, Basis, UOM, Required, and Previously Charged are automatically
35. In the To Charge field, enter: 0.08. Notice the Status column for the row shows a check
mark indicating that all required attributes have been entered for the row.
36. Click the Create icon again to add another row.
37. In the Resource list, select Technician Level 2.
38. In the To Charge field, enter: 0.07.
39. Notice that the Status column for the row shows a check mark indicating that all required
attributes have been entered. The table should be as below.

Resource Type Basis UOM Required To Charge

LCD Panel Assy Equipment Variable Hr 0.1 0.08
Technician Level 2 Labor Variable Hr 0.1 0.07

40. Click the Save and Close button to return to the Review Dispatch List.
Note: The action is completed and a message is displayed confirming that resource
transactions were reported.

Report Operation Transactions in a Serial Tracked Operation Using the Quick Complete
Action and collect inspection results
41. On the Review Dispatch List page, expand the Search region and then, enter or select
values as follows:
Field Value
Work Area Tablets
Work Center All
Status Ready
Work Order WO-002-#### (where WO-002-#### is the work order number created
for item AS4751200 with work definition “Manufacturing with

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4 Practices for Lesson 8: Execute Production

inspection” above as a pre requisite).
42. Click Search.
Note: The records matching the search criteria are displayed.
43. In the record with Work Order set to a value WO-002-#### -10, click the Expand icon.
Note: The ten serials in the work order in Ready state are listed with a check box under
each of the three columns: “Complete”, “Reject” and ‘Scrap”.
44. Select five serials by selecting the Complete check box against the serial numbers
displayed in the expanded region and then, click the Quick Complete button.
Note: A confirmation message appears and these five serials are in the Ready state at
operation Sequence 20 once this transaction is completed successfully.

45. On the Review Dispatch List page, in the Search region, enter or select values as follows:
Field Value
Work Area Tablets
Work Center All
Status Ready
Work Order WO-002-#### (where WO-002-#### is the work order number created
for item AS4751200 with work definition “Manufacturing with
inspection” above as a pre requisite).
46. Click Search.
Note: The records that fulfill the search criteria are displayed.
47. In the record with Work Order set to a value WO-002-#### -20, click the Expand icon in the
first column to expand the row.
Note: The five serials are in the Ready state with an Inspect and Complete check box
next to each one of them.
48. Select the Inspect and Complete check box for each of the first 3 serials.

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Practices for Lesson 8: Execute Production 5

49. Click Quick Complete.
50. The Quick Complete: WO-002-XXXX-20: Inspect page appears. Review the details as
Field Value
Inspection Plan Tablet Technical
Inspection Plan
Item number AS4751200
Serials 3
Pending 3
Accepted 0
Rejected 0
Inspection Quantity 3
Three selected serial numbers are displayed in the left panel. Notice that the Save and
Close button is disabled at the top. There is a table at the bottom with title <<Serial
Number>>: Inspection Results displaying inspection characteristics and specification
51. In the Serials column on the left, click the first serial number and enter the following values
in the Results field:
Field Value
Screen Size 260
Memory Transfer Rate 670

Note that a green check mark appears near each inspection characteristic value entered
within the specification range. Once all characteristic values have been entered and on
tabbing out if all entered values are within the acceptable limits, the serial number in the left
panel also displays a green check mark as a visual indicator that it passed inspection.
Also, in the top panel, the Accepted, Rejected, and Pending quantities are refreshed with
the appropriate values as below.
Fields Values
Pending 2

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6 Practices for Lesson 8: Execute Production

Accepted 1
Rejected 0

52. In the Serials column, select the next serial number. Enter the values as follows in the
Results field.
Field Value
Screen Size 260
Memory Transfer Rate 650
Click OK to close the message stating that the inspection reading has violated
characteristic specification. Notice that there is a green check mark near each inspection
characteristic value entered within the specification range and a red cross mark near each
inspection characteristic value that is out of the specification range. After all the values are
entered, the serial number in the left panel has a red cross mark indicating that it failed
inspection as at least one of the characteristic values entered was out of specification limits.
On the top of the page, the Accepted, Rejected, and Pending quantities are refreshed with
the appropriate values as follows:
Fields Values
Pending 1
Accepted 1
Rejected 1
53. In the Serials column on the left, select the third serial and then, in the Results field, enter
the values as follows:
Field Value
Screen Size 270
Memory Transfer Rate 650
Click OK to close the message stating that the inspection reading has violated
characteristic specification. Notice that in the top panel, the Accepted, Rejected and
Pending quantities are refreshed with the following values:
Fields Values
Pending 0
Accepted 1
Rejected 2
54. Now that the results for all serials have been collected, notice that the Save and Close
button at the top right of the page is enabled. Click Save and Close.

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Practices for Lesson 8: Execute Production 7

55. A message with title Quick Complete: <<Work Order Number – Operation Sequence>> is
displayed with a table listing all the serial numbers. The disposition of the serial numbers
based on the inspection results entered are displayed.
Each serial number is listed in a row in the table with the following four columns: Serial
Number, Complete, Reject and Scrap. There is a check box against each serial under each
of three columns.
The first serial inspected which passed inspection has the Complete check box selected and
the row cannot be edited. This is because you must complete the serial at the operation that
has passed inspection.
The next two serials inspected which failed inspection have the “Reject” check box selected
and the row can be edited. When you select the Scrap check box against these serials, the
Reject check box is automatically deselected.
Note: The Complete check box is selected or deselected based on the inspection results
entered for the serial and cannot be edited for any of the serials.
56. Select the Scrap check box for the third serial. The Reject check box is automatically

57. Click Complete.

Note: The action is completed and a message confirming that the required serials have
been completed, rejected, and/or scrapped for the work order operation is displayed.

Practice Complete:
In this practice, you queried serial tracked work order operations in the dispatch list and
recorded production transactions with inspections.

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8 Practices for Lesson 8: Execute Production

Practice 8-2: Executing a Supplier Operation

In this practice, you execute a supplier operation with minimal user intervention and
automatically report operation transactions.

Prerequisites: None

User Login: scmXX.student (Replace XX with your student number)

Summary of Tasks
 Create and Release the work order to Initiate Purchasing Document Creation
 Initiate Shipment for Partially Finished Assemblies to the supplier
 Receive the processed Partially Finished assemblies from supplier
 Review Work Order Operation Status


Create and Release Work Order to Initiate Purchasing Document Creation

1. From the Navigator, under Supply Chain Execution, select Work Execution.
2. Verify that the manufacturing organization is set to 002 in the top right corner of the page. If
not, click Change Organization and set it to 002.
3. On the Overview page, click the Tasks panel tab and then, select Manage Work Orders.
4. On the Manage Work Orders page, click the arrow next to the Create icon and select
Create Standard Work Order.
5. In the Create Standard Work Order dialog box, enter or select values as follows:
Field Value
Item AS4751100
Quantity 10
Start Date Default Date
6. Click the Show More link.
7. In the Status list, select Released
8. In the Subtype list, select Standard Production.
9. In the Work Definition region, click the Name list and then, select Outside Processing.
10. Click the Save and Edit button to close the Create Standard Work Order dialog box. The
work order number is generated. Note this number here: _________________________.
11. Click the Save and Close button to return to the Manage Work Orders page.
12. Click the Tasks panel tab and then, select Review Dispatch list.
13. On the Review Dispatch List page, in the Work Area list, select All.
14. In the Work Order field, enter the work order number that you noted in step# 10.
15. In the search results, click the Expand icon in the row with operation sequence 10.

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Practices for Lesson 8: Execute Production 9

16. In the Complete field, enter 5.
17. Click the Quick Complete button. Click Done.
18. Click the Tasks panel tab and then, select Manage Supplier Operations.
19. The Manage Supplier Operations page appears. In the Search region, click the Show
Filters link.
20. The filter pane opens up on the left. Enter or select values as follows:
Field Value
Work Order WO-002-#### (where WO-002-#### is the work order number created
for item AS4751100 with work definition “Outside Processing” above
as a pre requisite).
Status InProcess, Ready
21. Click Search.
22. In the search results, select the record with the Work Order set to a value WO-002-####-20.
Notice that the status is In Process.
23. In the selected row, click the Review Supplier Operation Details icon.

24. The Review Supplier Operations Details page appears. Review the following attributes
and note down the Purchase Order number here___________________________for use
later in this practice.
Note: Click the Refresh button if the values do not tally with the values given below.
Typical values for a work order are as below:
Fields Values
Work Order Quantity 10 Each
Shipped 0 Each
PO Requested 10 Each
Received 0 Each
PO Approved 10 Each
Over Receipt 0 Each

Note: The Purchase Requisition Trigger plant parameter is set to ‘Work Order Release’ for
the organization 002. Hence, the purchase request initiation is at work order release for the
work order quantity.
The PO Requested Quantity is 10. Each and PO approved Quantity is 10 Each. This shows
that the PO creation was requested, created, and approved. The subassemblies that are
completed at the previous operation are now ready for shipping to the supplier. (The PO
creation could take some time and in case PO Approved Quantity is shown as 0, wait till the
PO is created and try again later).The purchase order created is displayed in the table

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10 Practices for Lesson 8: Execute Production

Merely having a PO Approved quantity does not mean that the subassemblies are ready for
shipping as the PO is setup for creation at work order release itself. Only the quantity
completed at the previous operation and for which PO has been created and approved will
be ready for shipping.

Initiate Shipment for Partially Finished Assemblies to the supplier

25. From the Navigator, under Supply Chain Execution, select Inventory Management.
26. Click the Tasks panel tab and then, in the Show Tasks list, select Shipments. All tasks
related to Shipments appear.
27. Select the Manage Shipment Lines task link. The Manage Shipment Lines page appears.
28. In the Advanced Search region at the top, in the Order field, enter your work order number
29. In the Ship-from Organization field, select 002, if not defaulted.
30. Click the Search button. The Edit Shipment Line: Item TABXXX page appears.
31. Click the Autocreate Shipment button in the top right.
Note: Shipment line under a shipment in Manage Shipment Lines page displays the end
assembly and the OSP Item.
32. Note down the shipment number here: _________________. Click OK to close the
confirmation message that appears.
33. Click Save and Close on all pages to return to the Inventory Management page.
34. Click the Tasks panel tab and then, select Manage Shipments.
35. In the Advanced Search region at the top, in the Shipment field, enter the shipment
number you noted in step# 31.
36. In the Ship-from Organization field, select 002.
37. Click the Search button.
38. On the Edit Shipment – XXXXX page, in the Shipment region, in the Shipment Method
list, select any method (For example, FedEx-Air-FedEx 2day).
39. In the Lines region, select the record for the work order WO-002-#### in the Order column
and then, click Ship Confirm in the top-right of the page.

Note: You can optionally create the shipment document by clicking the Change Ship
Confirm Options from the Actions menu in the top-right of the Edit Shipment page. In the

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Practices for Lesson 8: Execute Production 11

pop up titled Change Ship Confirm Options: Shipment <<Shipment Number>>, select
the Create bill of lading and packing slip check box to print shipping documents.
40. A confirmation message with the shipment number appears. Click OK.
41. Click Save and Close to return to the Overview page.
Note that when the Ship Confirm is done and if the ship confirm option Create bill of lading
and packing slip is selected, the shipping documents like Bill of Lading and Packing Slip
will be generated. You may view this ability to print Bill of Lading and Packing Slip by
navigating to the Schedule Processes from the Navigator. (You may note the Process ID for
the shipment from the Manage Shipments page for querying the scheduled processes).

Receive the processed partially finished assemblies from supplier

42. From the Navigator, under Supply Chain Execution, select Inventory Management.
43. Click the Tasks panel tab and then, in the Show Tasks list, select Receipts.
44. Select Receive Expected Shipments.
45. On the Receive Expected Shipments page, click Change Organization and select
Inventory Organization 002.
Note: If you return to the Inventory Management page, repeat steps 43 and 44.
46. In the Advanced Search region, in the Purchase Order field, enter the purchase order
number you noted previously. Then, click Search.
47. In the Search Results region, select the required row and then, click Receive.

48. On the Receive Lines page, in the Quantity field for the selected row, enter: 5. Then, click
Create Receipt in the top-right of the page.
49. In the Create Receipts page, select the row and then, click Submit.
50. A confirmation message with the receipt number appears. Note the receipt number
here________________ for use later in this practice.
51. Click OK.
52. Click Done.
Note: Receipt routing for the outside processing purchase order lines is assumed to be
“Direct Delivery”. Hence, a put away transaction is not required.

Review Work Order Operation Status

53. From the Navigator, under Supply Chain Execution, select Work Execution.
54. On the Overview page, click the Tasks panel tab and then, select Manage Supplier
55. Click the Show Filters link.
56. In the Work Order field, enter the work order you created.

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12 Practices for Lesson 8: Execute Production

57. Click the Search button.
58. Click the Review Supplier Operation Details icon against the row for the Work Order you
created. The Review Supplier Operations Details page appears. Typical values for a work
order are as follows:
Fields Values
Work Order Quantity 10 Each
Shipped 5 Each
PO Requested 10 Each
Received 5 Each
PO Approved 10 Each
Over Receipt 0 Each

62. Click Done in all pages to return to the Overview page.

Practice Complete:
In this practice, you executed a supplier operation.

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Practices for Lesson 8: Execute Production 13

Practice 8-3: Reviewing Product Genealogy

In this practice, you review product genealogy for production transactions.

You should have reported material transactions and completed the serial as part of Practice 8-1.

User Login: scmXX.student (Replace XX with your student number)

Summary of Tasks
 Navigate to the Review Product Genealogy Page
 Review Product Genealogy


Navigate to the Review Product Genealogy Page

1. From the Navigator, under Supply Chain Execution, select Work Execution.
2. Verify that the manufacturing organization is set to 002 in the top right corner of the page. If
not, click Change Organization and set it to 002.
3. On the Overview page, click the Tasks panel tab and then, select Review Product

Review Product Genealogy

4. On the Review Product Genealogy page, click the Show Filters link.
5. Enter the serial number for the product completed as part of Practice 8-1 in the Serial
Number field. Alternatively, in the Item field, enter: AS4751200.
6. Click Search.
7. The genealogy record(s) for the searched serial/item are displayed.
8. Select the row for AS475-11219, then click the Actions menu and select Genealogy

9. Review the serial numbers for components.

10. Click Done.
11. Click the Actions menu and then, select Transaction History.
12. Review the Operation and Production Transaction History for the serial.
13. (Optional) Click the Operation Transaction link for Operation 10 to review production
transactions for the work order.

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14 Practices for Lesson 8: Execute Production

14. Click Done to return to the Review Product Genealogy search results page.

Practice Complete:
In this practice, you reviewed product genealogy for production transactions.

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Practices for Lesson 8: Execute Production 15

Practice 9-1: Creating an OTBI Report Using Manufacturing Subject

In this practice, you learn to create the Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI)
report, and the steps to create a manufacturing report using the Work Order Performance Real
Time subject area.
OTBI reports can be created using either the native BI Analytics (Answers) application, or the
Reports and Analytics option embedded within Fusion Applications.

For this practice, a prior knowledge of different manufacturing subject areas that are supported
by OTBI is required. A basic knowledge of the nature of dimensions and facts supported in
these subject areas is also required.

User Login: scmXX.student

1. From the Navigator, under Supply Chain Execution, select Work Execution.
2. On the Work Execution Overview page, click the Reports and Analytics tab below the
Tasks panel tab.

3. Click the Create menu, and select Analysis.

4. Select the Manufacturing – Work Order Performance Real Time subject area link.
5. On the Create Analysis: Select Columns train stop, expand Manufacturing - Work
Order Performance Real Time.
6. Click the Expand icon next to the Manufacturing Organization folder, select Inventory

Organization Code, and then click the Add icon to move it to the Selected Columns

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Practices for Lesson 09: Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence for Manufacturing 1
7. Click the Expand icon next to the Work Order folder, select Work Order, and then click

the Add icon to move it to the Selected Columns section.

8. Click the Expand icon next to the Work Order Status folder, select Status, and then

click the Add icon to move it to the Selected Columns section.

9. Click the Expand icon next to the Product folder, select Item Name, and then click the

Add icon to move it to the Selected Columns section.

10. In the Product folder, under Work Instruction Details > LS Work Instruction > Product,

select Item Description and then click the Add icon to move it to the Selected
Columns section.
11. Click the Expand icon next to the Work Order Performance folder, select Start

Quantity, and then click the Add icon to move it to the Selected Columns section.
12. In the Product folder, under Work Instruction Details > LS Work Instruction > Product,

select Item Primary Unit of Measure, and then click the Add icon to move it to the
Selected Columns section.
13. In the Work Order Performance folder, select Completed Quantity, and then click the

Add icon to move it to the Selected Columns section.

14. In the Work Order folder, select Start Date, and then click the Add icon to move it to
the Selected Columns section.

15. In the Work Order folder, select Completion Date, and then click the Add icon to
move it to the Selected Columns section.
16. Click the Expand icon next to the Time of Planned Start Date folder, select Report

Date, and then click the Add icon to move it to the Selected Columns section. Select
the Hidden check box for this field.

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2 Practices for Lesson 09: Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence for Manufacturing
17. Click Next to go to the Select Views train stop page.
18. In the Title field, enter: Released Work Orders_XX. Replace XX with your student
number. For example, Released Work Orders_01, if your student number is 01.
19. Click the down arrow next to Table, and then select Table (recommended).
20. Select the Preview check box and click the Show how result will look on a
dashboard icon. Click OK for an interactive preview. Wait for a preview of the report to be
generated and displayed.

21. Click Next to go to the Edit Table train stop. Review the contents.
22. Click Next to go to the Sort and Filter train stop.
23. Click the down arrow next to Add Filter and select Status.
24. In the Operator list, select is equal to and in the Value field, enter: Released.

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Practices for Lesson 09: Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence for Manufacturing 3
25. Click Next to go to the Highlight train stop.
26. Click Next to go to the Save train stop.
27. In the Analysis Name field, enter: Work Order Report_XX. Replace XX with your
student number.
28. In the Description field, enter: Work Order Analysis Report XX. Replace XX with
your student number.
29. Select My Folders.
30. Click Submit to save the report to the selected folder.
31. Click OK to return to the Work Execution Overview page.
32. Click the Reports and Analytics tab in the panel drawer.
33. Expand My Folders and select Work Order Report_XX.

34. Click the View icon to view the report that you just created.

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4 Practices for Lesson 09: Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence for Manufacturing
Practice Complete:
In this practice, you created and viewed an OTBI Manufacturing report.

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Practices for Lesson 09: Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence for Manufacturing 5

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