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CNSC as a Premier Higher Education Institution in the Bicol Region.

Republic of the Philippines MISSION

CAMARINES NORTE STATE COLLEGE The CamarinesNorte State College shall provide higher and advanced
studies in the fields of education, arts and sciences, economics, health,
COLLEGE OF EDUCATION engineering, management, finance, accounting, business and public
ABAÑO CAMPUS administration fisheries, agriculture, natural resources development
and management and ladderized courses. It shall also respond to
Daet, CamarinesNorte research, extension and production services adherent to progressive
leadership towards sustainable development.

I. Objectives
At the end of the discussion, the students will be able to;
a. Understand the importance of Micro-politics in an organization.
b. Enumerate the strategies for leading under pressure.
c. Discuss the importance of micro-political skills to a leader

II. Introduction

Micro-politics Refer to the exercise of power in everyday life. In school intra-

organizational politics are a daily occurrence. There are political forces within schools that
dictate how things have been done, and how things will be done. Across the complexities of
local policymaking, it is important to recall that the same prevails within the school site itself.
Recall the earlier definition of politics as a competition over public resources in order to
reinforce particular values. We have seen this political process detailed in this chapter, but it will
be helpful to note that the same competition arises within the school site itself among different
stakeholders in that school. For example, with only limited funds, what departments gets more
of the new book budget-social studies or science? With budgets for only a few
paraprofessionals, which faculty members get them? Of the principal’s limited agenda, where
would one want the support of the Parent Teacher Association? Among the parent Teacher
association and community groups, what preference should exist to hire different ethic
members as faculty?

III. Discussion
 Micropolitics, or as it is sometimes called organizational politics, has been described as “the
formal and informal use of power by individuals and groups to achieve their goals within
organizations” (Blase & Blase 2002, p.9).

 Organizations in general and schools in particular require skilled leaders to operate effectively;
yet it is not enough that these leaders possess intelligence

 Principals who are ineffective and cannot meet the demands of instructional and building
leadership may not grab headlines but do harm to schools none-the-less. Surveys sponsored by
the Wallace Foundation indicate that while there are sufficient numbers of principal applicants,
superintendents complain that obtaining qualified individuals is a major problem (Archer, 2003)

 Micro- political skills and attributes are considered essential for principals. The importance of
the principal goes beyond efficient school operations.
CNSC as a Premier Higher Education Institution in the Bicol Region.

Republic of the Philippines MISSION

CAMARINES NORTE STATE COLLEGE The CamarinesNorte State College shall provide higher and advanced
studies in the fields of education, arts and sciences, economics, health,
COLLEGE OF EDUCATION engineering, management, finance, accounting, business and public
ABAÑO CAMPUS administration fisheries, agriculture, natural resources development
and management and ladderized courses. It shall also respond to
Daet, CamarinesNorte research, extension and production services adherent to progressive
leadership towards sustainable development.
 the principal has a significant impact on student achievement.


To become an effective leader, there are several core capabilities you should have—ranging

from the ability to influence and inspire others to knowing how to act decisively. While these
traits are important in your daily role as a leader, they are especially critical during times of

1. Wait to Act
A leader is someone who responds to a situation calmly and with a well-thought-out
plan. Before you jump headfirst into problem-solving, take a deep breath and pause to collect
your thoughts and assess the situation with a clear mind.

2. Build a Strong Support System

To recruit a strong counsel, make sure the people around you have strength of
character. Are they confident in their own viewpoints, but also open-minded and
communicative? Do they support your vision? Besides quality leadership values, they should
have diverse experience and emotional intelligence skills so they can take on a variety of
responsibilities and help you lead to the best of your ability.

3. Understand the Reality of Situation

-It’s crucial to recognize the reality of a situation and acknowledge your limitations during a
crisis, no matter how difficult that might be.

-“Realize that in the heat of the moment, nothing an individual leader can do can solve the
whole situation,” Koehn says. “You’re better off acting from your strongest, calmest self
than you are taking the first reactive, immediate action.”

IV. References

Sergiovanni,et al.,(1980).Educational Governance and Administration.Pearson/Alyn

Publishing.retrieved.(accessed January 29, 2021)

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