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Review Article

Therapeutic approaches targeting cancer

stem cells
ABSTRACT Yunzhi Pan1,
Increasing studies have demonstrated that most tumors consisted a subpopulation of cells with stem cell properties, known as cancer Sai Ma1,
stem cells (CSCs). Accumulating evidence indicated that CSCs may be critical driving force for several types of cancer. Hence, it Kaiyue Cao2,
was necessary to develop therapeutic approaches specifically targeting CSCs. In this review, first, the biological properties of CSCs Sufang Zhou3,
were introduced, including the self‑renewal and differentiation, high tumorigenesis and invasiveness, resistance to chemotherapy Aiqin Zhao3,
and radiotherapy, genetic and epigenetic variations. Meanwhile, CSCs‑targeted therapeutic strategies were summarized, including Ming Li1,
targeting cell surface markers, signaling pathways, CSC niches, differentiation therapy, and drug resistance for CSCs. Furthermore, Feng Qian1,
clinical trials on anti‑CSCs therapies supported the efficacy of these therapies, as well as their combination with conventional Chuanwu Zhu1
chemotherapy and radiotherapy. CSCs could be significantly eradicated, eventually resulting in inhibited tumor growth, metastasis, and 1
The Affiliated
recurrence. Thus, selectively targeting CSCs with various agents may be a novel and promising therapeutic strategy against cancer. Infectious Diseases
Hospital of Soochow
University, Suzhou,
KEY WORDS: Anti‑cancer stem cells therapy, biological properties, cancer stem cells 2
Tianjin First Center
Hospital, Tianjin, 3The
People’s Hospital of
SND, Suzhou, China
INTRODUCTION Currently, global researchers have made great
efforts to understand biological properties of For correspondence:
In the past decades, the anticancer treatment CSCs and develop correspondingly therapeutic Dr. Zhu Chuanwu,
The Affiliated
has made considerable progress, but tumors approaches targeting CSCs. Infectious Diseases
remained refractory mainly because of recurrence Hospital of Soochow
or drug resistance. Conventional tumor therapies, BIOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF CANCER STEM CELLS University, Suzhou
including chemotherapy and radiotherapy, mainly 215007, China.
aimed to decrease the tumor burden thus making E‑mail: zhuchw@126.
Clarifying biological properties of CSCs would
limited efficacy in fighting cancers. Increasing bring tremendous value for exploring targeted
evidence suggested that tumors were composed of therapies. Based on numerous studies, there were
phenotypically and functionally diverse populations several characteristics, which may be significant
of neoplastic cells. Furthermore, of which, the cell to CSCs‑targeted therapeutic strategies.
subpopulation with stem cell properties – cancer
stem cells (CSCs) were closely related to cancer Self‑renewal and differentiation capacity
development, metastasis, and resistance to Like normal stem cells, CSCs showed the ability
therapy.[1‑3] Hence, CSCs have been considered as the of self‑renew. However, unlike normal stem cells,
potential target or drug receptors in the treatment CSCs would be strictly influenced by both internal
of malignancy. and external factors while the balance could not
be maintained, leading to hyperproliferation and
The CSCs theory was initially proposed by Moore even metastasis.
et  al. in 1973. [4] In a study on acute myeloid
leukemia, CSCs were first identified.[5] According to The differentiation potential was another
the hypothesis, CSCs have been a small proportion important property of CSCs both in vitro and Access this article online
of cancer cells with powerful tumorigenesis ability, Website:
self‑renewal capacity, as well as chemotherapy and This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the DOI: 10.4103/jcrt.JCRT_976_17
radiotherapy resistance.[6] In addition, different Creative Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 4.0 License, which PMID: ***
studies demonstrated that CSCs were successfully allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non‑commercially, as
Quick Response Code:
long as appropriate credit is given and the new creations are licensed under the
isolated from a multiple of solid tumors including identical terms.
breast, colon, prostate, and brain cancers [Table 1]. For reprints contact:

Cite this article as: Pan Y, Ma S, Cao K, Zhou S, Zhao A, Li M, et al. Therapeutic approaches targeting cancer stem cells.
J Can Res Ther 2018;14:1469-75.

© 2018 Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow 1469
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Pan, et al.: Biological properties of CSCs and anti‑CSCs therapies

in  vivo. To analyze the differentiation features of CSCs, a Resistance to chemotherapy and radiotherapy
series of studies demonstrated that CSCs showed phenotypic Currently, acquired multi‑drug resistance almost invariably
characteristics or corresponding markers. For example, occurred in advanced and metastatic solid tumors, leading to
liver CSCs could differentiate into cancer cells containing disease progression and death. Increasing studies demonstrated
alpha‑fetoprotein, albumin, CK8, CK18, CK7, and other that many cancers were resistant to chemotherapy and
markers.[7] radiotherapy, and the existence of proliferatively quiescent
CSCs would be one reason. Molecular mechanisms on
High tumorigenesis and invasiveness chemotherapeutic and radiotherapy resistance included
One of the most distinctive characters of CSCs was the high high expression of ABC transporters, enhanced DNA damage
tumorigenesis and invasiveness. Reportedly, injection of as response, a hypoxic niche, apoptosis evasion, and so on.[10,11]
few as 100 CD133 + brain CSCs in nonobese diabetic, severe
combined immunodeficient mouse would produce a tumor Genetic and epigenetic variations
that could be serially transplanted, whereas injection of Genetic and epigenetic factors of CSCs were complicated.
105 CD133‑cells engrafted without causing a tumor.[8] As For example, loss‑of‑function mutations of adenomatous
the most common malignancy in women, breast tumors polyposis coli (APC) and gain‑of‑function mutations of K‑Ras
were composed of phenotypically diverse populations were both common abnormalities in colon cancer. CSCs would
of breast cancer cells. The tumorigenic cells as CD44 (+) be activated with K‑Ras mutations, contributing to colorectal
CD24 (−/low) Lineage (−) were identified and successfully tumorigenesis and metastasis in CRC cells harboring APC
isolated. The tumors could be formed in mice with as mutations.[12]
few as 100 cells with this phenotype, whereas it failed to
form tumor with tens of thousands of cells with alternate Taking above‑mentioned factors into consideration, there
phenotypes.[9] The capacity of tumorigenesis was different were several characters of CSCs which raised the tremendous
in other CSCs [Table 1]. potential for therapeutic approaches targeting CSCs.
Comparison of biological properties between CSCs and normal
Table 1: Markers used for the identification of cancer stem stem cells has been summarized [Table 2].
cells in different cancers
Lung CD133+ ND
In the past decades, numerous therapeutic strategies for
Sca‑1+CD45‑PECAM‑CD34+ ND
Colon CD133+ 500 eradicating CSCs have been proposed [Table 3]. In general, the
EpCAMhighCD44+ 200 core idea could be envisaged: Eliminating the CSCs themselves
ALDH ND by either killing or differentiating them and disrupting niche
Liver CD90+CD45‑ 5000
Breast CD44+EpCAM+CD24‑Lineage‑ 1000 signaling.
CD44+CD24‑ALDH1+ 20
Ovarian CD44+CD117+ 100 Therapeutic approaches targeting cell surface markers
CD133+ 500
Prostate CD44+CD133+ ND
Various cell surface and transmembrane proteins were expressed
Pancreatic CD44+CD24+EpCAM+ 100 by CSCs, including CD44, CD47, CD123, EpCAM (CD326),
CD133 500 CD133, IGF receptor I, and proteins in the Notch and Wnt
Brain CD133 100 signaling pathways.[13] Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against
CD15 1000
Melanoma ABCB5 100000 above‑mentioned proteins have been demonstrated to exhibit
AML CD34++CD38‑ ND significant anti‑CSCs activity in mice with human cancer
CD44+ ND xenograft or in clinical studies.
Head and neck CD44 5000
Skin CD34 1000
Mesenchymal SP 100 Notably, H90, a mouse IgG1 mAb against human CD44, has
CSC=Cancer stem cells, AML=Acute myeloid leukemia been the first mAb targeting CSCs. H90 inhibited proliferation,

Table 2: Biological properties of cancer stem cells and normal stem cells
Items Normal stem cells Cancer stem cells
Self‑renewal ability a. Highly proliferative potential a. Abnormal cell proliferation
b. Under the strict control of body b. Carcinogenicity
c. Regeneration and repair of adult tissue
Differentiation capacity a. A tissue composed of a heterogeneous population a. Heterogeneous cancer cells
b. Organ development b. Differentiation failure
Resistance Increased discharge of toxic substance Drug resistance
Metastasis and invasion Migration and homing Tumor metastasis
DNA repair system Activated DNA repair system Defective DNA repair mechanisms

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Pan, et al.: Biological properties of CSCs and anti‑CSCs therapies

Table 3: Targeted therapies against cancer stem cells appeared to be a promising strategy for eliminating CSCs in
Drugs Reference future cancer treatment.
Therapeutic approaches targeting cell surface markers
H90 (anti‑CD44) [14,15]
Therapeutic approaches targeting signaling pathways
P245 (anti‑CD44) [16] The strongest evidence to date were that the cell signaling
H4C4 (anti‑CD44) [17] pathways such as Notch, Hedgehog (Hh), and Wnt/β‑catenin
GV5 (anti‑CD44R1) [18] played important roles in cancer development. In most cases,
RO5429083 (anti‑CD44, targets a glycosylated [19]
extracellular constant domain of CD44) inappropriate activation of signaling pathways stimulated
BsAb (anti‑CD3/anti‑CD133) [21] proliferation, restricted differentiation, and prevented apoptosis.[23]
OMP‑21M18 (anti‑DLL4 humanized monoclonal antibody) [22] Hence, blockade of aberrant signaling pathways may provide a
Therapeutic approaches targeting signaling pathways further avenue for the cancer therapeutic strategy targeting CSCs.
The notch pathway
γ‑secretase inhibitors [24] The notch pathway
DLL inhibitors [26]
The hedgehog pathway
Notch pathway was associated with CSCs in various cancers.
Cyclopamine [30,31] CSCs in the breast cancer, medulloblastoma, and glioma,
GDC‑0449 (also known as vismodegib) [32,33] could be eliminated with inhibitors of γ‑secretase, the
IPI269609 [34] protease required for Notch cleavage and activation, such
The Wnt/β‑catenin pathway
Dkk1 [40,41]
as Gamma‑secretase inhibitors (GSIs).[24] However, GSIs were
relatively nonselective drug and the Notch inhibition in
Therapeutic approaches targeting CSC niches
intestinal stem cells were associated with dose‑limiting gut
Sunitinib [43]
Bevacizumab [44] toxicity (secretory diarrhea). Highly specialized mAbs that
Sorafenib [45] specifically antagonized Notch ligands and receptors provided
PX‑478 (oncothyreon), topotecan, and digoxin (target [46] single‑target specificity. [25] With anti‑Delta‑like 4 ligand
the HIF pathway) (DLL4, a membrane‑associated Notch ligand) antibody, either
Differentiation therapy alone or in combination with the chemotherapeutic agent
ATRA [47,48] irinotecan, the frequency of CSCs (Ep‑CAM+/CD44+/CD166+)
OSM [49]
could be reduced.[26] SiRNA targeted to Notch4 rather than
BMPs [50]
Notch1 was more effective in suppressing breast cancer
Therapeutic approaches targeting overcoming drug resistance
in CSCs
ABC transporters
Verapamil (P‑gp inhibitor) [51] The hedgehog pathway
CDF [52] Activation of the Hh pathway was involved in the maintenance
ALDHs and tumorigenesis of CSCs in many tumors including multiple
DEAB [53]
myeloma, myeloid leukemia, colorectal cancer, gastric cancer, and
Other therapeutics
glioma.[28,29] Hence, several targeting therapies were developed
Metformin [54] on this basis. Cyclopamine, an antagonist of the Hh co‑receptor
Telomerase inhibitors [55]
Natural compounds [56,57] Smoothened (SMO), could decrease CSCs proportion, or even
CSCs=Cancer stem cells, DLL=Delta‑like ligand, ATRA=All‑trans retinoic acid, eliminate CSCs and induce tumor regression in some cancer
OSM=Oncostatin M, BMPs=Bone morphogenetic proteins, CDF=Difluorinated types, such as pancreatic cancer and brain cancer.[30,31] In addition,
curcumin, ALDHs=Aldehyde dehydrogenases, DEAB=Diethylaminobenzaldehyde,
HIF=Hypoxia‑inducible factors studies demonstrated that GDC‑0449 (also known as Vismodegib),
an orally active SMO antagonist, presented bioavailability in basal
induced terminal differentiation, and mediated apoptosis cell carcinoma,[32] and brain cancer.[33] In the case of pancreatic
tumor xenografts, the proportion of ALDHbri CSCs could be
in human myeloid leukemia cell lines.[14,15] Other anti‑CD44
reduced with IPI269609, the SMO inhibitor.[34]
mAbs such as P245, H4C4, GV5, and RO5429083 might show
pronounced effects on eliminating CSCs in some cancers.[16‑19]
The combined Hh pathway inhibitor‑targeted treatments
An anti‑CD133 mAb‑induced specific, dose‑dependent cytotoxic
and other therapeutic strategies have attracted general
effects in CD133(+)‑glioblastoma cells.[20] BsAb was a chemical attention.[35,36] For example, a combination with cyclopamine
heteroconjugation of an anti‑human‑CD3 mouse IgG2a and gemcitabine or a triple combination with cyclopamine,
mAb (OKT3) and an anti‑human CD133 mouse IgG1 mAb. BsAb rapamycin, and chemotherapy could effectively diminish
was able to effectively and specifically kill human CD133 (high) the number of pancreatic CSCs to be virtually undetectable
pancreatic (SW1990) and CD133 (high) hepatic (Hep3B) cancer levels in vitro and in vivo.[37,38]
cells in co‑culture experiments in vitro.[21] Encouraging data
have revealed that mAbs against DLL4 were effective in The Wnt/‑catenin pathway
eliminating CSCs.[22] From the above, it was possible that Aberrant activation of the Wnt/β‑catenin pathway in
therapeutic approaches targeting cell surface markers CSCs was closely associated with tumorigenesis in many

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Pan, et al.: Biological properties of CSCs and anti‑CSCs therapies

tissues. An antibody specific to frizzled7, a Wnt receptor, years such as metformin, natural compounds, telomerase
depleted clonogenicity, and tumorigenicity in tumors.[39] inhibitors, oncolytic viruses, MicroRNA, and interferon. In
Dickkopf‑1 (Dkk1), a major secreted Wnt signaling antagonist, a study from Hirsch et al., low doses of metformin inhibited
bound to the low‑density lipoprotein receptor‑related cellular transformation and selectively killed CSCs in four
protein‑6 (LRP6), an essential co‑receptor for canonical Wnt types of breast cancer with genetic diversity.[54] Imetelstat, as
signaling.[40,41] Recently, Salinomycin, an antibiotic potassium a telomerase inhibition, has been applied in clinical treatment
ionophore, has been reported to inhibit breast CSCs and target for breast cancer, non‑small cell lung cancer, multiple myeloma,
the Wnt pathway by blocking the phosphorylation of LRP6.[42] and chronic lymphocytic leukemia.[55] Some natural compounds
including sulforaphane, epigallocatechin gallate, quercetin,
Therapeutic approaches targeting cancer stem cells niches curcumin, berberine, gamma‑tocotrienols (gamma‑T3), and
Various factors involved in the tumor microenvironment parthenolide, showed biological activities in CSCs‑targeted
including cancer‑associated fibroblasts, endothelial cells, anti‑tumor therapies.[56,57]
angiogenic vascular cells, cancer cells, and inflammatory
cells. All these factors have made a direct influence on CLINICAL RESEARCH
CSCs properties. The humanized mAb (Sibrotuzumab) have
provided good clinical benefits for non‑small cell lung cancer, As described above, worldwide researchers have devoted
which blocked the activity of fibroblast activation protein α to exploring new anti‑CSCs drug, although there are many
expressed by carcinoma‑associated fibroblasts.[43] Meanwhile, challenges and difficulties to overcome. According to
anti‑angiogenic therapies have also been studied in preclinical, numerous anti‑CSCs compounds have been
and clinical trials, such as anti‑vascular endothelial growth already completed different phases of testing and successfully
factor antibodies and tyrosine kinase inhibitors.[44,45] The entered human clinic trials [Table 4].
application of anti‑inflammatory drugs in cancer prevention
and treatment was also supported with clinical and CONCLUSION AND FUTURE EXPECTATIONS
experimental data.[46] Thus, the specialized microenvironment
seemed to be a crucial target for CSCs elimination. Although there has been still controversy regarding the
origin and certain features of CSCs, it was undoubted that
Differentiation therapy CSCs showed stem‑cell characteristics and were resistant to
Increasing cases suggested that tumor growth would be chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Hence, therapies targeting
unsustainable if CSCs were induced to differentiate. All‑trans CSCs bring new hopes for future anti‑tumor treatment.
retinoic acid (ATRA), a natural compound derived from
vitamin A, has been considered as a potent differentiating Based on the current knowledge, CSCs‑targeted therapies
agent. ATRA was extensively applied in eliminating CSCs mainly aimed at controlling cell proliferation and growth,
from glioblastomas, and head and neck cancer.[47,48] Oncostatin unable to eradicate the tumor cell mass. Chemotherapy and
M, an interleukin 6‑related cytokine, was reported to radiotherapy may bring better therapeutic response on the
induce the differentiation of liver CSCs, from hepatoblasts tumor bulk. Hence, it was noted that targeting any single
to hepatocytes.[49] Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), molecular pathway or cell type could not realize efficient
among which BMP7 elicited the strongest effects, triggered anticancer efficacy, neither avoiding the acquisition of resistance
differentiation and reduced CSCs in human glioblastomas.[50] to treatment. A combination of classical chemotherapy and
radiotherapy with novel therapies targeting CSCs may exert
Therapeutic approaches targeting overcoming drug better therapeutic effects than that of single therapy.
resistance in cancer stem cells
Currently, many researchers have strived to propose Clinical and experimental data demonstrated that cancer
therapeutic approaches targeting drug resistance in CSCs. therapy was effective only when CSCs could be completely
Verapamil, a classical P‑glycoprotein inhibitor, was able to eradicated. Unfortunately, the currently reported innovative
enhance the chemo‑sensitivity of CSCs in squamous cell therapies were not highly specific for CSCs. One potential
cancers.[51] Difluorinated‑curcumin, a novel analog of the reason may be that the differences among various cell
dietary ingredient of Curcumin, could be an effective treatment populations in tumors were difficult to find, and there were
strategy for preventing chemo‑resistant CSCs. These effects several signaling pathways involved in the regulation of both
were associated with the down‑regulation of ABCG2.[52] In CSCs and normal stem cells. Another reason may be that cancers
addition, the sensitivity of traditional anti‑cancer treatments could be triggered by several oncogenic mutations or there
could be enhanced with the down‑regulation of ALDH in some could be multiple mutations in CSCs. Due to the complexity,
cancer types, such as liver cancer and breast cancer.[53] it was critically important to further improve our knowledge
and understanding on CSCs properties and tumorous biology.
Other therapeutics
In addition to the above‑mentioned targeting therapeutics, In general, therapeutic approaches targeting CSCs have
there were other therapeutic strategies proposed in recent great significance on the cancer treatment, but there are still

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Table 4: Potential anti‑cancer stem cells drug in clinical studies

Drug Disease treated Research stage Reference or websites
IPI‑926 Neoplasms The Phase 1 clinical
trial (NCT00761696) NCT00761696?term=IPI926&rank=4
IPI‑926 plus cetuximab Recurrent head and The Phase 1 clinical
neck cancer trial (NCT01255800) NCT01255800?term=IPI926&rank=6
IPI‑926 plus Pancreatic cancer, The Phase 1 clinical
FOLFIRINOX adenocarcinoma trial (NCT01383538) NCT01383538?term=IPI926&rank=5
IPI‑926 plus Metastatic The Phase 1b/2 clinical
gemcitabine pancreatic cancer trial (NCT01130142) NCT01130142?term=IPI926&rank=2
Demcizumab Nonsmall cell lung The Phase 1 clinical
cancer trial (NCT01189968) NCT01189968?term=NCT01189968&rank=1
Cancer stem cell vaccine Pancreatic cancer The Phase 1 and phase 2
clinical trial (NCT02074046) NCT02074046?term=cancer+stem+cell&rank=1
Lung cancer The Phase 1 and phase 2
clinical trial (NCT02084823) NCT02084823?term=cancer+stem+cell&rank=2
Liver cancer The Phase 1 and phase 2
clinical trial (NCT02089919) NCT02089919?term=cancer+stem+cell&rank=4
Nasopharyngeal The Phase 1 and phase 2
cancer clinical trial (NCT02115958) NCT02115958?term=cancer+stem+cell&rank=3
Epithelial ovarian The Phase 1 and phase 2
cancer clinical trial (NCT01334047) NCT01334047?term=cancer+stem+cell&rank=15
Chronic lymphocytic The Phase 1 clinical
leukemia trial (NCT00458679) NCT00458679?term=NCT00458679&rank=1
Glioblastoma, brain The Phase 1 and phase 2
tumor clinical trial (NCT00846456) NCT00846456?term=NCT00846456&rank=1
Bevacizumab Breast cancer The Phase 2 clinical
trial (NCT01190345) NCT01190345?term=cancer+stem+cell&rank=8
RO5429083 (anti‑CD44 Neoplasms The Phase 1 clinical
monoclonal antibody) trial (NCT01358903) NCT01358903?term=NCT01358903&rank=1
Reparixin Breast cancer The Phase 2 clinical
trial (NCT01861054) NCT01861054?term=NCT01861054&rank=1
Gemcitabine, Metastatic The Phase 2 clinical
nab‑paclitaxel, GDC‑0449 pancreatic cancer trial (NCT01088815) NCT01088815?term=NCT01088815&rank=1
Metformin Colon cancer The Phase 1 clinical
trial (NCT01440127) NCT01440127?term=cancer+stem+cell&rank=11
Mithramycin Lung cancer The Phase 2 clinical
Esophageal cancer trial (NCT01624090) NCT01624090?term=cancer+stem+cell&rank=13
Breast cancer
MK‑0752 plus docetaxel Breast cancer The Phase 1 and phase 2
clinical trial (NCT00645333) NCT00645333?term=cancer+stem+cell&rank=20
Trastuzumab plus Breast cancer The Phase 3 clinical
doxorubicin and trial (NCT00004067) NCT00004067?term=NSABP‑B‑31&rank=2

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