CLS - BUSS 10012 - CW2 - SPRING 21 - Assignment 2 Brief

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Core Life Skills (BUSS 10012) – Spring - 21 – CW 2 - QP


Module Code: BUSS 10012 Module Name: CORE LIFE SKILLS

Level: 1 Max. Marks: 100

Instructions to Student
General Instructions/information for the students for completing the assignment
 Answer all questions.
 Deadline of submission: 08/06/2021 23:59
 The marks received on the assignment will be scaled down to the actual weightage
of the assignment which is 50 marks
 Formative feedback on the complete assignment draft will be provided if the draft is
submitted at least 10 days before the final submission date.
 Feedback after final evaluation will be provided by 22/06/2021

Module Learning Outcomes

The following LOs are achieved by the student by completing the assignment successfully

1. Practice creative thinking and empathy, and cope with stress and emotions (LO3)
2. Develop interpersonal relationship and self-awareness building skills (LO4)

Assignment Objective
The objective of this assignment is to understand one’s own strengths and capabilities and use them to
develop better relationships professionally and personally. The assignment also provides opportunities to
introspect on situations requiring creative and critical thinking, show empathy and to deal with stressful

Assignment Tasks
Task 1 - Submit a work proposal for this assignment on or before 04/05/2021 (23:59) which must include:
 Understanding of deliverables – a detail description of deliverables.
 General overview of proposed plan - initial understanding of solution to task 2.
 Timeline for completion of the given tasks.
The work proposal must be submitted in a word file through the link available in Moodle.

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Core Life Skills (BUSS 10012) – Spring - 21 – CW 2 - QP

(5 Marks)

Assignment Tasks (Maximum marks-95)

Task 2 (25 Marks)

You need to undertake any ONE of the given free MOOC of your choice, complete it and answer the
following questions to write a reflection (Word range 300-350 words). You need to attach screenshots of
the course completion or the certificate as an evidence:


Q2.1. Choose any one MOOC given above and complete it. Show/attach proof of completion (Your name
should be seen as registered on the certificate)

(15 marks)

Q2.2. Write a reflective summary. The reflection should look answer the following questions: (10 marks)

The answers to the below questions could be supported with screenshots from the course.

 Provide details of the course. What were the objectives of the course?
 What learning did you achieve? How is the course useful for you for your career and life?
 What were the challenges you faced when doing the course?

Note: If you have any connectivity issues or any problems in accessing the courses, please inform the
teacher at the earliest.

Task 3 (30 Marks)

Write an essay or article which is based on

“Core Life skills, their role and importance in the current prevailing situation (Covid 19 pandemic) in my

This essay or article should answer some of the following questions:

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Core Life Skills (BUSS 10012) – Spring - 21 – CW 2 - QP

 What is the role of the core life skills in the current situation?
 What are the changes you have made in your lifestyle and day-to-day living? What changes you
had to adapt to? You could look at challenges and how you overcame them.
 Do these changes involve any of the core life skills?
 How have you helped and supported yourself and others in your immediate community in a
responsible manner without putting yourself or anyone at risk?

(Note: Immediate community could be family, relatives and friends)

This article /essay should include

 Personal experiences or situations faced for e.g.- some challenging situation overcome with some
creative or critical thinking.
 Examples of situations where you have supported family members/friends/relatives. For e.g.
helping a younger sibling to attend online classes, helping parent in their work etc.
 Techniques or tools used to improve your work and relationship.

Task 3: Read the below story and answer the following questions: (24 marks)

The Carrot, Egg and Coffee Bean

Author unknown
A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She
did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting and
struggling. It seemed as one problem was solved, a new one arose.
Her mother took her to the kitchen. She filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire. Soon
the pots came to boil. In the first she placed carrots, in the second she placed eggs, and in the last she
placed ground coffee beans. She let them sit and boil, without saying a word.
In about twenty minutes she turned off the burners. She fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl.
She pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. Then she ladled the coffee out and placed it in a
bowl. Turning to her daughter, she asked, “Tell me, what do you see?” “Carrots, eggs, and coffee,” she

Her mother brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots. She did and noted that they were soft.
The mother then asked the daughter to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observed
the hard- boiled egg. Finally, the mother asked the daughter to sip the coffee. The daughter smiled as she
tasted its rich aroma. The daughter then asked, “What does it mean, mother?”
Her mother explained that each of these objects had faced the same adversity – boiling water. Each
reacted differently. The carrot went in strong, hard, and unrelenting. However, after being subjected to the
boiling water, it softened and became weak. The egg had been fragile. Its thin outer shell had protected
its liquid interior, but after sitting through the boiling water, its inside became hardened. The ground coffee
beans were unique, however. After they were in the boiling water, they had changed the water.

“Which are you?” she asked her daughter. “When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond?
Are you a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean?”

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Are you the carrot that seems strong, but with pain and adversity wilts, becomes soft, and loses strength?
Are you the egg that starts with a malleable heart, but changes with the heat? Does your shell look the
same, but on the inside are you bitter and tough with a stiff spirit and hardened heart?
Or are you the coffee bean? Actually changing the hot water, the very circumstance that brings the pain.
When the water gets hot, it releases the fragrance and flavor. If you are like the bean, when things are at
their worst, you get better and change the situation around you. When the hour is the darkest and trials
are their greatest, do you elevate yourself to another level?

How do you handle adversity? Are you a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean?

Answer the following questions:

a. Give an interesting title to the story of your own. (4 marks)

b. Discuss the life skills seen in the above story. (10 marks)
c. Write a brief reflection of your learning from the above story. (10 marks)

Task 4: Attach screenshots of minimum three of your posts /contribution on different topics to the
Discussion Forum on MEC Learn. (6 marks)

Format, structure of report and references (10 marks)

The report should be well structured and organized and should have a clear introduction giving the
objectives of the assignment. There should be a brief conclusion for the entire assignment giving a
reflection of what was learnt and achieved.

Instructions to students:

1. Read related literature on the chosen topic based on your interest and importance in today’s
2. Prepare a draft outline with notes of stories and anecdotes from your own experiences. You can
include pictures if you want.
3. Develop a clear introduction and leading to the main body of the essay and an appropriate
reflective conclusion. Ensure minimum three citations are provided of articles and journal papers
to support your essay (Word range 600 – 800 words)
The report should be well structured and organized and should have a clear introduction giving the
objectives of the assignment. There should be a brief conclusion for the entire assignment giving a
reflection of what was learnt and achieved.

Given the above tasks, there are plenty of choice for students to come up with a variety of answers
thus reducing similarity.

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Rules & Regulations:

Below given are only suggestive. It may be edited as per the needs of the assignment/module

 All resources should be cited using CU Harvard style and should be preferably in UK English.
 The final assignment must have a Title page, Table of Contents, References/ bibliography using
CU Harvard Style and page numbers.
 Title Page must have Assignment Name, Module name, Session, your name, ID, and the name of
the faculty.
 Softcopy in word format is to be submitted through Turnitin link on Moodle.
 Viva will be conducted after the assignment submission as per the dates informed earlier.


Below given guidelines are only suggestive. It may be edited as per the needs of the assignment/module

 Assignment must be computer typed.

 Font - Times New Roman
 Font – Style - Regular
 Font - Size - 12
 Heading should be with Font Size 14, Bold, Capital and Underline.

 Write the report in third person passive tense. Do not use “I” or “we” i.e. first person or second
person form in the report.
 Each student has to do the assignment individually / Students have to do the assignment
collaboratively and each student should write a brief reflection on their contribution and learnings
from group work.
 You can refer books in E-Library or use internet resource. But you should not cut and paste
material from internet nor provide photocopied material from books. The assignment answers
should be in your own words after understanding the matter from the above resources.

Assessment Evaluation Criteria

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Evaluation Criteria Max Marks allotted (100 Marks)

Task 2 : Reflection on MOOC 25 Marks
 Comprehending the objective of the MOOC. (2.5 marks)
 Analysis of what was covered- content analysis and
challenges (2.5 marks)
 Reflection- personal learning (5 marks)
 Proof of completion – certificate (15 marks)

Task 3 30 Marks

Essay / Article on ‘Role and importance of core life skills in the

current prevailing situation in my life”

 Introduction: A clear introduction with a good beginning

with an example situation and the importance of core life
skills- (5 Marks)
 Discussion: quality of the points discussed and your
understanding of the importance of Life Skills in your day-
to day life using example situations/stories or anecdotes.
There should be minimum 3 examples from your day-to-day
life which illustrates the change made to cope, support
immediate community and be aware of self and others. You
can support with photos or illustration if you wish.
 Minimum 3 quality in- text citations with references from
good journal papers/ articles.

(15 Marks)

 Conclusion: Clear reflective summary (5 Marks)

 Format of the report (title, table of contents, spelling &
grammar, etc.) and Referencing (5 Marks)

Task 3 – Story 24 marks

a. Give an interesting title to the story of your own.

(4 marks)
b. Discuss the life skills seen in the above story.
(10 marks)
c. Write a brief reflection of your learning from the above
story. (10 marks)

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Task 4 – Discussion Forum Contribution 6 marks

Format, structure and referencing 10 marks

Report: Structure, format and referencing (scholarly sources,
citation, formatting and CU-Harvard style of referencing)

Report should include along with the task answers the following:

--A proper introduction which includes the objectives of the

assignment, report structure and the research method.
--A reflective brief conclusion on the learning achieved.

Proposal 5 marks


Assessment Evaluation Criteria

The evaluation grid given below is only a guideline.

Knowledge and
Classification Understanding / Technical / Practical Reflection and critical General / Transferable
And % Range Application of Theory / Skills analysis skills*
Evidence of Reading
 Outstanding  Tasks completed with  Outstanding skills for  Outstanding ability to
knowledge and depth very high accuracy. critical analysis, use learning resources
of understanding of  Outstanding skills in evaluation and  Outstanding
principles and interpretation of synthesizing. presentation, logically
concepts. results / and  Outstanding reflective structured, using
 Outstanding ability to accomplishing practices, accurate grammar and
apply the theoretical practical tasks. demonstrating spelling.
concepts by  Demonstrates high outstanding personal  Mostly correct cross-
First Class

considering of degree of autonomy in learning and growth, referencing and links

information completing tasks insight into required to supporting evidence
94 -100
systematically. professional values  Outstanding ability to
 Evidence of reading a and principles and communicate the
wide range of professional information verbally
educational development planning. and in writing.
literature/research and  Original Findings  Outstanding ability to
where applicable presented with work in groups and to
workplace strategies, conviction and justified manage teams.
policies and very well  Outstanding ability to
procedures. learn autonomously.

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 Very accurate
referencing and
bibliography using
referencing style
 Outstanding problem
solving skills and
outstanding decision-
making skills.
 Excellent knowledge  Tasks completed with  Excellent skills for  Excellent ability to use
and depth of high accuracy. critical analysis, learning resources
understanding of  Excellent skills in evaluation and
principles and interpretation of synthesizing.  Excellent presentation,
concepts. results / and  Excellent reflective logically structured,
 Excellent ability to accomplishing practices, using accurate
apply the theoretical practical tasks. demonstrating grammar and spelling.
concepts by excellent personal  Mostly correct cross-
considering of learning and growth, referencing and links
information insight into required to supporting evidence
systematically. professional values  Excellent ability to
Excellent  Evidence of beyond the and principles and communicate the
minimum expected professional information verbally
84 – 93.99 range of educational development planning. and in writing.
literature/research and  Findings presented  Excellent ability to
where applicable with conviction and work in groups and to
workplace strategies, justified well manage teams.
policies and  Excellent ability to
procedures. learn autonomously.
 Accurate referencing
and bibliography using
referencing style
 Excellent problem
solving skills for
decision-making skills.

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 Very good knowledge  Tasks completed with  Very good skills for  Very good ability to use
and depth of very good accuracy. critical analysis, learning resources
understanding of  Very good skills in evaluation and  Very good
principles and interpretation of synthesizing. presentation, logically
concepts. results / and  Very good reflective structured, using
 Very good ability to accomplishing practices, accurate grammar and
apply the theoretical practical tasks. demonstrating very spelling.
concepts by Good personal learning  Mostly correct cross-
considering of and growth, insight referencing and links
Second Class, Upper Division

information into required to supporting evidence

systematically. professional values  Very good ability to
Very Good  Evidence of reading a and principles and communicate the
very good number of professional information verbally
77 – 83.99 educational development planning. and in writing.
literature/research and  Findings presented  Very good ability to
where applicable with conviction with work in groups and to
workplace strategies, very good justification manage teams.
policies and  Very good ability to
procedures. learn autonomously.
 Precise referencing
and bibliography using
referencing style
 Very good problem
solving skills decision-
making skills.

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 Good knowledge and  Tasks completed with  Good skills for critical  Good ability to use
depth of good accuracy. analysis, evaluation learning resources
understanding of  Good skills in and synthesizing.  Good presentation,
principles and interpretation of  Good reflective logically structured,
concepts. results / and practices, using accurate
 Good ability to apply accomplishing demonstrating good grammar and spelling.
the theoretical practical tasks. personal learning and  correct cross-
concepts by growth, insight into referencing and links
considering of required professional to supporting evidence
Second Class, Lower Division

information values and principles  Good ability to

systematically. and professional communicate the
Good  Evidence of reading a development planning. information verbally
good number of  Findings presented and in writing.
70 – 76.99
educational with conviction and  Good ability to work in
literature/research and good justification. groups and to manage
where applicable teams.
workplace strategies,  Good ability to learn
policies and autonomously.
procedures.  Good referencing and
bibliography using
referencing style
 Good problem solving
skills and decision-
making skills.
 Satisfactory knowledge  Tasks completed with  Satisfactory skills for  Satisfactory
and depth of satisfactory accuracy. critical analysis, presentation, logically
understanding of  Satisfactory skills in evaluation and structured, using
principles and interpretation of synthesizing. accurate grammar and
concepts. results / and  Satisfactory reflective spelling.
 Fair application of the accomplishing practices,  Satisfactory cross-
theoretical concepts by practical tasks. demonstrating fair referencing and links
considering of personal learning and to supporting evidence
information growth, insight into  Satisfactory ability to
systematically. required professional communicate the
 Evidence of reading a values and principles information verbally
Third Class

Satisfactory fair number of and professional and in writing.

educational development planning.  Satisfactory ability to
60 – 69.99
literature/research and  Findings presented work in groups and to
where applicable with conviction and manage teams.
workplace strategies, satisfactory  Satisfactory ability to
policies and justification. learn autonomously.
procedures.  Satisfactory
referencing and
bibliography using
referencing style
 Satisfactory problem
solving skills and

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competent for
 Basic knowledge and  Tasks completed with  Basic skills for critical  Acceptable
depth of minimum acceptable analysis, evaluation presentation, logically
understanding of accuracy. and synthesizing. structured, using
principles and  Acceptable skills in  Basic reflective accurate grammar and
concepts. interpretation of practices, spelling.
 Basic ability to apply results / and demonstrating some  Acceptable cross-
the theoretical accomplishing personal learning and referencing and links
concepts by practical tasks. growth, insight into to supporting evidence
considering of required professional  Basic ability to
information values and principles communicate the
Acceptable systematically. and professional information verbally
/ Pass  Evidence of reading a development planning. and in writing.
few number of  Findings presented  Basic ability to work in
50 – 59.9
educational with conviction and groups and to manage
literature/research and acceptable teams.
where applicable justification.  Basic ability to learn
workplace strategies, autonomously.
policies and  Basic referencing and
procedures. bibliography using
referencing style
 Basic problem solving
skills and decision-
making skills.
 Inadequate knowledge  Tasks not completed  Poor skills for critical  Poor presentation,
and understanding of  Poor skills in analysis, evaluation logically structured,
principles and interpretation of and synthesizing. using accurate
concepts. results / and  Poor reflective grammar and spelling.
 Poor application of the accomplishing practices,  Inadequate cross-
theoretical concepts practical tasks. demonstrating some referencing and links
 No evidence of reading personal learning and to supporting evidence
educational growth, insight into  Poor ability to
literature/research and required professional communicate the
Fail / Poor where applicable values and principles information verbally
workplace strategies, and professional and in writing.
<50 policies and development planning.  Poor ability to work in
procedures.  Findings presented groups and to manage
unconvincingly with teams.
improper justification.  Poor ability to learn
 Inadequate
referencing and
bibliography using
referencing style
 Poor problem solving
skills and decision-
making skills.

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Important Policies to be followed

1. Student Academic Integrity Policy*:

 MEC upholds the spirit of academic integrity in all forms of academic work and any form of
violation of academic integrity shall invite severe penalty. Any benefit obtained by indulging
in the act of violation of academic integrity shall be cancelled.
 MEC also reserves the right to notify the appropriate law enforcement authorities of any
unlawful activity and to cooperate thereafter in any investigation of such activity.
 Faculty can conduct a viva to investigate and ascertain that the work submitted is student’s
own work as per the guidelines for the same. A student can be given a maximum of 2
chances to attend the viva in such cases. It is expected that the student attends the viva
during the first chance itself unless due to extenuating circumstances. If the student does
not attend the viva in spite of being given 2 chances and fails to submit valid reasons,
he/she will be awarded a fail in the module and this shall be counted as a case of academic
integrity violation.
All cases of violation of academic integrity on the part of the student shall fall under any of the below
mentioned categories:

1. Plagiarism
2. Malpractice
3. Ghost Writing
4. Collusion
5. Other cases
If the student fails a module and has a proven case of academic integrity violation in this module,
the student is required to re-register the module. This is applicable to first and second offence of
academic integrity violation of plagiarism type
1.1. First Offence of Academic Integrity Violation:
1.1.1. Plagiarism
a. If a student is caught first time in an act of academic integrity violation during
his/her course of study in any assignment other than project work and if the type
of violation is plagiarism, then the student will be allowed to re-submit the

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assignment once as per the period allowed for re submission However, a penalty
of deduction of 25% of the marks obtained for the resubmitted work will be
b. Period of re-submission: The student will have to re-submit the work within one
week (5 working days) from the date he or she is advised to re-submit.
c. Re-submission of the work beyond the allowed period of resubmission will not be
accepted and the assessment will be awarded a zero mark.
d. If the re-submitted work (within the allowed period of resubmission) is also found
to be plagiarized, then that assessment component will be awarded a zero mark.
It shall also contribute to the total count of academic integrity violation for that
e. If plagiarism is detected in UG Project work (Project 1, Project Planning and Project
Design and Implementation), the above clauses do not apply, and the work will be
summarily rejected. In these cases the student will be awarded a fail (F) grade and
is required to reregister the module.
1.1.2. Malpractice / Ghostwriting / Collusion
If a student is caught first time in an act academic integrity violation during his/her course
of study for an assessment component irrespective of coursework or end semester and
if the type of violation is Malpractice/Ghostwriting/Collusion, then the student shall fail
the module.

1.2. Second Offence of Academic Integrity Violation:

1.2.1. Plagiarism
a. If any student is caught second time in an act of academic integrity violation during
his/her course of study and if the type of violation is plagiarism, then the student
will not be allowed to resubmit the work, and s/he will directly be awarded zero
for the work in which plagiarism is detected.
b. The student shall also receive a warning of suspension in such cases.
1.2.2. Malpractice/Ghostwriting/Collusion
a. If a student is caught a second time in an act academic integrity violation for an
assessment component irrespective of coursework or end semester and if the type
of violation is Malpractice/Ghostwriting/Collusion, then the student shall fail the
b. The student shall also receive a warning of suspension in such cases.
1.3. Third Offence of Academic Integrity Violation:

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a. If a student is caught a third time in an act of academic integrity violation for an

assessment component irrespective of coursework or end semester then the student
shall fail the module and also shall be suspended for one semester from the College,
once the academic integrity violation case is confirmed by Institutional Assessment
Review Committee.
b. The student shall be suspended for the immediate subsequent semester and can
register for modules only after having served the suspension period fully. This is also
applicable for semesters offered in block mode.
c. During the suspension period, the student shall have to mandatorily complete a course
on academic integrity/writing before s/he can register for any modules.
d. During the period of suspension, the student shall be allowed to attempt
supplementary examinations if s/he is eligible for the same. S/he shall also be allowed
access to all college facilities permitted for a regular student except for registering the
1.4. Fourth Offence of Academic Integrity Violation:
a. If a student is caught a fourth time in an act of academic integrity violation for an
assessment component irrespective of coursework or end semester, the student shall
fail the module and also shall be expelled from the College, once the case is confirmed
by Institutional Assessment Review Committee.
b. The student shall be expelled from the college and all access to the college facilities
and premises shall cease to exist. The documents shall be released only after getting
the NOC (No Objection Certificate) from Registration Office.
c. `On termination, the student shall not be refunded any fees paid for the academic
semester in which academic integrity violation was observed.
1.5. Other cases
If a student commits an act of academic integrity violation as per the definition of “other
cases” mentioned in the previous section or of a different nature, student’s case shall be
forwarded to an Institutional Assessment Review Committee, Chaired by the Associate
Dean, Academic Affairs. The committee shall investigate the case by means of a viva and/or
a hearing of the parties concerned if required and shall take appropriate decision. The
penalty that can be granted to a proven case of academic integrity violation which falls in
this category of “other cases” can be a warning/component zero/ module
fail/suspension/expulsion depending on the nature and gravity of the offence.
1.6. Types/Variations of cases of Plagiarism and associated actions
Type 1: In case plagiarism is detected in any component or part submission (submitted at
different times) of one assessment (assignment), the deduction in marks will be applicable
for the whole assessment (assignment), even if only the component or part submission alone
needs to be resubmitted.
Type 2: In case plagiarism is detected in a group assessment, all students of the group will be
considered as having committed an act of plagiarism irrespective of whether plagiarism is on
account of the act of all or a few or only one member. The policy will then be applied to all

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If some students in the group are eligible to re-submit (first offence) and others are not
eligible, only eligible students will be allowed to re-submit within a period of one week and
the penalty will be applied as per the policy for each student according to his / her history of
Type 3: Combination of Type 1 and Type 2: In case plagiarism is detected in any component
or part submission (submitted at different times) of a group assessment (assignment), the
deduction in marks will be applicable for the whole assessment (assignment), even if only the
component or part submission alone needs to be resubmitted. All students of the group
would be considered as having committed an act of plagiarism irrespective of whether
plagiarism is on account of the act of all or a few or only one member. The policy will then be
applied to all the students of the group.
If some students in the group are eligible to re-submit (first offence) and others are not
eligible, only eligible students will be allowed to re-submit within a period of one week and
the penalty will be applied as per the policy for each student according to his / her history of
Type 4: Variation of Type 1 and Type 2: In cases where the assessment consists of
components or part submissions that could be a group assessment component (e.g. group
assignment) and an individual assessment component (e.g. individual reflection), the
following will be applicable:
a. If plagiarism is detected in the group assessment component, all students of the group will
be considered as having committed an act of plagiarism, irrespective of whether plagiarism
is on account of the act of all or a few or only one member. The policy will then be applied to
all students of the group. In such cases the group assessment component will be resubmitted.
If some students in the group are eligible to re-submit (first offence) and others are not
eligible, only eligible students will be allowed to re-submit within a period of one week and
the penalty will be applied for each student according to his / her history of violation.

b. If plagiarism is detected in the individual assessment component, the individual assessment

component will be resubmitted - if the student is eligible for resubmission-. The policy will
then be applied to that student alone.
c. In both cases (a) and/or (b), the deduction in marks will be applicable for the whole
assessment (assignment).

1.7. Types/Variation of Cases of Multiple Offences

If student is caught with multiple violations of same or different nature in different modules
of the same semester, they will be considered as one offence and student will be penalized
for each violation according to the type of the offence.
If student is caught with multiple violations of same or different nature in the same module
of the same semester, then they will be considered as different offences and each will

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contribute to the overall count of AIV. The student then shall be penalized for each violation
according to the count and type of each offence.

Viva Regulations:
 Faculty can conduct a viva as per the institutional guidelines to investigate and ascertain
that the work submitted is student’s own work.
 It is expected that the student attends the viva during the first chance itself unless due
to extenuating circumstances.
 If the student is not able to attend the first call for viva as per the date and time notified
by faculty, s/he shall be given one more chance to attempt the viva within a week from
the first call.
• If the student does not attend the viva in spite of being given two chances and fails to
submit valid reasons for the absence in viva within three working days from the last call
for the viva, he/she will be awarded a fail in the module. This shall also be counted as a
case of academic integrity violation.
• If the student fails a module and has a proven case of academic integrity violation in the
module, the student is required to re-register the module. This is also applicable in case
the student fails and has a first or second offence of academic integrity violation of
plagiarism type. The fee for the failed module for the semester in which academic
integrity violation was observed shall not be re-funded.

* For further details Refer to MEC Student Academic Integrity Policy in Student Handbook.

2. Late Submission Regulations:

It is the students’ responsibility to check all relevant timelines related to assessments.
As per the Assessment Policy at MEC, late submissions are allowed for one week (5 working days)
for all UG modules with a penalty. In such cases, a deduction of 5% of the marks obtained for the
submitted work shall be imposed for each working day following the last date of submission
till the date of actual submission. Assessment documents submitted beyond a period of one
week (5 working days) after the last date of submission will not be accepted and will be awarded
a zero for that assessment. In cases where the submission has been delayed due to extenuating
circumstances, the student may be permitted to submit the work without imposing the late
submission policy stated above. The extended period of submission will be one week from the
original last date of submission. In such cases, the student is expected to submit the supporting
certificates on or before the original last date of submission of the assessment and the decision
of extension rests with faculty responsible for the assessment .The late submission policy shall be
applied if the student fails to submit the work within one week of the original last date of

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Core Life Skills (BUSS 10012) – Spring - 21 – CW 2 - QP

Students may contact their teachers for clarification on specific details of the submission time if

3. Research Ethics and Biosafety Policy

To protect and respect the rights, dignity, health, safety, and privacy of research subjects involved
including the welfare of animals and the integrity of environment, all student projects are
expected to be undertaken as per the MEC Research Ethics and Biosafety Policy. Accordingly the
following shall apply.

 Research and other enterprise activities shall be conducted by maintaining the high ethical
standards consistent with national and international standards and conventions.

 Any research at MEC that is categorized as high-risk research shall be subject to review and
approval by the Research Ethics and Biosafety Committee.

 Research activities involving collection of human or animal tissues and manipulation of microbial,
animal or plant cells shall be subject to review and approval by the Research Ethics and Biosafety

 Participants involved in research must be informed about the purpose of research and intended
uses of research findings. Written consent must be obtained from people involved prior to the
commencement of research.

 Data obtained from participants must be treated with high confidence and should be used only
for the intended purpose of research.

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