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Let's Learn the Spanish Alphabet

The Spanish Letter

of the Day is A!
Spanish with

Avión Árbol
(airplane) (tree)

Agua Abeja
(water) (bee)

Araña Arcoíris
(spider) (rainbow)

Anillo Arpa
(ring) (harp)

Ajo Ambulancia
(garlic) (ambulance)

Can you say words that start with letter A?

¿Puedes decir palabras que empiecen con la letra A?
Let's Learn the Spanish Alphabet

The Spanish Letter

of the Day is B!
Spanish with

Barco Botas
(ship) (boots)

Bebé Botón
(baby) (button)

Búho Ballena
(owl) (whale)

Bicicleta Bandera
(bike) (flag)

Bufanda Burbujas
(scarf) (bubbles)

Can you say words that start with letter B?

¿Puedes decir palabras que empiecen con la letra B?
Let's Learn the Spanish Alphabet

The Spanish Letter

of the Day is Hard C!
Spanish with

CA - CO - CU

Casa Coco
(house) (coconut)

Cama Cuna
(bed) (crib)

Caballo Conejo
(horse) (bunny)

Corona Collar
(crown) (necklace)

Cortina Corazón
(curtain) (heart)

Can you say words that start with letter C?

¿Puedes decir palabras que empiecen con la letra C?
Let's Learn the Spanish Alphabet

The Spanish Letter

of the Day is Soft C!
Spanish with


Cielo Cerezas
(sky) (cherries)

Cerdo Cepillo
(pig) (brush)

Cereal Cerebro
(cereal) (brain)

Ceja Cien
(eyebrow) (one hundred)

Circo Cine
(circus) (movie theater)

Can you say words that start with letter C?

¿Puedes decir palabras que empiecen con la letra C?
Let's Learn the Spanish Alphabet

The Spanish Letter

of the Day is D!
Spanish with

Dedo Dados
(finger) (dices)

Diente Diamante
(tooth) (diamond)

Delfín Doctor
(dolphin) (doctor)

Dinosaurio Diploma
(dinosaur) (diploma)

Dinero Ducha
(money) (shower)

Can you say words that start with letter D?

¿Puedes decir palabras que empiecen con la letra D?
Let's Learn the Spanish Alphabet

The Spanish Letter

of the Day is E!
Spanish with

Espejo Estrella
(mirror) (star)

Escalera Escoba
(stairs) (broom)

Elefante Enfermera
(elephant) (nurse)

Estatua Edificio
(statue) (building)

Estadio Espada
(stadium) (sword)

Can you say words that start with letter E?

¿Puedes decir palabras que empiecen con la letra E?
Let's Learn the Spanish Alphabet

The Spanish Letter

of the Day is F!
Spanish with

Flor Fuego
(flower) (fire)

Fantasma Fruta
(ghost) (fruit)

Feliz Fideos
(happy) (noodles)

Flecha Faro
(arrow) (lighthouse)

Fuente Fútbol
(fountain) (soccer)

Can you say words that start with letter F?

¿Puedes decir palabras que empiecen con la letra F?
Let's Learn the Spanish Alphabet

The Spanish Letter

of the Day is G!
Spanish with

Gato Gorro
(cat) (beanie)

Guantes Galleta
(gloves) (cookie)

Guitarra Gallina
(guitar) (chicken)

Girasol Globo
(sunflower) (balloon)

Gota Gusano
(drop) (worm)

Can you say words that start with letter G?

¿Puedes decir palabras que empiecen con la letra G?
Let's Learn the Spanish Alphabet

The Spanish Letter

of the Day is H!
("ah-cheh"). In Spanish the "H" is always silent.
Spanish with

Hielo Huevo
(ice) (egg)

Helado Hospital
(ice cream) (hospital)

Hada Hueso
(fairy) (bone)

Horno Hoja
(oven) (leaf)

Helicóptero Humo
(helicopter) (smoke)

Can you say words that start with letter H?

¿Puedes decir palabras que empiecen con la letra H?
Let's Learn the Spanish Alphabet

The Spanish Letter

of the Day is I!
Spanish with

Isla Iguana
(island) (iguana)

Iglú Imán
(igloo) (magnet)

Incendio Invierno
(fire) (winter)

Inyección Igual
(injection) (equal)

Insecto Impermeable
(insect) (waterproof)

Can you say words that start with letter I?

¿Puedes decir palabras que empiecen con la letra I?
Let's Learn the Spanish Alphabet

The Spanish Letter

of the Day is J!
Spanish with

Jardín Juguete
(garden) (toy)

Jabón Jirafa
(soap) (giraffe)

Jugo Jaula
(juice) (cage)

Joyas Jarra
(jewelry) (pitcher)

Jarrón Jeringa
(vase) (syringe)

Can you say words that start with letter J?

¿Puedes decir palabras que empiecen con la letra J?
Let's Learn the Spanish Alphabet

The Spanish Letter

of the Day is K!
Spanish with

Koala Kiwi
(koala) (kiwi)

Kayak Kiosco
(kayak) (kiosk)

Karate Kimono
(karate) (kimono)

Kilo Kilómetro
(kilo) (kilometer)

Karaoke Bikini
(karaoke) (bikini)

Can you say words that have the letter K?

¿Puedes decir palabras que tengan la letra K?
Let's Learn the Spanish Alphabet

The Spanish Letter

of the Day is L!
Spanish with

Luz Luna
(light) (moon)

Libro Lápiz
(book) (pencil)

Lata Lámpara
(can) (lamp)

Limón Leche
(lemon) (milk)

Lechuga León
(lettuce) (lion)

Can you say words that start with letter L?

¿Puedes decir palabras que empiecen con la letra L?
Let's Learn the Spanish Alphabet

The Spanish Letter

of the Day is M!
Spanish with

Mamá Mapa
(mom) (map)

Mano Manzana
(hand) (apple)

Muñeca Moto
(doll) (motorcycle)

Montaña Mesa
(mountain) (table)

Mono Mariposa
(monkey) (butterfly)

Can you say words that start with letter M?

¿Puedes decir palabras que empiecen con la letra M?
Let's Learn the Spanish Alphabet

The Spanish Letter

of the Day is N!
Spanish with

Nariz Nube
(nose) (cloud)

Naranja Nuez
(orange) (nut)

Nachos Nido
(nachos) (nest)

Nieve Nevera
(snow) (fridge)

Nudo Negro
(knot) (black)

Can you say words that start with letter N?

¿Puedes decir palabras que empiecen con la letra N?
Let's Learn the Spanish Alphabet

The Spanish Letter

of the Day is Ñ!
Spanish with

Ñoquis Niños
(gnocchi) (kids)

Montaña Bañera
(mountain) (bath)

Baño Uña
(bathroom) (nail)

Piña Otoño
(pineapple) (autumn)

Leña Cabaña
(firewood) (cabin)

Can you say words that have the letter Ñ?

¿Puedes decir palabras que tengan la letra Ñ?
Let's Learn the Spanish Alphabet

The Spanish Letter

of the Day is O!
Spanish with

Oso Ojo
(bear) (eye)

Oveja Oreja
(sheep) (ear)

Olla Ovni
(cooking pot) (UFO)

Ocho Otoño
(eight) (autumn)

Oruga Ola
(caterpillar) (wave)

Can you say words that start with letter O?

¿Puedes decir palabras que empiecen con la letra O?
Let's Learn the Spanish Alphabet

The Spanish Letter

of the Day is P!
Spanish with

Pez Pato
(fish) (duck)

Pera Pelota
(pear) (ball)

Pie Palmera
(foot) (palm tree)

Pan Perro
(bread) (dog)

Piano Puerta
(piano) (door)

Can you say words that start with letter P?

¿Puedes decir palabras que empiecen con la letra P?
Let's Learn the Spanish Alphabet

The Spanish Letter

of the Day is Q!
Spanish with

Queso Química
(cheese) (chemistry)

Quince Quesadilla
(fifteen) (quesadilla)

Quirófano Maquillaje
(operating room) (makeup)

Paquete Bosque
(package) (forest)

Raqueta Mosquito
(racket) (mosquito)

Can you say words that have the letter Q?

¿Puedes decir palabras que tengan la letra Q?
Let's Learn the Spanish Alphabet

The Spanish Letter

of the Day is R!
Spanish with

Rosa Rojo
(rose) (red)

Robot Ropa
(robot) (clothing)

Roca Rana
(rock) (frog)

Rueda Río
(wheel) (river)

Ramo Regalo
(bouquet) (present)

Can you say words that start with letter R?

¿Puedes decir palabras que empiecen con la letra R?
Let's Learn the Spanish Alphabet

The Spanish Letter

of the Day is S!
Spanish with

Sol Sopa
(sun) (soup)

Sandía Silla
(watermelon) (chair)

Sal Serpiente
(salt) (snake)

Sobre Semáforo
(envelope) (traffic light)

Sombrero Sombrilla
(hat) (beach umbrella)

Can you say words that start with letter S?

¿Puedes decir palabras que empiecen con la letra S?
Let's Learn the Spanish Alphabet

The Spanish Letter

of the Day is T!
Spanish with

Taza Taco
(cup) (taco)

Tomate Tijera
(tomato) (scissor)

Tigre Tesoro
(tiger) (treasure)

Termómetro Tenedor
(thermometer) (fork)

Tucán Taxi
(toucan) (taxi)

Can you say words that start with letter T?

¿Puedes decir palabras que empiecen con la letra T?
Let's Learn the Spanish Alphabet

The Spanish Letter

of the Day is U!
Spanish with

Uña Uvas
(nail) (grapes)

Unicornio Universo
(unicorn) (universe)

Uno Urna
(one) (urn)

Uniforme Unión
(uniform) (union)

Ubicación Ukelele
(location) (ukulele)

Can you say words that start with letter U?

¿Puedes decir palabras que empiecen con la letra U?
Let's Learn the Spanish Alphabet

The Spanish Letter

of the Day is V!
("beh core-tah" or "beh peh-keh-nee-ah" or "oo-beh")
Spanish with

Vaca Vela
(cow) (candle)

Vaso Ventana
(glass) (window)

Volcán Viento
(volcano) (wind)

Vino Vestido
(wine) (dress)

Velero Vacuna
(sailboat) (vaccine)

Can you say words that start with letter V?

¿Puedes decir palabras que empiecen con la letra V?
Let's Learn the Spanish Alphabet

The Spanish Letter

of the Day is W!
("thoh-bleh oo" or "thoh-bleh beh" or "oo-beh thoh-bleh")
Spanish with

Waffle Web
(waffle) (Web)

Wi-Fi Whisky
(Wi-Fi) (whiskey)

Kiwi Sándwich
(kiwi) (sandwich)

Hawai Wasabi
(Hawaii) (wasabi)

Wok Windsurf
(wok) (windsurf)

Can you say words that have the letter W?

¿Puedes decir palabras que tengan la letra W?
Let's Learn the Spanish Alphabet

The Spanish Letter

of the Day is X!
Spanish with

Xilófono Taxi
(xylophone) (taxi)

Boxeo Texto
(boxing) (text)

Saxo Axila
(sax) (armpit)

Excursión Explosión
(excursion) (explosion)

Examen Extraterrestre
(exam) (alien)

Can you say words that have the letter X?

¿Puedes decir palabras que tengan la letra X?
Let's Learn the Spanish Alphabet

The Spanish Letter

of the Day is Y!
("ee gree-eh-gah")
Spanish with

Yogur Yate
(yoghurt) (yacht)

Yema Yeso
(yolk) (cast)

Yo Yoga
(me) (yoga)

Raya Playa
(stripe) (beach)

Payaso Hoyo
(clown) (hole)

Can you say words that have the letter Y?

¿Puedes decir palabras que tengan la letra Y?
Let's Learn the Spanish Alphabet

The Spanish Letter

of the Day is Z!
Spanish with

Zapato Zorro
(shoe) (fox)

Zanahoria Brazo
(carrot) (arm)

Cabeza Nariz
(head) (nose)

Luz Diez
(light) (ten)

Nuez Maíz
(nut) (corn)

Can you say words that have the letter Z?

¿Puedes decir palabras que tengan la letra Z?
Let's Learn the Spanish Alphabet

The Spanish Letters

of the Day: the CH!
("seh ah-cheh")
Spanish with

Chocolate ¡Chau!
(chocolate) (bye!)

Chaleco Noche
(jacket) (night)

Techo Ocho
(ceiling) (eight)

Chupete Mochila
(pacifier) (backpack)

Chimenea Cuchillo
(fireplace) (knife)

Can you say words that have the letters CH?

¿Puedes decir palabras que tengan las letras CH?
Let's Learn the Spanish Alphabet

The Spanish Letters

of the Day: the LL!
("thoh-bleh eh-leh" / double L)
Spanish with

Lluvia Llave
(rain) (key)

Llavero Cuello
(key chain) (neck)

Llorar Llanta
(cry) (tire)

Llama Anillo
(llama) (ring)

Tornillo Ardilla
(screw) (squirrel)

Can you say words that have the letters LL?

¿Puedes decir palabras que tengan las letras LL?
Let's Learn the Spanish Alphabet

The Spanish Letters

of the Day: the RR!
("thoh bleh-eh-rreh" / double R)
Spanish with

Perro Tierra
(dog) (soil)

Torre Barril
(tower) (barrel)

Jarra Correr
(pitcher) (run)

Arroz Guitarra
(rice) (guitar)

Sierra Carro
(saw) (cart)

Can you say words that have the letters RR?

¿Puedes decir palabras que tengan las letras RR?
Let's Learn the Spanish Alphabet

The Spanish Letters

of the Day:
Spanish with

Hamburguesa Hoguera
(burger) (bonfire)

Manguera Merengue
(hose) (meringue)

Hormiguero Juguetes
(anthill) (toys)

Espaguetis Guiso
(spaguetti) (stew)

Guía Guitarra
(guide) (guitar)

Can you say words that have the letters GUE & GUI?
¿Puedes decir palabras que tengan las letras GUE y GUI?
Let's Learn the Spanish Alphabet

The Spanish Letters

of the Day:
GE & GI!
Spanish with

Girasol Gimnasio
(sunflower) (gym)

Gigante Colegio
(giant) (school)

Magia Energía
(magic) (energy)

Página Gente
(page) (people)

Genio Ángel
(genius) (angel)

Can you say words that have the letters GE & GI?
¿Puedes decir palabras que tengan las letras GE y GI?
Let's Learn the Spanish Alphabet

The Spanish Letters

of the Day:
GÜE & GÜI! Spanish with

Pingüino Cigüeña
(penguin) (stork)

Agüita Paragüita
(diminutive form of water / agua) (diminutive form of umbrella / paraguas)

Lengüita Vergüenza
(diminutive form of tongue / lengua) (shame)

(ancient times / antiquity / seniority)

Can you say words that have the letters GÜE & GÜI?
¿Puedes decir palabras que tengan las letras GÜE y GÜI?

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