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COMPLIMENTS OF Radio Shaek T) PERMAN ee LOOK/UPIN \\ THE SkY! IT'S IPERMA! Sue LETS HELP HIM OUT--WITH OUR 7RS-8O MIEROCOMPUTER! a= “: ‘VIETORY E Bee. 1h: TRS-BO COMPUTER COMPUTER Fe) muzuns Prepare for Tomorrow With a Radio Shack TRS-80° Color Computer Today! Only °39 ‘4K Memory, #26-3001 The biggest name in little computers” Retail prices may vaty at individual stores and dealers. re Step into the orn Mere world of com- ters right now with io Shack’s versatile 'RS-80 Color Computer! Just plug-in a Pro- gram Pak™ and you're set for thrilling elec- tronic fun! Battle starships in outer space or. challenge the computer at chess! And our Color Computer does much more than just play games. Mom and Dad can use it to keep track of family expenses. In fact, everyone will love discovering the many fascinating, helpful, and educational ways they can put their very own personal computer to work or play! Inno time, you'll be writing programs in easy- tolearn BASIC — pani vivid graphics displays with spectacular color and sound. Plus, you can easily e-x-p-a-n-d with more memory space, or even add accessories that let you “talk” to other computers! The TRS-80 Color Computer attaches to any color TV, including our own 13” Color Video Receiver (#26-3010, $399). And with a pair Of joysticks (#26-3008, $24.95) you can give faster, more realistic action to games and your own programs. Start preparing for your future now with the Radio Shack TRS-80 TRH Color Computer! SSSn CN SO LONG, KIDS L HAVE. TO FLY OFF BUT MY COUSIN, SUPERGIRL 'S HERE TO TELL You ALL ABOUT THE INCREDIBLE WORLD OF MIGHTIEST 61RLON \ ZARTH RIGHT HERE IN OUR CLASSROOM | SUPERMAN IN “VICTORY BY COMPUTER" (1981 Edition) published by DC COMICS INC, 75, Rockeleller Plaza, New York, NY, 10019 for Radio Shack a divi Center, Fort Worth, ‘Texas 76102, U.S.A. Copyrigh Reserved. Nothing may be reprinted in whole or without waitten permission from the publisher, Supergicl, Superman, and Lax Luthor are trademarks of and copyrighted by DC Comice Inc; Radio Shack, The Biggest Name in Lite Computers, TRS-80, the TRS-80 Computer Whis Kids jon. Tha stories, tional No actual persons, living Jest Kab, Pasden ad Publisher oe Orla, Eta Drvetoe Sel Seba aa Wiliam Pale aor Naren berger, Catal Coordinator ‘ok ae ie Preigot Proguctce al Leet, Masager of Busnes As Aart, eae Let's visit A CERTAIN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CLASSROOM ON THE OUTSKIRTS OF METROPOL/S -. WHERE A RECESS HAS BEEN CALLED. VY F WILSON MAYBE 10 BESO LL MYSTERIOUS. / wonee wy as, wiuson WAS CALLED TO THE —/ SOME KIND OF OFFICIAL school Business! BUSINESS OFFICE? UNDERSTAND \Savmy SHE TOLD Us TO. KEEP LOOKING Our THE WINDOWS, HEY! ALL OF \ mi A SUDDEN f JASONS GOT A\ 11M STARTING 2 (PONT THERE'S NO TO HEAR A Lf “wa oursive/ WINDY. ‘ BESIDES, 7 Hear THE J / TREES LOOK LIKE WHOOSHING, TOO! PART OF A STL LiPE? 50 POLIT SOUNDS LIKE ITS COMING FROM 7WO DIPPERENT DIRECTIONS J THEY'RE GETTING ZOUDER BY THE ‘SECOND! MAN OF STEEL OROPPED IN-~ CARRYING TWO. BLACK BOXES THAT TURNED OUT IN FACT, alec ANO I EVEN Gave \ ‘SUPERMAN 2N ‘ASSIST IN CAPTURE ‘A MASTER, CRIMINAL SUPERMAN BROUGHT! IT WAS ) DIDN'T BRING THAT BIG EQUIPMENT. ALONG THIS TIME! ‘A THRILL NEITHER OF US WILL EVER FORGET! =WITH THE HELP OF THOSE NY NOR WiLL t, 4) 728-80 MICROCOMPUTERS SHANNA-- BUT I NOW, SHANNA ~-YOu'RE LETTING THE Limits OF) SOMETHING WHAT YOU CAN ] SO FAST SEE CONFUSE IS) you! yOu MEAN YOU'RE, JUGELING THAN... SUPERMAN Bee Len eee mace E WL ESCA raOH Mie MTR SPeRIaNe Ceik MTN 12 HORS. ae 2 WELL SEE [A 5 LUTHOR! 1 KNOW THAT WARPED SCIENTIFIC GENIUS OF HiS IS CAPABLE OF ALMOST ANYTHING... BUT 7H/S-- THIS |S TOO MUCH! YOU_DON'T KNOW HOW LI -- my GUARDS AND I ARE TAKING RELIEVED WE ARE TO LUTHOR'S OUTLANDISH BOAST SEE you, SUPERMAN! (MOST SERIOUSLY! CONSIDERING HOW MANY Wale. CELLS LUTHOR HAS MANAGED TO escaPE ‘PROM IN THE PAST q BSN ‘Uater, ash | THE CONCRETE | WALLS OF s7are |: ARSON. I CAN'T BLAME YOU TM GIVING (MY HAND-BUILT FOR NOT TAKING ANY " ASCAPE-PROOF CELL A CHANCES, WARDEN. 6 SUPER SECURITY CHECK THATS WHY, ‘WITH X-RAY VISION... TO SET 07H OUR MINDS AT REST! ALL THE DEFENSE MECHAMISIAS T INSTALLED ARE STILL W7ACT! WE CAN RELAX, WARDEN / 2 AND FREE ME TODAY YOU SHALL--OR my NAME. USWT LEX LUTHOR / : ¢ Al, Hi, AA, HA! ee >. BUT WHAT'S HAPPENED TO 419. WASON DURING THE COURSE OF OUR FANTASTIC TOUR? LET'S SHIFT TO THE MUSEUM LOBBY--WHERE ACAPED ANAS THE WIDE-EYED STUDENTS PROCEED To FouLoW | THEIR GUIE ON THE FINAL LEG OF THE TOUR | SAND IT'S THE KIND Y SURE! ITWAS OF MICROCOMPUTER, MICRO VISITOR HPS ARRIVED... TECHNOLOGY YOUVE COMPUTERS BEEN SEEING WHICH \ THAT MADE IT POSSIBLE 70 SEE THOSE GREAT| ...AS SHE TOOK PHOTOGRAPHS| OFF SUMERGIRL OF SATURN'S | MENTIONED SHE HAP TO TAKE CARE OF SOME BUSINESS FOR YOU =~ ALTHOUGH SHE DIO PROMISE But as You CAN SEE... SO ‘MADE. THE PECENT VOYAGER FLy-BY PAST SATURN SUCH A REALITY! RE) Vat aes eT WI ee cpauperere mous never | 7/27 _ oxy ue or Tecuehs DOT Yt SING Oita ‘STUDENTS... NOT UNLESS: A DOWN WOULD HAVE TO BE A ACROSS METROPOLIS SOMETHING CRITICAL y if ) MATOR CRISIS INDEED, To SEE IF I CAN TURN CROSSED HER al ByPSRH ANS yOu DON'T SSppoce Seen wo some Se9 Se recesier 4 oe MEANWHILE, LET US RETURN JO THE SCENE OF AN IMPOSING PRIVATE ESTATE SEVERAL MILES OUTSIDE THE erry LIMITS... WHERE WE LAST Saw THE G/RL OF STEEL MYSTERICUSLY PLUMMETING. DC oreat scott! ‘MY_X-RAY VISION'S VERY BAINT--IT WON'T EVEN PENETRATE THOSE BOOK BINPINGS! UAH... NO SUPER= STRENGTH EITHER! T. GUESS THIS LEAVES NO ROOM, MY SUPER-POWERS “AND L THINK I Now HOW MY UNSEEN CAPTORS “HAVE PULLED THE TRICK! THE SOLAR PANELS ON JHE ROOF --NOT ONLY. DAD THEY SEND UP A RED SOLAR BEAM TO KNOCK ME OUT OF THE SKY AN ‘SAP MY SUPER: PONERS: MusT BE CONSTANTLY MEUTRALIZED. DAY AND WISHT!, LOOKS LIKE IM A PRISONER TRAPPED IN THIS CELL? WHETHER T Uke ITOR NOT! “SOMETHING ABOUT EMITTING ED RACIATION THROUGH THE WALLS AND FLOORS OF THE HOUSE PF with my BRAN STILL "EUzZED" FROM THE RED RADIATION, L CAN'T REMEMBER. ANY DEVAS ABOUT THIS PLACE BESIDES THE SOLAR PANELS ‘ON THE ROOF! IF ONLY THERE WERE SOME way I coup FIGURE OUT HOSE BOVELE P'S AND ICE ON THE DOOR = THEY'RE STARTING TO DY LOOK VAGUELY AAMILIAR OTHER SIDE OF THE POOR... FOLLOWED BY THE SOUND OF A CREBKING CHAIRS WITHOUT MY SUPER-HEARING L CAN'T BE ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN... BUT THERE'S A GUARD POSTED OUTSIDE T_ THIS DOOR... ea Z |Z =. SITTING DOWN AND TWRNING THROUGH WHAT SOUNDS LIKE THE PAGES NEXT ROOM 1S HOPEFULLY Emery! IF 1 CAN GET THERE-—\T MIGHT LEAP TO 4 WAY $0 GOOD! I CAN'T HEAR THE SLIGHTEST, SOUND FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF PAINSTAKING HOURS PASS BY WITH THE DAWNING OF A NEW DAY'S SUN, WHILE INSIDE THE PLUSH ESTATE... WELL, SINCE OOR NUMBER ONE WOULD ONLY LEAD TO A RUN= IN WITH 7ROUBLE... ALL I CAN 00 IS. 2WHEWS I THINK DM SusT ABOUT To MAKE A BREAKTAROUBH! MAKE MUCH OF A LOCK PICK... BUT IT'S THE BEST I COULD DO! 4 4 THIS PAPER CLIP I FOUND HERE AND STRAIGHTENED OUT DOESN'T LUCKILY, Z STILL HAVE JUST ENOUGH OF MY SUPER-SENSE OF TOUCH TO FEEL. The (Oek's TUMBLERS GRADUALLY FALLING g INTO PLACE! FINALLY! GETING OUT OF & LOCKED “ABUT WITH ANY Luck IT WiLL 7 HMMM! LOOKS LiKE I'VE WALKED Tho PACE IS A VIRTUAL “PALACE” Beal Te Teves "Ww eee EqUPMENT AN? ‘GADGETRY! PALACE. ,, HRT'S (TL THE" STANDS FOR PURELE AaLACe! I DISTINCTLY REMEMBER THE WAME TURNING UP IN SOME RECENT HEADLINES! SOMETHING THAT WOULD HELP ME FIND: A WAY OUT GREAT GALAXIES! I DON'T BELIEVE IT! NESTLED IN BETWEEN ALL THESE FANTASTIC ELECTRONIC WONDER: GAPGETS-- =A 7RS-80 COLOR COMPUTER! WITH A TELEAHONE TO BOOT! ANXIOUSLY, THE A1A/2 OF MIGHT TAKES A CLOSER LOOK AT THE GLEAMING MICROCOMPUTER. g 'S THE ANSWER! SOME DETECTIVE work J IT COULD GIVE ME THE It QUICKEST WAY TO GET THE INFORMATION I ) NEED... THROUGH THE COMPUTER / OF COURSE, I COULD CALL UP THE POLICE... BUT THEY MIGHT MISTAKE ME FOR A CRAMK CALLER, SINCE T CAN'T AOOVE OVER THE PHONE JM THE REAL = < ON THE OTHER HAND, I CAN LET THE 7RS-8O SOME SUPER FAST DETECTIVE THE PHONE NUMBER OF MS. WILSON'S classeoon! (ueKiLy: PHONE YESTERDAY! DAYLIGHT OUTSIDE LIKE Z SUSPECT... THE CLASS SHOULD BE w SESSION RIGHT NOW °7... AND BEFORE WE { TACKLE THiS NEXT Eo ue ‘ OF COURSE 7 BELIEVE IT REALLY /S YOU. I'D RECOGNIZE THAT VOICE ANYWHERE / WE'VE ALL BEEN SO. WORWED ABOUT ‘YOU,., ESPECIALLY ‘THAT MUST BE BUT, MS, WILSON, T THOUGHT YOU HAD TO USE OUz 79-80 VIDECTEX TERMINAL WITH TELEPHONE ACTIVATE SHE COLOR COMPUTER! SUPERGIRL Nees Sone INFORMATION uy RETRIEVAL FROM THE INFORMATION SERVICE COMPANY! THE VIDEOTEX TERMINAL DOESN'T NEED A TELEPHONE INTERFACE IL... SAND REMEMBER, A 725-80 COLOR TAY, ae CAN ais Be Sees ke A VIDEOTEX TERMINAL .. WHEN YOU / USE THE 729-80 NTERFACE I “AND THAT'S WHAT 1 WANT YOU TO FIND ‘our! GOT _It--? YOU WANT US TO TRACK DOWN A RECENT acy PLANET STORY ABOUT A RESORT CALLED THE “PURPLE paLace* <= AND THEN RELAY ALL PERTINENT DETAILS TO you! B07 17! BND WE'LL ACTIVATE THE 4K 7RS-80 COLOR COMPUTER MEMORY SO We CAN STORE THE INFORMATION FOR LATER VIEWING IF We NEED TO! ALEC DIALS THE TELEPHONE NUMBER OF THE: INFORMATION SERVICES COMPANY... THEN “LISTENS: FOR A HIGH-PITCH TONE" BEFORE PLACING THE RECEIVER ON THE 7RS-8O INTERFACE ZZ... NOW, SHANNA, TYPE IN THE NUMBER 7000, 4444 -~ THAT'S CUR 7.D. WHAT DO 1 DO NEXT, (S. WILSON ? wow! one of THESE = / wart a MINUTE / THE DAILY PLANET NEWS FILE SEARCH THE PURPLE PALACE ORGANIZED CRIME JOE KENZIL MOB- GAMBLING OPERATIONS STORIES ON FILE® 3, SUPERMAN UNCOVERS DOPE ANO GAMBLING OPERATIONS: 2, PURPLE PALACE CLOSED COWN- EXPOSED AS FRONT FOR MOB I'VE JUST DIALED THE AND QUICKER THAN SHE EXPECTED, = “ SUPERSIRL'S PHONE STARTS RINGING r wim wie . : MEMORY COULDN'T RECALL THIS. IS SUPERGIRL, HERE Is THE AND JUST AS I HOPED THOSE WHILE BACK IN THE cLAss! WHOOSHING SOUND HAS TACULAR ROOM, A SUDDEN FAMILIAR BEEN FOLLOWED UP BY A _( SUPERMAN! ARE WE GLAD To SEB yoe/ FAM ANO AS ALEC, SHANNA AND M9. WILSON TELL THE MAV OF S7EEL ALL ABOUT THEIR COMPUTER. CONVERSATION WITH SUPERGIRL... THE PURPLE PALACE... L REMEMBER THAT RAID! WO WONDER oy) YER! TELL THE BAD GUYS ALEC SENT YOU! SO THAT'S HOW IT WAS DONE SPECIAL SOLAR PANELS DESIGNED O CONVERT THE SUN'S YELLOW RAYS INTO RED RAYS... TO NULLIFY A Fim, KRYPTONIAN'S SUPER: POWERS / AND JUDGING BY THE supER- Y SCIENTIFC GENIUS TT WOULD SQ TAKE TO PULL OFF SUCH A STUNT--I THINK, I KNOW WHO THE CULPRIT=- DOWN MERE / | A news-story apouT your RAID ON THe PURPLE ANLACE MENTIONED How SOME OF THE CROOKS TRIED TO ESCAPE SHROUGH AN CNDEREROUND, TOMMEL WITH A ODEN ENTRANCE BEHIND THE Wisunsweret’ yow 210 YOu ESCAPE FROM THAT ESTATE WITHOUT A SINGLE SUPER- POWER? LOWE ITALL TO MS. WILSON, SHANNA AND ALEC-“ALONG WITH 725-80 COLOR COMPUTERS... “GuRE ENOUGH, THE AWTRANCE WAS STILL THERE “WAND THAT'S: MEANWHILE, A SUPER-VIS/ON SCAN INTO THAT SEDAN HAS JUST VERIFIED WHAT I SUSPECTED 4X LUTHOR |S THE VILLAIN RESPONSIBLE FOR THE RED SOLAR-RAY TRAP! 3 EVERY MAN IN THAT CAR. iS A LONG-TMME EMBER GF LUTHOR'S Gane! THEY'RE PROBABLY ON THEIR, WAY UP TO THE PALACE TO CHECK U2, SINCE MY SUPER-AOWERS HAVE NOW RETURNED IN FULL FORCE — WHY DON'T WE WRAP UP THIS CASE WITH SOME COUSINLY TEAMWORK? "NEEDLESS TO SAY, LUTHOR'S: THUGS WERE SHOCKED OUT OF THEIR WITS 10 FIND THEMSELES SUDDENLY AIRBORNE... AND BN THEIR WAY TO BOL/CE imers we Y ( USE OF SHOOTIV’=- JHE BULLETS WiLL ONLY” BOUNCE OFF ‘EM! YIPES {NOT ONLY DID SUPERGIRL FIND AWAY OUT OF THE 6038'S 7RAP-- ‘SHE EVEN FOUND AFTER SUPERMAN Just To LET AND TO PUT IT NATURALLY, I DION'T TELL HIM AND X TURNED THE | Him KNOW 7 MILOLY... LUTHOR) WOW 1 ESCAPED--HE HAVE HENCHMEN OVER \/ ZeRsow THAT WAS "WOT Hes YEARS BEHIND BARS TO TO THE POLICE. His PURPLE PLEASED N THE WONDER ABOUT THAT! I PAID A quick PALACE TRAP || LEAST Tosi VISIT 10 £a7HOR IN HIS STATE PENITENTIARY, WAS A COLOSSAL HE'D PROBABLY NEVER BELIEVE HIS SCHEME WAS DONE IN BY A SUPERMAN. | Class OF SIXIW GRADERS .,. WHO SHANNA AND GAINED A W1CTORY WITH THE HELP OF AVCROCOMPUTERS! I'D say WE MAKE A PRETTY SENSATIONAL STUDENT'S GUIDE TO COMPUTER TERMS Brief definitions of terms frequently used in describing educational and business computer work. BASIC ......: . Beginners’ All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code, a widely-used programming language BINARY .. A numbering system using only two digits, 0 and 1. : BIT ite eg . The smallest unit a computer circuit can recognize. BYTE ..:... ‘A combination of 8 consecutive binary digits. CASSETTE ........ . An information storage medium composed of magnetic tape on a spool enclosed in a plastic case. ONTROUL Sac es That section of a computer which directs the activity of all other sections. 53 COURSEWARE «....0.........01.....+1 Educational Programs (software) for teaching dif ferent subjects. DATA The information a computer can process. ENTER . ccscsevsessss The last key on @ keyboard that must be pressed to enter data ito the computer. formation. » INFORMATION RETRIEVAL SYSTEM ... A system using a TRS-80 Color Computer and Telephone Interface TI, or a TRS-80 Videotex terminal with a color or black and white TV set to access all kinds of information through a central information service. FLOPPY DISC Flexible magnetic disc used for storage of i INPUT DEVICES . The keyboard, or a cassette tape player, are used to feed data into a computer memory section. INTERFACE . An electronic or electrical link which permits dit- ferent types of systems to work together. LINE NUMBER ........0..0..e0.s000+-. Ian example of BASIC programming it reads like this: 20 PRINT "COMPUTER TEST”. MEMORY 0.0. 0.c00ccscc/eseesseeesee+ The section of a computer used for storage of infor- mation (also, called data) OUTPUT DEVICES ..........2......4/. A cassette tape recorder records, and the video mon- itor (TV) displays on its screen, or a line printer prints on paper, the output (answers) trom the com- puter. PRINT, LET, GOTO. .. These terms are examples of BASIC program state- ments. x ‘9 BROGRANG 2 2009004-.- rate .... The set of instructions a computer follows to = process and deliver its answer or information requested by the operator. « Random Access Memory. + . Read Only Memory . The word which must be typed on the keyboard into the computer to start it processing an answer or information requested from its “program”. SOFTWARE ... Programs with instructions the computer must follow for different kinds of work. 3 Electronic Project Kit Solar Energy Lab Kit ~~ The big one! Build AM radio, telegraph, computer Hamess the sun! 25 circuits include transmitter, Gircuits, lots more! Parts connect with spring-clips. relay, sound synthesizer, more! Spring-clip connec: With earphone, illustrated manual. Requires 9V tions. With earphone. Some projects require $V and and 2 "AA" batteries. #28-248, $29.95 2°AR’ batteries. #26-246, $14.95 Build Your Knowledge with Science Fair Kits! Safe, Solderless, a ; j, And Lots of Funi Digital Logic Lab Kit “They're Great 25 projects to teach the basios of computer circuitry, For Hobbyists electronic games, and more! With IC chip, LED, and Of All Ages! ‘components for solderless hookup. Requires 3 "AA’ batteries, #28-226, $12.95 The Home of Science Fair Kits etal prices may vary at nwa and cer, Digital Computer Kit Build your own computer! Learn programming, binary math— 100 exciting proj- ects in al! With parts and manual. Requires 3"C" batteries, #28-216, $26.95 Crystal AM Radio Kit ‘Tunes your favorite station! Plays forever without AC or batteries, How's it work? Build it and learn! Covers 50-1600 kHz. With earphone and instructions, #28-219, $4.95 starring comic book favorites, SUPERMAN” and SUPERGIRL”. . plus the TRS-80 COMPUTER WHIZ KIDS . .. in an exciting introduction to microcomputers and what they can do! Pick up your FREE copy at participating U.S, Radio Shack stores. Mg TRE-CO Lathes Me sexta introduction to BASIC programming. It's an easy-to-understand instructional aid and re source guide for the elementary teacher. current hardware and software designed for secondary and college le classroom use by all teachers regardless of their knowledge of microcomputers and programming skill PLEASE ALLOW 70 6 wets fill out this coupon and mailto FoR DELWERY. se send me __ FREE copies of your new R Sh - mnal comic book, VICTORY BY COMPUTER. adie Shaek [] Please sond me a FREE copy of your Level 1 | VEGA GEER Cee LJ Basie programs, MY TRS-80 LIKES ME. | 1300 One Tandy Center Please send me a FREE copy of your | Fort Worth, Texas 76102 NEW EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS CATALOG. NAME —_ mie _ GRADE(S) TAUGHT | ScHooL a SCHOOL ADDRESS = cry _ _____ STATE \ YOUR ZIP CODE GET YOUR ADDITIONAL COPIES WHILE QUANTITIES LAST!

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