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FULL MOON AUTO [Type the document


[Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary
of the contents of the document. Type the abstract of the document here. The
abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document.]
The undersigned (“Recipient”), hereby agree that all financial and other information
(“information”) that is, has and will receive concerning Full Moon Auto Rentals and Repairs
is confidential and will not be disclosed to any other individual or entity without prior written
consent. The recipient agrees to instruct associates/business partners, employees and persons
with whom they have given access, that they must not disclose any information concerning this
document to others except to the extent that such matters are generally known to and are
available for use by the general public. The recipient also agrees not to duplicate or redistribute
or permit others to duplicate or distribute any material contained without Full Moon Auto
Rentals and Repairs expressed written consent. The information shall remain the property of
Full Moon Auto Rentals and repairs and shall be returned to Full Moon Auto Rentals and repairs
promptly at its request together with all copies made thereof.
Recipient agrees that violation of this agreement will result in Full Moon Auto Rentals and
repairs seeking equitable relief in any court of competent jurisdiction.

____________________ ___________________________________
Date Signature of Recipient

------------------------- --------------------------------------------
Date Full Moon Auto Rentals and Repairs’ Representative

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Name of Business Full Moon Auto Rentals and Repairs

Type of Business Limited Liability Company
Nature of Business Auto rental and repair
Industry /Sector Tourism / Transportation /etc.
Business Registration Number TBD
Registration Date TBD
Business Location 49 Porto Bello Estate,
Montego Bay, St James
Business Ownership Luther Vassell and Ricardo Davis
Number of Employees TBD
Funding Requirement 10M JMD
Proposed security TBD
Contact Person Luther Vassell
Phone Number (876)828-3411
Email Address
Certificate and Membership N/A

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Full Moon Auto Rentals and repair will be a full featured auto rental company providing
modern vehicles with updated technology and integrated GPS allowing our customer to
explore Jamaica in comfort.


Full Moon Auto rentals aims to become the auto rental provider of choice in western Jamaica
that will offer a fleet of modern vehicles that will encourage guests of our island to explore new
places in comfort. We aspire to give our guests a hassle GPS guided Jamaican experience.

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Start up

-Find a suitable location

To increase our brand awareness and to be exposed to the local and visitor market
within the first 4 months of operation.

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Full Moon Auto Rentals and repair will be offering various classes of vehicles for rental to
meet our customers needs. We will be offering compact
cars, sedans as well as larger seven seaters. a full featured auto rental company providing
modern vehicles with updated technology and integrated GPS allowing our customer to
explore Jamaica in comfort.

Product/ Service 1 Product service 2 Product /service 3 Product /service 4



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(Assist the Entrepreneur/business owner to develop at least 4 of these if they are not in existence)


Unique value Unique value

Unique Value Unique Value Unique Value
Unique Quality

Describe value
Describe Describe Describe Describe Describe
here. Value Here Value Here Value Here Value Here Value Here

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2.0 Feasibility Study
(This section should cover the following areas and should be guided by the following)
2.1 Business Overview
Describe the product/service stage of development
What is unique about the product/service?
Describe the product benefits and its limitations Describe the production process
2.2 Internal Profile Analysis
For the company you are analysing complete the following Table and make
Recommendations based on your findings.

Strong Slight Neutral Slight Strong

Weaknesses Weaknesses Strength strength
Ability to raise
Knowledge of
l and
Access to
Number of
Relevance of

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Base on the Analysis make five (5) recommendations to the company’s management that is
Justified by your internal profile analysis
2.3 The Market
2.3.1 Industry Analysis
The focus here is on what is happening in, and the relative attractiveness of, the industry as a
whole. You are looking at the entire local industry but must look at the regional and global
industry as well. As such, this section does not involve any description of your company or your
local market. This section needs to be guided by the following information:

Summarize the industry in which the business operates or will operate.

How is the industry constructed/segmented?
Discuss briefly industry size (in dollars) and annual growth rate (%); Where is the industry in its
life cycle-- -emerging, early growth, rapid growth, early maturity, maturity, decline?
Discuss the structure of the industry at present.
How concentrated or fragmented is the industry?
How many players are there, and how many are large versus small?
Who are the largest and most important players in the industry?
Outline Porter’s 5 forces and draw conclusions.
Provide a diagram of the value added chain to illustrate the key players in the industry.
Highlight key trends in the industry.
Are costs going down or up? What about prices? Discuss any new products or developments, the
rate of new product development, new markets and customers, new selling approaches, new
pricing methods, new requirements or regulations, new entrants and exits, new technologies, and
any other national or economic trends and factors that could affect the venture’s business
positively or negatively.
Determine the key success factors for the industry and draw conclusions.
2.3.2 Market Analysis
Identify target market
Give profile of customers and their unmet needs
Describe marketing strategy
2.3.3 Competitive Analysis
Identify major competitors and compare in terms of:
Competitor Price Quality Location Product line Reliability

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(Develop the grading scheme that you will use to compare the competitors)

Competition and Competitive Edges

Identify direct and indirect (and potential) competitors. DO NOT INDICATE THAT THERE IS
NO COMPETITION. Make a realistic assessment of their strengths and weaknesses. Discuss the
3 or 4 key competitors and why customers buy from them, and determine why customers might
leave them.
Assess the substitute and/or alternative products/ services and list the companies that supply
them, both domestic and foreign, as appropriate.
Discuss the current advantages and disadvantages of competitor products and the extent to which
they are not meeting customer needs.
Compare competing and substitute products or services on the basis of market share, sales,
distribution methods, economies of scale, and production. Review the financial position,
resources, costs, and profitability of the competition and their profit trends.
Compare also important attributes such as quality, price, performance, delivery, timing, service,
warranties, and pertinent features of your product/service with those of competitors.
Compare the fundamental value that is added or created by your product or service, in terms of
economic benefits to the customer and to your competitors.
Indicate any knowledge of competitors’ actions, or lack of action, that could lead you to new or
improved products and an advantageous position. Why aren’t they doing what you will be doing?
Discuss whether competitors are simply sluggish or non-responsive or are asleep at the wheel.
Indicate who are the service, pricing, performance, cost, and quality leaders. Discuss why any
companies have entered or dropped out of the market in recent years.
From what you know about competitors’ operations, explain why they are vulnerable and why
you can capture a share of their business. What makes you think it will be possible to compete
with them.

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2.4 Core Feasibility Analysis
Complete the Following Analyses on the business you are analysing and provide a basic
narrative on each section after (Chapter 9, page 272 of the text will provide you with a useful guide for most of this exercise):
Technical Feasibility Market Feasibility Financial Feasibility Analysis Cultural feasibility analysis
Analysis Analysis

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Write assumptions for financial statements _____________________________________
Determine financing needs _________________________________________________
Determine sources of financing

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Section 4 – Entrepreneurship Process and the Business Model
Make comments relating to the Business you are analyzing that would explain its specific framework of the Entrepreneurial process.
Additional narrative can be added at the end of the table if needed.

Annex: II – Framework of the entrepreneurial process

Stages Key decision variables or alternatives Comments
Identify an opportunity Changing demographics
Emergence on new market segments
Process needs
New technologies
Regulatory change
Social change
Develop the concept New products
New services
New processes
New markets
New organizational structure/ forms
New technologies
New sales or distribution channels
Determine the required resources Skilled employees
General management expertise
Marketing and sales expertise
Technical expertise
Distribution channels
Sources of supply
Production facilities
Licenses, patents and legal protection

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Acquire the necessary resources Debt
Contract labor
Temporary staff
Supplier financing
Joint venture

Implement and manage Implementation of concept

Monitoring of performance
Payback of resource providers
Achievement of Performance goals
Harvest the venture Absorption of new concept into mainstream operations
Licensing of rights
Family succession
Sell venture
Go public
Shut down venture

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The table above ‘Framework of the Entrepreneurial Process’ reflects the entrepreneurial process which has six stages: “the first two,
opportunity identification and business concept development, represent the ideation phase of the process. The entrepreneur is
attempting to identify patterns or forces in the environment that represents profit potential, and to develop a creative means of
capitalizing on that potential. The remaining stages are concerned with implementation. Thus, the entrepreneur assesses and acquires
the necessary resources, implements the concept, manages the business, and eventually harvests the venture. While creativity is
perhaps most associated with the beginning of the process, and especially with the development of the concept, in practice it is the
subsequent stages that often require the most innovative and risk-taking behaviours on the part of the entrepreneur… it also provides
key decision variables or alternatives that come into play at each stage in the process Morris, Kuratko and Schindehutte 2001, (p.39).

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Business Model Canvas
The business model canvas is a user-friendly tool that captures critical elements of the business’ model. It clearly defines the value
that the business presents and the critical supporting elements. Each Section a


Business Idea: What for whom and how?
Product / Service Idea: Key functionality of the product / service.
Key Partners Key Activities Value Customer Customer Segments
Who are our Key What Key Activities does Propositions Relationships For whom are we creating the
Partners? our: Value proposition What value do What type of value?
Who are our Key require? we deliver to the relationship / How many potential paying
Suppliers? Distribution Channels customer? resources do each of customers?
Which key require? Which one of our Customer Who are our most important paying
resources are we Customer Relationships our customer Segments expect us customers?
acquiring from require? problems are we to establish and How big a market share could you
partners? Revenue Streams helping to maintain with them? capture in what time frame?
Which key require? solve? Which ones are
activities do What business established? Mass Market
partners perform? Categories: products and How are they Niche Market
Production services are we integrated with the Segmented
Motivation for Problem solving offering to each rest of our business Diversified
partnership: Platform/Network Customer model? Multi-sided Platf+orm
Optimization and Segment? How costly are they?
economy Which customer
Reduction of risk needs are we Examples:
and uncertainty satisfying? Personal assistance
Acquisition of Who are our Dedicated personal
particular competitors and assistance
resources and how are we Self-service
activities different? Automated services
What is our Communities
pricing strategy? Co-creation e.g.
Characteristics: Wikipedia site –

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Business Idea: What for whom and how?
Product / Service Idea: Key functionality of the product / service.
Newness customers are able to
Performance edit content
Key Resources Customization Channels User Segments
What Key Resources do “Getting the job Through which For whom are we creating the
our Value Propositions done” channels do our value?
require? Distribution Design customer segments Who are our most important end
Channels require? Brand/Status want to be reached? users?
Customer Relationships Price How are we reaching How many potential users?
require? Cost reduction them now?
Revenue Streams Accessibility How are our channels Mass Market
require? Convenience/uti integrated? Niche Market
lity Which ones work Segmented
best? Diversified
Which ones are most Multi-sided Platform
How are we
integrating them with
customer routines?

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Business Idea: What for whom and how?
Product / Service Idea: Key functionality of the product / service.
Cost Structure Revenue Streams
What are the most important costs inherent to our For what value are our customers really willing to pay? How much?
business? For what do they currently pay?
Which key resources are most expensive? How are they currently paying?
Which key activities are most expensive? How would they prefer to pay?
How much does each revenue stream contribute to overall revenues?

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After completing the Business model provide at least 4 recommendations that you
could use to improve on the business model of the MSME Studied and justify why
you think these recommendations would make the model better.

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