Resume Perkuliahan Mobile Learning Manfaat

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LEARNING Ability to learn on the go, banyak

istilah otg (pembeljaran bisa
 Clarck Quinn  mobile learning is
dilakukan dengan beraktivitas)
the intersection of mobile
 Reach underserved children and
computing and e-learning : sumber-
schools (bisa menjangkau wilayah
sumbernya bisa diakses dimana
yg belum terjangkau?)
saja. Di dalam mobile learning
 Improve higher thingking skills
terdapat interaksi yang kuat
misalnya bisa vidcall dan
memberikan support yang luar
 TV dan radio bukan termasuk
mobile learning karena tidak ada
interaksi dan bukan strong search
capabilities 
 Mobile learning is the experience
and opportunity afforded by the
evolution of educational
 Perangkat mobile memberikan
kebebasan personalisasi sesuai
permintaan atau kepribadian

 M learnining itu cakupan dari e

learning atau lebih spesifik
contohnya smartphone, tablet, dll
5 Maret the to be used for distraction or
unethical behavor
Kelebihan mobile learning
- Health concerns stemming
Improve high over thingking skill from icreased screen time and

Tantangan mobile learning adalah privacy.

3. Point three
- sikap dan prasangka yang
berlaku terhadap penggunaan
teknologi untuk interaksi
- Sometimes these attitudes are
reflected in laws prohibiting the
use of mobile technologies.
4. Point four
- Mobile devices are shared
1. Point one among a group
- Indonesia masih belum merata - Mobile learning akan maksimal
terkait jaringan internet apabila individu itu memiliki
- Availability and cost of device sendiri.
broadband in schools and -
homes can be a big hurdle
(rintangan) for smaller and low
- The cost factor, a tablet is more
expensive than a textbook and
some schools just might not be
able to afford them.
2. Point two (must be monitored)
- When mobile devices are used
by students in classrooms or at
home, their use must be
monitored in some way.
- While mobile devices can be
used for academic enchriment,
the oppoetunity also exisr for

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