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Colour television Chassis Table of contents Page 1. Technical specifications 2 2. Connection faciities 2 3. Warning ana notes 3 4. Mechanical instructions 3 5. Blook diagram and Survey of testpoints 4 6. Electrical diagrams and print lay-outs WE Carrier panel (copper side) 6 ‘ Power supply / Synchronisation / Deflection (diagram A) 7 Short description of FFS power supply 7 } Tuner / IF / Video (diagram 8) 8 Short description of 107225 8 Controls (alagram C) 9 ‘ ‘Sound (diagram D) 10 PWB Mutigound pane! (oopper side) 10 CCRT panel (diagram E) 1" WB CAT panels MN / NN (copper side) " Features (diagram F) 12 WB Stereo PB / BTSC panel (copper side) 12 Stereo PB / BTSC (diagram G) 13 7. Electrical adjustments 4 8. Repair ups 18 8. Directions for use 19 10. Spare parte list 20 ‘Published by Conan chores Prien The Netherlands “Copyright resend Sujet to modteaion @_ warm EY PHILIPS PCS 42 505 5. Block diagram Tie T2005 PB 120.5ns avetaov eis Smt avs 8 1=0.5ns 19 te Te0.5ms ¥-500 p21 125 Tetus aveSy avei00v TeSous avs tees TeSns avet0v 1x2 Te20us aveOv2 AC EXE Ee 13 Te10 TeSus Te20ns vet arty 16 Tet0as avety ave0¥? AC Survey of testpaints 700-9509 a, 7h | fez a aS" POWER SUPPLY PANEL (a E . - 2 260 ©] ose: ns al m= sas Hie “al, 2 Oe ee a) a a = me) ae itts| [Of Block diagram woo Apps Te oc LT! SOUND ang Vertical q Sisto icheas Block diagram ao e - iC i= wesorion oa? Gi ae [> fa Power supply / Synchronisation / Deflection By POWER-SLPPLY/SYNC/HOR-DERL : 7 t supply / Synchronisation / Deflection EQUENCY POWER SUPPLY OF AC CHARACTERISTICS OF FFS POWER PLY: ‘MuLvoitga: No speciat crcutry,onWy value changes ‘of components. Far nigh mains valtagos the sope of the primary euront iz moro stoop (90 Ton shorter), for low mains voltages the slope of he pimaty currant is less steep (s0 T-on longer in his way income power Is constant forefront maine voltages (P-n = Van = 1s lolated Fined Fraquoncy Supply (FES) at prim) inal 33 kia, no opto coupler, ne thyristor switching ings onthe secondary sie,no slow start circutty ‘CONTROL CIRCUITRY: pone supply (ony slowstat eeu for ity) and no standoy mode of the power supply tanta windings 42 and 2-2 duty eyelo corre! on rmary side ‘yee of the power supply depends on T-on of “157513 whien is controlled bythe contal panel IC7St0. The contol pane datocs variations of 99 (al he secondary sie of 5525 at winding 9} via sensing windings 4-2 and 3.2 at the primary of 5525, The entehing povod of TS7613 le esintee main areas Tron, To and T-dead aa Lan energy is extracted trom mains into the ay winding 11-9 of ranstormer 5525 with a linear ‘axing primary current (slope depends on votage 58.0200). ia Ton regulation ine aulycyeie of ower supply ané eo the +95 can be controled. As ie reguateg, Toff rogulstod ao a result (P-out in = Toon = Tol) Lal eneray "inside" transformer i supplied to 2d via secondary windings of 9525. Current, ‘ih secondary sie ofthe tanstormer decreases rn im sope, 2 Lad no energy i extracted or supplied, the ‘38 gwvoa "oom® for T-on and Tol regulon y= Toit = Teas ) (RY SIDE: sussing: FO501 & a dual PTC (2 PTC's in one ing). Aer switch on sot, PTC is cold so low-ohmic so degauesing curent very high, Alter useing, PTC is heated 89 high-ahmie, s0 ‘sl aperation dagaussing curtant vary low ‘Syollage is filtered by LS500, ul wave recitiog ‘des 6502-6505 and smoothed by 02505 10 V-n VDC for 220V AC main) “ub; Via startup ercuitry Rh3508 and R507 mains Figo to start op 107510 at supply pln 7 (+18). ame polaily a¢ winesng 21-18 During T-ott winding 21-19 and so windings 4-2 and 3-2 are postive. 157512 ie switched “on” by the \wotage aver 3-4 and go ractiig the vtage over 42 in awell desinad way, charging C212; the OC level across C2512 & ielereice for #98, Via ROBTO, 3811 land 3512 this DC-voltage is brought fo the requied pin 2 IC7R10; thie vltagn isthe input for duty cyclo contol of IC7510. With 9512 the vokage at pin 2 and sa the contol can be adjustog : 75 ‘duty-cle af the FES: (C7510 compares voltage at pin 2 wih sternal roteronce votage 1 stable station, then pin 2= reference voliage, so euty cycle remains the same. It «95 increases the voltage al pin 2 increases, so duly cycle and so the +95 decreases (new balance of pin 2 with reference voltage and £0 New ower stable duty eye) Via 89519 tho prim is convenea ina votiage and va H518 and £524 to pin 3107510 (normal operation between O- 1 Vit overload (hort tet of powor euppy) pin 1 ivng protection (hiek~up mode): C7510 switches TS7513 and s0 power supply "of" as lond as -pxim ie {eo high, stars up again prim stil 0 high switehes “ol” agai, ete ‘SECONDARY SIDE: 295 forthe tno output stage, +13 for sound output amplifier and start up ofthe in ecuiry and derived ftom +13 the PROT. 95 (for pratecton), +5 (C supp), PPOR (etarting up tha C) 413 follows +95 volage vatiations and so PROT. 96 also. PROT 95 $0 (+95 ig approx. 410¥) the Gwil ihn et in star up of IC7510, the internal oselatr drives stansby. 512 nte conduction approx. 38 ka) via pin 6 of {28.6 aupply: via DABRD, TS75E9 (4 7V), omttor of T7563 6 5.4. 1D and the FFS automaticaly starts up 121167510; During startup vatage aceass ing 42 i but up. atthe momant the votage sswinding 4-2 reacnas «18V, D651" stare Mtn ana as oer + 18 Supp ota ot ‘nour srenco re arse) pane [wi STEREQ ED aTEO) POR: C ontors operational state as +5 supply volage has reaches 45V, POR wil intiaze he C a he ‘moment he «5 6 55V For a more detail description see Tralning Manual §aisq3970 | isusz767 | ‘gei627879 | seisgs870 | wors27187 s4ov ony | 90 SBN 3g ae ear agar a 3K Ba Bat ae Be eo | @ | | 8] gs | wee | vuflece | wuliice | wee | waliae wee ilies | near | tee | 1usbine WBE | (RRP | MBE | A | ee oie ASE per Mie ter avet00v re w avet00¥ ans 12 vei 118 2, 120.505 124 ‘vet aves Pot Tuner / IF / Video 1C7225-6A-6B-6C-6D-6E-6F (TDA8362) INTERMEDIATE FREQUENCY HF DEMODLLATION 172258) {Egat wn wre crise spre cans aa 29 1936 Sean mot an a Ra a pe sen ‘we ace tenementaater Ree aia rer Sse cee ees ee a rete sain prec or Hibsiibiisie mint peg Viens or) ee I HSBTNEUIT NYS So eae Scr a ts why nacrcgon on lata ae may ewepan te oe source sect ues MO cHROMAACE SEPARATION me pees rans ceive neha S70, o0 metho aves At em Le serene es eee, f HHH wo Ts nae See et sac canons tcreas6c PALINTSG made Lusaga sain 27-AA 110722-86 Seton totes ne roman TE Get Staaten spe Pac MePaLN ang ape ‘Strata cowl pn eu sare snes oa ‘ig aon serarg PALSECAM necalanga aac az at veo? AC SERIE eaicc meommte ta pate moter SRUnrSC oa sacar agrle omen 4aacallton cee i {erence strana tacit cies eS toe : ‘PALASe muta {an 2 lu ersing sone seacon st lcrasacercyaste waar ox Yam Soayine 286 i ICrzzpac te anecod?ASeNISE tna Bt tate ‘alist 063 RESO ty terrae cra ht ce PAL NTS abt og jaya eT ones soc ¢ SEC ar Va CEES {Erzig Se tne tata wetness 2a Te oeaens IV vacote pe and 1 eUe dl ne ese ave0v2 AC Hf bin 21 1125 0 Saching boon ROB Hom TAT ROS om aa Bepienrgencee T-20us ORZONTALSYHCHROMISATION (C7225) avs0v2 AC Sizes ofr ete vi 9 ges So corm io pa 3:4 {STANDBY ‘gh 787423 cond pn 360722508 fs, us mo ‘een na in AY ow Ya eo evap wn vrai oy oy nS Ho back Saar pane coe erase ‘Sse lieing on ye Seat oaty oem by \Ghaasog Pnaalstcn conn suc anor. scr Saeco una strare yf carat aerate 2 Rateweounassvinctinages taneseurge at 842512 Tuner / IF / Video = | i TUNER/SAWFILTER fs VIDED CHROMA Tuner / IF / Video eis s oe Hees] HHL ALE ft pel ag Bi di Bh a8 pee ga ™ im " vr | 4 js | a e te 10 we ee 58 1508 220s Tetons e wes beet a sete co fe RE E ie | B _— seaeeereameesessete rar i r. ey | see 1 ge 4 id Ad aw me 7 il ay & oo eal Be se ‘eo il ay 27 : aM ae 2 c au eo : one 15k jumper “eR to meer ay es oa ge ‘08 wt Ee toa i Ef br = eL | 1k | Bi unger 7 LEB ponsicausnss enssoatsrare os - BCS48 2s rzaes teh freee a tafe th - jumper ail pepe : ny heer : jeu : Jumper Rk ‘9601 = jumper Ae see : impor Bh se meat ee —— : sea? tmpa Pos 4251 Multi and Single sound [10 | A 8 | Multi and Single sound Es a CRT panels Features EEN a : = Pos 42516 Stereo PB / BTSC Stereo PB / BTSC STEREG PLAYBACK Pos 4251 7 14 aa 12 13 14 18 7 18 Electrical adjustments Settings on the carrler pane! 2 +98 power supply vottage 2a Connect a multimeter (OC) across C2591. Set ‘brghtreee at mid positon and contrast et maximum. ‘Apply a pattern generator with colour bar. Adjust potentiometer 3512 12 +98V « 0.5 OC. Hortzontal contring ‘Adjust with potentiometer 3420, Vertical centring Is adjusted wih switch 3408, Picture height Ie ncjusted wah potentiometer 2410. Focusing Is adjusted wih the focusing potentiometer inte ine ‘output transformer 5445 (it nacessary Brightness at ‘minimum and contrast st maximum). FF AGC adjustment Connect pattern generator (e.g. PMS518) at aoral Input with AF Amplitude ~ 1 mV. Connect a multimeter (OC) at pin § of tuner. Adjust 3264 to 75 « 05 DC. 22 Ploture demoduletor adjustment ‘Connect a pattern gonoratr (o.g. PMSS%) wih a ‘ross hatch. Sat osciloscope to 1ys/DIV. Connect an ‘sciloscope to pin 7 o 107228 and adjust L8280 so that he overshoot reapense ia minimum, 00 Fig. 7. Select a colour bar signal and very Ifthe peture Is alight a commas ‘Adjustment ot ‘Switch off the sot, Disconnect pn 17 ofthe tuner by desoldecng the ‘cut Connect a signal goneraor at 3.4 Mz at pin 3 ot plug M&. Set osclloscope to 1us/DIV. Connect an ‘osciloscope to pin 1 of te SAW fier 1018 and adjust 115020 fr minimum amplitido ofthe signal FRsalder the V-cut to roconnect the tuner Pos 42518 ‘Settings on the CRT panel G2 adjustment Connect a signal generator (e.g. PMSS18) and sot to ‘te raster patton ‘Set contrast and the Vge potmeter (in ine output ‘wanctormer) minimum. Agjuet wth brightnese contol ‘the top video lvel at pn 3 of plug L7 (on CRT pane!) to the same voltage love asthe emitter of transistor of transistor 797228. Note: store this value as Personal Preteence (PPI! Pre-aglust ne olack evel preset potmeter cf each ‘un, 3907 (8), 3320 (G) and 3394 (to give a back level of 140V on pine 11, 6 and & (RGB for Mini Nosle (147) or pins 3,8 and 7 (RGB fox Narrow Nook (20" land 21)) on tho picture tubo socket. Remove probe of vllmeter or osiloscope. ‘Adjust the Vga potmater until one ofthe colours just Decomes visile.Aalust ne omer two guns by meane of the corresponding resistors (3507, 9920 or 3334) Lunt tho eoloura just become vale or unl the picture Is white ‘White-D adjustment Uso the same signal as prescribed in 2.1 ‘Adjust contrast © such a vel tha od ie good visible, ‘Adjust potmeters 2818 (8) and 8914 (G) to have cowrect White yi Note: Store nominal valuos for contrast, saturation and brightness as Personal Preference when settings 2.1 and 2.2 have been carried out Bua te cH RT PA ! Electrical adjustments deetitto onto panel) raiser of vPPy ech vablack eo" oust more vibe ‘lon ang CRT PANEL aaa elt Electrical adjustments " 2. a Adjusting the picture tube 33 Note: ‘The colour purty and convergence adjustment scribed nereatter noed only be caries outta completely new adjustment is called for or new Picture tude has been fied. (Otherwise, for instance after replacing the deflection uni ‘ail nat ba nncnnaary 19 ramove tha rbberwedges (@ in Fig. 4). corrections by means ofthe mult-pole Unit wil 1 then suff, 2 Colour purity (s0e Fig. 4) LLoosan fixing seraw "F" ofthe dalaction unit fw turns. 3 Move the deflection unit ang remove the three rubber wedges °C" ‘Sif tne denecion unt forward as far as possiote against tho glass ofthe picture tube cone and tighten fixing serow °F" in such a manner thatthe deflection unt can be moved with some friction Pace the multipole unt inthe postion shown, turn serow °K" and turn securing ring ‘0 counter clockwise, 4 Let the apparatus face East or West and switch on the sat Supply a cross-hatch pattern and set brightness control To maximum. Allow fora warming-up time of 10 minutes. Aju tho state converganoa, using tabe “C* and "Oi necessary, see procedure I). Switch off the green and the blue gun by disconnecting the resistors 3316 and 3303, By turing the colour purity rings with tbs "E", the 5 vertical rad aris adjust naavast tothe canta ofthe ‘screen, while the central horizontal line shoul be as 6 straight as possible, Supply a wit pattor signal and check tha the rea bar n isinthe contro ofthe sereen. it not, switch on tne ‘ross-hatch pattern again and move tho red bar inthe tight direction, taking care that the piture does not move 100 much in vertical direction, Supply the white patorn signal and move the deflection unit uni the whole picture surface is uniformly red Switch on the grean and the blue guns by reconnecting R9316 and R3803. No colour patcnes should coour in the white picture now obtained, It nagessary a minor correction can be made by eighty tuning the colour putty rings "E" andor slighty moving the deflection uni Tighten screw *F tight, Proceed fo tne static and dynamic convergence adjsiments. Static convergence (see Fig. 4) ‘Supply a cross-hatch pattorn and allow for a warming up ‘ume ot 10 minutes ‘Switch of the green gun by aisconnecting resistor 2316 {and tun locking ring "B" anticlockwise By turning the four pole rings with tabs "C°, the rea and blue cross-hatch patterns in the centre of the screen ave placed on lap of wach other. ‘Switch onthe groen gun by reconnecting 3316 ana ‘Sitch-cff the blue gun by dieconnecting resistor 3903, By turing the six-pole rings with tabs "D" the red and Green cross-naich pattorns in the centre ofthe screen fro placed on top of each other. ‘Switch-on the blue gun again and tighten rng "Ba UE mee | Dynamic convergence (see Fig. 5 and 6) Romerk: ‘The dynamic convergence is wclieved by verteal and horizontal ting ofthe defection unt. To secure the righ positon of the deflection uni, three rubber wedges at fitted between the glass ofthe picture tude and the ellection unit, as shown in Fig. Sd or 6. First check the colour purty and switch of the green gun by disconnecting resistor, ‘Supply a crass-naton pattern and ewitch off the green un by disconnecting resistor 3316, Flminata tha crossing of the central horizontal blue and fed line anc the crossing of the central vatoal blue and fd lina, by vertical tting ofthe detlection unt. tthe positon of ie detection unt is correct, ten piace rubbér wedge 1, paper stip not removed, atthe top (Fig. 5a) or at the bottom (Fig. 6a). Fig. Sais appicable the Gelloction units ited upwards and Fig. 6a if he unt is tited downwards, by horizontal iting of the deflection unit, now bom the horizonial blue and red lines inthe upper and lowor halves ofthe picture and the vertical blue and red lines (on the lett and right nand side of he picture are placed {on top of the other. tthe pootion af the doflecton unit ie correc, then place ‘wodges 2 and 3 with paper stip removed, as shown in Fig. 5b or 6b. Firmly press the achesive sides of these, ‘wedges against the glass ofthe picture tube Now place wadgo 4 as shown in Fig. 8c or 6c.and press fan tha adhasiva side femiy Fomove wedge 1,10 obtain the condition shown in Fig. 5d or 63 ‘Sulton 09 tne green gun by reconnecting 3316. Electrical adjustments 4. Settings on BTSC panel 45 41 Input gain adjustment ‘Adjust R3807 for optimal BTSC reception. 42 Oscillator adjustment Connect pin 31 to pin 32 (+8V) of 1C7801 by a 2k7 resistor. Connect an osciloscope (or frequency ‘counter to pin 7 of C7801 and align 3828 at 16,784 kHz (pilot frequency). 43. Pilot cancelation adjustment Select an oft-air BTSC channel with a strong pilot. 48 Connect an osciloscope at pin 7 of C7801 and adjust 3806 for minimum 18,734 kHz, then 3806 for minimum 15,734 KH? and then again RRO for minimum 15,734 kHz. 44 Stereo channel separation at 300 Hz Connect an BTSC generator (0.9. Leader Model LMS-238P) to the tuner input. Set generator to an Internal frequency of 300 He at L-signal only with Pilot land SAP ‘ont and Level Control pushed in. Connect AC milivoltmetor at pin 23 1C780% (R-output) and align R3808 for minimum amplitude at pin 23 ‘Stereo channel separation at 3 kHz. Connect an BTSC generator (0.9. Leader Model \LMS.238P) to the tuner input. Sat generator to an femal frequency of 3 kHz at L-signal only with Plot ‘and SAP ‘on* and Level Control pushed in. Connect AC milivoltmeter at pin 23 C7801 (R-output) ‘and align 3810 for minimum amplitude at pin 23, Ito BTSC generator available try to adjust R3808 and 3810 for optimal stereo channel separation over the fantica audio spectrum by listening SAP level alignment ‘Select a STC channel with dual language. Switch with the remote contro from language | to language I ‘and adjust R3809 untl| both | and I have approx. same ‘sound amplitude. Te 107801 can be forced by a DC voltage at pin 11 Pin 11 =2.5V + SAP (second audio program)/ Language Il mode Pin 1 =4.26V + Stereo mode Pin 11 =7.2V = Mono mode STEREO PLAYBACK + BTSC DECORDER: 24 22 23 3a 8. Repair tips Error messages Via 126 the uC can detect maltunction ofall (°C ccontralled IC's. Maximal 3 error codes can be displayed indicating maximal 3 different errors detected at switch ‘on (200 Table 8.1). Those error codes will bo displayed via. OSD, only in normal operation mode after every ‘witch on of the set. Error codes detected in the past can be displayed in tho Service Mode (¢0e section 3.1.9), Ever | Error descripion | Poselbte defective Code ‘component 1] PUL tiner Tuner 2 | EEPROM ‘Sot not correct Checksum Error | configured 3 __| Simulcast tuning | TOAB«42 4 _ | 208 Stereo decoder] TOABE40 | Internal RAM error | 1C7800 6 _| eePaom \e7r10 7 | Nicam stereo ‘SAA7280 ___| decoder 8 __| Notusea z Ta Service Default Mode Entry of the Service Default Mod ‘Shortcircuit the 2 Service Detault Mode pins on the main, ccarier (M28 and M29 near C) fora short moment whit ‘switching on tha sat. An *S' on tha seraan will Indicate the activated Service Default Mode. Functions of the Service Detault Mode: In the Service Default Mode the set Ie In a pre-defined. ‘condition: All controls at 50% except volume 25%. VST ‘Sols tuned at program 1 and PLL sets tuned at 475.25 MHz (t possible with auto system search), All OC ‘voltages & oscllograms incited in the Service Manual fare moasured in the Service Detaut Mode, Exit of the Service Default Modi ‘Standby and switching off the set (of course the Service Dofauit Mode pin shortcrcult has to be removed by then). Service Mode Entry of the Service Mode: [At the printed indication up on the uC the last 4 digits (¢.g. 0199) Indicate the software number (cluster) and version of that particular wC; The “xx indicate the ‘software number and the *yy* indicate the masking and version of that particular sofware number (so Ifthe last 4 dlgits aro 0128 it moans software number Of with 2" ‘masking with 8” version) 324 922 ‘The entry ofthe Service Mode for sets with software umber 4 First bring the set in Service Default Mode. Then press local keys *Channel - & "Store" simultaneously for 3 sec. Switch-off EEPROM-protection by shortircut 2 Service Mode pine on the malin carrier (M31 and M22 near uC) 1s long as settings are changed. Remove shortircult after changing the options. ‘The entry of the Service Mode entry for sets with software numbers 3 and higher. Shortcireult 2 Service Mode pins on the mein carrier (M31 and M32 near 10) fora short moment while ‘mitching on the set. Switch-off EEPROM: protection will be done automatically {8s soon as the Service Mode is entered. The EEPROM will be protected again at the moment the Service Mode 's extted (via standby, not via switch off ofthe set Functions of the Service Mode: Function of the Service Mode are; display the software ‘number and version, set all software controlled options, splay error codes detected In the past and erase the ‘error code detected in the past Display the software number and version. In tne Service Mode the following menu will eppeer: ANUBIS-S1 V28 ADR XXX DATA X00" S1 indicates software number 1, V28 indicates 2" ‘masking with 8 version. ‘Set al sofware controled options ‘The addresses where the option settings are stored are ‘he addresses 249 up to ang including 283. Tne aetault data (stored by the factory) ditters from stroke version to stroke version. This default data is clven at a sticker Inside the set. ‘ror manipulation of the data at the option addresses 245 Lp to and including 253 table 8.2 or 8.3 can be used (tesp. for sets with software number 1 of 3) ‘Changing the options settings according to the hardware ‘environment, can be dane in the Service Mode via the. keys: 1. “CONTROL -/s"By pressing the "control i+" keys the value behind ADR or DATA will be highighted jequently 2a. “PROG -/4*By prossing “prog -/+" keys the highlighted value can be increased or decreased 20, *0-8*By pressing “0-8" keys the highlighted value can direct be keyed it 8. STORE*After every ADA and/or DATA change & ‘storet command has to be given to store these changes Repair tips For the option addresses 245, 248 and 247 fst dotarmine what is valid for your particular set (0.9. the first option fora software number 1 set at address 245 to ‘choose fori “Ot art or "No off air stereo") by choosing between the option A or B (option Ais always the ‘opposite of option B). After determination ofall options (60 8 option choices per address) add the 8 corresponding values for that particular address This sum is the data to be kayed in, s0 e.g. for address 245 a set with software number 1 data can be calculated a8 follows: No off air possible + 128 AV etoreo fe eelectablo so AVis selectable + 2 ‘Spatial eound possible +6 Hue control possible a 8 No simulcast ar) Romote STORE key not allowed > 2 Recall current control settings after reset 1 ‘The data at addrece 254 by then ie 107 For option addresses 248 up to and including 253 the values n table 6.2 and 8.3 are related tothe used tuner. ‘These given values can directly be keyed in as the data, for the corresponding option addresses. ‘The changed settings are only activated when the set {Im awltched off and on agaln and Ifthe checkeum at ‘address 254 Is correctly updated; It the checksum le ‘ot OK the set will use default settings!t ‘The checksum can be obtained by adding all data at the addresses 245 up to and including 253 and then subtract, 256 until the data has a value under 256: for exampla, if EEPROM contains the following data, the checksum wil be Addross Data 208, 167 246, 417 247 a 248 a2 249 ™ 250 3 251 132 252 e 253 900 - 256 - 256 - 256 = 132 Checksum address Data 254 192 ‘The oinor adarasses of ho EEPROM (o0 all agaresses ‘except 240 to 264 and 220) contain program information and preference, factory and current settings. 3.23 Display eror codes detected in the past ‘Tho data at address 220 indicates all error codes dotected in the past. The data at addrass 220 is a byte ‘whoraby the 8 bits refer to 8 possible error codes dotected in the past; see table 6.2. Data adres ‘000 0000 0000 001 00000001 |1 002 oovv oor [2 003, Oooo 0011 | 182 ‘008 ‘oo00 0100 [3 (005 oooo101 | 189 (006; ooo0 0110 | 2aa + [oor oooo011t | 18289 et ate. 250 itt ttts | 1aneoase 5AG8788 Table 8.2 3.24 Erase the error code detectod in the past If data at address Is overwritten with 000 the error code history has been erased. 3.3 Exit of the Service Mode: For all software numbers the Service Mods the standby command. oxited via Repair tips Option setting table for software number 1 ‘Option A Veuue | options Vane Off ar stereo possible 0 | No otf stereo possible 726 [ AV stereo playosck enabled (0 | AVures mono only ee NOAV selectable 0 | AV selectable 2 “No spatial sound passbte (© | Spatial sound possible 16 ‘No hue contol possible “Fo | Hue contrat posse 8 No simulcast 0 | Simutast available 4 emote STORE key allowed (© | No remote STORE key 2 Recall PP ater resot ‘© | Fecal current control settings ator | 1 reset 246 | No hotel mode possible ‘0 _| Hotel mode can be enabled 128 ‘No UHF tuning possible © | UAE band allowed 64 ‘No VIIF® tuning possibie (© _| VHFS band allowed 32 [No VHF" tuning possiote 0 | VHF band allowed 18 Not used ° ‘No sound standard selection © | Auto, M, B/G, |, DIK sound 4 selection possible [Not woed _ ° ‘No colour system selection 0 | Auto, SECAM, PALONTSG) 1 247 |_With multisound panel EN Without mutisound panel 38 248 | uv9ia vst) 191 wois vs) @ uve6s (vs) 159) 25 [overe vst) 28 [overs wsn 7 vee vs) 30 250_| vera (VST) 25 uvsts (vst) ° wv 963 (vST) = 251 | uvei3 vst) 134, uvsts (vst) 198 uv 969 (VST) 136, 252 | Uv9i9 (VST) 2 vis (vst) ° uv 263 (vst) ° 23 [ uver0 van) _ Be vais (ST) 228 uy 969 (vST) 226 Table 8.3 Repair tips Option setting table for software number 3 ‘Address | Option A Value | Option B Valve 245 | BTSC stereo enabled 0.__| BTS stereo disabled 2a ‘AV Streo playback enabled a | AV uses mano only 64 No AV selectable 0 [AV avaiable 32 [ Ne spatial sound posible (0 _| Spatial sound possi 16 No hve contol possible | Hue contol possibie 8 Not used o | ‘Always allow AGS STORE Key (© | Allow RGS STORE key only in 2 Service Default Mode and in Senice Mode Recall PP afer rset @ | Recall ourent conve sotngs after 1 esol 248 | No hotel mode possibi | Hotel mode ean be enabled 1a | V956 isttln 0 | UVeS4 tuner instated 6 Single colour ays 0 | Trnorma systom 32 Not used ° Not used ° [Not used o Not used ° ‘Autoskip wih optimal speed © | Autoship at ower speed 1 2a7 | wv 969 PPL) * 248 | Uv 968 (PPL) 15 228 | UV965 PPL) 3 0 | Uv 963 (PPL) 3 21 | uv 963 (PPL) | 3 zee] uv ees PU) 0 253 | UV 969 (PPL) 3 Pig | G00 000 isis “0 oe @Sn 40} suonoeg “6 Directions for use | (fo woe Hav Le, : ofFol 7; f $1 gee S| : ; 7 a hobo oon o aes “199 f i ‘asn 10} suo}oa11G Directions for use )o Poe ooo’ . HUU

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