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Meaghan Winnans

EDU 211

Education Observation

10 May 2021

Education Observation

1. Pettigrew Kindergarten Lucy Calkins Reading Lesson 

The starts introduce the topic by asking questions to the student. She is assessing the

background knowledge of learners on graduation. Learners are anxious to answering the

questions. There are numerous learning aids and manipulative arts. The teacher used a

whiteboard and overhead projector. It was legible. There is also a whiteboard with pictures stuck

on it. The teacher follows a particular pattern in delivering the lesson. She starts with introducing

reading and connecting it with graduation. She also gives the direction of the lesson by asking

questions about the reading. To assess the learner's understanding, the teacher uses sentences to

assess the uses of prepositions in a sentence. She asks the learners to put their hands above their

heads. She assesses how learners understand the instructions.

2. Kindergarten Mathematics

The teacher introduces the lesson by asking questions about the previous lessons. She

also uses learning groups called "learning partners." Students are engaging with each other.

There are learning aids, that is, charts and drawings placed on the walls. She is using a

whiteboard, and the letters and digits are legible. The teacher engages students in remembering

the concept of 'decomposing' through singing a song. The introduction of the new students uses
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the story of "Little Quack." The teacher assesses the learners' understanding by allowing them to

conduct number decomposition on their own. One of the most outstanding teaching methods that

I can wish to emulate from this teacher is integrating different teaching methods that help the

learners to understand the concept that would otherwise seem complex.

3. TPSD First Grade, Phonics First, Lesson 13c Level 2

The classrooms have numerous learning aid. Charts are showing different letters, numbers,

and shapes. There is a whiteboard and an overhead projector whose content is visible. The

teacher introduces the lessons by asking questions. Learners are expected to answer the questions

on sounds. However, there is no proper introduction to the lessons. For instance, the teacher does

not capture the previous lesson or used a story or synopsis for the introduction. The lessons

started with learning sounds; therefore, little sense of direction among learners. Additionally,

students are not given time to engage in self-guided learning. I also feel that the teacher missed

making an impactful conclusion of the lesson. In such a scenario, I would recommend the

teacher divide the lesson plan into three main parts: the introduction, the body, and the

conclusion. This will help her to cover all the important parts and ensure the lesson was engaging

and more impactful in the future.

4. 1st Grade Math Lesson-find the missing part of 10

The teacher introduces the lesson using questions. She is engaging learners to understand

their background knowledge on the topic. In addition to using questions, the teacher uses

demonstration to exhibit math concepts. There is a good relationship between the teacher and the

learners. The teacher did not exhibit any form of gender bias in her models and illustrations.
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Students were picked from every gender. The learning is student-centered. The student is more

engaged in learning. The teacher plays the role of coaching instead of providing of just providing

information. She gives her learners a window to learn new facts. Although the teaching was well

done, there is inconsistency in the use of conclusion. I felt that the teacher failed to effectively

conclude the lesson since she never recapped the content learned in that lesson.

5. Whole Brain Teaching Study Video: Five-Step Lesson: Second Grade: Pronouns

The lesson is introduced with a song, "Hey, hey clap," which works well in getting the

learners' attention. The classroom is filled with evidence of learning aids, which include charts,

maps, and models. The teacher also uses the concept of peer-teaching. Peer-teaching involves a

teacher using learners to teach their partners the concept understood. One of the interesting

things in this class is that there is an established pattern or culture of doing things. For instance,

the teacher uses the word "teach" to instruct the leaders to explain what they have understood to

their partners. The 'teach' command is proceeded with a double-triple clap, making the student

alert and active. To assess the learners' understanding, the teacher again picks a student to

explain a challenge and repeat what the teacher did and explain to the class.

6. First Observation Lesson 4th Grade

In this class, the teacher introduces the lesson by challenging the learners to write

something they can remember from previous classes. Also, the teacher can evaluate the progress

of the learners as far as understanding the content taught is concerned. Then the teacher tells the

class a story, his own story. The story told by the teacher directly relates to the lesson of the day,

which is observations. The class has various charts and flashcards useful in helping the student
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remember what there have learned before. The teacher concludes the lesson by taking the

students through the concept that was covered in the lesson. However, the lesson did not seem to

have been delivered effectively. This is because some of the learners had divided attention, and

there were unnecessary movements in the class, which were disruptive.

7. First Grade Reading Workshop: Information Unit of Study

In the first-grade reading, the teacher reminds her pupils what they had studied in their

previous class. She introduces that day's lesson and calls out one pupil to help her teach the other

pupils. The teacher initiates a conversation with the pupils as they pay attention to today's lesson.

Pupils engage in reading, and this helps improve their reading and writing skills. The teacher

advises her students to put a card on the page they find new interesting information they did not

know before. For example, when studying kangaroos and how they have a bag like where they

carry their young ones. This creates a thrilling environment for the pupils, and they are able to

become fluent readers and write efficiently.

8. 12th Grade ELA lesson on archetypals in literature

In the 12th Grade, the teacher introduces the day's lesson and what they had previously

covered. The teacher asks her students to discuss today's lesson, and she goes around answering

a question the students might have about the topic. She engages in a conversation directly with a

student at a personal level which is important as they ask what is hard to understand. The

students are more exposed to information and make it easier to understand. The teacher is there

to elaborate and give additional information to what the students have read in the textbook. The

interaction between the teacher and her students makes the class lively, and they are able to

discuss and argue about crucial information about the topic being covered.
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9. 4th Grade Motion Science

The teacher tries to engage her students by asking questions to see how they interact with

themselves and the class in particular thus;, she tries to instill understanding and ensure the

liveliness and excitement of learning. She introduces her class by asking her students questions

relating to the topic to be discussed. Also, the process somehow improves the student's

concentrations, their thinking, and their entire learning experience; thus, they successfully obtain

the required learning objectives and improve the entire student well-being. Also, her student

engagement involves letting students read on their power journals to enhance their language and

reading skills. The emulation of class group discussion in tackling the assignments in the class is

also applied for the tutor to test on the level of understanding of her students

10. 4th Grade Science

The tutor introduces a new topic the food chain development, where she focuses the class

lesson on crickets. The use of demonstration and practical materials, including the cricket and

magnifying glasses, among other necessary materials, that aids in the entire class participation.

She uses an organized group discussion with each group coming up with various ideas and

discussing the topic, therefore, giving her student a clear view of what it is expected of them

after the class.

She applies the direct class argument whereby her students can choose their fellow students to

counter-argue the topic, thus giving various insights on the topic, therefore enhancing their


11. 2nd Grade Vocabulary Lesson

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The class has a large number of learning aids. There are charts, flashcards, and a

whiteboard with stick notes. The class starts with a little physical movement. To introduce the

lesson, the teacher starts with a fun exercise of matching words with their definition on the

board. A learner is chosen randomly to help the teacher match the words as answered by the

teacher. There seems to be a good relationship between the teacher and the learners. The flow of

communication is good, and the students respond to the questions asked immediately. The

teacher uses teaching models that are images of various objects, whereby learners are challenged

to name and demonstrate. The conclusion of the lessons is done by summarizing the vocabulary

learned in class.

12. Whole Brain Teaching Vocabulary 3rd Grade

There are learning aids, that is, charts and drawings placed on the walls. The learning is

student-centered. Both students and teachers are in active participation. There is no element of

gender bias. The learners are encouraged to develop their own story during the illustrations

making the learning experience more student-centered. In addition, the teacher offers special

attention to every student, ensuring that all the students understand the concept taught. Also,

there is a good relationship between the teacher and the students. The tone is friendly, and the

learning environment is warm. The teacher concludes the lesson by reminding the class what

they had learned.

13. AP Biology class observation
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The class has many learning aids such as charts, stick notes, white and chalkboard. Also,

the teacher uses an overhead projector in her teaching. The teacher also uses the concept of peer-

teaching. Peer-teaching involves a teacher using learners to teach their partners the concept

understood. The lesson uses visual learning and auditory learning styles. In this case, the learners

synthesize information based on what they see in various illustrations used by the teacher. On the

other hand, the teacher has a collection of materials with graphics and symbols that are easy to

perceive. There is a good flow of communication between the teacher and the student. The

teacher engages students by asking them questions, to which the learners respond instantly.

14. KCSD Lesson Series Sarah Jarrard 6th Grade Science "Radiation, Convection,


The lesson uses visual learning and auditory learning styles. There are charts, models,

and flashcards. The lesson uses an overhead projector as a learning aid. Visual learning style is

extensively used. In this case, the learners synthesize information based on what they see in

various illustrations used by the teacher.

On the other hand, the teacher has a collection of materials with graphics and symbols that are

easy to perceive. There is a good flow of communication between the teacher and the students.

Mostly, the teacher asks questions, while students respond to the questions without reluctance.

Although there is the active participation of both the teacher and learners, the teaching style is a

teacher-centered instruction approach, where the teacher remains the authority figure, while the

learners are the major consumer of information given to them.

15. KCSD 8th Grade Math Lesson "Matching & Creating Word Problems 
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She introduces her class by asking her students questions relating to the topic to be

discussed. She is engaging learners to understand their background knowledge on the topic. The

student's answers immediately, after which the teacher expounds more on the learners' answer. It

is also noted that the teacher uses some disciplinary terms in cases where one of the students is

not paying attention. There are also some distractions from student's movement. The class has

several learning aids, including charts and an overhead projector. The projector is showing the

math problem being handled. Both the teacher and learners ask questions during the lesson. The

class is concluded by giving the class some math problem, which the teacher assesses to evaluate

the effectiveness of the lesson.

16. 4th Grade Math

The lesson is introduced by giving the students a challenge. The teacher requests learners

to visualize and draw images of what they see from images that were covered in previous

lessons. The image is projected on the whiteboard using an overhead projector. After the student

draws the images, the teacher explains the relationship of these images with math, in particular

with that lessons. There are other visuals aids such as charts and flashcards. The lesson uses

visual learning and auditory learning styles. In this case, the learners synthesize information

based on what they see in various illustrations used by the teacher. Learners are to develop

equations based on the images drawn.

17. 4th Grade Reading

The teacher introduces the lesson on character traits by inviting learners to think of the

previous lessons and identify elements of character traits. The learners read a passage and reflect
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on it to identify the character traits present. The teacher tries to engage her students by asking

questions to see how they interact with themselves and the class in particular thus;, she tries to

instill understanding and ensure the liveliness and excitement of learning. She introduces her

class by asking her students questions relating to the topic to be discussed. The learners apply the

previously learned concepts in this exercise. The communication between the teacher and

learners is flowing smoothly. Both are involved in asking and responding to questions.

18. 11th Grade Mathematics

The teacher introduces the lesson using a story of an Olympic gold medal winning-

champion, Michael Philips, in swimming. He asks the class what they would consider if they had

a chance to compete with him in swimming content. The story introduces the concept of speed.

Additionally, the teacher gives the learners an exercise on speed. The teacher uses a peer-

teaching approach, for the exercise given is to be done in groups. This method tests the learners'

background knowledge on the topic. The learning is student-centered. The teacher engages

students by asking questions, which are responded to immediately. There is a good flow of

communication for the student who also asks questions on various topics. The lesson is

concluded by summarizing the key points that have the students have learned in class.

19. 11th Grade Reading

The lesson is introduced by reminding the learners what was covered in the previous day.

Both the teacher and the student participate in this exercise. The teacher asks questions that are

responded to by the learners. The class has many learning aids such as charts, stick notes, white

and chalkboard. Also, the teacher uses an overhead projector in her teaching, with legible
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content. The lesson uses visual learning and auditory learning styles. In this case, the learners

synthesize information based on what they see in various illustrations used by the teacher. On the

other hand, the teacher has a collection of materials with graphics and symbols that are easy to

perceive. The teaching also uses peer-learning where the students are divided into groups and

given a task.

20. 10th Grade ELA/Social Studies

An ice-breaking exercise introduces the lesson. The students are requested to take a side

on an argument scenario presented. They move to the front of the class if they agree and back if

they do not agree. The teacher asks them to support their position. The lesson uses several

learning aids, including flashcards and an overhead projector. The content projected on a

whiteboard is clearly legible, giving learners an easy time seeing and visualizing. The lesson uses

visual learning and auditory learning styles. In this case, the learners synthesize information

based on what they see in various illustrations used by the teacher. In addition to the visual

learning style, the teacher explores the use of auditory learning. She is presenting most of the

information verbally.

21. 10th Grade Modeling with Systems of Equations

The lessons use the whiteboard, although the content is not legible because of the size.

Other learning aids include flashcards. The teacher involves the student's in learning activities by

asking them to read a passage. Both the teacher and the learners ask and answers the questions.

The teaching also uses peer-learning where the students are divided into groups and given a task.

It is also noted that there is no aspect of bias based on gender or ethnicity while creating the peer
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groups. The learning is student-centered. Both students and teachers are in active participation.

Students are included in solving equations in front of the class. The class, I concluded by

summarizing the content taught.

22. Mrs. Ward teaches her Algebra 1 class.

The lesson is introduced with what referred to as warm-up, which entails is reviewing the

previously learned lessons. The teacher gives an overview of her lesson, giving brief descriptions

of what is expected to be covered within the lesson. Also, the teacher uses an overhead projector

in her teaching, with legible content. The students are actively involved in the lesson, as seen

through the questions asked. Students are given an assignment that applies the lesson learned.

The teacher goes around evaluating and assessing the learners' understanding. The teacher seems

to have a good relationship with the learners. She gives personal attention to every student by

providing them with guidance and answering the questions asked. The teacher also gives out

homework that will help the learners prepare for an approaching test.

23. High School Math Story Problems

The lesson is done through peer teaching. Students are divided into learning groups and

assigned a task. There is active participation between the teacher and learners. The teacher plays

the role of coaching instead of providing of just providing information. She is not the sole source

of information but rather allows students to explore and use their knowledge in solving problems

given. She gives her learners a window to learn new facts. She only provides assistance where

needed. The teacher assesses the understanding of the learners based on the assignment given.

She gives close attention to every group and gives personalized assistance to all the students. The
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teacher also uses learning aids such as an overhead projector and whiteboard, which are used


24. "Arithmetic Sequences" Ashley Kohls Math Teacher Simon Kenton High School

The teacher begins with greetings and introduces the day's lesson and what they had

previously covered. The teacher asks her students to discuss today's lesson, and she goes around

answering a question the students might have about the topic. The class has many learning aids

such as charts, stick notes, white and chalkboard. Also, the teacher uses an overhead projector in

her teaching. Whiteboard and overhead projector are used simultaneously. The students are

actively involved in the lesson, as seen through questions asked and answered. The learning style

is more focused on students. Therefore, it is student-centered. There is a fire alarm nearer to the

door, which brings the concept of learners' safety. The conclusion is done by summarizing the


25. Prep - Snapshot of a Kindergarten Reading Lesson 

The teacher introduces the lesson with a recap of what they have been learning in

previous lessons. The lesson involves several learning aids include flashcards and a whiteboard.

All the content written on the whiteboard is visible and legible. There is a flow of

communication between learners and the teacher, which seems to be contributed by their good

relationship and the environment's friendly tone and atmosphere. Leaners seem to be at ease with

their teacher. Also, the tutor applies the use of gestures and demonstrations to enhance further

student understandings by showing them drawings and pictures to enhance their visual memory
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and ensure they completely understand and be conscious of what is happening in the entire


26. 6th Grade Small Group Reading

The lesson is delivered in small groups. The teacher has divided his class into five main

parts. In the first twenty or so minutes, the teacher focuses on comprehension, followed by

figurative speech for the next ten pages. Then, the teacher allows students to practice what they

have learned while she assesses the performance. The next category is spelling groups and

managing the groups, which is done concurrently within 20 minutes. The teacher focuses her

attention on every group. She provides special attention, especially to the groups that seem to be

more struggling with comprehending the instructions. The teaching style is using auditory. This

is because she is presenting most of the information orally. Another style used by the teacher, in

this case, is using reading and writing style. While concluding the lesson, she asks the students to

write down the answers for the assignment given.

27. Reading Informational Text in High School 

The teacher begins by explaining the assessment going on and emphasizes that it should

not distract the learners from paying attention. The class uses an overhead projector and

whiteboard, which are used together. The two tools have content that is visible. The teacher

introduces the lesson by explaining what the lesson will entail, which is reading and analyzing an

article on an informational task. The style of teaching is basically learners-centered, while the

learners are divided to form groups of two. The learners do more talking compared to the

teacher. The assessment is done by evaluating the ideas presented by the learners during oral
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questions answering. There is a good flow of communication between the teacher and learners.

The conclusion of the lesson is done by summarizing the content learned.

28. Portrait Lesson to 3rd Graders | | Art Teacher 

The lesson is introduced by asking questions that relate to music. Overhead projector and

whiteboards are used concurrently. She is engaging learners to understand their background

knowledge on the topic.

The lesson uses visual learning and auditory learning styles. In this case, the learners are

synthesizing information based on what they see in various illustrations used by the teacher. The

teacher, on the other hand, has a collection of materials with graphics and images or

photographs, which are easy to perceive. The lesson applies peer-teaching where learners have

learning partners. There is a good flow of communication between the teacher and the student.

The teacher engages students by asking them questions, to which the learners respond instantly.

There is a friendly learning atmosphere making the learning experience effective.

29. CER 5th Grade Model Lesson by Dr. Jay - April 18 

The lesson is introduced by an overview of what will be learned in the lesson. The lesson

uses visual learning and auditory learning styles. In this case, the learners are synthesizing

information based on what they see in various illustrations, models, and images used by the

teacher. The teacher, on the other hand, has a collection of materials with graphics and photos

which are easy to perceive. There is a good flow of communication as the teacher and learners

are actively involved in asking and answering questions. The tutor applies the use of gestures and

demonstrations to enhance further student understandings by showing them drawings and

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pictures to enhance their visual memory and ensure they completely understand and be conscious

of what is happening in the entire lesson.

30. Kindergarten social studies observation 30 minutes 

The lesson uses an overhead projector, charts, models, and flashcards in delivering the

content. The teacher introduces the lesson by asking questions that are relevant to the topic. This

is done as a way of assessing the learners' knowledge on the topic. There is no good flow of

information. The learners seem not to understand the questions asked. This can be attributed to

their comprehension capability, which is related to their tender age. However, there is a good

relationship between the teacher and the learners as there is a friendly learning environment

created. The learning style is student-centered. The teacher asks questions to the students, which

is are not efficiently answered. However, the students are attentive and keen on what is being


31. Classroom management with Ms. Silver 

The teacher introduces herself to the learners. The lessons use a whiteboard and models

for teaching activities. There is also a notable good relationship between the teacher and the

learner. After every step or routine, the teacher repeats the instruction before introducing another

step. Repeating the instructions helps the kindergarten learners to understand easily. In addition,

the teacher uses fun activities such as chair hunting, whereby learners are expected to identify

chairs with their names. The learning experience, however, is teacher centered. The teacher is the

source of information, while the learners listen and follow the instructions.

32. Rachal's 7th Grade English Language Arts Class 

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The lesson uses several learning aids, including an overhead projector and charts. The

lesson starts with the usual recitation of the poem. Using this kind of introduction helps in

focusing the attention of the learners on the teacher. The teacher also introduces the lesson by

going through an overview of the lesson's activities. Then the teacher uses a practical example to

provoke learners' imaginations on creative writing. The learners' assessment is done based on

what their write, which helps the teacher to evaluate the effectiveness of the lesson. There is the

active involvement of learners in teaching activities. The teacher asks various questions, which

the learners respond to without immediately. The conclusion is given as a summary of the lesson,

and another assignment is given.

Winnans 17

YouTube Videos Used Pettigrew Kindergarten Lucy Calkins

Reading Lesson Mathematics 2nd Grade Vocabulary Lesson First Grade, Phonics First, Lesson
13c Level 2 Grade Math Lesson-find the
missing part of 10 Brain Teaching Study Video: Five
Step Lesson: Second Grade: Pronouns Brain Teaching Vocabulary 3rd
Grade Grade Reading Workshop:
Informational Unit of Study Biology class observation Lesson Series Sarah Jarrard 6th
Grade Science "Radiation, Convection, Conduction" KCSD 8th Grade Math Lesson "Matching &
Creating Word Problems" Grade Motion Science Grade Science Grade
Math Grade Reading Grade Mathematics Grade ELA Grade Reading

Winnans 18 Grade ELA/Social Studies Grade Modeling with Systems of

Equations Ward teaches her Algebra 1 class. School Math Story Problems "Arithmetic Sequences" Ashley Kohls Math

Teacher Simon Kenton High School First Observation Lesson 4th Grade Prep - Snapshot of a Kindergarten

Reading Lesson Grade Small Group Reading Reading Informational Text in High School Portrait Lesson to 3rd Graders | | Art Teacher CER 5th Grade Model Lesson by Dr. Jay -

April 18 kindergarten social studies observation 30

minutes Classroom management with Ms. Silver
Sf9I&list=PLunwo3H734g3jGeJswCeCTiOWKdKBQ0MU&index=33Ingrid Rachal's 7th Grade
English Language Arts Class 

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