Collaborative For Portfolio

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Mervae McCormack

Dr. Bruce

English 360

11 May 2021

Revised Collaborative Documents for Portfolio

SN#3: “Online Paraphrasing Exercise”

Original Quotation: Many colleges . . . do not ensure that students acquire [work readiness]

skills. One survey of employers, for example, found that recent college graduates lack basic

workplace proficiencies like adaptability, communication skills, and the ability to work in groups

and solve complex problems. The National Association of Manufacturers reports that its

members are most in need of employees with strong basic employability skills (such as

timeliness and work ethic)” (Stone 6).

USE LANE’S STRATEGIES A-E, pg. How did I How did I Did I accidentally

1 here, to fill in the language and change the change the change the

structure columns. language? structure? meaning? How?

Instructor's The paraphrase is The paraphrase links While the main idea of

Paraphrase: adapted for a more phrases pertaining to the original paragraph–

Currently, colleges general audience by the workplace, and employers finding that

seem to be failing to simplifying the sentences specifying colleges fail to teach its

prepare students for language. what those skills are, students employable

many of the social “Workplace so that the ideas are skills– the focus has

aspects of the proficiencies” and logically grouped been shifted. The

workplace. For “[work readiness] together. This also original paragraph

example, employers skills” has been shortens and mentioned skills like

have indicated that changed to simplifies the “adaptability,” “the

they want– and aren't “workplace skills.” paraphrase. ability to… solve

getting– basic “Recent college complex problems,”

workplace skills, such graduates” becomes and “timeliness and

as teamwork and “new college- work ethic.” However,

communication skills, educated the paraphrase only

from their new employees.” mentions “social

college-educated skills” like teamwork

employees. and communication


Original Quotation: For the most part, corals are extremely chaste; they reproduce asexually, by

“budding.” The annual spawning is thus a rare opportunity to, genetically speaking, mix things up. Most

spawners are hermaphrodites, meaning that a single polyp produces both eggs and sperm, all wrapped
together in a convenient little bundle. No one knows exactly how corals synchronize their spawning, but

they are believed to respond to both light and temperature (Kolbert 145).

USE LANE’S How did we change the How did we change Did we

STRATEGIES A-E, language? the structure? accidentally

pg. 1 here, to fill in change the

the language and meaning?

structure columns. How?

Paraphrase: Corals “Synchronize” became The ideas pertaining While some

reproduce by either “simultaneous” and to either asexual ideas were cut,

“budding” asexually or “annual” was changed to reproduction or such as

through simultaneous yearly. spawning were linked, spawning

yearly spawning as the ideas were bringing in new

(caused by responses connected. The idea genes, as well as

to light and about light and “corals are

temperature) as each temperature was extremely

hermaphroditic polyp moved closer to the chaste,” the

produces a bundle beginning. main ideas are

containing an egg and all still there.


Team Charter Memorandum

Date: March 8, 2021

To: Dr. Leslie Bruce

From: COPING-19

Team: Co-Managers: Mervae McCormack and Karen Garcia

Members: Maureen Sison, Cristian Velasco, Mohammad Zurgi

RE: Team Charter – COVID-19’s Impact on Education


The team charter’s purpose is to establish expectations regarding individual and team

accountability for the Annotated Bibliography; its focus is COVID-19’s impact on education for

college students, children and teens, and BIPOC and LGBTQ+ students.

Broad Team Goals

1. Create an informative, engaging annotated bibliography which educates the intended

audience of COVID-19’s impact on education.

2. Exceed the professor’s expectations with the overall dedication put into each phase of the

project. (i.e. meeting expected deadlines)

Measurable Team Goals

1. Ensure work follows rubric guidelines for excellent work.

2. Each team member will provide 4 unique, trustworthy sources pertaining to mental health

and education during COVID-19, with a team total of 20 sources. All data is accurate and

ethically cited.

Personal Goals

● Mervae: Improve management and technology skills.

● Maureen: Improve writing (organization and grammar) and management skills.

● Karen: Improve technology and organizational skills.

● Cristian: Improve technology skills and time management.

● Mohammad: Improve writing skills (grammar & tone).

Individual Commitment

● Mervae, Karen, Maureen, Mohammad, and Cristian are willing to put 100% effort to

create excellent work.

● Team members are willing to submit work on time by the team’s and instructor’s

expected deadlines.

● Team members will check-in on each other on a weekly basis to assure productivity

and provide constructive feedback on each other’s work.

● Team members will communicate effectively by being responsive and respectful to

each other.

Other Concerns
● Mervae, Maureen, Karen and Cristian have not worked with APA often and are

concerned about incorrect citations.

● Mervae has never used Adobe Illustrator before.

● Karen is unavailable during work hours 8-5 PM (Mon-Fri), but will do her best to

make herself available if needed during that time frame.

● Cristian has a fluctuating work schedule, but will do his best to be available and

contribute to the team.

● Mohammad is physically outside the U.S. and the time difference is 11 hours. He

won't be available online after 4pm PST, but he will do his best to attend meetings

after 4pm if it were scheduled.

Conflict Resolution

If the team experiences conflict that is not resolved after an hour of chat and/or email discussion,

the team will vote and adopt the majority decision.

Padded Deadline


Weekly Check-ins N/A Every Sunday at 11:59 PM on

a. All team members will review shared Google Doc

within 48 hours

Team Zoom Conference to Discuss Topic and Plans Appointments (Week 8) TBD

Draft of Team AB on Weebly page for Peer Review Thurs., Apr. 22, 2021 Mon., April 12, 2021

Final Team AB on Weebly page for Instructor Mon., Apr. 26, 2021 Mon., April 19, 2021

● Finalize Revisions for AB on Sun., April 25 2021

Weebly Page

Missed Deadlines and Uncompleted Work

Regarding missed deadlines, the co-managers will email and/or message the team member

regarding the issue; if they have not responded and/or turned in work within 24 hours of the

deadline, the co-managers will notify the instructor about the situation. If a team member is

unable to complete work, the co-managers will facilitate a plan to complete the work between the

other members; working on this will be voluntary between members.

Unacceptable Work

Work which leaves out important information, is plagiarized, contains grammatical errors, or that

otherwise does not meet rubric requirements is considered unacceptable work. After weekly

check-ins on Sundays, all team members will review all work within 48 hours. If a team member

finds work to be unacceptable, they will message the co-managers, who will then email the

student with the concerns and ask them to revise; revisions will be due within 24 hours.

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