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Touch 1

Christan Touch

Professor Hugetz

ENGL 1302

9 April 2021

Causal/ Proposal Essay

Throughout many people’s lives, there are times when things can get rough and out of

hand causing stress and depression to occur. Stress and depression can cause people to give up

and lose motivation for their goals in life, but there are activities that can help calm people down

and relax for quite some time. Losing motivation from life term goals can be very discouraging

and heartbreaking, but there are ways to work around that and get back to the grind and conquer

those goals. Since the decrease in population, waste of money on supplies, destroying habitats.

and the lack of safety is causing people to not encourage fishing as an escape from reality, then

they should take the risk once and go spend time in the great outdoors to fish and experience it

for themselves without causing a reckless moment.

Although many people do not encourage fishing as a way to escape from reality due to

the decrease in the fish population, there are many ways to prevent that from occurring. There

are many people that are beginners in fishing and do not know how to properly release a fish

back into the water. With that being said, people can learn from more experience of fishing.

Once they start to fish for quite awhile, they will get the concept of catching and releasing the

fish more carefully. Fish are living creatures and they have more life ahead of them as well,

fishing is not all about catching dinner, it is more of a mind game. Fishing is a sport that can cure

the mind from reality and can create a better habit to have more motivation and view things in

life differently.
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With that being said, many people tend to discourage fishing because of the amount of

money spent on gear and tackle required for fishing. Fishing is not a cheap sport and many

people can agree on that, but not every single gear and tackle is too expensive to afford.

Although the cheap gear and tackle may not last as long as the expensive gear and tackle, it will

get the job done. Not everything is about who has the best gear and tackle, fishing is about

having peace and quiet while enjoying life in the great outdoors. Fishing does require people to

spend money on gear and tackle, but it will be worth the money because of the great experience

they will have. Fishing is about the time well spent while outside on the water, enjoying quality

time with friends and family, or maybe even alone.

Furthermore, there are other things people do not encourage fishing to help stimulate the

mindset because it will destroy the fish habitat. People tend to bring groceries such as snacks and

drinks, but have the habit of littering in the public. Littering will cause the water and

environment to be polluted which will cause the fish habitat to be destroyed. Not only will it

cause the fish habitat to be destroyed, but it will eventually cause the fish to decrease in

population. The decrease in population goes back to the beginning of the essay where it states

that many people do not encourage fishing as an escape from reality. There are many ways to

prevent water and the environment from getting polluted. The people need to properly dispose of

the trash in a trash can or if there is not a proper trash can insight, keep it in a place where it will

not fly away.

Initially, people do recommend to not use fishing as an act of relief due to the lack of

safety that may occur. Fishing tackle such as hooks can be very sharp and cause the human to get

injured if it is used improperly. Not only can a hook be very harmful to the humans, but a

dangerous fish such as a stingray that is poisonous can create harm to the human body and can
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lead to multiple different views against fishing. There are multiple ways to fish such as fishing

on land, wade fishing, or maybe even on a boat. Wade fishing and fishing on a boat can be very

dangerous. Wade fishing is when the angler steps foot into water and begins to fish while

standing in the water. People do not know what is in the water and what can cause danger to the

human body. The water current can be very strong and cause the person to get sucked into the

deep water. The same thing can happen when fishing on a boat, the current can be very strong

and create the boat to drift in a different direction causing the anglers danger. A great way to

prevent this from happening is to check the weather before going fishing, and check the water

tides before stepping in the water.

Throughout a lifespan, many people in this world will be stressed out and need something

to help prevent that stressful time period. Fishing can be an activity or a sport that can help

prevent people from going insane and lose their minds from reality. Reality is a stressful time

period in many people's lives, some have it easy and some have it harder than others. Therefore,

people should be grateful that they have it easier than others, however, there are activities to help

prevent the people going through hard times such as fishing. Many people often turn to a

personal therapist to try to help relieve their stress, but a personal therapist will cost an arm and a

leg to afford. Personal therapist can only help to a certain extent, and not many people will be

able to afford the expenses for a therapist. Therefore, fishing is an inexpensive activity that will

give people in this world peace and quiet to themselves. There are many people in this world that

are stressed out and do not want to pay someone a lot of money to try to help cure their stress,

many people will try to deal with it on their own and not open up to a personal therapist. With

people not wanting to open up and spend a lot of money, fishing can be the escape from reality

and help them relieve their stress while having their income not spent on a personal therapist.
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There are many people that do not know what to do when they are stressing about things

in their life. They will turn to things that are not good for their body or health and cause

themselves to become more stressed out in the moment. A better and healthier way to help

relieve stress is through fishing, it is a more peaceful and mind stimulating activity that will ease

the mind from reality. Putting things in your body that have unknown chemicals will cause the

body to shut down even more through a stressful time period in their life. Having fishing as an

activity to get away from things in life will help keep their bodies in good and healthy shape,

away from those bad chemicals. Those people that have bad habits of turning to things that are

not good for the body tend to have mental health problems and will eventually put a bigger load

of stress on top of the stress that is going on in their life already. With that being said, fishing is a

safe and peaceful activity that can be a better solution for mental health and mental stress. It will

be an easier, and safer escape route from the stress going on in their life, without any bad habits

and addictions occurring. The only addiction someone should have is the experience of being

able to go fish and have a great time on the water in the great outdoors.

Throughout many people's lives, there will be times when things get rough and there is

no where to turn too. When people tend to turn into bad habits it will eventually ruin their

mindset and they will always rely on it for their so called happiness. Their happiness will always

rely on bad habits and it is unhealthy for their body and their mindset. They need to turn to

something more healthy for their mind and health such as fishing. Fishing is always a good thing

to rely on rather than the bad habits that are on the top of their heads. The fact that fishing can

help relieve stress without causing any health or mental problems is a huge plus for the mindset.

Fishing is an activity that is known as mental therapy, a cheap, inexpensive activity and relieves

stress without causing problems with health, and the income of most families. There is no better
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way to relieve stress than to have a great day on the water, enjoying the sound and smell of

nature with a fishing rod line in the water.

First and foremost, many people in this world have to go through a time in their life that

is going to be tough to get through on their own. However, there are many options that can help

relieve the stress and create the mindset to ease from reality. People tend to have stress and

mental depression due to things that occur in their life and do not have any way to have an

escape from reality, but a great way to do that is to take a fishing trip and enjoy life. Enjoying

life on the water will be great for the mindset and release everything that is occurring. There is

no better way than escaping from reality with a fishing rod and a nice body of water in the great


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