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How to use simple past tense:

- Used simple past tense when talking about something that has already happen.

2. Affirmative : She lived in Indonesia

- Negative: She didn’t live in Indonesia
- Interrogative: Did she live in Indonesia

3. Similarities and differences between simple past tense and present tense
- If past tense to describe things that have already happened and present tense describe things is
happening now.
- Past tenses used ed and present tense used s or es

4. Similiraties:


Who knocked last night?

Who does the homework
If past tense use ed if present tense us s or es.

He was 13 years old last year

Negative: HE WASN’T 13 years old last year?

Yes or no did: Was he 13 years old last year?

Double WH: When was he 13 years old?

We were here together with our friends

With our friends WH

Negative: We weren’t here together with our friends

Yes or no: Were we here together with our friends

Double:With Whom were we here HERE atau whom we were here with?

Who knock on the door

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