Religion Globalism: Religious People Globalist

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concerned with the places value on material

sacred. wealth

follows divine Abides by human-made

commandments laws
Sumusunod sa mga banal
na utos.

Assumes that there is “the Yardstick is how much of

possibility of human’s action can lead
communication between to the highest material
humans and the satisfaction


Aspire to become a saint. Trains to be a shrewd
GUSTO MAGING SANTO. business person.
Detest politics and the Values politics and the
quest for power for they quest for power as both
are evidence of means and ends to open
humanity’s weakness. up further the economies
of the world.
Evangelization is in itself a Focused on the realm of
form of globalization. market.
Concerned with Wishes to spread goods
spreading holy ideas and services.
Less concerned with Less worried whether they
wealth, higher social will end up in heaven or
status, etc. hell
To live a virtuous and sin- Aim to seal trade deals,
less life to be assured that raise the profits of private
she/he will go to heaven enterprises etc. with their
when he/she dies skills

Globalism- the operation or planning of economic and

foreign policy on a global basis.
Religion- the belief in and a worship of a superhuman
controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
Religions regard identities associated with globalism
(citizenship, language and race) as inferior and narrow
because these are EARTHLY categories.
Being a member of a religious group represents
superiority as it connects human to the divine and the
In other words, religious perspective says that being a
Christian, Muslim, or Buddhist, is higher than just being a
Filipino, a Spanish speaker, or an American.
These philosophical differences explain why certain
groups "flee" their communities and create
impenetrable sanctuaries. These groups believe that
living among "non-believers “will distract them from their
Religion, being a belief system that cannot be
empirically proven is, therefore, anathema to
Religion is quite malleable; they have extraordinary
resilience that outlasted secular ideologies. Globalists,
therefore, have no choice but to accept this reality that
religion is here to stay.
a. Followers of Dalai Lama

b. Rizalistas of Mt. Banahaw

c. Essenes during Roman control in Israel

d. Mormons of Utah
Peter Berger- an Austrian sociologist. Said that "far from
being secularized, the contemporary world is furiously
In Malaysia, the government places religion at the center
of the political system.
In Iran, the religious leader Khomeini set the Islas rule as the
superior form of government because it was spiritual.
Two of the world's oldest religions (Christianity and Islam)
see globalization less as an obstacle and more as an
opportunity to expand their reach all over the world.
Religion is thus, not the "regressive force" that stops
globalization. It is a pro-active force" that gives
communities a new and powerful basis of identity.
Religious fundamentalism may dislike globalization's
materialism, but it continues to use "the full range of
modern means of communication and organization"
that is associated with this economic transformation.

While religions may benefit from the processes of
globalization, this does not mean that its tension with
globalist ideology will subside.
Pope Francis- condemned globalization's "throw-away
culture “that is "fatally destined to suffocate hope and
increase risks and threats."
Lutheran World Federation- warns that as a result of
globalization: "Our world is split under by forces we often
do not understand, but that result in stark contrasts
between those who benefit and those who are harmed,
especially under forces of globalization.
Iran- the unchallenged superiority of a religious
autocracy has stifled all freedom of expressions,
distorted democratic rituals like elections, and tainted
the opposition.
CHRISTIANITY and ISLAM or the so-called “old world
religions” see globalization less as an obstacle and more
as an opportunity to expand their reach all over the
Globalization has “freed” communities from the
constraints of the nation-state but in the process also
threatened to destroy the cultural system that bind them
Religion seeks to take the place of these broken ties to
either help communities cope with their new situation or
organize them to oppose this major transformation of
their lives.
Religion is not the “regressive force” that steps or slows
down globalization; it is a “pro-active force” that gives
communities a new and powerful basis of identity.
Religion is an instrument with which religious people can
put their mark in the reshaping of this globalizing world.
Religious fundamentalism may dislike globalizations
materialism, but it continues to use “the full range of
modern means of communication and organization”
that is associated with economic transformation.
The followers of the Dalai Lama established Tibet to
create impenetrable sanctuaries where they can
practice their religion without the meddling and control
of the state authorities.
Buddhist monasteries located away for civilization so
that hermits can devote themselves to prayer and
Realists Mount Banahawand the Mormons of Utah.
These groups believe that ligament “non-believers” will
distract them from their mission or tempt them to
abandon their faith and become sinners like everyone.


Peter Berger- Argues that far from being secularized the
contemporary world is furiously religious.
- There are veritable explosions of religious fervor,
occurring in one form of another in all the major
religious traditions (Christianity, Judaism, Islam,
Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism).
The Malaysian government places religion at the center
of the political system.
Its constitution explicitly states that “Islam is the religion
of the federation”, and the rulers of each state was also
“The head of religion of Islam”
Ayatollah Ruholla Khomeini- Late Iranian religious leader
- “there is no fundamental distinction among
constitutional despotic, dictatorial, democratic and
communistic regime”
- All secular ideologies were the same—they were
flawed—and Islamic rule was the superior form of
government because it was spiritual.
Nahdlatul Ulama- a traditionalist Sunni (largest
denomination) Islam movement in Indonesia.
- Has Islamic school(pesante) where students are
taught not only about Islam but also about modern
science, social science, modern banking, civic
education, rights of women, pluralism, and
Alexis De Tocqueville- “not only do the Americans
practice their religion out of self-interest but they often
even place in this world the interest which they have in
practicing it.”
Jose Casanova- “historically religion has always been at
the very center of all great political conflicts and
movements of social reform but also on both sides of the
political barricades.
- Against po sila kasi po diba yung globalization
nagiging connected tayo lahat. Naniniwala sila na
dahil sa globalization nawawala yung religious
traditions nila. At naniniwala rin sila lalo na sa islam na
yung globalization deception siya tulad ng trojan
horse na ang laman si non secular beliefs or non-
religious beliefs.
- Propagation dahil mas nakakabuti na maspread
yung beliefs ng mga religious people dahil sa
pamamagitan nito masasabi natin na may
globalization na nagaganap. At meron din benefit ito
dahil rin ang religion na nagging dahilan kung bakit
nagkaroon ng modern republics kung saan
nagkaroon hindi lamang ang mga namumuno ang
may kapangyarihan pati na rin ang mga tao.

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