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Indecisive Leadership

“Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.”

Matthew 7:17

Effective leaders produce good decision-making which leads to success. But not all leaders are
equal. Countries like China, USA, and Japan have their own versions of success. However, have you ever
wonder, here in the Philippines, most of the cancers of the country stay as they are? Years have passed,
different leaders have lead, and different administrations took place, but the problems? They’re still in
the present.

Former presidents like Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, Noynoy Aquino, and the current president,
Rodrigo Roa Duterte have been solving the exact same problem over and over again. Our president
today has been showing indecisiveness, before and after he sat in his position. One of which is his
statement wherein he said that he will solve all the illegal drug issues in the span of only 6 months. He
even promised that he will resign immediately after 6 months if the problem is still not resolve. But 1
year has passed, and the problem is still evident, and there he is, still our president. Related to this is the
“Oplan Tokhang” which remains on and off. Sometimes, it’s implemented, sometimes, it’s not.
Observing this kind of leadership, there’s no doubt that our country isn’t moving forward like other
countries do.

To be able to resolve the problem, we need to find and identify the roots of it. This blog was
made not just to appoint the problems and criticize, but also to suggest possible solutions. With the help
of other government officials and our fellow citizens, let us support each other by providing enough
knowledge from the past and use it to improve our current system. Being knowledgeable means having
good decision-making skills. Remember that the decisions of today will give impact to the generation of

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