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to haunt users

The company is investigating the issue

By Nick Stall on November 26, 20 18 7:08 pm


Illustration by James Bareham I The Verge

Facebook users are reporting one of the

stranger bugs to plague the platform of late:
years-old Messenger threads resurfacing
automatically, without context or explanation.
First reported by users on Twitter, the
company now confirms that older messages
are being treated as new, unread ones and
popping up in the Messenger tab on
to naunt users
The company is investigating the issue
By Nick Stat! on November 26, 2018 7:08 pm


Illustration by James Bareham / The Verge

Facebook users are reporting one of the

stranger bugs to plague the platform of late:
years-old Messenger threads resurfacing
automatically, without context or explanation.
First reported by users on Twitter, the
company now confirms that older messages
are being treated as new, unread ones and
popping up in the Messenger tab on
◄ Outlook

AA Q. i Your incident ID: EMSGZ28H

G o gle Your ineldent ID'. EMSGZ28H

Ato.i~ I rew' fS ro.l1 HCOO'ICISl

It looks like there aren't many great matches for your search
X 0.

Tlp: Try u sing words that might appear on lhe page you"re
looking for. For example. ·cake recipes" lnslead of "how to
make a cake."

Need help? Check out other ,.. for searching on Google.

l'Gpll,:/fdixt .diledllu ;om • htQ • l a!enn9 • ~ iiC_rt_lMI i

What IS Incident 10 Shown on the Blocked Page? - Web Filter ...
The "Request Is Blocked" HTML page that is shown to the
proxy user when the system detects a forbidden
requesUresponse contains the so called "Incident 10".
Missing: loMSGk28H I Mus t include: EMSGU8H t _ , S...:ioon lot Bus,,wn

Using Access ID and Contract 10 to aeate on-premises .
Apr 14, 2021 - An Access ID and a Contract ID are required
to uniquely idenlily your support contract and enable you to
submit a support Incident online.
M1ss1ng: EMSGZ28H I Must include: EMSGU8H

N:1p&,,g1rduty,00rn , to"'" , add_._,

Add-on on Incident page can1 see Incident Id lrom header ...

May 15, 2020 - Your code snippet shows how to retrieve all
Incidents via API, not the specific Incident ID from the
Incident page that display the Add-on (via the .
Wrong htlp wtinccdektrget lnc~ap1 lot~lncklentld May 15, 2020
IM:klimt UR:u and ID1 - ~ fA.O - Friends at ~ y May I 5, 2 020
9l'l lnddenlby lnclde-nl nanv - l)e,\,elclpH- ~ d Pa;ey May 15, 2020
Gee new lndd1nt I> ■heJ 1Mr9lng with c,n,gnal llnddoffll - · Mer I 5. 2020
Mar-a JBultl from c ommunity p 11ge,nUya:ii,i

Missing: EMSGZ28H I Must include: EMSGZ28H

Get an Incident by lncldenI 10 - Technical Documentation ...

String U'atolNttlOiflt
!nte-ger 1Dof tne, '106Mt LO be ll!INWCI
o.,IKIJ)l)+ Stnng Typa of (l;!(ect ~ ""'n,cr, tria eyenl 11, olassifl&d

View 77 more rows

tlllpa~.dude!!olu1ionru :om , Canier,t , FO i'tooen1

Processing and Assigning Incidents

In the Incidents By Status section of your Incident
homepage, you will see a list of ... You will see the Incident
10, Requester's name and date requested on the ...
Missing: EMSGZ28H I Must include: EMSGU8H , c-om.1om .nt~11ienu1oc. , pl.l)'!)OOII,. i

Testing Scripts - IBM
Once you have written a script, you can test your script
against an existing object. For example, if ... For any other
object type. you must enter a valid incident ID.
Missing: loMSG;/;2-81-1 I Must include: EMSGU8H

Manage the Incidents list. xMatters Online Help

If you experience a flood of Incidents. you can also quickly
reject the duplicate Incidents by doing a bulk update of their
s tatus. From this page, you can drill through .
M1ss1ng: loMSGl,281-1 I Mus1 include: EMSGU8H

tllJJ!!i,:/~.:.ima!U!rs..oom , ,rw::k lent-mgm!<om.ote

Manage and resolve an incident - xMatters Online Help

Whatever your role in the Incident response process

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