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1600s Education in the colonies starts 1800s Mann advocates to est.

1600s Dame Schools start teaching students
from home 1800s High Schools are created
1830 the first Common School was
1600s Tutors begin to become common to established
teach children
1837 Mann helps create the Mass. State
1635 Lating Grammar School est. in Boston Board of Education

1636 Harvard was founded as the first 1821 English Classical School was
college in America established in Boston

1642 Massachusetts Act requires parents to 1822 Sequoyah invent Cherokee syllabary
check periodically to ensure their child is
being taught properly 1823 Mississippi Law prohibited 6 or more
African Americans to gather for educational
1647 Old Deluder Satan Law requires towns purposes
of 50 or more people must pay a teacher for
reading/writing 1824 Bureau of Indian Affairs is established
and begins placing tribes on reservations
1700s private teachers in night schools
function in New York and Philadelphia 1830 law passed that gives prison sentence
to anyone teaching a slave to read or write
1700s Itinerant schools are established
1842 secondary schools like the English
1700s Private schools are established Classical School were open to women

1700s English Grammar schools are est. in 1862 Morrill Land Grant College Act passed
the U.S. and established more universities

1700s Academies are created 1874 Kalamazoo Michigan case courts rule
taxes could be used to support secondary
1749 Proposals relating to the Youth of schools
Pennsylvania suggests a new kind of
secondary school to replace Latin Grammar 1875 Progressive principles are introduced
schools to teachers

1751 The Franklin Academy is established 1890 Morrill Land Grant College Act passed
and accepts both boys and girls while and established more universities
teaching a variety of subjects
1892 the Committee of Ten was established
1785 Land Ordinance Act was passed to create a national policy for high schools

1787 Northwest Ordinance was passed 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson segregation became
a legally sanctioned way of American life
1975 Individuals with Disability Act
1909 the first Junior High School was est. in provides financial assistance to schools to
Columbus, Ohio give students with disabilities a proper
1917 Smith Hughes Act allows funds for
teacher training programs 1991 the first charter school was est.

1919 Progressive Education Association was 2001 No Child Left Behind calls for annual
formed testing of reading, math, and science to
ensure the school is teaching valued material
1940s Schools begin to employ women
2015 Every Student Succeeds Act gives
1944 Servicemen's Readjustment Act which states more freedom to set policies to hold
paid veterans tuition for a certain span of under-performing schools/teachers
time accountable

1950s Middle schools are created

1954 Supreme Court rules that schools must


1958 Congress established the NDEA to

enhance the mental resources of young men
and women

1964-1965 Project Head Start provides

medical, social, and nutritional needs to
children 3-6 in low income families

1964 Lyndon B. Johnson and Congress

work to eradicate segregation and enforce
that schools are desegregated

1965 Elementary and Secondary Education

Act provided financial assistance to low
income families

1968 Bilingual Education Act authorized

funds to relevant teaching of bilingual

1972 Title IX of the Education Amendments

prohibits descrimination based on sex

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