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A CCoumtin Starjards i

ImtaoluckiOm z Accounam Sterards

O6jetíve o Accounti Standad ;-_

1. Standasaize hediertnt alcoumtimg

.Eiminate om-Com favajivit of
Anamcias State men+s

3. Au the déiaji4y of Airaneiav

SttEm fmt

ComPriamee uith Accoumting Skardad:

. Basie Prelhratiom are Presemation
6firamcias Statmnt Sthe déskonsi biity
ot mamajememt.

2. As fer Sectiom 133_of ComPamies Act,

2o13 UeTy ComPamay has to tolno
Standacd hokhtg by Ceni 9overnment

3Secio 134 (5)a) of cComPAmies Act. 2o13

Skates hat dir¬cAors dE fort 3hea
mude that i *he Pc laryeniom o
AMmLa CCcouts he ap Pi cahie
Sendarvds ro en fookd.
Page No

Date: YoUVA|

H. Secaiom
Sechom 3 (3)(e) 6Comfkmies_ACE 2oi
of2es hat he augitor has to El%t
mhisOPiniem he mamcia Statemëntr
Comfly witn alcoumtimg SAardaddS
OT Mot

XAccoumting SAardardsorCotorate entitiest

Seciom Of CoPan its
Act, 1956 the Centoa ove mment
has Constituted Nat ona ftaEta tvioaay
e t Cmmi tLee on A CCoun tî nI
Srr add CNA cAS)

asesases onRecommerdation of NACAS he

Centda ovt has Motiie
e _ AS -1 to 7(EXcet 6)
r A5- 4o 2

Secrio 137 0f ComPamies ACt, o/3

oVides that Nat ra Fimamciai
Refoaaing a ukh ority
(NFR A) i n be
Cmsi4te _arsAS oi be matifiey
Con Station

Y NERA was com Sti-tu tej 1 * oCt. 2o!8

Page No.

Accoumting SterdardSdea1s Goith

1 Reco Snittom of evemks ard {an Sa tAiom

measure m ént O evemts a n

Poentatiom ok evemks and

A) Oicosane t «iEme

1Iientifiatiom gf deas

2 Comtikuti om o tuy GoouP

3 Pochration odf droft its cirruatien

A)Finai 2atisn of exfosar dant

5 CoTments Receivej o h exfbsare_daaft

6 Moificatign_g daaft

TS$e of AccounaivgSaryarg

Page No.:

Leve- 2 entities:- LSME SMc

-7Tumover LexCiusimy 0her incsme ex ceejs
1 caorf ut dofs_ mot ecee 752
i n he M ate

BootimCnciujitg Pbrie felosi is) in exces

o coof ut aot
o CoES
c_anymeuging the
M meai akt Preceen9 acsun Hrg Vea

Holdin <Susidiary aboue2

_Lev- 3 ntiaies LSmE Smc

yNom_ CorPoraté enities Whin av not Coveded

reve E 142_ADE Con sijer asS
Leve htines

No An hichi not SmE OT

SMC 6ecems a7 SME OT SMnc
Subse4 ent1y1 ha met uai y
hy aPPtica bie ix¬mfAons Y EIa*ations
rEmains an SmE OT
SmCo o COnsecoive hCCaunti ng
Page No.:


APPhcabrE An)
AS- 1:-Diseioaurye o Accounting foicies
A c Coumtim Poiies t
sPeci fic
AcCoumtim Posicies_Means
AcconNAiNg_ frmcifles ams method S o afPrying
tho se Psimeítesé m Psefagotion Paestnkaion
o imamciar S+ate ment_

Pomci Pre melams define Soutionm to defined

ame o accountirg foicies

1 Vauatiom of inuentoTriesFz Fo,WAM

2 Vaiu atiom af 4ixej_ asst Cost Mod ei or

3Cva uakion Moder

3)Totetment of Jevt. Jant

DiscioSure 0ACcouTting Poiicy

A Poicies 3i9nificat in
Matune Shoadhe_discloSed m e PtaceSo.
rladl rs Can eTceive (AnyerStary) efecas_ot
any_accoumting oicies are not sismificamt
hen Sach dis CiosuoL is_Mot e4uirel.
OisciosTE_OfaCCAmiNg Pouicies a n Chan 30s
khee 1 n_camot be dEmed yso1tion) for

m mancia 3ttement
Page No.

uMd amenAai Accoumttng HSSumPon-

1 Ooma Comcem
Fimamcia Statamlmts_ noTmaI1Y
oCParotd om ass am Ptionthat enHeTPTise i
Comtie iks bsimess oleyation im rseea bie

2) Consistemey:
Tis a way s asSu me that Same
quunkiTg foicics wo be fono twe every year
hich aS aokedin Paovibs accountirg
3 AcCua
Tonsa ctionS
AS So as Ahey oCCaT_ hether 50Met
Case Paid

ASsm Pkiom
u amenkan
ha beem fol edheM_IsCIoSATeis nok
Eeairei,_Bat if nok doieueg , hem
itShould be disciosed
Page No.


-> ChamsesS I aCcou TAing hincies-

Vsmary Cham 9es in accurting Bric is

auowedin foowiny Sieuations.

1. TA it is e4uired by 1a

, T it is dPuine) 6y Accovnei ng Staidard

3,For betear PoreParatianm an Poesen

a tiom
O fimancia State memt.

whem accounti ng Poiicyis Cham d tbi1oirg


1. O18 Poicy

2.4Neu Poicy
3 Reasom r Cham 9e
A. TmPack oM Skamement of Profit |oss.
Page No.:

Hotto SeiectACo
CCourtimj Poriei es
4/ Pimary Comsideratiom:-Financias Stateme rts a r e
ePartd ko Shotw a tue an faiT view O
imamcia Pedomance naneia Pasitiom

2Secondaary Consideration;
APsudence:Re eordimg of am erlenses o Sses

ven eeriy basisbut 1imoT


ure imCome.
T t emsares hat
1ProfiK arl not overstrked
1)Josses are Mot AndeTsAatld
i) Asses are o t Overstatld
iv iabintes are not nyeteJ
B Sub Stamce ovéT bm
-Subskam ce m lans aCeua tacts or taky
Form meams Xegas form
2uLSkamce shoud be ivem mare
Gei9htase than legau orm,
hansaction a notheT even*s 9houd
he acco uMted ard Presented 1n
ance i t h heir Sabstam ce an

finameiai otaip ar mot ony

y thei 1egan tom

C pakeyiaity; 2a Events. any iktm of Anancin

Peafs Skttmé7+S nich Cam ahteck the
decicon Of gCAbes o Rrncia Stotement
Pago No.:

Dato: YoUVA

There art {twoyles of materianity,

2) uaitative

1)ACCodimg toSchesue-L 6f Comlamies Act
oI3 im noteSo aCcouTS CoTPany
Shou disclase_imcomeo7 exPenditure
17 f revémue o Z,0o, oo0 hiche ver

2) As Pe Scheduie- IL, Comfay Shornd

iscose detaiis o Shareholder hotdiny
moethan. 5/ Shares m notfs to
Page No.:

(APPriceabie t
AS-2-Vauation o Lmvento aries

ASset Asse meams amy eSource

-hich is owned or
Comtroued by
emter Parise
AS a esuit of Past evem
om_twhich Pukue eConomic
beneit is exPecked
mvemtory:-Men*0ry means
Amy ASseA which i s heid for Saie
Fimi She_JoodS
i c h is heid fo Com$am Paon
Services LRaw mattia]
hicn iS ra of Podu Ci o
Process woTh-in- Prao9 vÝSS / TP

-UoR APPiieatiiky i
1Prouce aITickuTE

2 Con sAoucrion wIP

3) 9evice Phoviseas

of Shares
H)Stock hich is_in the maue ok Sares
bonds,inameia asse CAS
Pago No.
Dato: YoUVA|

_Non APPhcabaiky
agziculue, foESt PaodeCt
Poouceas 0
a neTdS CThey are MeaSAVLJ_at NRV

inon (ia
Sharts, D ejentures ar other HnOn Cia
tumfnks hAJ as Sko ck htrude
CAS 13)

3 woKim Po9 xtss dr'singtom

CoM Suckiom CotTa Ct (iS )

)Woyk im Po69eSS£ Sevvice/rvider

Vauaion of inished Joad S 07 WIPE

rinishe 9oot o 7 WTP (vosk im ProIréSs)

'S Vaiueda t Cost oT NRV uhichever
S lowe om iivua

Cost ok Invento Ty:

Cos of inventory imcies
i) furchase Pice
CoverSion CoSt
iece AATi bukabie_CoSt
Page No.:

1)PuTrhase Price
1'rale discount is ajustei omhe_
uathase Parice.
khekhe P r chasePrice Some du+Y oT.
kAKeS is imeujed an entity is
ei9/1e toat take reJi GT
oLand of that duty oT taxes tra
nen Shoud be euteJ oom
he hurchase Price, But 1 en'Ly
1S mot eigi bie oAaKe C7tdit 0
u n d od o kaxes then
Shsidmot be_detucted rom PuothaSE
LComvesiom Cos*
m Eangany Cost i mcuTed
ComUertng a Materia t d
Hishe 90sd S. ota
fixey overheas fixe O e h e a i
rer Unit Noma ACAMa) whic hevr
Cafaciay Cafaky higher

E9. ABc Lt. has a Plam (uith CaPacity

o o c e 100000 Units Tota Fixej
Overhea 2iéo,009 Fir ou4 FiXeJ
Oue Thead
Per Umit ackuaiPducon_
1S )1o0o0 o mits
B)oooo Umits
C o f 20000 UmBS
Page No.

Ans. A) ackua Foodu ctiom is 00 00o Umi+

F18 er Oni4

2 acua ntatki4m 15 Joooo Units

1 8 oo00o
O O0oo O 9o ooo Ghich euer iS hi9 her


8 PeUnit

oVeThead is mot 9oi mg to Chamge

i t h he chame in outPuts aTd
(wi êmaim Comstant
So f we diviée 6y e actua
t Caleaciky
hen TH nit 20
So if e Vae Ctosimg StocK at F2o
rerUmit for ixe overheaj_Purfose
t i b e oueTVame aW 10SS of
I8Oeoo i AiSo e be mciudej in
Closim9 S4otk and 1eays to_ hi9her
oss Proit kreln
áctuaty eaTned.
So Ce Shoud mede ire overhla4
a k 1E Per Unit 1.e. 16,20,0oo (9ooon X
ar T mning_ F 8ooao Shouidbe
ransfe areto
|Page No.

CTEackua cafacity is 1,20,00o itS


0 12o oo90 hiche ve7 1S
F16Per unit
2F e yainue he invemtoy
m a Catacity,mlans a t F 18 e
Umit og fxeJ ovhead Purfse_,
addm that Cost hich has n0 bee

A ZI8 ferunit ouTToT FIMeJ oveshead

15 21, 60,000 8X120000 ut our
acNa re oVeheaj is , o0o

iiDCAI1y A4ri bukase Costi

imcid es msfotdation Char1es
Charges, desigm ChaTSES eAc.

Nea Reaii 2abre vaiue !-

Fr Pece Seiing Price
( Ex Pectej CatDF Comeioy_

(-)ExPecke) Seimg CoSt


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