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Stansel 1

Lorin Stansel

Professor Hugetz

ENGL-1302. AHS05

11 May 2021

Rhetorical Analysis Writing Experience

The first two months of working on the Rhetorical Analysis paper where stressful since

writing a rhetorical analysis is not my strong point, but it helped me in improving my writing and

technique. Before I started writing my rhetorical analysis, I had to do a lot of research for my

chosen topic; physical/emotional health, and art therapy. Since it was a rhetorical analysis paper,

I had to find a scientific article that I was going to write my paper on as well. As I started writing

my paper, a major thing I struggled with was locating the rhetorical elements included in the

article and talking about each one in a separate paragraph. Most of the time when I read an

article, I only focus on what the article is saying and the information it is presenting me with, but

I never focused on what techniques the authors use in their writing and how they grab the

reader’s attention. For instance, the use of multiple studies included in an article, or how the

articles’ structure is laid out. These techniques help in making an article effective and a

trustworthy or believable source. Something I also had to carefully consider when writing was

making sure I did not include bias while comparing what the author was saying to other sources.

These techniques are good for me to be aware of because they can be exceptionally helpful in a

job that requires research, or in analyzing an article to prove a point or theory. Not only that, but

these techniques and incorporated sources also help in making ones work professional and more

trustworthy compared to other works that may lack outside sources and these key traits, which

make it not as effective.

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