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Febrian maulana

X iis entrepreneur
Historical Recount Text


On August 14,1945, Japan surrended unconditionally to the

Allies. The news was kept secret by the Japanese army in
Indonesia, but Sutan Syahrir, the youth of Indonesia, knew it
through the BBC Radio Broadcasts in London on August 15,1945.
At the same time, Ir. Soekarno and Drs. Moh Hatta returned to the
Indonesia from Saigon, Vietnam.
        On August 15, at 8 p.m., under the leadership of Chairul
Saleh, younger groups and older groups gathered in the backroom
Bacteriologi Laboratory which located in Jalan Pegangsaaan Timur
number 13, Jakarta. The younger group argued that Indonesia must
declared their independence immediately. But the older group didn’t
agree that. Because of that, independence should be discussed on
PPKI meeting on August 18, 1945.
        Because there was a different opinion between older groups
and younger groups, younger groups brought Soekarno and Hatta
to Rengasdengklok in early morning of August 16, 1945.
Rengasdengklok was chosen because it was located away from
Jakarta. Yonger groups tried to push Soekarno and Hatta to declare
Indonesia Independence
        After had a long discussion, Soekarno was willing to declare it
after returning to Jakarta. At that moment in Jakarta, Wikana from
younger groups and Ahmad Soebarjo from older groups made a
negotiations. The results was that the declaration of Indonesia
Independence should be held in Jakarta. In addition, Tadashi
Maeda allowed his place for negotiations and he was willing to
guarantee their safety. Finally, Soekarno and Hatta were picked
from Rengasdengklok.
        Text of Proclamation of Indonesia Independence formulated by
Soekarno, Hatta, and Ahmad Subarjo. Once the text was completed
and approved, Sajuti Melik then copied and typed the manuscript
used a typewriter.
        At first Proclamation of Indonesia Independence would be read
at Ikala Field. But looked at the road to the Ikada Field was guarded
by japanese army. Finally they moved to residence of Soekarno at
Jalan Pegangsaan Timur number 56 Jakarta.
        On the day of Friday, August 17 1945, Soekarno read the
Proclamation of Indonesia Independence text and then connected
with a short speech without text. After that, Latif Hendra Ningrat and
Soehoed was fluttering the flag which had sewn by Mrs. Fatmawati.
Then audience sang Indonesia Raya song together. Finally the
proclamtion was heard throughout the country

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