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Josh Phillip

Expository Essay


Ms. Norella De gale Phillip

15th February, 2021


The Impact of Social Media on society

Social media today is seen to be a touchy topic. It is bad for certain persons, although it is

a blessing for others. Many of them claim that physical human contact has been diminished by

social media, but there are always two sides of a coin. So, in this essay, we would gain insight on

the benefits of social media and the disadvantages of social media in society.

Social media in society, when looked at in the positive perspective, has many benefits.

The most popular being its ability to share news rapidly. The latest news become just clicks

away. Even the newspaper and TV news, which update by the hour, can’t compare to the speed

of social media news because it’s updated live and tends to be as accurate as TV news. Apart

from this, Social media allows for staying connected with each other. This makes it possible to

communicate with people all over the globe, all the time. You can meet new people from

different countries, different cultures, different religions, all from the comfort of your room,

through the social networks created. Also, Social media allows education to flourish. With the

platform being so crowded with information, students can educate themselves on almost any

topic they choose.

On the other hand, when we look at the negative perspective, we see that it has equal

cons as there are pros. The most famous being that social media kills you health wise. People

spend so much time on their phone chatting, texting, liking photos, etc. This doesn’t just take

away from your social life but it cause eye strain, fatigue, etc. Another con is fake information

being spread on the platform. Social media is a good way of gaining information but there are a

lot of sites giving out fake news to individuals. This can be dangerous to the person

disseminating the information and disseminating it on a wide scale if they include their personal

information in the piece. One more con present is hacking. It has been around from since the

start of the social media sites. This is because a lot of personal information is shared over the

web to get into these platforms such as name, address, phone number etc. Hackers will steal all

this information and start sharing it all over the web.

So, Social media provides a variety of pros and cons in today’s world. It can allow for

better communication, faster news, and improvement of education but it also is a gateway for

false information, health deterioration and hacking. Anyone with interest in joining the social

media platform in today’s society should be aware of the risks and take the necessary measures

to protect themselves on the web.


Reference Page

Tersoo, Andrella. “Top 10 Advantages of Social Media and Effects to the Society.” -
Nigeria News., 26 Dec. 2018,

-, Muhammad Adil, et al. “15+ Advantages And Disadvantages Of Social Media On Youth In
Society.” Muhammad Adil, 5 Jan. 2021,

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