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Rosann G.

Political Geography and Economy
Mr. Jumel Estrañero

Critique and Position Paper Brief

Good Intentions Contains Unintentional Consequences

The Role of Patriotic Youth in Nation-Building is the Regional Youth Forum and a way
for us to have an idea about Karl Marx communism, Marxist economy theory, universal
principle of peace and a lot more. It is for us youth on how we view these topic and for
us to give understanding on how we can attain peace. But of course, this is also an
introduction about how communism became violent in some ways. As a youth, I
sometimes had visuals on what communists is all about and how does it work or affect
my thinking regarding different social classes in the society. I thought of something like
only rich people became more rich and poor people remain poorer. I wanted to know
more about socioeconomic order or is it really possible that the government and the
whole community can own a private property which can be shared by everyone the
wealth they have created?
My understanding to the forum Marx emphasize that the Revolution is the demolition of
Communism. In addition, Dr. Robert S. Kittel also explains the life background of the
founder of Communism, Karl Marx came from a Jewish Family and was converted to
Christians but this is just to avoid prosecution and to advance his father legal career.
And Dr. Kittel also tackles about Social Environment which is connected to our subject
Political geography and Economy because it tackles more on reasons and science,
mostly focuses on individual anatomy, critical government and religion. In this time is
also the creation of industrial evolution which is the steam engine. Marx grew from
Secularism to Criticism and to Atheism. Marx exploited the sufferings, justified armed
violence and most importantly he violated universal principles.
At first talking about Patriotic Youth, I didn’t really get the point or the definition rather. In
the webinar I just found out that it was based in the Philippine Constitution. Article 2
section 13 of the Philippine Constitution states that “The State recognizes the vital role
of the youth in nation-building and shall promote and protect their physical, moral,
spiritual, intellectual, and social well-being. It shall inculcate in the youth patriotism and
nationalism, and encourage their involvement in public and civic affairs.” Meaning for
you to be able to attain public and civic affairs you must learn and have in mind that you
live for the sake of your family. A family is already in living in a community. Honor your
father and mother is the Filial Piety, after all it will become your greater personality and
character. UN also stated that “Youth is the period of transition from the dependence of
childhood to interdependence as a member of the community. It means that when we
enter adolescence, this is now the final steps to become more independent. That is why
we as a youth, we are encourage to be a patriotic citizen, not just us but everyone. Not
just the military, politicians or the President but anyone as well. Even the national hero
of the Philippines Jose Rizal expresses his love for his country through the use of pen of
writing such as novels rather than to create wars using swords.
In the topic discussed by Mr. Jude Montifar an educational director WCARP Philippines,
he tackled about the Materialistic View of Man. Wherein there are Two Great Camps,
first the Idealism which he states that the spirit or idea create matter. He also cited
examples where he said that example of our idea is wars. Why we tend to create wars?
That is because there is always conflict within us. And it can affect this matter and the
result is war. Second camp we have the materialism in which matter creates spirit that
explains the environment can identify the mass behavior. The other communist view of
man is the Economic Determinism that the economic environment will always determine
what the mass behavior is. It simply define that the cause of man's behavior is the
economy, the cause of economy while man's behavior is the effect.
Based on the premises given above the youth has a lot more to learn and a lot more to
experience. Not because we go to high end university, doesn’t mean we already know
everything. There is something more we need to understand especially the way and
ethics of being a human being or a nature of mankind. The first one, Mr. Montifar made
a discussion during webinar about Man. He said that we can see that we have the mind
and the body, the internal nature and the external form. Both of them are important, the
body works for our individual purpose while the mind gives us the value of goodness.
Second is our ethics as a Man when we do good all the time without receiving anything
in return. Third is we need to prioritize our values rather than our own desires. Fourth,
we have the Familial relationship, Marx said that the economic environment as man.
Then lastly, is the Father – Daughter Relationship, those who have good relationship to
their father, a daughter will have no problem in her pregnancy.
We are all living to a different society with a different government. After watching
webinar, may recommendation to the government and a society as a whole if to first,
recognize the race of other people and respect where they’re came from. I think it is
time for us learn and understand our privilege. Second, is to respect other Political
View. If you and your friend having different view in terms of politics, you should respect
that. Yes you can voice out something that you don’t like in the government but don’t
induced him/her to go into your side as well. Third, do your part as a citizen. Don’t put
too much obligation to the government. They have done their best part but it feels like it
still doesn’t satisfy the citizen of the country. Especially in this time of pandemic,
government needs more of our cooperation. We can blame them for doing wrong but it
doesn’t really mean they don’t have done their part at all. Fourth is we should stop
blaming government for not doing impossible task. You can blame the Government for
not trying. Lastly, I hope for a better unity. We don’t want to end up that one day, the
citizens of the country became the enemy itself. We are on one country. Conflict cannot
be resolve by one leader but also the cooperation of the citizen.
As a conclusion, Karl Marx has taught us to escape and find ways to be free from
social, political and economic conflicts that hinder us from achieving our capabilities. He
just wanted a better community where capitalist can no longer dominant in the system
of production which brought equality to an individual.
In the future, I can still view that there will be times we can encounter conflict in the
Government or in Politics or even internationally, but for us to avoid future
misunderstanding, it is very important to have proper communication. Youth has a
creativity ideas and great cooperation to create a better world. We are full of hope and
already have an understanding to have a potential in having good social change. I
somehow view communism as a solution but it offers bigger consequences to the
society. In a well organized economy, Democracy and Social Justice are more
important than Communism.

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