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Groundwater for Sustainable Development 11 (2020) 100471

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Research paper

Developing a methodology for estimating the groundwater levels of coastal

aquifers in the Gareb-Bourag plains, Morocco embedding the visual
MODFLOW techniques in groundwater modeling system
Rachida Lyazidi a, b, Mohamed Abdelbaset Hessane a, Jaouad Filali Moutei b,
Mohammed Bahir c, d, *
Faculté des Sciences Dhar Mahraz, Fès, Morocco
Direction de La Recherche et de La Planification de L’eau, Rabat, Morocco
IWRI, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Hay My Rachid, 43150, Ben Guerir, Morocco
High Energy and Astrophysics Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences Semlalia, Cadi Ayyad University, P.O.B. 2390, Marrakesh, 40000, Morocco


Keywords: The objectives of this work are to control the groundwater levels of the coastal aquifer of Gareb-Bouareg from Rif
Gareb-bouareg aquifer Morocco using Visual MODFLOW techniques, as part of the Groundwater Modeling System (GMS 7.0), to bring
Modflow the water table back to safety limit and to prevent any further rise of this water table. However, the calibrated
Groundwater modeling system (GMS 7.0)
and validated model makes it possible to carry out several scenarios whose objective is to test the impact of
various modes of exploitation on the water table in an area suffering from waterlogging problems, such as the
Visual MODFLOW techniques case of the Gareb-Bouareg aquifer from Morocco. The results obtained according to the optimal and realistic
scenario made it possible to lower the piezometric level of 5.42 m over an area of 14 km2 by applying a pumping
of 300 L/s on 10 wells with a flow rate of 30 L/s/well. This technique could be improved by reducing inputs
through water-saving irrigation practices or by applying corrective measures to increase the outflows that will
eventually be demineralized and exploited for drinking water consumption.

1. Introduction a section of the Western Yamuna Canal in Haryana state (India) by

Visual-MODFLOW. (see Fig. 3)
Groundwater is one of the most important drinking water sources The Gareb and Bouareg plains, which are a part of the Northeastern
and is used for various purposes like agriculture, drinking water supply region of Morocco, offers in 30% of its surface, a potential of interesting
and industrial (Bahir et al., 2018, 2019; Baki et al., 2017; Carreira et al., agricultural land estimated at around 23.7 km2. Nevertheless, the exis­
2018; Nouayti et al., 2016, 2020). A model is a simplified version of the tence of a phreatic brackish aquifer requires the irrigation of the plain
real groundwater system that approximately simulates groundwater from the surface water of Moulouya wadi. This aquifer has known in
problems. Groundwater simulation models such as the well-known 2009 and 2010 a succession of rainy years exceeding the mean rainfall
MODFLOW groundwater model (McDonald and Harbaugh, 1988) have recorded in the past. This situation, associated with the development of
been widely employed in general groundwater flow studies, namely, in irrigation systems of the plains, resulted of increase in piezometric level
applications of conjunctive water use, which is often the cause for the of the coastal aquifer and the appearance of marshy areas. These areas,
named water-logging problems in irrigation command areas (Bejra­ whose spatial and temporal extent are quite important, cause significant
nonda et al., 2009; Dafny et al., 2010; Xu et al., 2011; Koch et al., 2012). damage to the crops in place and also required drainage to combat
These simulation models have been used by several authors and in water-logging and to prevent secondary salinization from shallow and
different management water resource projects such as (Kim and Sultan, saline coastal aquifer.
2002): on the simulation impacts of an irrigation and drainage network The Gareb-Bouareg aquifer was selected as the study area for several
on the Nubian aquifer’s, Egypt, groundwater resources using MOD­ reasons: (i) a central valley having a large shallow groundwater basin,
FLOW and (Kumar et al., 2009) on the simulation of groundwater flow in with a potential of interesting agricultural land and an availability of

* Corresponding author. IWRI, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Hay My Rachid, 43150, Ben Guerir, Morocco.
E-mail address: (M. Bahir).
Received 26 June 2020; Received in revised form 10 August 2020; Accepted 13 August 2020
Available online 20 August 2020
2352-801X/© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
R. Lyazidi et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 11 (2020) 100471

Fig. 1. Location map of the study area.

surface water, fed by rainfall of precipitation, by runoff from the sur­ studies aimed to characterize them on different levels, especially, the
rounding mountains, by percolation from irrigated fields and by hydrological, sedimentological, hydrogeochemical (El Alami et al.,
drainage from the overlying Selouane wadi (ii) increased population 1998; El Yaouti et al., 2008), and the biological plans (Lefebvre et al.,
growth and agriculture development are projected for this area in the 1996; Louzzi et al., 2007).
future; (iii) reliable mass of data relating to the study area, namely:
geological, hydrological, hydrogeological, hydro-agricultural infra­ 2. Materials and methods
structure, land use, irrigation water supply and withdrawals data as well
as data of measured water levels at several monitoring wells. 2.1. Data acquisition
The methodology pursued for the modeling of Gareb-Bouareg coastal
aquifer is based on a rigorous scientific approach: (a) model conceptu­ For better management of groundwater resources, it is necessary to
alization; (b) data collection from physical parameters and hydro­ have enough data about the physical and hydrogeological settings for
geological properties; (c) software selection; (d) hydrogeological the study area. Physical parameters include meteorological data, aquifer
synthesis using a database and a geographical information system to thickness, recharge and pumping rates, hydraulic parameters and
improve the understanding of the hydrodynamic functioning of the monitored groundwater levels. Hydrogeological properties includes the
aquifer; (e) water balance; (f) model calibration for steady state and aquifer system, geologic formations, topographic map with locations of
transient modes against measured/observed data and model validation wells, land use, soil classification, boundary conditions, drainage as well
using other sets of data; (g) sensitivity analysis to evaluate the influence as irrigation systems.
of parameter uncertainty on model outputs (h) exploitation of the For the Gareb-Bouareg coastal aquifer, data from various sources
groundwater model by simulating future scenarios in order to predict were collected, processed and organized in a spatial coordinate system
the water-table fluctuations under different stress periods. allowing the development of a spatial and tabular database under the
The purposes of this study are to control the groundwater levels of Geographic Information System ArcGIS (version 10.3) (Lyazidi et al.,
the coastal aquifer of Gareb-Bouareg using the Visual MODFLOW 2017, 2019).
techniques in Groundwater Modeling System, to bring the water table
back to safety limit, and to prevent any further rise of this water table. 2.2. Hydro-meteorological data

1.1. Study area The climate of the study area is Mediterranean. It is characterized by
a low rainfall ranging from 116 to 430 mm/year, and average temper­
Located in the Moulouya basin, the Gareb-Bouareg aquifer is a atures ranging from 11 ◦ C in January to 30 ◦ C in August (El Madani
shallow aquifer with an area of 522 km2 corresponding to the extension et al., 2011). Winds, direction West and Southwest in winter and North
of the two Gareb and Bouareg plains. This aquifer is limited to the North and Northeast in summer, influence the surface circulation of Nador
by the Mediterranean Sea and the Bouareg Sebkha, to the Southeastern Lagoon waters (Hilmi et al., 2007). As for the direction of the littoral
by the Kebdana anticline, to the Northwestern by the Beni Bouifrour and drift, it shows a seasonal variability, with a predominant direction
Gourougou anticlines (Fig. 1) (see Fig. 2). SE-NW (Raji et al., 2013).
The Gareb and Bouareg plains have been the subject of several Meteorological as well as hydrological data are required for the

R. Lyazidi et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 11 (2020) 100471

Fig. 2. Groundwater depth of the study area.

development and calibration of a groundwater model. In the present 2.4. Hydrogeological data
study, data recorded over a period of 50 years are employed. The
average annual values for the actual evapotranspiration can be esti­ Hydrologically, the Gareb-Bouareg aquifer unit corresponds to both
mated at 293 mm. In Table 1, the monthly and annual means values of interconnected aquifers with a potential of 50 × 106 m3. The Gareb
precipitation and temperature are listed, whereas Table 2 shows the aquifer, situated in the upstream part of the aquifer unit, consists mainly
average monthly and annual outflow discharge values at the gauging of marly limestones of Villafranchian. At the South-West of the aquifer, a
station of Selouane wadi, used in the analysis. Hydrometer station lenticular structure and impermeable layers may sometimes be located
discharge data is used to specify outflow boundary conditions in the in the Villafranchian lacustrine levels. The impervious basement of the
groundwater model. aquifer consists of yellow marl 25 (Carlier, 1975). Lacustrine limestones
and silty consolidated land may be the site of karst circulation. The
2.3. Irrigated agriculture data thickness of the aquifer exceeds 80 m in the South, but is reduced to less
than 20 m between Arrouit and Selouane localities. Towards Arrouit
The Gareb and Bouareg plains offers in 30% of its surface, a potential locality, the thickness decreases again and hardly exceeds 5 m.
of interesting agricultural land estimated at around 23.7 km2. Never­ As for the Bouareg aquifer, it succeeds to the North towards Gareb
theless, the existence of a phreatic brackish aquifer requires the irriga­ and has a thickness that varies from 5 to 60 m. Its impervious substratum
tion of the plain from the surface water of Moulouya wadi. That is why, is formed by the very thick continental Quaternary. The aquiferous
the irrigation systems networks of the Gareb and Bouareg plains has formations are very heterogeneous Quaternary silty soils with a
been installed. A canal supplies, from the surface waters of the Mou­ permeability ranging from 7.2 × 10− 3 to 1.9 × 10− 7 m/s (Carlier, 1975).
louya wadi, a yearly volume of 80 × 106 m3 to partially cover the With regard to hydrogeological data, there are 824 wells in the study
agricultural needs of the region, which are partly satisfied from the area. Based on the water resources studies relating to Gareb-Bouareg
groundwater. Table 3 shows monthly and annual means values of the aquifer, agriculture used yearly 15.3 × 106 m3 of groundwater reser­
irrigation water supply and water recharge volumes in Gareb and voir to irrigate 19.50 km2 during 1967, which corresponds to an average
Bouareg plains over a period of 50 years (in 106 m3). pumping rate of 0.6 L/s for each well.
Due to the water salinity of the Gareb-Bouareg aquifer unit, there has
been a gradual cessation of the agricultural water abstractions at this
aquifer unit. These abstractions, estimated presently to be 4 × 106 m3,

R. Lyazidi et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 11 (2020) 100471

Fig. 3. Piezometric map of the study area.

Table 1
Monthly and annual means values of the precipitation and temperature over a period of 50 years related to Gareb-Bouareg plains.
Parameters Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Annual

Precipitation (mm) 9.8 24.05 38.05 44.95 46 30.15 29.05 38.5 25.35 4.3 1.15 2.2 293.6
Temperature (◦ C) 23.5 19.5 16 13.5 11.5 12 14 16 19 22 24.5 25.5 18.1

Table 2
Average monthly and annual outflow discharge values over a period of 50 years at the gauging station of Selouane wadi (in 106 m3).
Station Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Annual

Selouane wadi 2.81 3.34 3 3.78 3.77 3.72 3.42 3.05 3.18 3.09 2.93 2.9 3.25

Table 3
Monthly and annual means values of the irrigation water supply and water recharge volumes in Gareb and Bouareg plains over a period of 50 years (in 106 m3).
Plains Irrigation water supply and water recharge volumes Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Annual

Gareb water supply volume 3.31 2.70 2.64 2.08 1.83 2.01 2.91 3.59 3.80 4.04 4.21 3.60 36.72
water recharge volume 0.50 0.40 0.40 0.31 0.28 0.30 0.44 0.54 0.57 0.61 0.63 0.54 5.51
Bouareg water supply volume 3.91 3.15 2.91 2.20 2.04 2.36 3.11 4.24 4.50 4.70 5.05 4.30 42.48
water recharge volume 1.17 0.95 0.87 0.66 0.61 0.71 0.93 1.27 1.35 1.41 1.51 1.29 12.74
Total water supply volume 7.22 5.85 5.54 4.28 3.88 4.37 6.02 7.83 8.30 8.75 9.26 7.90 79.20
water recharge volume 1.67 1.35 1.27 0.97 0.89 1.01 1.37 1.81 1.92 2.02 2.15 1.83 18.25

R. Lyazidi et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 11 (2020) 100471

Table 4
Result of investigation campaign conducted in the study area in January 2013.
Water resources inventory X (m) Y (m) Z (m) Observation Groundwater level from Flow (l/s) Conductivity (μ− 1)
Date the land surface (m)

1 726,001 486,367 184 22/01/13 5 7 6010

2 725,785 486,399 183 22/01/13 5 4 7260
3 722,736 488,748 195 22/01/13 5 7 15,700
4 720,707 487,084 182 22/01/13 7 6 8170
5 720,814 487,909 183 22/01/13 7 – 8370
6 716,103 487,610 185 22/01/13 3 5 8010
7 713,235 489,664 183 22/01/13 1 – 6540
8 729,538 503,609 14 23/01/13 8 3 4450
9 732,097 502,134 19 23/01/13 7 4 4060
10 738,131 501,088 40 23/01/13 31 10 2800
11 736,355 498,116 95 23/01/13 78 10 7460
12 739,546 502,641 9 23/01/13 7 – 6580
13 746,309 502,018 44 23/01/13 42 – 6500
14 730,139 500,229 53 23/01/13 15 2 3720
15 725,384 504,058 27 23/01/13 14 – 3700
16 726,233 490,134 168 23/01/13 0 15 7300
17 716,373 491,640 176 24/01/13 3 – 8960
18 717,331 494,355 166 24/01/13 7 – 15,900
19 714,420 482,619 213 24/01/13 27 10 4830
20 725,429 495,626 113 24/01/13 10 – 6770
1011/6 715,080 492,823 187 23/01/13 13 – 14,500
1019/6 727,808 505,879 7 23/01/13 2 – 5820
1029/6 726,570 498,209 77 23/01/13 9 – 8360
1034/6 745,599 503,568 10 24/01/13 9 – 3920
1038/6 726,019 486,357 184 23/01/13 6 – 7320
1043/6 710,386 490,629 186 23/01/13 3 – 6400
1128/6 708,272 490,081 196 24/01/13 3 – 6410
1138/6 743,639 502,178 25 23/01/13 23 – 4520
1180/6 724,632 488,649 185 23/01/13 6 – 11,040
221/6 725,936 509,609 5 24/01/13 4 – 2370
2513/6 724,628 501,155 55 23/01/13 13 – 7500
2514/6 720,794 487,904 183 22/01/13 7 – 8370
2524/6 722,849 507,585 23 23/01/13 10 – 3660
358/6 713,899 490,854 192 23/01/13 21 – 6120
386/6 719,664 507,739 63 22/01/13 6 – 2030
484/6 720,547 509,583 60 23/01/13 25 – 2430
515/6 720,874 490,400 173 23/01/13 3 – 32,100
518/6 717,451 487,243 187 24/01/13 9 – 4970
519/6 710,894 487,624 187 23/01/13 2 – 9780
521/6 723,715 493,575 140 24/01/13 8 – 19,000
525/6 721,953 494,223 144 23/01/13 11 – 2980
730/6 727,549 500,846 53 24/01/13 5 – 5660
963/6 703,665 487,176 201 23/01/13 6 – 780
989/6 723,083 501,998 76 23/01/13 18 – 9040
996/6 721,008 499,140 118 24/01/13 5 – 4940

average yearly over the period 1967–2016 the value of 7 × 106 m3. associated with a well will be used and refined during the model cali­
During the month of January 2013, a complementary investigation bration. The Jacob method is applied to obtain the values of trans­
campaign was conducted in the study area. It consists of: (i) establishing missivity T and coefficient storage S.
an updated state of piezometry by reading groundwater levels at the
existing monitoring wells; (ii) characterizing the groundwater abstrac­ 2.6. Hydrogeochemistry data
tion and the productivities of different aquifer sectors; (iii) carrying out
a sampling campaign to update and supplement the available informa­ During the same investigation campaign, in around 30 monitoring
tion on water quality. wells likely to be sampled for analysis were selected in the Gareb-
Bouareg aquifer (Table 6).
2.5. Groundwater table and hydrodynamic parameters data The groundwater quality data will be analyzed and valued by the
establishment of temporal and spatial evolution maps for each param­
As part of the dynamics monitoring of the Gareb-Bouareg coastal eter analyzed. These maps can tell us about the spatial extension of the
aquifer, a network of 45 monitoring wells selected to study the behavior quality problems encountered. They then enable us to analyze, for each
of the aquifer has been set up. Table 4 shows the result of investigation parameter, the causes of decreasing quality by comparing the state of
campaign conducted in the study area during the month of January quality with the sources of pollution and the hydrogeological func­
2013. tioning of the aquifer.
The groundwater level measurement campaign was carried out on all
the monitoring wells by use of a graduated steel tape SEBA Water Level
Measurement System. Table 5 summarizes the characteristics deduced
from the log data at these wells. Each hydraulic conductivity value

R. Lyazidi et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 11 (2020) 100471

Table 5
Wells data of Gareb-Bouareg coastal aquifer with depth, thickness, Transmissivity, hydraulic conductivity and storage coefficient.
Water resources X (m) Y (m) Z (m) Well Depth (m) Observation date T (m2/s) Esat (m) K (m/s) S

522/6 713,515 485,205 190.69 23 March 16, 1959 7.10–3

1024/6 727,700 502,200 26.57 87 April 10, 1963 7.10–3 59.4 1.2.10−
1027/6 729,500 499,230 46.87 61 June 17, 1963 6.7.10− 4 30.28
1029/6 726,160 498,200 79.18 61 May 28, 1963 3.10–3 23.9 1.3.10−
1036/6 724,170 497,550 97.1 93 June 14, 1963 1.4.10− 3 31.48 4.5.10− 5
2 10− 2

1037/6 724,350 495,450 116.95 31 May 16, 1963 1.5.10− 4 10.98 1.4.10− 5

1038/6 726,125 486,220 186.37 40 June 01, 1963 1.3.10− 3 19.85 6.5.10− 5
1039/6 721,620 485,300 184.79 120 July 16, 1963 5.10–2 83.22 6.10–4 2.5 10−
1040/6 719,900 484,400 193.23 120 August 22, 1963 2.10–2 34.46 5.8.10−
1041/6 707,353 486,400 198.96 120 August 01, 1963 8.2.10− 3 55 1.5.10− 4
1042/6 712,800 487,600 185.48 78 October 28, 1963 4.10–3 66.2 6.10–5 2.4 10−
1043/6 710,400 490,600 184.78 120 July 29, 1963 9.2.10− 2 55.6 1.7.10− 4

1044/6 718,345 489,750 174.57 90 September 15, 1963 1.2.10− 2 77.99 1.5.10− 4
1.6 10− 2

1129/6 720,260 492,665 161.62 19 January 11, 1962 7.1.10− 4

1190/6 720,775 488,030 184.26 75 October 09, 1963 1.2.10− 1 67.2 1.8.10− 3
521/6 723,745 493,600 140 16 March 25, 1959 9.15.10− 4 14 2.28.10− 4
1036/6 724,170 497,550 97.1 93 June 14, 1963 1.4 10− 3 31.48 4.5 10− 5 2 10− 2

1037/6 724,350 495,450 116.95 31 May 16, 1963 1.5 10− 4 10.98 1.4 10− 5
197/6 727,795 505,895 5.65 4.65 February 02, 1962 1.9 10− 2
439/6 727,350 506,300 4.99 5.20 August 01, 1958 9.5 10− 4
447/6 728,485 504,935 9.06 8.60 September 01, 1958 1.13 10− 2
459/6 729,105 504,655 8.91 8.85 February 08, 1962 8.3 10− 3
463/6 728,610 504,150 5.02 – August 01, 1958 1.1 10− 2
502/6 724,730 501,545 – 33 January 03, 1959 2 10− 7
508/6 725,730 510,410 3.41 19 January 01, 1959 1.3 10−
505/6 724,680 509,975 13.95 29 November 27, 1958 3 10− 6
509/6 726,170 505,480 12.65 17 January 14, 1959 3.6 10− 3 9.73 3.7 10− 4

510/6 728,800 504,000 11.7 18.9 January 16, 1959 5.2 10− 3 8.97 5.8 10− 4

859/6 723,800 505,850 16.5 45 July 26, 1960 3.68 10− 3 27 4.5 10− 5

860/6 724,565 508,000 12.5 45.5 July 30, 1960 1.8 10− 2 45 4 10− 4
1019/6 727,800 505,900 5.75 120 November 14, 1962 2.7 10− 2 67.95 3.8 10− 4

1020/6 725,200 503,500 35.51 60 April 09, 1963 1.3 10− 3 24.85 5.2 10− 5

1021/6 729,650 505,125 5.51 71 May 23, 1963 2.1 10− 2 68.16 3 10− 4 0.5 10− 2

1022/6 726,690 508,650 3.07 71 April 30, 1963 2.2 10− 2 48.6 4.5 10− 4

1023/6 722,850 507,700 23.91 55 April 26, 1963 1.6 10− 2 23.19 6.9 10− 4

1024/6 727,700 502,200 26.57 87 April 12, 1963 7 10− 3 59.4 1.2 10− 4

1025/6 738,140 502,380 14.59 71 January 19, 1963 2.6 10− 2 45 5.8 10− 4

1026/6 731,550 502,430 20.23 110 December 19, 1962 7.2 10− 3 26.45 1.9 10− 4

1027/6 729,500 499,230 46.87 61 June 17, 1963 6.7 10− 4 30.28 2.2 10− 5

1028/6 735,210 501,690 25 58 January 25, 1963 5 10− 3 38.46 1.3 10− 4

1029/6 726,160 498,200 79.18 61 May 28, 1963 3 10− 3 23.08 1.3 10− 4

1030/6 733,000 500,000 44.56 80 June 21, 1963 8.7 10− 4 29.5 2.9 10− 5

1031/6 737,340 500,720 40.56 77 July 02, 1963 2.6 10− 3 5.2 5 10− 4
1032/6 741,200 502,750 2.57 54 February 17, 1963 2.2 10− 2 44.05 5 10− 4 1.5 10− 2

1034/6 745,600 503,530 9.93 45 February 12, 1963 5 10− 3 34.6 1.4 10− 4

1138/6 743,660 502,135 25.82 74.03 July 05, 1963 5.5 10− 3 45.8 2.2 10− 4
4.2 10− 2

2513/6 724,600 501,350 48.17 25 December 27, 1988 9 10− 5

2527/6 725,050 508,300 10 12 February 15, 1990 6.2 10−

K: Hydraulic conductivity; T: Transmissivity; S: Storage coefficient; Esat: Saturated thickness.

3. Results and discussion 3.2. Geological framework

3.1. Hydro-meteorological framework The geological description in the study area is summarized in various
geological and hydrogeological reports (Carlier and Zeryouhi, 1964).
On the study area, except for the Gourougou reliefs, Kebdana and Bni The geological formations were recognized at the outcrop but also from
Bouifrour Mountains which benefit from rains exceeding 450 mm, the the drilling log at 45 monitoring wells. These formations are described
average rainfall is fairly uniform and varies yearly around 325 mm. The from bottom to top as follows (Fig. 5): (i) limestone formations of
seasonal rainfall pattern is characterized by a maximum from November probable Cretaceous, highlighted by well 738/6 carried out in the south
to January followed by a secondary maximum in April. Temperatures west sector of the Gareb plain. This well crosses 220 m of marl before
are regular from one year to another. Lastly, the influence of the sea on intersecting the limestone formations with a thickness of 70 m; (ii)
the climate of the plain is emphasized. Miocene marl of the bedrock of the plain. These gray-blue marl forma­
The Gareb plain is also fed by small wadis descending from the Bni tions are found in several places, both in Gareb and Bouareg. The marls
Bouifrour and Kerker-Ziata mountains. These wadis converge to lagoon, have an average thickness of 100 m and exceed 150 m thick between
after a short travel in the mountains, which does not allow them to Selouane and Jbel Arroui. They are covered by the Quaternary clay
branch out. They take in the Bouareg plain independent channels. The loams at Bouareg and the continental marls from Pontico-Pliocene at
Selouane wadi, the most important wadi of the plain, has a base flow Gareb. Except of well 738/6, that crosses the Miocene marl layer over its
rate supported by the groundwater resources and the irrigation returns entire thickness and intersects the Cretaceous formations, the others
flow, and flows toward the lagoon (see Fig. 4). wells in the study area remain in the Miocene marl; (iii) Villafranchien

R. Lyazidi et al.
Table 6
Chemical analyzes of the most relevant elements of the costal aquifer of Garb-Bouareg.
Sample pH Cond. DCO mg O2/l NH4+ mgN/l Residu mg/L NO−3 mg/L Cl− mg/L SO2−
4 mg/L Ca2+ mg/L Mg2+ mg/L HCO−3 mg/L Na+ mg/L K+ mg/L
1 7.08 7360 33.0 0.039 6760 26.7 2436 484 413 267 549 1032 12.3
2 6.88 6450 25.0 0.008 5835 20.2 2067 555 345 233 510 948 14.4
6 7.24 10,700 38.0 0.055 9105 55.6 3056 1704 307 210 395 2286 11.7
8 7.46 5660 19.0 0.040 4185 76.3 1699 481 200 165 489 990 27.3
10 7.95 3130 10.0 0.038 2338 36.1 536 466 39.7 39.7 644 705 11.8
12 7.60 8380 50.0 0.212 6505 32.6 2691 661 158 171 475 1669 28.0
13 8.00 4370 8.0 0.068 3314 9.45 876 720 22.8 33.5 525 1089 9.25
14 7.54 4050 21.0 0.047 3116 29.9 1174 447 90.2 101 293 743 10.2
16 7.55 8090 44.0 0.009 7250 23.3 2791 585 381 301 476 1199 14.3
17 7.65 9850 23.0 0.032 7700 33.0 3268 518 144 160 520 2102 43.2
18 7.35 17,140 65.0 0.009 14,590 19.9 6459 1741 441 545 345 3156 32.0

19 7.21 7760 10.0 0.006 5920 24.6 2372 1006 313 192 532 1422 8.47
20 7.35 7300 23.0 0.007 6580 54.1 2457 733 278.5 310 339 1110 21.9
1011–6 7.35 16,040 54.0 0.019 14,020 52.5 2479 804 294 261 338 3126 26.0
730–6 7.30 6520 13.0 0.011 5355 41.8 2039 805 299 230 290 1029 19.1
989–6 7.63 10,870 46.0 0.043 9420 11.4 3818 966 271 344 531 2032 41.3
996–6 7.42 5570 23.0 0.016 4450 42.3 1699 728 180 185 432 976 27.7
1128–6 7.75 7120 17.0 0.046 5515 91.3 2145 964 172 185 497 1367 39.3
221–6 7.50 2710 12.0 0.036 2064 79.0 433 594 118 69.3 460 510 5.17
Number of points 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19
Maximum 8 17,140 65 0.212 14,590 91.3 6459 1741 441 545 644 3156 43.19
Minimum 6.88 2710 8 0.006 2064 9.45 433.2 447 22.8 33.5 290 510.3 5.17

Groundwater for Sustainable Development 11 (2020) 100471

Mean 7.46 7845.8 28.1 0.039 6527 40 2342 787 235 211 455 1447 21.2
Nb of values > VMA for agriculture 0 15 0 0 19 11 19 19 10 15 6 19 16
Nb de values > VMA for drinking water supply 0 18 0 0 19 - 16 19 - - - 19 16
R. Lyazidi et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 11 (2020) 100471

Fig. 4. Piezometric evolution at the monitoring well 517/6.

deposits which contribute largely to filling the Gareb depression. They represented by intercalations of pebbles and gravel embedded in clay
consist mainly of lacustrine formations and, in the south-west of the loams attributed to the Amirian and ended with an encrustation (white
Gareb plain, of silts with pebble and gravel beds; (iv) middle Quaternary tuff) attributed to the Tensiftian.

Fig. 5. Dry residue map of the studied aquifer.

R. Lyazidi et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 11 (2020) 100471

Fig. 6. Isohypsum mapping substratum of the studied aquifer.

3.3. Groundwater table depth through the passageway which separates the two plains. The hydraulic
gradient varies from 5% in the North-East half of the Gareb plain to 0.1%
Fig. 5 shows the groundwater table depth that has been established in the irrigated sector in the same plain. It is around 1.2% in almost the
on the basis of 45 monitoring wells measurements. The water table entire Bouareg plain. The shape of the piezometric contours shows that
depth varies between 1 and 40 m. It is shallow in the center of the study the Southern mountains surrounding the plain contribute to the aquifer
area (<10 m) and in the middle valley of the Selouane wadi. It becomes supply.
deeper by going towards the mountains which delimit it. The average The evolution of the piezometric contours in the study area varies
depth is of the order of 8.5 m. from one sector to another. The analysis of groundwater table fluctua­
Over an area of almost 40 km2 around the Arrouit-Tistoutine road tion history measured at the monitoring well 517/6, located in the
and in the coastal fringe, the water table surface is close to the land irrigated perimeter of the Gareb plain, shows an evolution of water level
surface and is less than 2 m or even less than a meter in the vicinity of from 4 to 4.5 m. This evolution is attached, due to the total absence of
Arrouit locality. The water depth map of 2013, compared to that abstractions, to evolutions in rainfall and irrigation return flow (Fig. 7).
established in 1967 (Carlier, 1975), shows a rise in groundwater table of The variations are characterized by alternating cycles of decline and rise
about 4–10 m depending on the sector. of the groundwater level. The high levels of the water-table are 2–3 m
below the land surface representative of the irrigated area. Areas, where
3.4. Piezometric head and structure of the flow the water-table closes to the surface are subject to evaporation, which
may result in increasing salinization of the soil and groundwater (see
The piezometric contours map of (Fig. 6), obtained from the 45 Fig. 8).
points measurements made at January 2013 using kriging spatial
interpolation, showns a general groundwater flow from the Southwest to 3.5. Hydrodynamic characteristics of the aquifer
the Northeast. The shape of the piezometric contours inflected upstream
in the middle valley of the Selouane wadi testifies the drainage of the In Gareb plain, the measured transmissivity values seem to decrease
aquifer by this wadi. from South to North. They are higher in the South East of the road that
The fraction of the underground flows under the Gareb plain, non- connects Arouit and Tistoutine localities and range from 1.2 to 5 10− 2
drained by the Selouane wadi, flows towards the Bouareg plain m2/s. In the vicinity of Selouane locality, well 1036/6 gives a lower

R. Lyazidi et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 11 (2020) 100471

Fig. 7. Conceptual model of the studied aquifer.

measured transmissivity value representative of low productivity. already highlighted by the quality monitoring network and the studies
In Bouareg plain, three sectors are individualized, like the distribu­ carried out.
tion of the dominant facies of the saturated zone. The East sector has a The conductivities vary for all sampling points between a minimum
measured transmissivity values range from 1 × 10− 1 to 5 × 10− 3 m2/s. of 2710 μS/cm and a maximum of 17,140 μS/cm, with an average of
The West sector has values range from 5 to 10− 2 m2/s while the central 7845 μS/cm. Chloride contents range from 433 mg/L to 6459 mg/L,
sector has the highest transmissivity values ranging from 1 to 1.2 × with an average of 2342 mg/L. Sodium contents range from 510 mg/L to
10− 1 m2/s, mainly near the Southern border of the aquifer. 3156 mg/L, with an average of 1447 mg/L. The sulphate contents are
The values of the storage coefficient are few. Eight pumping tests, between 447 mg/L and 1741 mg/L, with an average of 1447 mg/L.
carried out with a follow-up of the drawdown in nearby piezometers, Observation wells that record very poor quality, in terms of salinity,
made it possible to calculate the storage coefficient. The measured extend over most of the area. They are found both in detritic and car­
storage coefficient values vary slightly from upstream to downstream of bonate formations. Spatial distribution of electrical conductivity shows
the aquifer, with an average value of about 2% (Table 5). The Gareb- that the highest values are in the Arouit area. This zone is characterized
Bouareg aquifer has relatively good hydrodynamic characteristics, by a remarkable rise in the piezometric level (water depth < 3 m) due to
which should give it a significant productivity. the recharge by percolation from irrigated field which causes leaching of
the already polluted subsoil.

3.6. Hydrogeochemistry of the aquifer

3.7. Conceptual model
During the investigation campaign of January 2013, in around
twenty points likely to be sampled for analysis were selected in the study In order to develop this conceptual model, different reports related to
area (Table 6). Groundwater quality data will be analyzed and valued by hydrology, hydrogeology of the Gareb-Bouareg aquifer were used.
the establishment of temporal and spatial evolution maps for each Finally, a schematic plan of the system was developed using data from
parameter analyzed (Fig. 9). The hydrogeochemical analysis results observation wells, hydrodynamic characteristics, recharge resulting
show that the groundwater quality problems of Gareb-Bouareg aquifers from precipitation, recharge by percolation from irrigated fields,
are mainly related to the dissolved salts, in particular: calcium sulphates recharge by runoff from the surrounding mountains, recharge by
(CaSO4), sodium chloride (NaCl) and magnesium carbonate (MgCO3). In Selouane wadi, drainage from the overlying Selouane wadi, drainage
fact, analyses carried out confirm the groundwater salinity problems towards the lagoon, discharge by evapotranspiration, pump-draining

R. Lyazidi et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 11 (2020) 100471

Fig. 8. Steady state model calibration of the Gareb-Bouareg aquifer.

and as well as calculations of water balance. Bouareg aquifer from the Selouane wadi at its downstream section.
This wadi brought, outside the flood period, an average annual
volume of about 3 × 106 m3. This volume can be considered as
3.8. Water balance completely infiltrated even if part of it is taken downstream by
Relating to the Gareb-Bouareg aquifer, the calculation results of the - Groundwater discharge components are: (i) pumping from wells in
average annual water balance components over the 50 years the Gareb-Bouareg aquifer. In the absence of precise information on
(1967–2016) are summarized as follows: the current abstractions from this aquifer, we will consider that the
irrigated perimeters of 8 km2 in 1967 had to extend but without
- Groundwater recharge components are: (i) recharge by runoff of exceeding today 20% of the total perimeter of the Bouareg aquifer (~
several streams draining the surrounding mountainous; (ii) recharge 100 km2), namely an area of 20 km2. Recall that at present, this
resulting from precipitation. (iii) recharge by percolation from irri­ abstraction is annually estimated to be 4 × 106 m3; (ii) underground
gated fields. This recharge represents the sum of irrigation volumes outflow to the lagoon quantified by Darcy’s law using a hydraulic
from surface and groundwater infiltrated the plain. For surface gradient, a transmissivity and a width of the front flow. On the basis
water, recharge volumes are calculated by adopting in Gareb area an of the available piezometric maps, in particular that of the year 2013,
annual irrigation water supply volume of 36 × 106 m3, a re- the average gradient value measured between piezometric contours
infiltration coefficient of 15% for spray irrigation (a maximum for 0 and 10 m is 1.2%. The average transmissivity in the downstream
a much less intensive perimeter) which leads to an average annual part of the aquifer is estimated to be 9.4 × 10− 4 m2/s. Applied to the
volume of around 5 × 106 m3 and by adopting in Bouareg area an length of the water front (31 km) these values provide for the Gareb-
annual irrigation water supply volume of 42 × 106 m3, a re- Bouareg coastal aquifer an average annual underground outflow
infiltration coefficient of 30% for gravity irrigation (the relatively towards the lagoon in the order of 11 × 106 m3; (iii) discharge by
intensive perimeter), which leads to an average annual volume of Evapotranspiration estimated on the basis of the water balance of the
around 12.5 × 106 m3. For groundwater, recharge volume is calcu­ adjacent basins gauged in Moulouya. In the expression of the water
lated by adopting re-infiltration coefficients of 10% of the approxi­ balance in irrigated perimeters, rainfall is replaced by the sum of
mately groundwater abstractions of 7 × 106 m3, representing about rainfall and irrigation water supply volumes (36 × 106 m3 for Gareb
0.5 × 106 m3. In total, the average annual volume of these re- plain and 42 × 106 m3 for Bouareg plain).
infiltrations is estimated to be 18 × 106 m3; (iv) recharge of the

R. Lyazidi et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 11 (2020) 100471

Fig. 9. Pump-draining of 750 L/s in a series of 25 wells related to Scenario 1.

period 1967–2016.
Table 7
Annual means values of Water balance over the period 1967–2016 related to the
Gareb-Bouareg aquifer (in 106 m3). 3.9. Model description

Water balance terms in 106 m3 Gareb-Bouareg aquifer

The groundwater component of the flow model was represented
Recharge by Rainfall 14 using the transient 3-D groundwater flow equation (Eq. (2)) (McDonald
Recharge by runoff from the surrounding mountains 15
and Harbaugh, 1988):
Recharge by irrigation return flow 18
Recharge by Selouane wadi in Bouareg aquifer 3
( ) ( ) ( )
∂ ∂h ∂ ∂h ∂ ∂h ∂h
Total input 50 Kxx + Kyy + Kzz − Q ≈ Ss (2)
Groundwater abstractions 7
∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂z ∂z ∂t
Underground flow to the lagoon 11
Discharge by Evapotranspiration 11 where Kxx, Kyy, and Kzz are the values of hydraulic conductivity along
Drainage by the Selouane wadi in Gareb aquifer 3 the x, y, and z coordinate axes (LT− 1), h is the piezometric head (L), Q is
Total ouput 32 the volumetric flux per unit volume and represents sources and (or)
Input - Output 18
sinks of water (T− 1), Ss is the specific storage of the porous medium
(L− 1), and t is time (T).
. With an average rainfall of 325 mm on the Gareb-Bouareg system, Groundwater flow in Gareb-Bouareg was simulated using the
the actual evapotranspiration is 300 mm. The water table depth is less modular groundwater flow model MODFLOW-2000 (Harbaugh et al.,
than 5 m on an average surface area of 73 km2 and the average depth is 2000). The GMS 7.0 software is used as a graphical interface to build the
3 m. The evapotranspiration calculated at 3 m depth is about 150 mm/ hydrodynamic model; then converted it into a digital mesh model for
year. The average annual volume losses by evapotranspiration is about calculations. The results obtained are exploited through the same
0.15 m/year x 73 × 106 m2 = 11 × 106 m3; (iv) drainage of the Gareb graphic interface, which permits, on the one hand, to facilitate cali­
aquifer by the Selouane wadi. This drainage has been evaluated by bration and, on the other hand, to maintain certain homogeneity of data
gauging. The average annual volume drained by the upstream section of and presentation.
the Selouane wadi at the Gareb plain was estimated by gauging at 3 × The partial-differential flow equation (Eq. (2)) can be approximated
106 m3 with a minimum of 2 × 106 m3 gauged in 1985 and a maximum by replacing the derivatives with finite differences, which are simulta­
of 19 × 106 m3 gauged in 2010. Table 7 summarizes the different neously solved to predict future water levels and fluxes (Loucks et al.,
components of the average annual water balance calculated over the 1985). MODFLOW-2000 solves the finite-difference equations simulta­
neously, using one of several numerical-solver algorithms and by

R. Lyazidi et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 11 (2020) 100471

Fig. 10. Pump-draining of 880 L/s in a series of 220 wells related to Scenario 2.

specifying boundary conditions, soil properties, aquifer hydraulic hydrodynamic model of Gareb-Bouareg were determined using the
properties, aquifer recharge, groundwater withdrawal, groundwater geological and hydrogeological data (Fig. 11). It can be summarized as
levels and other model input parameters. follows: (i) imposed inflow boundary at the limit of the supply zone of
aquifer by runoff from the surrounding mountainous (Gourougou, Bni
Bouifrour, KerKer-Ziata, and Kebdana); (ii) imposed outflow boundary
3.10. Discretization of the model domain
to the upstream section of the Selouane wadi, which drains the Gareb
aquifer; (iii) imposed inflow boundary to the downstream section of the
The Gareb-Bouareg aquifer is represented by a monolayer reservoir
Selouane wadi that recharges the Bouareg aquifer; (iv) imposed poten­
in which lacustrine limestones, gravel and conglomerates are included.
tial draining boundary to the limit of the Gareb-Bouareg aquifer with the
The impervious basement of Fig. 10 represents the isohypsum mapping
lagoon and the Mediterranean Sea to explain the discharge of the
substratum of this aquifer which consists of mio-Pliocene marls (Gareb)
aquifer; (v) no-flow boundary to the extension limit of the aquifer in
and Miocene (Bouareg) and the top is similar to the topographic surface.
contact with impervious layers without recharging the aquifer by runoff
The piezometric surface evolves between these two limits. The coastal
from the mountains.
aquifer is laterally limited by mountainous areas and to the north by the
Nador lagoon. To simulate groundwater flow to Gareb-Bouareg aquifer
using a database developed in 2017, a regularly spaced, finite-difference
3.12. Model calibration
model grid has been created in the GMS environment. Each cell is 500 m
× 500 m size in the horizontal plane. The final grid consists of 61 rows
Model calibration is the process where model parameter structure
and 95 columns in the horizontal and one layer in the vertical direction.
and parameter values are adjusted and refined to provide the best match
The period from 1967 to 2016 was divided into 50 study periods (one
between measured and simulated values of hydrodynamic heads and
study period per year).
flows. Traditionally, models are calibrated by trial-and-error processes
in which model parameters are adjusted within reasonable limits from
3.11. Boundary conditions one simulation to the next to achieve the best model fit. Model fit is
commonly evaluated by visual comparison of simulated and measured
The specification of the appropriate boundary conditions is another heads and flows or by comparing root mean square errors of heads and
challenge in groundwater modeling studies. Boundary conditions are flows between simulations. The observation process for MODFLOW-
necessary to represent the groundwater system’s interaction with the 2000 was used to aid in the calculation of the residuals (the differ­
surrounding area. ences between the measured and simulated values) (Hill, 1998).
Boundary conditions considered in the implementation of the The Gareb-Bouareg groundwater model was calibrated in steady-

R. Lyazidi et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 11 (2020) 100471

Fig. 11. Pump-draining of 300 L/s in a series of 10 wells related to Scenario 3.

R. Lyazidi et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 11 (2020) 100471

Fig. 12. Steady state model calibration of the Gareb-Bouareg aquifer.

Fig. 13. Transient model calibration map of the Gareb-Bouareg aquifer.

R. Lyazidi et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 11 (2020) 100471

Fig. 14. Pump-draining of 750 L/s in a series of 25 wells related to Scenario 1.

R. Lyazidi et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 11 (2020) 100471

Fig. 15. Pump-draining of 880 L/s in a series of 220 wells related to Scenario 2.

3.13. Sensitivity analysis

Table 8
Results of progressive management scenarios schemes of the Gareb-Bouareg To investigate the effects of the sensitivity of the model to changes in
aquifer. model input parameters, the calibrated model was submitted to sensi­
Scenario Pump- Abstraction Maximum Abstraction- tivity analyses. This procedure consisted of changing only one input
drining in per well drawdown in m sensitive zone in parameter at a time while keeping all others fixed.
L/s km2

1 150 15 2.38 1.75

2 200 20 3.41 7 3.14. Model verification
3 250 25 4.31 11
4 300 30 5.42 14
Model verification serves to check if the calibrated model is able to
predict observed hydraulic heads for later time periods not yet used in
state mode to average conditions during 1967 and in transient mode for the calibration process. As the transient calibration was performed for
calibration from 1968 to 2016, whereby the hydraulic conductivity K the 1968 to 2016 time period, for verification, the heads measured in the
has been calibrated for steady-state conditions and the specific yield Sy subsequent year 2017 is used. A very good agreement between simu­
has been calibrated in the transient simulation mode. The traditional lated and observed groundwater heads, with a coefficient of determi­
trial-and-error method was used for the steady state and transient nation R2 = 0.99, is also obtained for this year of verification.
In the steady-state model calibrations, the hydraulic conductivities of
the aquifer were calibrated on the aquifer heads observed at the 3.15. Rational water resources management
piezometric map of the Gareb-Bouareg aquifer during the year 1967.
The results are shown in Fig. 12 and it appears at the end of the cali­ The management model, which constitutes the final step of any
bration that a good agreement was observed between measured heads in modeling study, will allow to predict the behavior of the Gareb-Bouareg
the field and calculated heads by the model (see Fig. 13). coastal aquifer according to different management scenarios and to
For the transient calibrations, which represent a continuity of steady- simulate its reaction to specific events such as pump-draining. After
state calibrations, the model was run for the 1968 to 2016 time period, calibration and verification of the model, three planning scenarios
using the head results of the optimal steady-state 1967 calibration run as schemes were designed to simulate the future changes in drawdown
starting head. under different pumping rates at areas suffering of water-logging

R. Lyazidi et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 11 (2020) 100471

Fig. 16. Pump-draining of 300 L/s in a series of 10 wells related to Scenario 3.

Scenario 1: Pump-draining of 750 L/s in a series of 25 wells the water-logging area of the agricultural sector II with a progressive
pump-draining of 150, 200, 250 and 300 L/s. Table 8 shows the result of
Related to the Gareb-Bouareg aquifer, the first scenario assumes that progressive pump-draining simulations, including the maximum draw­
the pump-draining will be done in the water-logging area of the agri­ down and the abstraction-sensitive zone generated. Likewise, Fig. 16
cultural sector II. This scenario consists of an abstraction of 750 L/s in a shows the results of the best and realistic scenario revealed that a pump-
series of 25 wells, with a rate of 30 L/s per well. The result of this sce­ draining of 300 L/s in a series of 10 wells, at a rate of 30 L/s per well (the
nario shows at Fig. 14 that within the pumping zone, the groundwater average well productivity in the region) decreases the water-table by a
level decreases by a maximum of 17 m compared to the situation before maximum of 5.42 m to recover the groundwater level before rising. The
abstractions and the abstraction-sensitive zone generated extends over abstraction-sensitive zone generated extends over an area of approxi­
an area of approximately 30 km2. However, the drawdown generated mately 14 km2.
remains local. Hence, the idea consists of increasing pumped wells For the selected scenario, it is important to note that if the pump-
number, decreasing pumped rates and simulating the effect of pump- draining solution is recommended, it may face certain constraints such
draining at the entire sector II of the coastal aquifer. as the operating and maintenance costs of wells, pumping stations as
well as the evacuation problem of pumped water.
Scenario 2: Pump-draining of 880 L/s in a series of 220 wells
4. Conclusion
The second scenario proposes the simulation of the entire sector II of
the coastal aquifer. This scenario consists of an abstraction of 880 L/s in Water-logging resulted of increase in groundwater levels has become
a series of 220 wells at a rate of 4 L/s per well. The result of this an imminent problem in many irrigated agricultural areas in the world;
simulation shows at Fig. 15 that the water-table decreases by a such has been the case for the Gareb and Bouareg plains located on the
maximum of 12 m after pump-draining and the abstraction-sensitive Mediterranean coast of northeastern Morocco. The unfavorable situa­
zone generated extends over an area of approximately 75 km2. On the tion there is further accentuated by the change in the mode of supplying
basis of the previous scenario results, it is well judged to apply the model the irrigated sectors, namely the gradual reduced use of the brackish
to test the aquifer response of a progressive and realistic pump-draining. groundwater resources. Groundwater recharge analysis over the study
period 1967–2016 revealed that percolation from irrigated fields was
Scenario 3: Progressive pump-draining of 150, 200, 250 and 300 L/s the main recharge component, with 36% contributing to total recharge.
An average annual groundwater table rise of 0.17 m was estimated for
The third scenario assumes that the pump-draining will be done in the study area over the period 1980–2016. To simulate the impact of

R. Lyazidi et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 11 (2020) 100471

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ment Journal and the anonymous reviewers who greatly improved an de l’aquifère Gareb-Bouareg (Rif, Maroc). Comun Geol 104, 43–52.
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