36 DS709 E 1013 Planning Lightning Protection

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Planning of Lightning Protection Systems

DEHNsupport Toolbox Software

Complicated calculations are history.
Today it‘s easier...

...with DEHNsupport Tool-
box Software
When planning lightning protection systems, various
parameters must be taken into account, such as the
building dimensions, electrical equipment, risk class-
es or financial aspects. The DEHNsupport Toolbox
software makes this complex topic simple as never
before since it performs all calculations.
The DEHNsupport Toolbox software consists of the
following four parts:

DEHN Risk Tool page 4

Risk management including a procedure for assessing the
risk is an integral part of the IEC 62305 lightning protec-
tion standard. DEHN Risk Tool makes risk management
easier and ensures standard-compliant risk assessment in
just a few steps.

The V3 update of the DEHNsupport Toolbox software

ate V3 includes a risk analysis according to edition 2 of the

Upd IEC 62305 standard and national adaptations.

DEHN Distance Tool page 10

The separation distance defines the minimum distance of
the lightning protection system from electrically conductive
materials. If this separation distance is kept, dangerous
sparking and uncontrolled flashover are prevented. DEHN
Distance Tool allows to calculate the separation distance
and to visualise the building as a 3D model.

DEHN Air-Termination Tool page 12

DEHN Air-Termination Tool allows to calculate the length of
air-termination rods depending on the class of LPS
(Lightning Protection System).

DEHN Earthing Tool page 13

DEHN Earthing Tool allows to calculate the length of earth
electrodes as per IEC 62305-3 – for every type of earth
electrode and soil resistivity.

Benefits of the DEHNsupport Toolbox software:

• user-friendly interface
• structured customer and project management
• detailed documentation of results
• based on the international IEC 62305 standard
• meets specific requirements of 13 national standards
• 13 different languages
• user support via e-mail and phone
• product training available
• good value for money

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

ate V3
DEHN Risk Tool: Customer
and project management
Simple management of all customer data Country-specific adaptions
The DEHNsupport Toolbox software is based on a customer The DEHNsupport Toolbox software includes ground flash
data and project management where all calculations are density data and the associated maps for
structured and permanently saved. These calculations can • Austria
be retrieved and changed at a later date. Moreover, further • Belgium
customer or project data can be entered which are also • Czech Republic
included in the result report.
• Croatia
• France
Ground flash density data
The ground flash density, which is selected in the customer • Germany
and project management data, is an important value for • Great Britain
performing a risk analysis according to IEC 62305-2. • Hungary
• Italy
• Macedonia
• Poland
• Russia
• Slovakia

Human life Service to the public Cultural heritage Economic value

Photo: Lightning Protection Paul Hahl, Frankfurt

Risk analysis according to

IEC 62305-2
Risks to be considered
Risk management and assessment of the building At the beginning of a risk analysis, the type of building use
A risk analysis is performed to assess the potential risk for is required to determine the risks to be considered for the
a building. Based on this analysis, measures can be taken object requiring protection.
to reduce the risk. The aim is to select economically sound
protection measures which are perfectly adapted to the When performing a risk analysis, four different risks are
building’s properties and type of use. distinguished:
• Risk R1: Risk of loss of human life
A risk analysis does not only allow to determine the class • Risk R2: Risk of loss of services to the public
of LPS, but also to develop a complete protection concept • Risk R3: Risk of loss of cultural heritage
including the necessary LEMP protection measures.
• Risk R4: Risk of loss of economic value
The aim of a risk analysis is to reduce the existing risk to a
One or more risks can be relevant. The planner has to decide
tolerable risk RT. Therefore, the tolerable risk RT is defined
which risks to select.
when selecting the risks. These tolerable risks are specified
in the standard, however, responsible authorities having
jurisdiction may define them in another way.

Risk R1: Risk of loss of Risk R2: Risk of loss of Risk R3: Risk of loss of Risk R4: Risk of loss of
human life services to the public cultural heritage economic value

LPS = Lightning Protection System

LEMP = Lightning Electromagnetic Pulse 5

RW Flashes...
S4 ... near a line RA

... to a
... to a line structure


S3 S1

RU ... near a


DEHN Risk Tool: Assessment

and reduction of risks
Risk composition Source of damage S1:
When performing a risk analysis, not only the risks R1 to R4 Flashes to a structure
are considered. Even more important is the composition RA = Step and touch voltage inside and outside a structure
of the total risk since each risk consists of individual risk RB = Fire
components. RC = Overvoltage / LEMP

Subdivision of the risk components according to the Source of damage S2:

sources of damage Flashes near a structure
The sources of damage form the basis for the sub- RM = Overvoltage / LEMP
division of the risk components. The IEC 62305-2 standard
describes different types of lightning effects as sources of Source of damage S3:
damage. When performing a risk analysis, the following Flashes to a line
RU = Touch voltage inside a structure
components are considered as sources of damage:
RV = Fire
RW = Overvoltage

Source of damage S4:

Flashes near a line
RZ = Overvoltage

LEMP = Lightning Electromagnetic Pulse

Urban environment: Ce= 0.01 tal factor Urban environment (buildings < 20.0 m) : Ce= 0.1
Suburban environment (e.g. in the outskirts): Ce= 0.5
Ce Rural environment (e.g. small village) : Ce=1

Each risk component consists of different factors: Loss LX

In addition to the frequency of dangerous events and the
RX = NX x PX x LX probabilities of damage, possible loss must also be cal-
culated. Losses are differentiated according to the risks
These factors are defined as follows: considered in the risk analysis and thus according to the risk
components. The following losses can be determined:
NX = Number of dangerous events per annum
PX = Probability of damage to a structure L1 Loss of human life:
LX = Consequent loss • Touch and step voltage
• Fire
Frequency of dangerous events NX
• Overvoltage / LEMP
A variety of parameters are required to calculate the fre-
quency of dangerous events NX, for example:
• Lightning ground flash density NG L2 Loss of services to the public:
• Collection area AD • Fire
• Location factor CD • Overvoltage / LEMP
• Environmental factor CE
L3 Loss of cultural heritage:
Probability of damage PX • Fire
The probability PX describes the building and installation
properties of a structure. These properties can reduce or L4 Loss of economic value:
increase the risk. Particularly the risk of fire, which defines • Touch and step voltage
the specific fire load of a structure, plays an important role • Fire
when performing a risk analysis.
• Overvoltage / LEMP

LEMP = Lightning Electromagnetic Pulse

DEHN Risk Tool: Focus on
Correct interpretation of the result Selection of measures in the DEHN Risk Tool
Each risk to be considered is displayed in a different colour. Measures can be defined with the help of a selection
Blue stands for the tolerable risk, red or green for the risk matrix. These measures are displayed according to the risk
calculated for the structure to be protected. components selected.

Cost-effectiveness of protection measures

Without measures With measures Building owners are often faced with the question which
RT RT damage can occur as a result of lightning effects and how
R1 25238 % R1 61 %
high costs for protection measures should be with regard to
2,52E-03 1E-5 6,14E-06 1E-5
the value of the building. Therefore, economic aspects are
an important decision criterion. The risk analysis as per IEC
Determination of the potential risks 62305-2 integrated in the DEHN Risk Tool software provides
The risk components describe the potential risks for a selection aid.
a structure. Therefore, the risk components must be
considered in detail when performing a risk analysis. The
aim of a risk analysis is to reduce the main risks by taking
reasonable measures.

Determination of the main risks

Each risk component can be reduced or increased by
different parameters.

Country-specific normative adaptations
The standard IEC 62305 was the basis for EN 62305 of
CENELEC. National conditions were taken into consideration
when adopting the EN 62305 as national standards by the
CENELEC members.

Documentation and printout

Country-specific standard designations and the associated
national calculation values can be selected and displayed in
the DEHN Risk Tool software. The results of the risk analysis
can be printed as a summary or detailed report in the
relevant language.

The DEHNsupport Toolbox software is specified for the

following countries:
• Austria
• Belgium
• Czech Republic
• Croatia
• France
• Germany
• Great Britain
• Hungary
• Italy
• Macedonia
• Poland
• Russia
• Slovakia

CENELEC: European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation, www.cenelec.eu

DEHN Distance Tool:
Separation distances
Basic Version: Conventional calculation as per Distance Edition: Calculation according to nodal
IEC 62305-3 analysis
To prevent damage caused by lightning strikes, specific In the Basic Version of the DEHN Distance Tool software,
protection measures must be taken. Knowledge in the the separation distance is calculated with the help of an
field of lightning research allowed to constantly further Excel table. The Basic Version can be upgraded to the
develop the method of calculating the separation distance. Distance Version which allows to calculate the separation
The current IEC 62305-3 standard points out that distance by means of nodal analysis.
roof-mounted structures be located in the protected zone
using air-termination rods or elevated air-termination Nodal analysis is a method for network analysis used in
systems (elevated ring conductor or spanned cables). To electrical engineering. A constant earthing resistance is
this end, the calculated separation distance s must be kept. assumed for the calculation (type B earth electrode).
Nodal analysis provides more exact results than a conven-
The following general equation is used to calculate s: tional calculation according to the IEC 62305-3 standard.
s = ki · · l (m)

• ki depends on the selected class of LPS

• km depends on the electrical insulation material Lightning Protection System

according to IEC 62305-3
• kc depends on the (partial) lightning current flowing
through the air-termination systems and down
earth-termination system
down-conductor system

lightning equipotential
air-termination system

separation distances


• l is the length along the air-termination system or

down conductor from the point where the separation
distance is to be determined to the nearest equipoten-
tial bonding point or the earth-termination system.

The length l can be disregarded in structures with continu-

ous metal roofs acting as natural down conductor.

Visualisation as a
3D building model
Automatic calculation of the separation distance and Free layout of complex buildings
visualisation as a 3D building model To meet the requirements of complex buildings, DEHN
To facilitate the user’s work and to save time, building types Distance Tool allows to adapt a building complex to custom-
can be selected from a picture gallery. After selecting and er needs. Different annexes and roof-mounted structures
activating a building type, the dimensions of the building can be integrated in this building.
can be defined. The separation distances are calculated and
visualised as a 3D building model after selecting the class of

Editing a LPS
Mesh sizes often cannot be kept and air-termination sys-
tems have to be adapted to local conditions. The following
changes can be made in the DEHN Distance Tool:

• inserting ring conductors

• adding down conductors
• inserting internal down conductors
• inserting air-termination rods
• inserting or deleting air-termination conductors and
down conductors
• shifting air-termination conductors and down
• shifting or raising the zero potential level
• inserting measuring points
• inserting points of strike
• inserting texts and notes

LPS = Lightning Protection System

DEHN Air-Termination Tool:
Length of air-termination rods
Determining the length of air-termination rods Calculation options:
Air-termination rods allow to integrate large areas in the 1. Protective angle method
protected zone of LPZ 0B. DEHN Air-Termination Tool 2. Rolling sphere method for one, two or four
allows to determine the length of air-termination rods air-termination rods
easily. In some cases, graphics, which must be created de- 3. Rolling sphere method for four air-termination rods
pending on the class of LPS, are required for this purpose. on pitched roof surfaces
To facilitate work for qualified personnel, calculations for
different kinds of graphics are integrated in the software. To ensure a technically correct external lightning protection
system, the protected zones must be properly dimensioned
according to the height of the air-termination rod.

LPS = Lightning Protection System

DEHN Earthing Tool:
Length of earth electrodes
Calculation of the length of earth electrodes
The DEHN Earthing Tool allows to calculate the length of
earth electrodes as per IEC 62305-3. In this context, the
different types of earth electrodes are important: Founda-
tion earth electrode, ring earth electrode or earth rod. The
soil resistivity is also an important factor for determining the
required length of the earth electrodes.

Seminars and support

Increased know-how: DEHNsupport Toolbox seminar Our support is there for you!
In one to two-day seminars, you will become acquainted We are happy to assist you in case of application problems.
with the fundamentals of risk management as per Phone: +49 9181 906-1601.
IEC 62305-2. Besides theoretical knowledge, each seminar Monday to Friday from 8.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m., CET.
also includes different practical exercises using the
DEHNsupport Toolbox. In addition, you will learn how to Our support team provides assistance in case of technical
calculate the separation distance, the length of air-termina- problems. Phone: +49 9181 906-1594.
tion rods and the length of earth electrodes. A computer Monday to Friday from 8.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m., CET.
with the relevant DEHNsupport Toolbox software version is
available to each participant. This allows to directly apply the Send us your questions by e-mail to dehnsupport@dehn.de
newly acquired skills in practice.

The individual steps of a risk

analysis are described in the
brief instructions.

DEHNsupport Toolbox
brief instructions

Ordering information

Different versions of the DEHNsupport software are Updates

available: We will inform you about our free updates as soon as they
are available.
DEHNsupport Basic Version software
Including risk analysis, calculation of the length of the Ordering information
earth electrodes, calculation of the length of the air-termi- The DEHNsupport software can be directly ordered from
nation rods and conventional calculation of the separation DEHN. The product includes two single-user licences and
distance. can be installed on the server. Please also observe the
Price: EUR 180 (excl. VAT) instructions in the Help menu item of the software.

DEHNsupport Distance Edition software System requirements:

Including risk analysis, calculation of the length of the Operating system:
earth electrodes, calculation of the length of the air-ter- • Microsoft Windows XP® , Vista® , 7®, 8® or 8 Pro®
mination rods and calculation of the separation distance
according to nodal analysis. Minimum hardware requirements:
Price: EUR 275 (excl. VAT) • Intel®/AMD® processor or compatible processor
• 500 MB free hard disc space
Upgrade from Basic Version to Distance Edition • 1500 MHz, 1 GB RAM (Windows XP®)
An upgrade for calculating the separation distance accord- • 2000 MHz, 2 GB RAM (Windows Vista®)
ing to nodal analysis is available for the Basic Version. • 2000 MHz, 2 GB RAM (Windows 7®/8®)
Price: EUR 95 (excl. VAT) • Monitor resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels
• 32 MB VGA graphics card
Multi-user system • 100 MBit/s network connection for multi-user systems
The price of multi-user systems for more than two work-
places depends on the number of users. Software:
Microsoft Excel®

Test the DEHNsupport Toolbox

and download the demo versi-
on from our homepage.


Surge Protection DEHN + SÖHNE Hans-Dehn-Str. 1 Tel. +49 9181 906-0
Lightning Protection GmbH + Co.KG. Postfach 1640 Fax +49 9181 906-1100
Safety Equipment 92306 Neumarkt info@dehn.de
DEHN protects. Germany www.dehn-international.com

DEHNsupport Toolbox

DEHN, DEHN logo are protected by German Trademark and/or are registered trademarks in other countries.
We accept no liability for technical modifications, misprints and errors. Illustrations are not binding.

DS709/E/1013 © Copyright 2013 DEHN + SÖHNE Titel: Lightning Photo by Michael Bath, www.lightningphotography.com

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