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Science in Human Nutrition

Institutional Affiliation

Science in Human Nutrition

After being several years immersed in the field of health and nutrition from the

academic and practical, I have noticed how much I enjoy interacting with people seeking to

help them achieve their individual goals. My knowledge and skills in everything related to

health services and the well-being of people, motivate me to continue growing as a

professional and continuously improve my skills, this is the main reason because I want to

be part of the program. I believe that the area of community nutrition is really exciting and I

feel that by following this professional path, I can help other people improve their health

conditions and their eating habits. Community nutrition offers me the opportunity to advise

on the design and evaluation of health promotion activities and generate positive impacts

on the lifestyle of people. I am very interested in the acquisition of skills that allow me to

face the problems of nutrition in the communities, to understand the complexity and

importance of the actions required to improve the health and quality of life of the


According to the bibliographic source referenced, the main practical functions

developed in a Community Nutrition Unit consist in identifying and evaluating the

nutritional problems of the community and in designing, organizing, implementing and

evaluating nutritional intervention programs through strategies oriented to the occupation,

the school, the risk groups or the population in general. Interventions in the community aim

to gradually achieve an adaptation of the nutritional model towards a healthier profile.

Community nutrition programs require the simultaneous approach of strategies of different

nature in a multidisciplinary team. Social changes, together with new scientific advances,

will introduce new demands on community nutrition and make individualized counseling

more important every day. The nutrigenetics, nutrigenomics and nanotechnology of food

will be the operative instruments to know and apply this last link. To face the new

challenges, as a community nutrition professional it is necessary to have a high quality

human and professional preparation.

Being part of all that professional environment is my mission and my main

objective, to strengthen and expand knowledge through the development of ethical

practices and committed to the common welfare, is the path that will bring me closer to that


I believe that I am a person with high creativity, critical and humanistic spirit. In

addition, I have a vocation to serve the community. I am known for having good

communication skills and teamwork. In addition, I am passionate about the world of

research, the fact of solving problems and applying the solutions found to mutual benefit.

I have the desire to develop myself as an integral professional, with solid humanistic

scientific training, who performs competently in the fields of clinical and sports nutrition,

health promotion, management and research in the areas of nutrition and nutrition, being

recognized for his acting ethical and innovative, their entrepreneurship and leadership and

their public responsibility. In addition, I want to have the ability to act at all levels of health

care, sports institutions and other types of public or private institutions and organizations.

Manages food and nutrition services and business initiatives in the field of healthy foods

and gastronomy.

Finally, I would like the content of the course to allow me to recognize the social

changes in my profession, along with the new scientific advances and the challenges of

health, as well as being competent as a person and as a professional in the face of new

demands in community nutrition.



Aranceta, J. (2003, August 28). Community nutrition. Retrieved May 01, 2019, from

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