Vocabulary 7 and 8 Literature

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7 Graders Vocabulary List

 trunks, plural noun

DRESS men's swimwear: men's shorts worn for sports, especially swimming

 roar
shout loudly: to utter a loud shout or cry, or utter something with a loud shout or cry

 rope 
strong cord: a strong cord made by twisting together strands of hemp or other fibers or wire

 slug 
bullet: a metal projectile that is fired from a gun or rifle

 rush
great hurry: a hurry, or a need for hurry
 Slow down; you're always in a rush!
 There's no great rush for it.

 hug 
verb (past and past participle hugged, present participle hug·ging, 3rd person present singular hugs)

 riot 
violent disturbance: a public disturbance during which a group of angry people becomes noisy and out of control, often damaging
property and acting violently.

 throne 
chair of monarch or bishop: an ornate chair, often raised on a platform and covered by a canopy, occupied by a monarch or bishop
on ceremonial occasions.

 persuade

get somebody to do something: to succeed in convincing somebody to do something, especially by reasoning, pleading, or coaxing

 execu·tion 

killing: the killing of somebody as part of a legal or extralegal process

 Byz·an·tine 
ANCIENT HIST of Byzantium: relating to the ancient city of Byzantium

 bet 
act of betting: an agreement that the person who incorrectly predicts the outcome of a future event will forfeit something, usually
money, to another

 chariot 
ancient 2-wheeled vehicle: a two-wheeled horse-drawn vehicle without seats, used in ancient times in races, warfare, or processions

 encourage

give somebody hope or confidence: to give somebody hope, confidence, or courage

8 Graders Vocabulary List

 warden 
CRIME principal prison officer: the principal officer in charge of a prison

 safe
container for valuables: a strong metal container, often with a complex locking system, for the storage of money and other

 burglar 
illegal intruder: somebody who enters or remains in a building intending to commit a felony, usually theft

 suitcase
container for belongings during travel: a rectangular case used for carrying clothes and other belongings during travel

 buggy 
horse-drawn vehicle: a lightweight horse-drawn carriage

 Table of contents
List at the front of the book that tells what the book is about and its structure

 Headings
Words in large boldface type that are usually found in the beginning of a new section.

 Diagrams
Graphs, charts and outlines to give information and visual aids.

 Captions
The text found below photos and diagrams that explain what you are looking at

 Text style
Boldfaced and italicized text to call the attention of the reader.

 pipe 
tube for transporting liquid or gas: a long cylindrical tube that water, oil, gas, or other such material passes through

 loomed 

be seen as large shape: to appear as a large or indistinct, and sometimes menacing, shape

 peering,
look closely: to look very carefully or hard, especially at somebody or something that is difficult to see, often with narrowed eyes

 tenement 
urban apartment building: a large residential building in a city, usually of three or more stories and with only basic amenities,
where a large number of people live in self-contained rented apartments

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