Lesson Plan 6

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TCNJ Lesson Plan

-et word families

Student Name: Nikita Garbayo School Name: Pace Charter

Grade Level: Kindergarten Host Teacher’s Name: Rickey

Guiding and/or Essential Questions:

● What sound does the word ending -et make?

● What are some words in the -et word family?

Pre-lesson Assignments and/or Student Prior Knowledge (ex. background knowledge,

possible misconceptions, prior lesson content)

● Students should be familiar with the letters E and T and their letter sounds
● RF.K.2: Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes).
○ RF.K.2.d: Isolate and pronounce the initial, medial vowel, and final sounds
(phonemes) in three-phoneme (consonant-vowel-consonant, or CVC) words.
● RF.K.2.e: Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds
(phonemes). Add of substitute individual sounds (phonemes in simple, one-syllable
words to make new words)
● RF.K.3: Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding and
encoding words.
○ RF.K.3.a: Demonstrate basic knowledge of one-to-one letter-sound
correspondences by producing many of the most frequently used sounds of each

Learning Objectives and Assessments:

Learning Objectives Assessment

Students will be able to identify words that Creating a virtual anchor chart together as a
belong to the -et word family class where students think of words that end
RF.K.2.e with -et to add to it
Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds
(phonemes). Add of substitute individual sounds (phonemes in
simple, one-syllable words to make new words)
Students will be able to correctly write the Students will practice writing -et words on
letters/ words ending in -et their whiteboards following the correct lines

/Resources: (List materials, include any online or book references and resources)

● Morning meeting and lesson slideshow

● Jack Hartman youtube video on -et word endings
● Virtual anchor chart
● Dry erase white boards, markers, and erasers

Plan for set-up/distribution/cleanup of materials:

● Students are virtual at home and will have all the supplies needed with them
● I will tell students that they will need their dry erase boards, markers, and erasers in the
beginning of morning meeting so that they will be prepared

Step by Step plan (numbered):

1. Lesson beginning: I will begin the lesson by introducing the -et word family and talking
about what sound it makes and what letters make that sound (et). Then, I will play a Jack
Hartman video on the word family -et
2. After the video, I will be creating a virtual anchor chart with the class. I will ask students
for words that belong in the -et family and type them in as they say them. While doing
this I will repeat the words so that students hear the word family sound at the end
3. After we come up with at least 10 words, we will move on to practice writing the words
4. First we will choose which word to write and I will slowly sound it out so that students
hear all the sounds
5. Then, I will ask students for a volunteer to spell the word for us
6. Then, we will write the word together as a class and the students will follow along as they
are written on the projector
7. This will continue for the rest of the words as well
8. Closing Activities: To close this activity I will call on 3 students to tell me words in the
-et family

Key Questions (that you will ask):

● What sound do the letters e and t make together?
● What words belong in the -et word family?

Key Vocabulary
● -et, word families, anchor chart

● Timing:
○ Lesson Beginning: 2 minutes
○ Video: 4 minutes
○ Anchor Chart: 10 minutes
○ Whiteboard writing: 15 minutes
○ Closure: 5 minutes
● Transitions:N/A students are virtual
● Classroom Management: Students will be muted and I will unmute them when they
would like to speak. Students can virtually or physically raise their hand to notify me that
they have something to say.

Differentiation Notes

● Content: All students will have the same content

● Process: All students will be at home so without disrupting the zoom I will be observing
to make sure everyone has what they need and is doing what they are supposed to be
doing. I will do this by having check ins and asking them to hold certain things up to
make sure they are following along and have the supplies
● Product: All the students' products will look similar as they are following along
practicing writing words ending -et

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