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Level 3-9 October 24, 2019.

An unusual experience

Listen to the interview. Lifeguard Sharon Evans and student Richard Lambert tell the reporter about
their friendship and how they met.

1. Complete the sentences.

A. Richard and Sharon met for the first time on Bondi Beach, Sidney in 2012.

B. The second time they met, they went to a show together.

2. Now, listen a second time. Put the events in the order they happened. Write the numbers 1–8.

8. a Richard and Sharon go to a show together.

2. b Richard has an accident.

6. c Richard gives Sharon a present.

3. d Sharon saves Richard’s life

5. e Richard goes to the hospital

7. f Sharon calls Richard.

1. g Richard goes surfing.

4. h Richard sees Sharon for the first time

3. In the space below, write a short paragraph using the sentences from section 2 in the correct
order. Add time expressions such as first, second, after that, then, finally . Check the correct use of
punctuation (periods and commas).

First, Richard went surfing on Bondi Beach. Then, he had an accident. After that, Sharon saved
Richard's life. Then, Richard saw Sharon for the first time and after that he went to the hospital. A few
days later Richard gave Sharon a present, it was two tickets for a big show. Finally, Sharon called
Richard and they went to the show together.

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