Youth Make The Nation Better

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Name: Rosales, Ma. Andrea C.

Course & Section: AB Foreign Service 201

Subject: Political and Economic Geography
Professor: Mr. Jumel G. Estrañero

Youth Make the Nation Better

Critique Paper

  Last Saturday, May 1, 2021, I attended a regional youth forum with the theme
"The Role of Patriotic Youth in Nation-Building." I have the opportunity to listen to their
message, thoughts, and values with the youth and learn more about how youth are not
only today's partners but also tomorrow's leaders. The key focus of the event is on
various philosophies, values, and spreading anti-communist messages and concerns.
Dr. Robert S. Kittel, a co-chair of UPF Asia Pacific, Dr. Edgar Tanate, an international
lecturer from UPF Asia Pacific, Mr. Jude Montifat, an education director of WCARP
Philippines, and Prof. Richell Jalipa, an international lecturer from IAYSP Asia Pacific
were among the speakers who spoke. This various speaker shares their knowledge and
to encourage all sectors of society to work together with our government to meet the
goals set out in our national security policies and national security strategies. Also, this
event aims at educating the youth so that they can't easily be influenced by the tentative
communist ideologies in order to change our current system.
I will never forget what Dr. Lorenzo Clavejo said in the webinar that “we all need
peace so that progress can happen.” I totally agree with Dr. Clavejo because peace is a
process of progress. Peace both precedes times of major changes and challenges.
Peace is subjective as a state of being. Peace for one clan member can be a challenge
for those who are not happy to stay static, which is what peace is. Moreover, progress
without peace is 24/7 conflict with a far from tolerable body count. While peace is a
route to competitive benchmark conflict, it leads to a stronger, more adaptive species.
An adaptive species which can eventually become obsolete with unnecessary violence.
One speaker mention that he does not agree with Karl Marx's theory that in order to
achieve change and development, violent revolutionaries are vital. He believes that
peace is the way in order to attain development and change in society. Meaning peace
is the absence of violence or other disturbances within a country, while peace is the
result of development. Only in a peaceful environment can development be carried out.
No development can take place if there is war, conflict, and violence in the country.
Instead of developing work, the state will focus on ending the war. For this reason, for
development, peace is important. Above all that, the webinar discusses how youth led
the nation to the front. Here are some that I gather, first, they must be educated properly
and fully. Promotes the country's fair image to the world. Assist the administration in the
policy implementation. In order to eliminate terrorism, they may play a vital role. Finally,
young people are important because young people have the power of the country.
Young people recognize and are able to solve problems. In social movements, young
people are strong.
I would like to add up that the speaker always mentions the “The youth is the
hope of the motherland.” This is just one of the idioms that our Philippine national hero
Dr. Jose Rizal once enunciated. This means that the future of our nation lies in the
hands of the youth of today. More so, the youth have the power to reshape the nation's
present appearance. However, this meaningful and echoing idiom has been passing
through our ears for years, but it seems that no improvement has evolved. Overall, the
discussion in the webinar can have a relationship to our subject and as a foreign service
student because it gives a new idea on how to handle the environment and to learn
more about constitutional law which is very helpful to our subject and as a student. Also,
Dr. Kittel discusses the social environment which is related to our subject Political and
Economic Geography. He mentions science and the critical government.
I would like to emphasize some of my analysis in the webinar: First, the webinar
mainly discusses the role of the youth in nation-building. Some of the speakers mention
that for a number of reasons today, patriotism is important in the lives of young people.
One is because today's youth will tomorrow inherit the nation. If you don't involve
yourself in improving our country, you may not get a nation worthy of heritage. Second,
if young people of today want freedom for the Philippines, then young people today
have to protect and defend that liberty by encouraging and working to improve the
greatness of our country. Third, they maintain the program nicely and their technology
or the person who handles the webinar has a great job to perfectly show the meeting
and the videos that will be presented in zoom. Fourth, young people are required to
preserve their culture and heritage while also changing it and using social change.
Young people, for example, are the only ones who join a political movement to bring
about significant change in a country. They even enter the armed forces in order to
defend people's liberty, among other things. Lastly, it doesn't help the violent
revolutionary resolve the matter. One of the speakers has been mentioned that violence
poses its own difficulties by either wanting to have normal civil methods or by being an
uncivil person. If violence is used, the chances of an innocent person overreacting or
injuring are there, so more problems can be created than solutions.
Here are some of my recommendations to the government and society as a whole.
First, the government and society must work together in order to maintain its security,
integrity, and its further development. Second, Stop claiming that government may
change human nature, control the results by decision or make the world more
predictable. It cannot and will destroy civil society and slow human development by
trying to do all these things. No society can afford to protect people from their bad
decisions without either bankruptcy or the free choice of people. Third, the government
must work with the people in order to maintain cooperation and give new ideas or
perspectives to build a sense of peace and development for the government and
society. Fourth, teach people that competition and competition are inevitably good
things all of life. Nothing is more than a comparison of competition. We compare each
other constantly, just as we compare products and ideas. We choose who, and what we
support, oppose and ignore, based on our comparison. The freer you are, the freer you
are to take your own decisions based on your own comparison. And fifth, unity between
the political and the people in order to maintain peace and to avoid red-tagging and
respect others perspective because that’s the concept of unity.
In conclusion, our brain is capable of brilliant ideas and opinions, so let us put these
ideas to good use by assisting our country. Let us bear witness to truth and honesty
with our eyes, which can see the facts. We can sense the vibrations of society through
our ears, so let us listen to what they have to say. Let us accept the essence of
accomplishment, as our nose can detect the scent of exceptional achievement. Since
our mouths are capable of speaking wise words, let us adhere to universal values and
share them with the world. Let us begin working on the image of creative leadership
with our hands, which have the mighty power of writing and doing stuff. Simply trust in
your own ability to lift a muscle, no matter how young you are. To spread the good
deeds, use technology and any available tools. Persuade others to act in a moral
manner. Lastly, the communist philosophies tempt us to build violence, but we must
remember that we can use peace to improve our society and bring our country together
and function as a whole.
In the future, I can see that youth will be leading the country because we all know
the capacities of young people to involve in development and attain peace in a country.
Also, the youth are aware of the goodness of every action. They can easily identify right
from wrong. They are full of idealism to share some worthy for motherland’s
development. The youth are vigilant; thus, we can never conceal the lies. Lastly, young
people can preserve peace and share their knowledge to maintain unity in the world.
DAY 1:

DAY 2:

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