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CMPSC245 Assignment #1: Drawing ERD and converting from ERD to Relational Schema

(20 pts) Part 1: Draw ERD

You will design the Motown database with the following information:
 Each musician has an SSN, a name, and an address.
 Each instrument used in songs has a unique identification number, a name (e.g., guitar, synthesizer,
 Each album recorded on the Motown label has a unique album identification number, a title, a
copyright date, and a format (e.g., CD or MC).
 Each song recorded at Motown has a title and an author.
 Each musician may play several instruments, and a given instrument may be played by several
 Each album has several songs on it, but no song may appear on more than one album.
 Each song is performed by one or more musicians, and a musician may perform a number of songs.
 Each album has exactly one musician who acts as its producer. A musician may produce several
albums, of course.

Draw an ER diagram. Be sure to indicate all entities, attributes, primaries (using underline) and foreign
keys (using parentheses), cardinalities, participation types and relationship types.

You may draw the ERD manually on piece of paper or with tools like VISIO but please copy and paste
your ERD into your document.


(10 points) Part 2:

Convert the following ER diagram to relational schema.



ShippedItem (ItemNumber, Weight, Dimension, InsuranceAmt, Destination, FinalDeliveryDate, UniqueID


RetailCenter (UniqueID, Type, Address)

TransportationEvent (ScheduleNumber, Type, DeliveryRout)

ShippedVia (ItemNumber, SheduleNumber)

(20 points) Part 3:

Convert the following ER diagram to the relational schema:



Ship (Sname, Owner, Type (FK))

Ship_Type (Type, Tonnage, Hull)

Ship_Movement (SName, Time_stamp, Longitude, Latitude)

Port (Pname, CName)

Port_Visit (Pname, Sname, Start_date, CName, End_date)

State/Country (Name, Continent)

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