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ation Measure Equipment

~o~ COrlJ

Large Flux

eNG Dispenser

Operation Manual

FiIe Name: JQJ-Z series Type III Large Flux eNG Dispenser Operation Manual

File No:WI-JE-42 AO

To My Dear Customers

Dear customers:

Thank you for using CNG dispensers produced by ChongQing Innovation Measure Equipment

Join-Stock Co., Ltd.

Please read this manual carefully before use this product.

It is our greatest honor to have you to be our customers. In order to let you know how to use this product,

we specially produced this manual. You can find the principle, structure, installing and operation of this

product from th is manual. For good using of this product, we strongly recommended you read this manual

carefully before you use. In case you use this product not in accordance with this manual and cause any loss,

we say "sorry" and not bear any liability.

Our company provides quality assurance for this product, but the warranty range and responsibility only

about the quality of our product own. Our company is not responsible for the product damage includes unable

to usc. data loss or change and other bad consequences which caused by improper use, without agreement

maintenance. use replacement not provide by our company and others.

For the purpose of ensuring the correct of this manual, our company had tried our best to avoid human

error, but we can not fully guarantee: there is no mistake in this manual and the print and bookbinding are

perfect. Thanks for you comprehension.

Sometime, in order to improve the function, reliability and maintainability of our product, we may take

some small change in the product, it will result some different between this manual and the product, but it will

not affect your use of the product. Thank you for you comprehension.

Under copyright law, our company has all of the right of this manual. Nobody can add, delete, change or

copy this manual without our company's written consent.

Thank you for you Cooperation!

ChongQing Innovation Measure Equipment Join-Stock Co., Ltd

Security Warning
l. Notes about normal use

CNG dispensers can not be use open air, prevent rain, the displays and control display of dispenser can
* not be exposed to sunlight directly, and long time direct sunlight will damage the liquid crystal.

The installing trench ofCNG dispenser have to do humidity-proof treatment, prevent humidity into the
* CNG dispenser from the trench, it will cause the circuit board poor insulation.

In order to prevent terrible power damage for CNG dispenser, we should add UPS power supply in
* front of the CNG dispenser power supply.

2. Notes about electrical

Don't lying cables or install electrical equipment by no qualified staff.

* The power line ofCNG dispenser should be dedicated use, and don't overload.

Well done CNG dispensers shell lightning proof grounding protection.

Well done CNG dispensers' power supply grounding protection.

Don't disassembly CNG dispenser or open explosion-proof power supply box in power on condition.

CNG dispenser shell grounding protection and CNG station lighting grounding protection have to be

separated, don't connect together.

Notes about use compressed nature gas.

Don't modify CNG equipment without permission, refused fill gas to CNG equipment which modify

without permission.

* Don't place inflammable and explosive materials near CNG dispensers.

* Fire extinguisher equipments have to be placed near CNG dispensers.
* Check leakage for filling hose pipe and connectors regularly.

* Please relief pressure before CNG dispenser pipe repair and maintenance.
1. Notes about emergency time

* Urgent measure when power off

When CNG station power off, stop CNG dispenser filling immediately, then tum offCNG dispenser's

power switch, prevent unstable voltage at power on damage electrical equipment.

* Urgent measure for gas leakage

c L, Cut oil power supply, stop all working, and evacuate all people, don't start any vehicles to evacuate,

cancel all fire source (Attention: please prevent collision between metal material to avoid spark).

b. Find the leakage point immediately, and then tum off all the valves near the leakage point to cut off

Product acceptance
1. Notes about products receiving

1. Please check whether the packages is intact before receiving, stop receiving and contact to manufacture

if there is any damaged.

1. 2 Please check whether the manufacture name and consignees on packages are correct.

2. Open package inspection items

2. 1 Check whether the model on Product nameplate is same as contract.

2. 2 verify Configuration Checklist, check whether the Product certification and operation manual is correct,

check whether the data and product is corresponding, and check whether the replacements are

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c., ,}
Check whether the face of dispenser is intact, the paint coat luster is uniform, and there is no evident

scoring on coat.

2. ,1 Check whether the out parts of CNG dispenser has any damage, peel off and corrosion event.

2.5 Check whether the roll part ofCNG dispenser is agility and no blocked event.
c. in case the leakage is too big to control, please expand the warning area and alarm police immediately

General statement. .

Name .

2 Model .

3 Use range .

4 Product features .

rI Structure, Working Principles and Main Technical Index................................................................... 3

CNG dispenser structure..................................................................................................................... 3

2 CNG dispenser main parts function description................................................................................. 4

3 CNG dispenser working principles..................................................................................................... 5

4 CNG dispenser main technical index.. 7

III Installation and Debugging................................................................................................................. 8

CNG dispenser installation requirements............................................................................................ 8

2 CNG dispenser installation attentions................................................................................................. 8

3 Suggestion for CNG dispenser installation......................................................................................... 8

4 Debugging scheme for CNG dispenser............................................................................................... 9

IV CNG Dispenser Operation................................................................................................................... 11

CNG dispenser power on self-check................................................................................................... 1I

2 Parameter setting...... 13

3 Gas filling operation............................................................................................................................ 22

4 Gas filling records query..................................................................................................................... 31

5 Accumulation records query and teams change operation.................................................................. 31

6 CNG dispenser power off.................................................................................................................... 32

V Maintenance........................................................................................................................................ 34

VI Transport and Storage......................................................................................................................... 36

I. General statement
Model JQJ (CNG) compressed natural gas dispenser is computerized integrated equipment for

commercial use. It's mainly used in vehicle fueled by natural gas. The dispenser is equipped with

highly-functional micro control processor, with display screens on both sides and it is characterized by various

functions. simple operation, safe and reliable explosion-proof structure in electrical sections.

I. Name

Model JQJ large flux CNG (compressed natural gas) dispenser

2. Model

JQJ-Z series

3. Use range

It's mainly used to fill gas to tankers which transports CNG

1. Product features

4.. 1 Function peripheral place like build with blocks, all of the peripheral reserve installing hole, if you

want add any peripheral, only need add associated equipment and do some set by keyboard enough,

don't need rebuild the CNG dispenser.

4 .) Product design with embedded type, outward appearance design ingenious, convenient for repair,

profile fresh (Our company's patent, patent number: 200930161539.5)

The dispenser control system use high-function micro control processor (Microchip) and

high-integrated 4 layers PCB design. Ensure the CNG dispenser run quickly, has strong anti-jamming

ability and responsibility.

The dispenser use high-performance switch power supply (Taiwan mean well switch power supply) as

power supply system. Through professional technology treatment, we can ensure control system run

stability and increase electricity impact strength. We use many data checking methods for data save

and transmission, ensure data is stable, accurate, and reliable.

4. 5 Use high accuracy mass flow meter made in the USA or Germany (accuracy: 0.2grade), ensure

dispenser measure accuracy and stability.

!J. (] Our solenoid valves especially design for poor gas situation, it's designed not easy to ice block, and

easy to disassemble, maintain in case of break down (Our company's patent, patent number:

200920 \ 28275 .8).

4.. 7 Reserve many free Communication ports, have strong extensibility, if the dispenser need add new

function, only add equipment and upgrade software enough, no need to change hardware.

4. R Self-check function: the dispenser will self-check at power on and it will display exact fault location of

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fault, convenient to repair.

4. 9 Large data storage function: the dispenser can save 30000 gas filling data, and these data can query on

dispenser directly.

4. I() U-Disk storage function: the dispenser can export gas filling data to U-Disk, convenient data check and

treatment (Optional) (Our company's patent, patent number: 200920128224).

1. 11 Using authority set in grades: the dispenser can set different management and using authority in grades

by requirements.

4. 1~ Measure parameters double manage lock: measure parameters double use electronic seal and machine

seal. ensure great accuracy for dispenser measuring and CNG station's interest (The seals should be

managed by local Metrological Supervision Department).

4. 1:l Data cache and replenish upload function: after connection between CNG dispenser and Center

Computer Control Management System is interrupted, gas filling data can cache in ROM ofCNG

dispenser. and it will upload to computer after communication return to normal, ensure data's


4. l-t Pressure and flow data collection real time function: the dispenser can collect pressure and flow data

real time at gas filling and it can save the pressure which is in the vehicle after gas filling each time.

.1. I:) Communication protocol between CNG dispenser and Center Computer Control Management System

use CA N bus, the features of CA N Bus as follows:

* Wiring structure and cable place succinctly, easy to maintenance.

* CAN Bus have strong extensibility and it can easy add new control point after simple setting.

* It has features of strong real-time, long transmission distance and high Anti-Jamm ing performance.

* Its use two line interface communication methods, has high error-check ability, can run in high

noise interference environment.

* "CAN Bus" has communication signal priority arbitrate ability.

* "CAN Bus" has reliable error processing checking mechanism and error processing mechanism.

* If the transmitted data is damaged, CAN Bus can resend it automatically.

* CAN nodes can exit Bus automatically when the node has serious fault.

4. III Data save and transmission verify so many times, ensure data exactly and reliable.

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II. Structure, Working Principles and Main Technical Index
1. eNG dispenser structure (Take one gas connector dispenser for instance)

FillingHose Pipe


Main ExplOSion-proof
Power Supply Box

Main Explosion-proof
Power Supply Box Battary{12V)
Switch Power Main Board

This drawing is only for your reference, if there are any differences with real object, please according to the
real object.

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2. CNG dispenser main parts functions description

2. 1 Main board: Core unit in electric control part, used to data receiving, processing and saving.

2.2 IC reader: used to read and write IC card (optional).

2.:) Displays: The display is composed by two chips one is "half and six bits digital liquid crystal display"

and the other is "half and four bits digital liquid crystal display", The displays are used to display the

volume (mass), the amount of money, and unit price for gas filling, the pictures as follows:

Volume 0000. 00

Sum 0000. 00

Price 00. 00

2.!J Control display: it display CNG dispenser's working state, query and change results of CNG

dispenser's gas filling records and parameters. There are five indicator lights on the control display,

the first one is "run" light, it will light up when the filling switch is opened, and it will be closed when

the filling switch closed. The three indicator lights in the middle are solenoid valves indicator lights. If

the dispenser has only one solenoid valve, the vavle I indicator will be in use. If the dispenser

without solenoid valve the valve indicators mean nothing. The last indicator light is "communication"

light, it will light up or glimmer when CNG dispenser communicate with computer, it will light off

when communication between CNG dispenser and computer over. The pictures as follows:

o 0 o o o


Control display

2.;) Printer: it is used to print CNG dispenser self-check information, teams change information and gas

fi Iling information (optional).

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