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Volume 164, Number 2 Wednesday, March 2, 2011

‘Standing on Vote or Pay

Shoulders of
By Luis Rivas

W ithout an extension of temporary tax in-

creases, California community colleges
will face $900 million in state general

fund cuts.
AFT endorsed candidates for the LACCD Board
of Trustees, Scott Svonkin and Mona Field came to
campus for a Candidates Forum on Monday.
“The importance of the Black Heritage Series is that it brings "Elected officials work for the voters and we need
to the attention of children, adults [and] teenagers; figures who to remember that, Svonkin said. "Our customers are
have contributed to the progress of this country both socially, cul- the students, but we work for voters."
By Whitney Shepard .Prop. O, Prop. M. and Measure Amendment L

turally and historically. They help preserve history … because the will affect the lives of students in Los Angeles.
ompton, California’s Voices of Des- stamps themselves have focused on people like Martin Luther Prop. M would implement a tax on medical mari-
tiny Choir (VOD) of Greater Zion King, Jr. [and] events in Civil Rights history.” juana collectives in Los Angeles with the revenue go-
Church Family, lead by Reverend - Professor Rosalind Goddard ing to general municipal services.
Dr. Michael J. Fisher, took the stage with a pro- Measure Amendment L would
increase public funding to librar-
nounced presence. The assembly opened with ies in Los Angeles, Prop. O would
the song “You Don’t Have To Have A PhD” implement a tax on oil producing
which paid homage to the gospel that African businesses in the city with the rev-
slaves would sing while working in the fields, enue going into general municipal
which also served as a means to give informa- services.
tion that was important to their community with- Gov. Jerry Brown proposed bud-
out being detected by their slave masters who get seeks a balanced approach of
did not allow such communication to take place making $12.5 billion in spending
among slaves. Scott Svonkin cuts in the interim and asking the
Students and faculty of a wide array were in voters to extend temporary tax in-
creases totaling $12 billion for five years.
attendance last Thursday in the Camino Theatre LACCD faces cuts of $34 million under the gov-
for the African American Heritage Committee’s ernor’s budget proposal and $76 million if an all-cuts
(AAHC) presentation “Standing on the Shoul- budget were to be opted instead.
ders of Giants: The Life, Service, and Legacy”, According to reports from the chancellor and col-
in honor of Black History Month. lege presidents, “Californians locally elected commu-
Master of Ceremony, Corey Rodgers, who nity college trustees, standing with their faculty, staff
is the Associate Dean of the EOP&S program at and students, are best able to decide where budget re-
Los Angeles City College (LACC), officially be- ductions can be absorbed while minimizing the impact
gan the assembly with a welcome to the Honor- Commemorative on their communities.”
able Diane Watson who is an alumni of LACC “Targeted” cuts at specific curriculum that costs
Oscar Micheaux the colleges the accumulated funding required to pre-
and to the keynote speaker, actress and singer The 33rd stamp in the serve the necessary courses for students in transfer
Sheryl Lee Ralph best known for her portrayal of Black Heritage series and career preparation programs.
stepmother Dee on the television series Moesha. features pioneering Every draft proposed requires
President of the AAHC, Dr. Thelma James filmmaker Oscar districts to reduce enrollment in
Day gave an introduction of endearment to Micheaux, whose higher-cost programs, such as ad-
Ralph, who approached the stage amid standing entrepreneurial spirit vanced technology and nursing
applause from the au- and independent vision could mitigate state cuts and main-
dience. continue to inspire tain General Education instruction
Ralph who gradu- filmmakers and artist and services.
ated from Rutgers today. Though the LACCD collective-
ly supports student fee revenue in-
University at the age Photo by Luca Loffredo/ Collegian
creases to soften the blow, it follows
of 19, the youngest in Rosalind Goddard, Bibliographic Instruction and Reference Librarian, Commemorative that the apportionment increase need Mona Field
the history of the uni- lectures on her United States Postal Service Stamps collection after
the presentation. not be the primary solution to district-
versity, belted out the Negro Leagues wide problems, if local communities are able to ap-
gospel lyrics “I’ve got Baseball prove parcel taxes to provide funds to imminent state
a feeling everything is The Negro Leagues general fund revenues.
going to be alright.” Baseball stamps pay Board of Trustees member Mona Field says that
Ralph said, “Some- tribute to the all-black she was ambivalent about her decision to run again.
times that was all that professional baseball “But then a lot of people said please, please and
we had as comfort.” leagues that operated so I said well, OK. I put myself back in this mess and
so here I am, I think that you guys are sophisticated
Painting a vivid from 1920 until about
enough to know that our state is facing a very severe
and dark picture of 1960.
time, that very soon after our [LACCD] primary we
Sheryl Lee Ralph what it was to be an Af- are going to know whether there’s gonna be that ballot
rican slave coming to measure in June.” Field cautioned,
America in the 1800s Ralph said, “… In landing “If we don’t have that ballot measure, oh--my
goodness, its gonna take a lot of experienced people
Heritage see page 3 who know our district and our people and everything
to make sure we survive it.”

Students Get Out the LACC, Michael Miller, returned

to court last week in a lawsuit
Student Vets Report for Duty
Vote, or Will they?
against campus President, Jamil-
lah Moore, who he says dis-
criminated against him for being
white and over 40. Hundreds of veterans
By Luis Rivas producing business in Los An- on campus face unique

Miller also claims he was
geles with the generated revenue
tudent voters will have additionally used to fund gen-
terminated for whistle-blowing.
The proceeding took place at
challenges, but rally
the chance to vote in eral municipal services. Second, the Stanley Mosk Courthouse in for support.
members of the Board Proposition M will put a city tax downtown Los Angeles.
of Trustees for the Los Angeles on medical marijuana collectives The trial continues after the By Mario Mariscal and Emanuel

Community College District on with generated revenue used to Los Angeles Community Col-
March 8. The only problem is: fund general municipal services. lege District repeatedly attempt-
will students get out and vote? Finally, Charter Amendment L is en and woman who
ed to stall or stop the lawsuit serve their country
Emily Schwartzler, English a measure that will increase fund- brought by Miller.
major at CSUN and Supplemen- ing to public libraries. are an important
Attorney Rupert A. Byrd- part of LACC’s diverse campus
tal Instruction Mentor at LACC, song of Ivie, McNeill & Wyatt is community. Many veterans come
will not be voting for this elec- representing Miller. Represent- here to further their education,
tion. According to Schwartzler, ing the defendants is attorney however, the transition from sol-
voting does not have an effect. Lester Jones. dier to student can be a difficult
People are generally unaware It is estimated that court one.
of the upcoming election, accord- proceedings will last up to three With the current economic Photo by Abimael Rivera/ Collegian
ing to Schwartzler. She has been weeks. climate, unemployment can be- The Veterans Club attracts new members during Club Rush in front of

a registered voter since 2006 but An administrative law hear- come a significant hurdle veter- the Learning Resource Center last week as Juan Olmedo, an LACC stu-
dent, signs up to become a member. Olmedo is enlisted in the Air
has not voted in any election. ing will take place March 14 ans need to overcome as they re- Force National Guard and said he will deploy to Afghanistan in August.
“In high school you take po- regarding Miller’s termination turn from duty. Education can be

litical science [and] they tell you at the Office of Administrative a significant advantage. ed. ones who recently returned from
that every vote counts - they lie Hearings in Los Angeles. Veterans have been trained On campus, there are many duty in Iraq or Afghanistan, have
to be highly skilled and disci- resources available for student a hard time adjusting to student
to you,” Schwartzler said. “My Miller will attempt to be
vote still doesn’t count because I reinstated with the help of Attor- plined people, but many suffer veterans. The Veteran’s Club life,” said Ken Yamazaki, 33, a
don’t hold any [government] of- ney Lawrence Rosenzweig, who from trauma, which can pose meets in front of Tully’s Cafe ev- business major who served with
fice...” unique challenges. Overcrowd- ery Wednesday at noon. Student the United States Navy from
Primary Nominating and
Discrimination Case is representing him on behalf
ed classrooms, for example, can veterans are strongly encouraged 2002 until 2007.
Begins: Michael Miller of the American Federation of be one of the many triggers for to attend. In addition to the Veteran’s
Consolidated Election for Los Teachers local.
Angeles is March 8 with several v. Los Angeles City Col- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder “Think of it as reporting for Club, student veterans can ap-
Judge Daniel J. Buckley (PTSD). duty,” said Reed Sand, 30, presi- proach Veteran Affairs, located in
measures and propositions on the lege Et. Al. said a trial date would take place The Army’s first study of dent of the Veteran’s Club. The the Office for Special Services.
ballot that will affect funding for March 30. the mental health of troops who club was founded to help address VA Representative Melody Mel-
city services and taxes. .By Abimael Rivera “Let’s touch base on March fought in Iraq found that about the issues that the roughly 600 drum is available from 8:30 a.m.
Three of the 10 different mea- 25. Pick a jury on the first,” one in eight reported symptoms student veterans at LACC might to 5 p.m. Monday to Thursday
sures on the ballot are as follows. Former men’s basketball Buckley said. of Post-Traumatic Stress Disor- face. and 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Fri-
First, Proposition O will tax oil coach and Athletic Director of der, the Associated Press report- “A lot of veterans, especially
Veterans see page 3

INDEX: Opinion Page 2 News Page 3 Sports Page 4

2 Opinion Los Angeles Collegian
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

EDITORIAL Media Arts Department,

Learning Resource Center 201
Los Angeles City College
855 N. Vermont Ave.,

Billions to Blow
Los Angeles, CA 90029

and What We Know ART DIRECTOR

Luca Loffredo
Promises of new build- Bond Counsel from the Ful- FOOD:
ings were sold to those who bright & Jaworski law firm, Bria Wissing
voted for a slew of proposi- Lisa Ann Wells commented OPINION:
tions that passed in 2001. on improperly spent district Mende Smith
As a result, the alloca-
tion of funds sponsored
by a series of bonds was
Wells stated that funds
were being spent, “On mat-
The Bond Secret; Licensed to Waste SPORTS:
Luis Ponce
designed to give much ters not directly related to By Luca Loffredo Tanya Flowers
needed support and fund campus construction, such DISTRIBUTION MANAGER:

renovations for all nine col- as travel and public rela- illions of dollars Then, I realized that his- Collegian Staff
leges of the Los Angeles tions.” wasted, nepotism, tory keeps repeating itself. ADVERTISING:
Community College District Our campus boasts a secrets, lies, oth- When are we going to ap-
Tercius Bufete
(LACCD). new Library, Dental Tech- er people’ s money – these preciate our community? This
are the elements for a great tremendous waste of funds GRAPHICS:
To the horror of eager nology Facility, and a Sci- screenplay. will impact the future of many Luca Loffredo, Mende Smith,
students, tens of millions ence-Technology Building. This past Sunday, I was talented and promising stu- Gegham Khekoyan
of taxpayer dollars have Although these were expecting the front page of dents, individuals who might REPORTERS:
been wasted by massive renovations that students the Los Angeles Times to be one day make us proud and
amounts of irresponsible need and utilize, they still primarily concerned with the continue our legacy of excel- Kalifa Madden,
spending under the not-so wasted vast resources be- Oscars and the great films lence in the arts, in business, Whitney Shepard, Luis Rivas
watchful-eye of the LACCD cause of poor planning and and artists nominated for the science and literature – a Mario Mariscal,
Board of Trustee members. deals made in metaphori- 83rd Academy Awards. But proud heritage at California’ Emanuel Bergmann,
instead, I saw an exposé on s community colleges for al- Brent Pearson, Tanya Flowers,
On Monday, following cal “smoke filled rooms”. Luis Ponce, Curtis Strain,
an American Federation of As students, we should the misuse of bond dollars in most a century.
Rosio Maya
Teachers sponsored candi- have the right to know the endless remodeling saga I ask myself: Why are you
of the Los Angeles Commu- trying destroy to our inspira- PHOTOGRAPHERS:
dates forum, Scott Svonkin, where the funds are going nity College District. tion?
who is campaigning for a and what elected board of- Luca Loffredo,
I immediately grabbed the I am sure that the public Russ Mutuc, Jorge Ponce, Pe-
seat on the Board of Trust- ficers do with money that paper from the newsstand. will be enraged about this dro Dias, Reuben E. Reynoso,
ees said it best “ I believe should be spent on student The Collegian has been scandal involving taxpayer Abimael j. Rivera, Luis Rivas
that we need to completely facilities. following this issue for more money.
audit the district and un- Instead of hiring a $250 than a year, despite the ad- Too many scandals have ILLUSTARTORS:
cover any fraud, waste and per hour Feng Shui consul- ministration’s and the con- come to our attention lately. , Edgar A.
tractor’s lack of transparency We will soon find out how this Gonzalez Aguilar "Bubbles,"
abuse.” tant, building listing towers Billy C. Monroe, Alejandro
The reprehensible and the commissioning of a and unwillingness to commu- story continues to develop.
spending and misuse of video biography of head of nicate hard truths. What will happen in the fu-
funds is not news to the construction program, Lar- I devoured the pages. I ture?
felt betrayed, discouraged I hope, that one day this Russ Mutuc
Collegian. Covering the ry Eisenberg, taxpayers, as and hopeless. story of intrigue and politics
story in the March 24, 2010 well as students, deserve I was born and raised in will be turned into a feature FACULTY ADVISER:
issue in a piece entitled a more transparent way of Rhonda Guess
Naples, Italy, where corrup- film written and produced by
"LACCD Acknowledges tracking funds allocated for tion and nepotism is rampant. Los Angeles Community Col- Email:
Misuse of Bond Dollars," our campuses. When I moved to California, I lege District students, and not losangeles.collegian@gmail.
learned about transparency in by some overpaid relative of com
the workplace and public af- an administration employee – Twitter:
fairs. I was proud to become or a Swedish photographer. @CollegianWired
a Californian. Facebook:
LACC broadcast

Immigrants and Protesters Beware Editorial / Advertising offices:

(323) 953-4000, ext. 2831
(Mon. and Wed., 1-4 p.m.)

permits, had cost the city immigrants. Many agree These people aren’t crimi- petitioning Congress for a
thousands of dollars for po- that it puts an innocent nals; they are voices of redress of grievances, or for
lice response and disrupted group of American citi- public opinion that even anything else connected
traffic.” zens in danger, giving new our nation’s president un- with the powers or duties of
Those people on Wilshire meaning to the question, derstands. For Trutanich to the national government,
Boulevard that day, most- “Can I see your ID card? then threaten them with jail is an attribute of national
ly students, were showing The men and women time seems inappropriate. citizenship, and, as such,
their outrage at Arizona who were outraged at this What do we do then under protection of, and
Governor Jan Brewer’s new decided to lie down to- with an unjust law? In Amer- guaranteed by, the United
law. Her law is now being gether in the middle of the ica, there are three law- States." Unfortunately this
referred to as the toughest street, handcuffed to one ful ways that have been clause has always been in-
immigration legislation in another and block traffic handed down to us from terpreted differently at dif-
LACC Guide our nation’s history.
In Arizona it is now man-
for hours holding signs.
Obviously, legislation
the progressive movement
in the early 20th century.
ferent times.
This is the law that pro-
to Public Protest datory for everyone to car- this severe would cause They are Initiative, Referen- testors need to know. It can
ry immigration documents some serious public reac- dum, and Recall. be very confusing and cru-
at all times or possibly face tion. After all, protesters These laws provide the el if it is not understood. This
By Brent Paul Pearson police arrest. In other words, stand together whenever means for a voter to enact is how you make yourself
if you look Hispanic and feel human rights are being vio- legislation, get rid of hor- heard.
Los Angeles City Attor- like going for a stroll in the lated. rible laws, or even get rid of Public protest is getting
ney Carmen Trutanich’s park, you better bring your In this case, even Presi- a politician. more dangerous. It is much
aggressive new stance papers. dent Barack Obama But what happens when safer to first follow the laws,
against public demonstra- This might sound familiar agreed that Gov. Jan a group feels they have no to learn the established
tors threatens them with to you if you were living in Brewer’s new laws were too choice but to take it to the ways of sharing your voice.
“up to a year in county Nazi Germany during World extreme. He said, "Although streets? In the law, you do If you honestly try that first
jail” for minor infractions. War II. I understand the frustration have the right to peace- and you still aren’t being
He says he will be coming “What she is doing can of the people of Arizona ful assembly under the First heard, then you can con-
down hard on protestors. be compared to the Sa- when it comes to the inflow Amendment to the Consti- sider finding out where your
His reasoning, when lem witch trials or the Holo- of illegal immigrants. I don't tution. local city attorney lives
talking about the Wilshire caust,” said Louisa B. Cau- think this is the right way to In 1875, the Supreme (Carmen Trutanich) and
Boulevard protest last year, cia of the L.A. Times. Except do it.” Court held that "the right of kindly suggest he recon-
was that recent demonstra- now, the scapegoat has What if he is right? What the people peaceably to sider.
tions, “conducted without become jobless Mexican if the protesters are right? assemble for the purpose of

LaRouchebags March 9 2011

Editorial deadline:
March 2
with a picture of Obama su- tal impact of such “solutions” the literature they had given mail fraud involving almost
perimposed with a Hitler mus- (like how the salmon popula- me and found nothing po- $300,000 and conspiracy to For all submissions including
tache that intrigued me. When tions are declining because of litical or practical for solving defraud the IRS. letters to the editor and publicity
I asked them why they had the dams), he did not care about anything; instead it was just Even more amusing is that releases.
picture, one of the supporters those things; humans are the a bunch of tangents shooting he attempted to run for presi-
just responded with another human concern. off from each other targeting dent from jail. When the ad- Advertising deadline:
question. After a few rounds I proposed that perhaps emotions. After reading both vocates returned another day February 23
of that, I finally began to get that fresh glacial water melt- papers, I continued my re- to the free speech zone, with Send materials to Collegian
information on what their ide- ing into the ocean creates a search online and let me tell fresh faces, they tried to reel office: LRC 201
als are. specific environment in which you the findings were juicy. me in, but I happened to be
They were part of La- certain life is dependent on, The movements of La- late to class. So when I said The college newspaper is published as a
learning experience, offered under the college
Rouche Youth Movement, that in turn our lives depend Rouche have a history of vio- ‘no thank you, I’m late, no I journalism instructional program. The editorial and
fronted by Lyndon LaRouche, on. lence, harassment and are don’t agree with your move- advertising materials published herein, including
By Megan Wood and believe in progress and His response only proved often referred to as a political ment, no I wouldn’t like any lit- any opinions expressed, are the responsibility of the

student newspaper staff.
population growth to stimu- his ignorance: “We don’t even cult, using psychological tac- erature,’ and continued walk- Under appropriate state and federal court
ast semester, I late the economy. By prog- know what’s really going on tics on recruits to brainwash ing, he yelled at me, “I guess decisions, these materials are free from prior restraint
had multiple class- ress they meant more dams in those ecosystems!” He in- them. Furthermore, LaRouche you just hate the truth!” The by virtue of the First Amendment to the United States
es that took me and building an aqueduct creasingly became heated was indicted for credit card irony is I love “truth” and hear-
Accordingly, materials published herein,
through the free from Alaska to divert glacial and impossible to converse fraud and obstruction of jus- ing other points of view, but including any opinions expressed, should not be
speech zone and, with time run off “not being used,” just with, leaving me no choice tice and later convicted of I don’t enjoy being harassed interpreted as the position of the Los Angeles

permitting, I would engage melting into the ocean. When I but to simply walk away. attempted mail fraud involv- by uninformed people who
Community College District, Los Angeles City College,
or any officer or employee thereof.
the people campaigning. asked about the environmen- When I got home I read ing more than $30 million; rely on intimidation and ma- © 2003 Collegian. No material may be reprinted
One day, I saw a group without the express written permission of the Collegian.
Los Angeles Collegian
Wednesday, March 2, 2011 3 News
Student Senator Helps Homeless LACC Students
By Thomas Pumphrey to help. But, I’m a homeless student teacher. “That’s why I enrolled in this
with power. I have a strong voice. But college, so I wouldn’t fall into this
Student Senator Jaden Ledkins If I have students rallying behind me, hole,” she said.
hosted a workshop for homeless I have a much stronger voice.” Jaden wants to link homeless stu-
LACC students at the Faculty and Jaden said it will be a student run dents with services to stabilize their
Staff Center on Feb. 17. He hopes homeless campaign and that the iden- lives. He said he feels it is important
to implement a plan to help home- tities of the homeless students will re- to stabilize them so they can concen-
less students. He said his plan is es- main confidential. trate on their studies.
sentially a three-step pyramid. First “This isn’t a topic that people talk “We want to help students to stay
is to act as a support group for each about with each other,” he said. He in school. My idea is lockers that you
other. Second is to obtain faculty and asked the Collegian not to publish any keep for the entire semester. Home-
administrative support. Third is to de- of the students’ names. less students could store their stuff in
velop community involvement. One of the homeless students them. There are also showers in the
“I created this campaign to help stated that he had been homeless for old gym. People can get clean,” he
out with students who are homeless,” over three years and said, “I live on said.
Jaden said. “I want to create aware- the beach. It’s pretty crazy at night The homeless students who at-
ness. I know a lot of students are time. There’s some sick stuff going tended the workshop were given hy-
homeless or on the verge of it. I talk on out there. People try to mug you. giene products, which came from
to students who say they are homeless I got a bike. They tried to take it from last semester’s club drive. They were
and then they know other students me. There’s always three or four of originally going to be sent to shelters
who are homeless. I can’t just stand them. I fought them off, but next time but Jaden felt the products should go
by and do nothing, I hear the stories I might not be able to. I don’t know to students. “The clubs are all about
everyday and I’m shattered by it.” how many of them there is going to be students helping students,” he said.
“This campaign is not for them that’s the thing.” Jaden said he is planning to hold
alone it is also for myself,” Jaden One female student said she en- biweekly meetings on Tuesday after-
said. “I am a homeless student. I rolled at LACC when she was staying noons. Students who are interested in
couch hop.” at a shelter. “I was so glad to have a attending should look for the fliers on Photo by Abimael Rivera/ Collegian
When asked how long he had shelter and be able to study,” she said. the campus kiosks. The workshops can
been doing this he responded, “Off But soon she was kicked out. “It is so help with financial aid, student loans, Jaden Ledkins, a senator of Associated Students Organization speaks of his workshop regarding
City College students who are homeless, during Club Rush last week. Ledkins wants to begin a
and on for two years. I was doing pret- bad there. I had to drop some classes.” work-study, social services, support campaign to provide services to these students, such as lockers that they can keep for an entire
ty well then the economy hit and I lost She wants to become an interpreter groups, and study groups. semester.
everything. I’m just a student trying then continue her education to be a

Hollywood Actors Lend Star Power to Theatre Academy

By Matthew Ali peared in many TV shows and best known for taking on the role all over the entertainment indus- school and a little attention to the volved with the play. The addi-
movies such as "Ghost Whisper- of Desi Arnaz in CBS's “Lucy: try is set to perform the play on academy.” tion of such talent into an LACC
Two Hollywood names: er", "NCIS" and "Tortilla Soup." The Lucille Ball Story.” Saturday, March 5 at 8 p.m. and The caliber of the talent ac- production is going to bring a
Tony Plana and Esai Morales of The production is not a tra- on Sunday, March 6 at 3 p.m. The tors who will participate in the lot of attention to the school and
“Ugly Betty” and “La Bamba” ditional play like some students play is being directed by Dr. Al the faculty members have high
respectively, are set to grace the are used to seeing, but a more Rossi who also directed "Dog hopes that students will reap the
stage of the El Camino Theatre relaxed piece performed with no Sees God" early in the 2010 fall rewards of this rare opportunity
this weekend. scenery and in generic costumes semester. “Sort of like playing tennis,”
Plana and Morales are both that fit the time period. “Tony and Dr. AL Rossi are Morrissey said. “You always
slated to perform a staged read- “The actors will appear on good friends and all of the cast play with someone who’s better
ing benefit performance to help stage in more like a rehearsal set- members who’ve accepted are all than you, so it builds your skills
raise money for the academy’s ting, rather than a fully produced former cast-mates from different and this will certainly be an ex-
scholarship program. scenic environment,” said Kevin projects,” Morrissey said. “They ample of that.”
Plana played Ignacio Suarez Morrissey, theatre department have been incredibly generous, Tickets can be purchased
in the hit TV series "Ugly Betty" chair. “We’re putting this show and we’re nothing but grateful.” online at www.theatreacademy.
and Morales played Bob Valen- together in a very short period Theatre Academy students Proceeds are
zuela in the biopic, “La Bamba.” of time. It’s real common, sort seem excited about the upcom- to go to the program’s scholar-
Both star in the first offering of of like the production of ‘Love ing performance. Some students ship fund.
the Theatre Academy’s spring se- Letters’ that’s been done or the know what this performance will V.I.P. tickets are $50, Regu-
mester presentation “Death of A ‘Vagina Monologues’ it’s got the mean for them and their depart- lar seating is $25 and student
Salesman,” by Arthur Miller. Another Hollywood standout high sort of content to it in terms ment. Tony Plana tickets are only $12. For more
The list of talented stars goes who will appear in the produc- of talent but not all the produc- “I think it will help,” said information contact the theatre
on. Also co-starring is Elizabeth tion this weekend is Danny Pino, tion value.” Kyle Durack, a theatre major. weekend presentation has given department at (323)-953-4000,
Pena, an actress who has ap- who is a screen and stage actor This star-studded cast from “It will help bring money to the a lift to students and others in- ext. 2990.

Returning Vets Seek Education

Veterans from page 1

n AT I o n A L u n I v e r S I T Y

days for questions of all kinds, of aggregate service on or after soldiers. It also sets out to better
from paperwork to financial aid Sept. 11, 2001, or individuals dis- the psychological health of the
to the psychological counseling charged with a service-connected family, helps with military chil-
available through the Student disability after 30 days, accord- dren's education and child care AdvAnce your
Health Center. ing to the United States Depart- services for those in the Armed
In order to receive the best
education possible, it is recom-
ment of Veteran Affairs.
This month, President
Forces, the White House web site
mended that veterans decide in Obama, First Lady Michelle But not all veterans are here
a timely manner on the classes Obama and Dr. Jill Biden will be- to stay. AdvAnce Your
they wish to attend. If veterans gin a campaign designed to help Some student veterans are
don’t get into classes, they risk not just the veterans but also their still on active duty. cAreer
losing the educational benefits families. “In August, I’m going over-
that they are entitled to. The campaign is set to help seas to Afghanistan,”, said Juan
It is important to remember veteran and their families and Olmedo, 21, a member of the
that student veterans are eligible promote volunteering for simple Air Force National Guard. “My
to receive different kinds of gov- everyday tasks. friends told me it sucks over Learn How at our March 12
ernment assistance. The campaign ranges from there. If you can help, do what-
For example, the Post-9/11 helping the family cope with de- ever you can.” Open House in Los Angeles
GI Bill provides financial sup- ployments to helping the Ameri-
port for education and housing to can people appreciate the service Receive detailed information about our many programs and find
individuals with at least 90 days and commitment of the returning the answers to all your education questions in one place.

African-American Heritage Assembly

Giants from page 1
At the open house, you can:
Speak with faculty and admissions staff

Brings Audience To Its Feet

• Tour our Los Angeles campus

• Learn about financial aid options available
in a strange place of a resentative to the U.S. coming and Dr. Jamil- seats while VOD put on
people who look noth- Congress, California lah Moore was my in- a contagiously energetic Our Los Angeles campus offers programs in:
ing like me, who then State Senator and serv- tern, my student and show.
stripped me of my cloth- ing on the Los Angeles now she is President of “I thought it was • Media and Communication
ing, had me stand bare Unified School District the college that graduat- an incredible perfor- Business and Management
as if I were an animal Board of Education, ed three in my family.” mance,” LACC Busi-

when at times I had been influencing legislation The ceremony was ness Department faculty • Education
somebody’s daughter. that would improve closed with another Katherine Morales said,
I had been loved as health care, consumer performance by the “It’s important for ev- • Engineering and Technology
somebody’s wife. I had protection and the qual- VOD, who are credited eryone to think about • Health and Human Services
been respected in my ity of life for men and with being crowned as each other and our his-
community and to now tory and culture. Events • Letters and Sciences
stand stripped naked, like this help us because
treated as if I was worth they bring us all togeth- Application fee will be waived for attendees.
nothing and to be sold er. It was very informa-
to folks who look noth- tive and gave everyone
ing like me, and then a lot to think about…we
300 years later people
wonder ‘why are you so
can all learn from each
other…so we can all get Saturday, March 12, 10 a.m.
mad?’ After all that peo- along better.” Los Angeles Campus, 5245 Pacific Concourse Drive, Suite 100, Los Angeles, CA 90045
ple still say ‘why can’t A catered luncheon
they just let it go’.” was held in the Quad
Day along with for those who attended rSvP today or learn more at:
President of LACC, Dr. the assembly. Students,
Jamillah Moore pre- faculty and members of or call 800.nAt.univ
sented Congresswom- Photo by Luca Loffredo/ Collegian VOD gathered and ate (6 2 8 . 8 6 4 8)
an Watson, one of the Voices of Destiny Choir brings audience to its feet with chicken, potato salad,
first African-American their energetic performance. bread and desserts.
women elected to the “They were real
California state senate, women. “Best Church Choir in good, I liked them.
© 2011 National University 9492

with a plaque from the “My mother’s en- America” and will be They were kind of like
AAHC in honor of her rollment number was performing at the Stellar Glee,” Tiffany Johnson
service and legacy. Wat- 1003, she was the third Awards, the 2011 Gos- who is a nursing student
son’s career of 36 years student to enroll at Los pel Superbowl Celebra- said of the performance
includes being U.S. Angeles City College,” tion. Audience members by VOD. Johnson also A Nonprofit University Accredited by WASC

Ambassador to Micro- Watson said, “For me stood on their feet and thought that the assem-
An Affiliate of the National University System

nesia, California Rep- this is truly my home- danced in front of their bly was engaging.
4 Sports Los Angeles Collegian
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

L.A. Marathon Just

Around the Corner
2010 LA Marathon at mile 9.
This race attracts thousands
of athletes from all around the
world every year.

By Heather Biesemeier
for the marathon. Registration was closed nine

tudents and staff here at Los Angeles days prior to the event.
City College are lacing up their run- Students and faculty alike are participating
ning shoes to compete in the upcom- in this year’s race. Some of them are running
ing LA Marathon. It is set to take place on Sun- for the first time and others are veterans.
day, March 20. “The LA Marathon is on my bucket list of
The route is something that draws people things to do,” said Melissa DeBlieck, a first
to Los Angeles from all around the world. The time participant and student here at LACC, “I
race starts at Dodger Stadium and ends at the feel like I’m very fit at this time of my life, so
Santa Monica Pier, hitting a lot of the hot tour- it couldn’t be a better time to do it,” she said.
ists spots in Los Angeles, including the Sun- Melissa, along with Professor Salazar, from
set Strip, Rodeo Drive and Grauman’s Chinese the math department, and others from Los An-
Theater. geles City College will be looking for students
The race is expected to sell out for the sec- and staff along the route to cheer them on all
ond year in a row, with last year’s race sell- the way to the finish line! Photo by Luca Loffredo/ Collegian
ing out at 26,054 registrants, a record number

Intramural Sports Program

to Begin Mid-March
Last Friday and
Monday, many
students attended
a meeting at the
Women’s Gym
to determine the
function of the
Intramural Sports
Program which
begins in the
middle of this
By Luis Ponce

The program will provide

students and faculty members
Return of Sports? Lady Cubs mixed it up in conference play in 2004. (Inset) Rufus Adams former pro-baseball
with the opportunity to partici- player, currently business major, tells sports reporter, Luis Ponce about the intramural sports program.
pate in both men’s and women’s
basketball as well as co-ed volley- Sean Tuber informs any student or fac- Once the program kicks off, there will
ball with clear-cut rules and regulations ulty member who missed the prior meet- be weekly basketball and volleyball games
for all who take part in the program. ings and would like to take part in the held at the Women’s Gym at a time and day
The program is intended to provide program; March 11 will be the last day to yet to be confirmed. According to Tuber,
the students with something that they can register. Anyone interested must sign-up the season should run about six to eight
participate in other than academics. at the Office of Student Life (OSL), locat- games, including playoff games. Write to us with your sports stories,
“It is a stress reliever,” said Rufus ed in the CUB Center, before playing their
Adams, a business major and a former first game.
Like several students, Tuber is very op-
timistic about the program having a posi-
news, opinions or thoughts.
professional baseball player. “To have a Also, LACC students must be enrolled tive breakthrough.
sports program of some kind at LACC, is in at least one unit, present their LACC ID
definitely a positive thing.”
“We want students to enjoy their time
card and pay a one-time fee of $10, which on campus and play the games they like
Adams is so excited about the whole will cover the entire season. Once a student to play.” Attn.: Editor in Chief
program, that he is looking to help out is registered in the program, he or she will
with coaching a basketball team in order receive a form with all the rules and regu-
to stay connected with the game he loves. lations of the program to abide by.

Sports Calendar

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