Feb 14 Special Meeting Minutes

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Monthly Feb. 14,2011

Meeting called to order by Nephew at 7:00 P.M. with Pledge of Allegiance.

In attendance-all Board members and 26 others.

Agenda adopted w/changes on motion fr Stacy, seclNelson

Minutes fr Jan. approved on a motion by Nelson, see/Johnson

Bills approved as submitted on motion by Nelson, see/Stacy RlC vote all yeas, M/C

Fire Chief reported on search for missing person in Edenville twp., mutual aid with air boat and dive
team. Board recognized their effort and stated how proud we are of them

WWTP report Board reinforced need to have Supervisor sign contract extension with LA. as voted at
the January 10th meeting, passed by a majority of members. Supervisor signified that she would sign
the document the next day.Twp. finally rec'd doc confirming Class C status

Commissioner Whittington spoke about new 911 tower going up on VanDyke, reopening Gladwin
Co Rec area from May I-Oct 1

Correspondence covered Co. Board of Commission meetings, EDC minutes.

Board discussed audit progress, request from resident on Ozark/Whitney Beach to officially change
road name, school bond vote on Feb 22, payoff request for Clark and Gerace, Board set dates for
budget workshops in March. Board recessed for 5 minutes reconvened to discuss issues w/water
softener, water heater. Clerk directed to call Ecosoft for softener, Ballard Plumbing for water
heater, board approved motion by Stacy, sec/Grell to sign letter authorizing Red Cross to use twp.
hall during emergencies, board discussed removal of garbage charges on properties incorrectly
charged, Nelson and Grell spoke about classes attended at the MTA annual conference .

Public Comment: Larry Miller, GCRC, spoke about road issues, Bill Babcock, candidate for
commissioner in dist 5 spoke about his candidacy, Board was advised that flags were stationed
backwards, citizen expressed disappointment with not having Annual meeting, questions about need
for new software pkg.,mention of ZBA and P.C. meetings scheduled, concern about not being able to
park rv's on vacant lots. Walk for Warmth Feb 26th reminder

Meeting adjourned on motion by Stacy, seclNelson at 8:37

Respectfully Submitted

Lynn Stacy, Duly Elected Billings Twp. Clerk

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