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Weekly Journal

(Week one)
On the 7th of February 2021, I shall start my Teaching Practice (TP) but
unfortunately, the school rejected us, my colleagues, and me to take our TP
with them because they have student teachers from another university. I send
an email to the school telling them that I am going to take my TP at your
school and they say that they don’t know that we are coming and there are
not enough teachers in the school so they assign one of them to be my Mentor
School Teacher (MST), I told my college teacher about this problem and they
spoke to the Ministry Of Education (MOE) so they call the school to accept
me as a trainee in the school. My teacher asks me to send an email again to
the school but no one replay to me and the first week of TP ended and I don’t
start yet which will make it hard for me to finish all my tasks in a short time.

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