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Weekly Journal

(Week Six)
The beginning of this week, the last week of the second semester on the schools,
and my MST this week going to do tasks with the students and it worth 10
marks. In grade three, the teacher asks the students to draw 2 shapes and divided
the shapes into more than 1 so they can write it as a fraction after that they
compare between the 2 shapes and write the correct sign (<, > or =).  And the
teacher asks every student to do two-equation and every equation five marks.
The task for grade four is to write addition decimals and solve the equation
using blocks. And this question worth 5 marks. Tomorrow, which is Monday I
will do the second part of the task with the students, and I will show them how
to subtract decimals, I will give them the link for the website of the blocks and I
will let them do a subtract equation and find the answer using blocks. Moreover,
I want them to solve the equation horizontally so they check their answers. 
Moreover, this week the education department hosting the HCT Education
Student’s research conference 2021 where the graduates will talk about their
topics and it will be on the 24th of March 2021 and this day I will not attend my
classes at the school with my MST because I will attend the conference. 

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