Topic 8 - Pakistan Russia Relations

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Divided in three phases:

1. 1947 – 1991
2. 1991 – 2015
3. 2016 onwards

1947 – 1991 (From the perspective of Cold War)

 Stalin invited Pakistan (Liaqat Ali Khan) to visit Russia
 Pakistan’s approach had to be indo-centric due to security threat
 Pakistan need an ally who can fulfill the security requirement and perform effective security
 Pakistan had 3 choices. To go with USSR, to go with USA or remain neutral
 Neutrality was not an option because of security threats
 Pakistan was more inclined towards USA because of better security environment guarantee and
support. Hence, Pakistan joined CENTO (1956) & SEATO (1954), these organizations were against
USSR to contain communism. Hence, Pakistan joined USA & became an enemy of USSR
 Pakistan relations even daunted due to various events:
o Paris Negotiations were ongoing between USA & USSR when U2 plane took off from
Peshawar and got capture in Russia. Francis Gray was flying this plane. Hence Pakistan’s
soil was being used by USA to gain interest
o Afghan Cold War – Projected Mujahedeen (Sunni Pashtoon) as USA Proxy. Weapon &
Financial backing by Pakistan ISI
o Muslim secessionist movements i.e. Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan were also
fueled by ISI as per Moscow in order to break and weaken USSR in Afghan War
o In response, Russia always supported India on Kashmir issue
o Debacle in East Pakistan, USSR supported India
o 1971 ceasefire violations – 3 Vetoes by Russia in favor of India
 Russian sponsored Karachi Steel Mill in Pakistan
 1965 – 1970, Pakistan – Russia relations were comparatively better in the times of Gen Ayub
 Ayub Khan’s influence on USA was way too much

1991 – 2015
 After Cold War, first rift was the Pakistan’s continued support to Taliban and then Taliban’s
northward expansionism
 After 9/11, Russian wanted Pakistan to stop USA interventionism agenda. Pakistan again
bandwagon with USA and relations deteriorated. Hence Pakistan became USA non-NATO ally
 In 2007, Musharraf visited historical visit to Russia. First visit in 3 decades
 Mikail Fradchov visited Pakistan as well
 In 2011, Putin supported Pakistan to be a member of SCO
 Pakistan entered in SCO in 2015
 Economic deal, 1100KM gas pipeline offered by Russia of $2 Billion
2016 onwards
 In 2016, Pakistan became permanent member
 Positive developments since then
 First summit of SCO attended in 2017
 Russia is offering rehabilitation and financing of Steel Mill in Pakistan
 Offered financial commitment of Thar Coal project
 Arms embargo on Pakistan by Russia since long but Russia lifted this embargo in 2016
 MI-35 committed by Russia, willingness to share this aircraft but then America offered
 Russian Commander in chief visited Pakistan
 From 2017 – 2020, RATS (Regional Anti-Terrorism Structure), Pakistan and Russia forces are
regularly annual combined military exercises are being performed by both countries together
 Though back channel diplomacy, Russia is supporting Pakistan in tactical weapon development
(Not to mention in paper)

Very Recent Maneuvers

1. Putin has invited IK to attend SCO summit
2. Dispatch News Desk, started formally operation from Pakistan
3. CPEC & BRI strategically joined by Russia. Committed by Russia to invest $10 Billion in Pakistan
4. Russia & China are challenging USA unipolarity
5. China massive cooperation with Pakistan
6. Russia massive cooperation with Iran
7. Recently, China – Iran deal, Pakistan and Russia friendly relationship with the help of China
8. Pakistan’s soft stance towards Iran
9. New bloc emerging i.e. Iran, China, Russia, Pakistan
10. Since 2005, India tilt towards USA
11. India – Pakistan dispute. India – China dispute
12. By virtue of Iran, Saudi Arab would be going with the USA
13. Counter Bloc would be i.e. KSA, USA & India
14. Future regional politics determination on the basis of these 2 blocs

Benefit Analysis
1. Pakistan will have Alternate path for military production and procurement
2. Entry chances in BRICS
3. By virtue of CPEC & BRI initiative, our access to CAR will be increased
4. Access to warm waters to Russia, hence trade connectivity and trade supply chain will increase.
Pakistan will support route passage
5. Pakistan eminent threat is energy security. Russia is world’s biggest gas power. So Russia gas
field will support Pakistan in energy security
6. Pakistan is now performing regional centered alliance which is long term strategic objective
7. With the help of China & Russia, Kashmir issue will be strengthened in favor of Pakistan
8. VETO threat in UN is removed from China & Russia perspective

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