Case A: Does This Milkshake Taste Funny?: A1. What Ethical Dilemmas, George Was Facing? Ans: - George

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A1. What ethical dilemmas, George was facing?

Ans: - George Stein who is a University Student secures associate employment for his
summer internship by the Eastern Dairy, if confronted with an ethical dilemma. He is alleged
to decide whether he can cut filters from the machine, which will make it possible to
contaminate the manufacturing process of the milk shake. The aim is to save the company's
money in the short term and to allow George's change to go to home on time. George is still
bothered by his reputation that he weighed on his choices as children take tainted
The reasons for George behaving unethically and removing all the filters are as follow: -
 The social philosophy of learning is the first explanation why George will behave
unethically. Previous research reveals that the perceived learning resources have been
facilitated, limited, and influenced by a range of process-related structural, cultural, and
social imperatives. This social philosophy suggests that people learn through insights and
direct encounters with others. George faces an ethical dilemma in this situation. There is
also the non-formal social network and the control system, Paul, who monitors the crew
throughout the night. George was newly appointed to the job and hence is young, which
ensures that he must benefit from the world he has perceived. He needs to watch the
bosses for him to be promoted. Paul advises George to pull virtually every filter and
makes the practise an atmosphere routine. According to George's theory of social
learning, corporate culture and social network are filtering out.
 The other reason that the Maslow hierarchy of needs theory can lead George to behave
unethically. George's case reflects an acute and immediate need for car and dating
money. In the case of George, Eastern daily is regarded as the salary king. Earlier
portions of the George article claimed that Eastern salaries are twice as low as the
minimum wage paid by its former employers. That is why he is particularly interested in
this role. Higher earnings help him satisfy his immediate livelihood requirements. They
are adequate. The money encourages him to find shelter and food and boost his
capacity to fulfil his immediate essential needs. From this example I expect that higher
pay would play a major role in shaping George's decision to behave unethically in the
 Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory is the third explanation why George can behave
unethically. The two-factor theory of Frederick Herzberg is based on the variables that
include satisfaction with work. George refers to corporate governance, the emphasis on
compensation, interactions with peers, personal details, staff relations and the lack of
oversight in his talk of his work. He also addresses his development prospects in the
organisation without any focus on them. There are still no long-term ambitions for
remaining in Eastern dairy after his graduation. He also appears to seek awards and
recognitions. Since George describes his position as a low level of happiness, one can
conclude that this shows that George is not going to be ethically involved in this
situation. George then continues to remove the filters and therefore keeps the maggots
in the mix. George is very likely to be involved in operating from 9 to 5, but he is not
aiming for promotion. He would not gamble the job all the way to interrupt the
production for that night.
Reasons why George may act ethically and refuse to remove all the filters and thus reporting the
maggot problem to the management.

 The cognitive dissonance hypothesis claims that people have desires based on
differences in their beliefs and behaviours. The inequalities are disturbing to the
people, according to this hypothesis. Since dissonance motivates people to change
their attitudes, the hypothesis can be seen as inspirational. In George's situation, the
maggots horrified him at first sight, and he immediately told Paul about the problem
with the filters. George claims that just thinking about removing the filters caused
knots in his stomach and a disgusted expression on his face. Disparities in actions and
expectations are causing this distress. George's response, both emotional and physical,
as well as his disgust, suggests that he does not have the mindset of anyone who
would consider disabling the filters. In this situation, cognitive dissonance means that
George would be motivated to act in accordance with his attitudes, as well as to
conduct in a way that is compliant with his convictions. According to this philosophy, I
believe George would act ethically and refuse to remove the filters, instead reporting
the maggot problem to the firm's administration.
 The hypotheses involving a person's personality are another big explanation why he
could behave ethically. A lot of testing has been done to see how personality can
predict actions and work success. These expressions are used to characterize a
person's personality characteristics. Personality is a unique collection of thinking,
behavioural, and emotional behaviours that determine how individuals react to others
and circumstances. There are five major factors used to describe personality. These
five factors are Extraversion, Agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability,
and openness to experience.
 Because of some of George's preferences and habits, it is likely that he has an extravert
personality sort. George's colleagues and employers think of him as sociable because
of his ability to adapt to diverse work environments. He is often known as sociable due
to his propensity to visit the drive-in diner, which acts as a local hangout for teenagers.
His decision to join the union at the Eastern dairy demonstrates his desire to belong.
With his assertiveness and talkativeness, George is also able to get along with his
colleagues. George's desires to make marital plans at the end of his sophomore year
while still going to school can be attributed to these skills. He has an optimistic vision
and several targets. This extraversion personality disorder is related to sales and
management roles. Individuals with management ability exhibit traits that suggest
George would behave ethically in this situation. An extrovert personality will act in this
position in a way that is appropriate for his personality style. It may be argued that
George must behave ethically when it comes to eliminating the Eastern Dairy filters.
 The other reason why he may act ethically is because of the McGregor’s XY Theory.
Douglas McGregor has been famous due to his inspirational models of approaching
human nature. The first theory states that the employees dislike and avoids work and
thus they will find themselves in an environment difficult to control. The second theory
states that the organizational activities are the origin of personal satisfaction.
Managers are encouraged to view employees in a positive, but in contrasting some
attributes given to the theory X and later to theory Y and which characteristics that
encompass George. I can argue that George loves his work because of his interests and
membership in various organizations, both of which are aimed at helping him better
himself. He is still on the lookout for prospects for progression, and he is practicing
self-direction by dating Cathy and enrolling in college. As a result, if George enjoys his
work as a means of personal gratification, he will take precautions to avoid toxins from
contaminating the firm's mix. As a result, one would expect him to act ethically and
therefore avoid using the filters.

A2. If you were George what would you do? What would be the likely

Ans: - I believe that George pulled the filters and went on producing for that night. With
the evidence that support George’s job dissatisfaction through his learned environment,
Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs and Herzberg’s two factor theory he will continue to produce.
He has a nice pay, and the social environment is also enforcing production. Nonetheless, I
believe he will go on with his pursuit to inform the upper management on the quality
control efforts that the night staff enacts. George wants to bridge the gap between his
behaviours and attitudes in the Cognitive Dissonance Theory. With his disgust of the process
and his positive attitude will in the long last lead to a decision to inform the management
about quality control efforts at Eastern Dairy.

George should encourage the managers to develop a quality control and quality
management systems. This would ensure that the stuff behaviour, administration, and
quality of products are all in control. George should also encourage the company to design a
monitoring situation. He can advise the company to set a superintendent at night who will
monitor stuff as well as quality production. I would suggest that Eastern Dairy create a code
of ethics so that the employees know the specific types of behaviours that are expected in
honouring these values. George should also advise the management to establish an ethical
concept as well as corporate social responsibility to the stuff. George should also encourage
the managers to try and improve the culture of the organization. Eastern dairy should also
create a code of ethics to govern the employees on their expected behaviours and how they
should resource to assist them in making ethical decisions.

George should have begun by helping the other workers to see the potential damage that
the 500 pounds of the contaminated milkshake would cause the company. He should show
them the reactions of the customers once they found out that the company does not care.
He should then advise the workers to help clean the filters and use them in production for
the night. Later George should have convinced the employees to forward the issue of the
maggots and the faulty filters to the managers to help the management team to make
necessary adjustments. He should also have convinced the management on the long-term
effects of producing contaminated gallons of the milkshake mix.

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