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Energy and Buildings, 15 - 16 (1990/91) 315 - 324 315

Modelling Air Flow Regimes in Urban Canyons


School of Mathematics, Physics, Computing and Electronics, Macquarie University, Sydney, N S W 2109 (Australia)

ABSTRACT that it is important to understand the nature

of the air flow regimes within urban canyons.
The geometry of urban canyons is an im- Recent work has established that air flow
portant determinant of near-surface air flow regimes vary with urban canyon geometry.
patterns in cities. Characteristic canyon geom- Consistent patterns have been found by field
etries, expressed in terms of height-to-width observation [1, 3] and in wind tunnel studies
( H / W ) and length-to-height (L/H) ratios, are [4]. When the above-roof wind direction is
known to produce three principal air flow perpendicular to the canyon, air flow within
regimes: 'isolated roughness', 'wake interfer- the canyon exhibits one of three regimes, 'iso-
ence' and 'skimming flow'. However, there lated roughness', 'wake interference' or 'skim-
remain uncertainties about the relationship be- ming' flow (following the nomenclature of
tween canyon geometry and transition from one Oke [6]).
flow regime to another. The mechanisms by which each of the flow
This paper illustrates the potential for math- regimes occurs may be summarized as follows.
ematical modelling to resolve some of the cur- When the H / W ratio of a canyon is less t h a n
rent uncertainties. We use a numerical model 0.3, i.e., the buildings are well spaced, they act
which solves the Reynolds momentum equa- essentially as individual buildings (or 'iso-
tions to simulate the major canyon air flow lated roughness elements') since the air trav-
regimes and to illustrate the relationship be- els a sufficient distance downwind of the first
tween canyon geometry and transition from one building before encountering the next obsta-
flow regime to another. cle (Fig. l(a)).
As buildings become more closely spaced
and H / W ratios increase, the disturbed air
INTRODUCTION flow has insufficient distance to readjust be-
fore encountering the next obstacle. The re-
The climate of the urban canopy layer is sult is 'wake interference' flow (Fig. l(b)).
primarily controlled by the micrometeorologi- With reduced building spacing, the
cal effects of canyon geometry and composi- mesoscale flow skims over the top of the
tion rather than the mesoscale forces canyon (Fig. l(c)). In this case, mesoscale flow
controlling the climate of the urban boundary is almost decoupled from the within-canyon
layer [1]. A significant component of the city flow (hence the term 'skimming' flow), but
canyon climate, in the sense that air flow provides a weak tangential force which drives
often directly affects the well-being of city a lee vortex cell within the canyon. The vor-
inhabitants, is its characteristic wind pattern. tex can be explained in terms of pressure
For example, air pollution within urban difference [7]. Air flow encountering a canyon
canyons is of concern to human health, and a is obstructed so that the resulting mass con-
number of studies have sought to identify opti- vergence creates an area of increased pressure
mum urban canyon H / W ratios for efficient above the upwind building. Subsequent diver-
dispersion of pollutants [2, 3]. Engineers and gence in the lee of the building creates an
town planners are also interested in air flow area of relatively low pressure within the
so that problems of channelling and turbu- canyon so t h a t flow tends toward the area of
lence at the base of buildings can be elimi- lower pressure from the high-pressure area
nated, or at least reduced to acceptable levels above the building.
[4, 5]. What has emerged from such studies is As air descends, it is deflected downwards

0378-7788/91/$3.50 © Elsevier Sequoia/Printed in The Netherlands



0.25 Isolated toughness flow

(a) . . . . . . 0.33

0 5O

4 Cube - - Ca~vo~
I I i i I 1 I
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

(b) (c)
Fig. 1. Flow regimes associated with different canyon Fig. 2. Thresholds for flow regimes in urban canyons as
H/W ratios (after Oke [6]). (a) Isolated roughness flow; functions of urban canyon H/W and L/H ratios (after Oke
(b) wake interference flow; (c) skimming flow. [7]).

by the windward face of the downwind build- regarding the critical thresholds of canyon
ing. There remains an area of low pressure in geometry (H/W and L/H) t hat mark the shift
the lee of the upwind building, resulting in flow from one flow regime to anot her remains lim-
across the canyon floor in the opposite direc- ited. Much of our c u r r e n t understanding is
tion to the above-canyon flow. On reaching the derived from wind tunnel studies which have
face of the building, air flow is deflected up the concent rat ed upon architectural applications:
building wall, conservation of mass requiring the emphasis has been on investigating the
an upward vertical flow to compensate for the behaviour of air flow around individual build-
downward flow. Stronger mesoscale flow ings. The urban climatologist, however, focuses
across the top of the canyon gives horizontal upon city-wide problems, in which case the
velocity to the (now weak) vertical flow. urban canyon may be a more useful city unit for
A similar explanation for the occurrence of investigation.
skimming flow is given by Nicholson [8]. The In this case, the length of buildings may be
approach is based on the theory of conserva- a more significant determinant of air flow
tion of mass and is used as the basis of the regime than their height or width. The relation-
Scalar Budget-Box Diffusion Model developed ships between the three principal air flow
by Nicholson. As air flows over the building, regimes and canyon H/W and L/H ratios have
its velocity at roof level is zero. Decreased been summarized in a nomogram by Oke [7]
surface stress over the canyon cavity results in (Fig. 2), but the wind tunnel observations from
acceleration of the layers of air near the roof which the nomogram is compiled did not extend
level. The acceleration of upper layers draws to L/H ratios greater t han about four: our
air from within the canyon upwards. Because current knowledge of flow patterns in long
the flow accelerates between the upwind build- urban canyons is thus uncert ai n for the want
ing and the centre of the canyon at roof level, of data.
horizontal mass t r a ns por t in the layer between In the absence of appropriate field and wind
roof level and the height at which the build- tunnel observations, we will use a numerical
ings have no effect is greater than that above model of air flow in urban canyons for a wide
the centre of the canyon. Continuity of mass range of canyon geometries in an attempt to
necessitates a positive vertical motion (i.e., answer the following questions:
mass tr an s p o r t out of the canyon) over the lee (i) What are the threshold H~Wratios which
half of the canyon. Thus a compensating down- distinguish isolated roughness, wake interfer-
ward flow occurs over the downwind half of the ence and skimming flow in urban canyons?
canyon. (ii) How do different L/H ratios modify
characteristic threshold H~ W ratios?


While the mechanisms described above are Solution of the problem described above
reasonably well understood, the information requires a turbulence model in which the

Navier-Stokes equations are solved by a set threshold Reynolds number is exceeded. The
of differential equations to represent air flow restriction is not relevant in practical terms,
in three dimensions. We have used a k-~ since the threshold velocity for the formation
model (see ref. 9 for a review of approaches to of the vortex is greater than 2 m s -1 [3].
solution of the momentum equations) as im-
plemented by Paterson [10]. Numerical solution
In order to solve the set of partial differen-
The model tial equations shown above (eqns. (1)-(4)), it
The k-~ model involves the solution of the is necessary to obtain a substitute set of equa-
following set of six partial differential equa- tions for solution by standard numerical tech-
tions: niques. Paterson's implementation employs
finite differencing using the control volume
three momentum equations
method with hybrid upwinding. The resultant
linear equations are then solved by the alter-
Vj ~vi~xj=~[vt ~x~ j~gi] ~xiOP i = 1, 2, 3 (1) nating direct implicit (ADI) method. An itera-
tive method is suitable when the solution
the continuity equation
cannot be estimated with any accuracy, but a
good initial guess, such as the logarithmic
~U~ = 0 (2)
axj wind profile or power law profile, is available.
the equation for transportation of turbulent
Model parameters
kinetic energy
It is necessary to initialize the model with
canyon dimensions, vertical wind profiles at
tL~xj -~x~i~-~x-~
(3) grid boundaries, and roughness characteris-
tics of building and ground surfaces. For the
and the equation for dissipation of turbulent present purposes, building heights and widths
kinetic energy are assumed to be 20 m so that variations in
H/W and L/H ratios for different model runs
+clerk + are obtained by changing canyons widths and
~2 lengths. Upwind profiles were chosen to ap-
-c2 ~- (4) proximate flow in medium-density suburban
areas [6] by using the logarithmic wind profile
where (suitable for neutral conditions) with a rough-
ness length of 0.7 m. Building surfaces were
U i, i = 1,2,3, is a fluid velocity assumed to be smooth, with a roughness
P ( = ( P / p ) + (2k/3)) is augmented pressure length of 0.004m, and the ground was as-
k ( = [u~[/2) is turbulent kinetic energy sumed to have a roughness length of 0.1 m.
( = v(aui/~xj)(~ui/~xj)) Wind speed was specified as 5 m s - ' at a
vt ( = c, k2/e) is turbulent viscosity height of 20m at upwind and lateral
and boundaries, ensuring t h a t the minimum
c,, cl, c2, ak, a~ are constants [10]. threshold speed of 2 m s -1 for development of
The model is limited to neutral conditions canyon vortices observed by DePaul and
(unless other terms are added to the equa- Sheih [3] was comfortably exceeded.
tions) but, for the present purposes, the as-
sumption of neutral conditions is not a
significant problem. Nakamura and Oke [1] RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
observed t h a t although air within the urban
canyon is often unstable, conditions are near In an attempt to determine thresholds for a
neutral when vortex circulation is strongest shift from one flow regime to another, as in
(in the late afternoon). Oke's nomogram (Fig. 2), model runs were
Another limitation of the model is the need undertaken with four L/H ratios (1, 3, 5 and 7,
for large Reynolds numbers for convergence where 5 and 7 represent canyon arrangements
to a solution. For air flow around buildings for which wind tunnel data were unavailable)
with wind speeds greater t h a n 1 m s -1, the and an appropriate range of H/W for each of

the four L / H ratios. Table I summarizes the length of 20 m. Canyon widths are shown in
canyon geometries used, and the anticipated Table 1.
flow (after Oke [7]).
Identification of the three flow patterns is H~ W ratio of 1 (anticipated flow, skimming)
on the following basis. Skimming flow is char- The modelled flow pat t ern is shown in Fig.
acterized by a clear single vortex within the 3(a) and is characterized by a vortex circula-
canyon. Wake interference flow is character- tion typical of skimming flow. The centre of
ized by a reverse (with respect to upwind flow the vortex is at 0.8 H and 0.3 W. The maximum
direction) horizontal flow in the lower canyon wind speed within the canyon is 2 . 7 m s 1,
and forward flow along the top of the canyon. which occurs at the top of the canyon. Rela-
A small vortex may appear behind the upwind tively high wind speeds also occur with the
building but is not dominant. An area of low descending flow against the downwind build-
wind speed appears in the centre of the ing.
canyon. Isolated roughness flow is character-
istic of a flow around a single building. The H / W ratio of O.74 (anticipated flow, transi-
distinguishing features are a strong forward tion to wake interference)
horizontal flow and an increase in velocity Figure 3(b) still shows a strong vortex cir-
with height downwind of the lee vortex. The culation although the centre of the vortex has
results for each of the four canyon L / H classes now moved to 0.75 H and 0.37 W. The maxi-
are outlined below. mum wind speed within the canyon has in-
creased to 3 m s -1 across the top of the
Cubic canyon (L/H = 1) canyon, with relatively high wind speeds oc-
The geometry represented by a L / H ratio of curring down the face of the downwind build-
1 is a building height of 20m and a canyon ing.

Modelled urban canyon geometries and anticipated flow regimes

L/H ratios Width of H/W ratios Type of flow regime

canyon (m) anticipated (after Oke [7])

Cubic canyon
1 (20 m/20 m) 20 1.0 skimming flow
27 0.74 transition to wake interference
40 0.5 wake interference
50 0.4 transition to isolated roughness
60 0.33 isolated roughness
80 0.25 isolated roughness

Short canyon
3 (60 m/20 m) 20 1.0 skimming flow
40 0.5 wake interference
60 0.33 transition to isolated roughness
80 0.25 isolated roughness

Medium-length canyon
5 (100 m/20 m) 20 1.0 skimming flow
34 0.6 transition to isolated roughness
40 0.5 wake interference
60 0.33 wake interference
100 0.2 isolated roughness
140 0.14 isolated roughness

Long canyon
7 (140 m/20 m) 20 1.0 skimming
40 0.5 wake interference
74 0.27 transition to isolated roughness
100 0.2 isolated roughness
140 0.14 isolated roughness
... I

..- _..,,,

(a) .._*_._..

Fig. 3. Flow vectors for different H/W ratios in an urban canyon with a L/H ratio of I

H/W ratio of 0.5 (anticipated flow, wake deflecting it down the face of the building. The
interference) maximum wind speed is 4.4 m s-l across the top
The flow is shown in Fig. 3(c) and is similar of the canyon, which is close to the wind speed
to that shown in Fig. 3(b), but shows evidence of the upwind profile at this level (4.9 m s-l).
of wake interference. A weak vortex circula- Flow down the face of the downwind building
tion is present behind the upwind building, is weaker and a stronger flow sweeps down into
centred at 0.8 H and 0.2 W. Wind speeds are the canyon from above the roof of the upwind
relatively high towards the centre and top of building.
the canyon, the maximum being 3.7 m s-l.
HI W ratio of 0.25 (anticipated flow, isolated
H/W ratio of 0.4 (anticipated flow, transition roughness)
to isolated roughness) Figure 3(f) clearly shows a return to isolated
Figure 3(d) shows characteristic wake inter- roughness flow. There is evidence of the lee
ference flow. A small vortex exists in the lee of eddy circulation, but the flow has returned to
the upwind building and areas of relatively low a forward direction throughout the depth of
velocity and abrupt changes in direction occur the canyon by approximately 0.5 W. By 0.75 W,
within the canyon. By approximately 0.75 W the flow resembles a logarithmic profile, the
the horizontal component reverts to a logarith- profile used for the initial conditions. The
mic profile, although the horizontal flow is still downwind building affects only air flow in
in the reverse direction lower in the canyon. close proximity to it; air is deflected down the
The combination of some of the characteristics face of the building. There is evidence of a
of both wake interference and isolated rough- ‘bolster’ eddy [ 61 near the face of the downwind
ness flow indicated that this is a transitional building.
Short canyon (Z/H = 3)
HI W ratio of 0.33 (anticipated flow, isolated The geometry of this canyon arrangement is
roughness) a height of 20 m and a length of 60 m, for the
The isolated roughness flow shown in Fig. H/W ratios listed in Table 1.
3(e) is similar to that described by Oke [ 61 (Fig.
1). There is evidence of lee eddy circulation HI W ratio of 1 (anticipated flow, skimming)
and a return to the upwind velocity profile. Figure 4(a) shows skimming flow, although
After the flow has adjusted, the downwind the vortex pattern is different from that shown
building begins to have an effect on the flow by in Fig. 3(a). The vortex is now centred about

: : : : ~ ,}~: :
: : : . _ _ _

: : : : : :1, : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : .- .~: :~, ', :

(a) /~l, . . . . . . l. . . . . . . . . ?- :: ~,: I-

----l: . . . . . . . . . . . z - -



Fig. 4. As for Fig. 3 but with L/H= 3.

0.8H a n d 0.95 W. T h e c i r c u l a t i o n is w e a k , with the e l o n g a t e d v o r t e x c i r c u l a t i o n at approxi-

little d o w n w a r d flow w i t h i n t h e c a n y o n . m a t e l y 0.75 H.
S t r o n g l a t e r a l flow s h o w n in Fig. 4a(i) e x p l a i n s
the u p w a r d m o v e m e n t . M a x i m u m wind speeds H / W ratio of 0.25 (anticipated flow, isolated
a t the top of the c a n y o n are u p w a r d o u t of t h e roughness)
c a n y o n a n d r e l a t i v e l y weak: 1.2 m s -~ as com- T h e p a t t e r n p r o d u c e d is c h a r a c t e r i s t i c of
p a r e d to u p w i n d wind speed of 5 m s -~ at a w a k e i n t e r f e r e n c e flow (Fig. 4(d)), a l t h o u g h in
h e i g h t of 20 m. T h e m a x i m u m l a t e r a l wind the u p p e r a r e a of the c a n y o n n e a r the down-
speed b e h i n d the b u i l d i n g s o c c u r s n e a r the wind b u i l d i n g t h e r e is e v i d e n c e of a n adjust-
c e n t r e of the b u i l d i n g a n d is 0.9 m s -1. m e n t to i s o l a t e d r o u g h n e s s flow, w i t h f o r w a r d
h o r i z o n t a l flow d o w n to a h e i g h t of 13 m.
H / W ratio of 0.5 (anticipated flow, wake
Medium length canyon ( L / H = 5)
T h e flow s h o w n in Fig. 4(b) is r e v e r s e a n d
T h e c a n y o n g e o m e t r y for a L / H r a t i o of 5 is
u p w a r d o u t of t h e c a n y o n . A c r o s s the top of
a h e i g h t of 20 m a n d a l e n g t h of 100 m.
the c a n y o n the flow r e t u r n s to the u p w i n d
direction. T h e c h a n g e of d i r e c t i o n a n d de-
c r e a s e in v e l o c i t y is c o n s i s t e n t w i t h the w a k e H~ W ratio of 1 (anticipated flow, skimming)
i n t e r f e r e n c e p a t t e r n . T h e m a x i m u m wind F i g u r e 5(a) shows a n air flow p a t t e r n con-
speed w i t h i n the c a n y o n is 2.1 m s 1, n e a r the s i s t e n t w i t h s k i m m i n g flow. A v o r t e x circula-
centre. t i o n is e v i d e n t a n d c e n t r e d a b o u t 0 . 5 H ,
0.75 W. T h e m a x i m u m wind speed w i t h i n the
H / W ratio of 0.33 (anticipated flow, transi- c a n y o n is 2.3 m s -~ n e a r r o o f level a n d o v e r
tion to isolated roughness) the v o r t e x centre.
T h e p a t t e r n s h o w n in Fig. 4(c) is r e p r e s e n -
t a t i v e of w a k e i n t e r f e r e n c e flow. T h e flow H / W ratio of 0.6 (antipicated flow, transition
c o m p o n e n t at the top of the c a n y o n is no to wake interference)
l o n g e r u p w a r d o v e r the w i d t h of the c a n y o n F i g u r e 5(b) shows a small v o r t e x c e n t r e d at
b u t b e c o m e s h o r i z o n t a l , w i t h a m a x i m u m wind 0 . 7 H a n d 0.9 W. T h e u p w i n d h a l f of the
s p e e d of 2 . 4 m s -1 n e a r t h e c e n t r e of the c a n y o n is b e g i n n i n g to show c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of
c a n y o n . An a r e a of low w i n d speeds s u r r o u n d s w a k e i n t e r f e r e n c e flow w i t h a r e v e r s e horizon-

- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




(0) - ~ ~- <-- <--- <---<---<-- <-- <--- .-- 4-- ~ ~ . . . . . j

,, : . . . . . . . . ~ ~ -.> --> --> --> --->--> --> --->--->-->--->

(?) " - ~--<--<--<---<'--<---<--- <-- <-- *- ~ ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I

F i g . 5. A s f o r F i g . 3 b u t w i t h L / H = 5.

t a l flow i n d i c a t i n g a c h a n g e of flow regimes. H/W ratio of 0.2 (anticipated flow, isolated

T h e m a x i m u m w i n d s p e e d of 2.3 m s -1 is n e a r roughness)
t h e t o p of t h e c a n y o n . A l t h o u g h Fig. 5(e) is still c h a r a c t e r i s t i c of
w a k e i n t e r f e r e n c e flow, t h e r e is e v i d e n c e of a
H/W ratio of 0.5 (anticipated flow, wake inter- c h a n g e to i s o l a t e d r o u g h n e s s flow w i t h the
ference) i n c r e a s e d d e p t h of f o r w a r d h o r i z o n t a l flow in
T h e p a t t e r n s h o w n in Fig. 5(c) does n o t the d o w n w i n d h a l f of the c a n y o n .
c o n f o r m to w a k e i n t e r f e r e n c e flow as is ex-
pected. Since t h e r e is no e v i d e n c e of a v o r t e x
or a c h a n g e to f o r w a r d h o r i z o n t a l flow, it is H/W ratio of 0.14 (anticipated flow, isolated
n e i t h e r s k i m m i n g n o r i s o l a t e d r o u g h n e s s flow. roughness)
T h e i r r e g u l a r n a t u r e of w e a k i n t e r f e r e n c e flow I n v e s t i g a t i o n of a r e t u r n to a l o g a r i t h m i c
m a k e s a n a c c u r a t e definition difficult, b u t the profile d o w n w i n d of the s e c o n d b u i l d i n g sug-
v a r i a t i o n in d i r e c t i o n of this flow m a y well gests t h a t a r e t u r n to a f o r w a r d h o r i z o n t a l
indicate a further transitional stage towards flow does n o t o c c u r for a p p r o x i m a t e l y 5 H
w a k e i n t e r f e r e n c e flow. d o w n w i n d . F i g u r e 5(f) s h o w s t h a t t h e down-
w i n d b u i l d i n g influences the flow for approxi-
H/W ratio of 0.33 (anticipated flow, wake m a t e l y 20 m into the c a n y o n : t h u s a c a n y o n
interference) w o u l d n e e d to be o v e r 120 m wide (i.e., h a v e a
F i g u r e 5(d) s h o w s w a k e i n t e r f e r e n c e flow. H/W r a t i o less t h a n 0.17) in o r d e r to r e e s t a b -
F l o w w i t h i n t h e c a n y o n h a s a n u p w a r d verti- lish a l o g a r i t h m i c v e l o c i t y profile. In t h e
cal c o m p o n e n t , due to the s t r o n g l a t e r a l flow p r e s e n t case, t h e r e t u r n to a l o g a r i t h m i c
(Fig. 5(d)i), w i t h a m a x i m u m v e l o c i t y of profile is evident, a l t h o u g h r e v e r s e flow still
1.2 m s -1, T h e m a x i m u m h o r i z o n t a l v e l o c i t y is o c c u r s a l o n g t h e c a n y o n floor. T h e m a x i m u m
2 m s -x a c r o s s t h e top of t h e c a n y o n a n d in t h e w i n d s p e e d is 3 m s -1 a l o n g the top of the
middle of t h e c a n y o n a t a h e i g h t of approxi- c a n y o n , a r e d u c t i o n of 39% of t h e initial w i n d
m a t e l y 5 m. s p e e d a t 19 m.

) t

(a) (a)i- I --:* --> ~

- - ) ) ) . . . . . . . . . - -

- - F ~* -->-->--~--->--~--~--->--->--->--->--->--->-->--~--->~F--

: "..~ ~ 2 2- 2 2 2
. . . . . . , - ~ -
:_ : : : : : .
~- . . . . . . . .
: : :
. J

Fig. 6. As for Fig. 3 but with L/H = 7.

Long canyon ( L / H = 7) H~ W ratio of 0.27 (anticipated flow, transi-

The g e o m e t r y r e p r e s e n t e d by a L / H r a t i o of tion to isolated roughness)
7 is a building h e i g h t of 20 m and a l e n g t h of F i g u r e 6(c) shows t h a t the flow is now
140 m. C a n y o n widths are given in Table 1. typical of w a k e interference. S t r o n g flows are
e v i d e n t across the top and along the lower
H~ W ratio of 1 (anticipated flow, skimming) p a r t of the canyon. The m a x i m u m wind speed
F i g u r e 6(a) shows a v o r t e x c i r c u l a t i o n is 2.9 m s -1.
c h a r a c t e r i s t i c of skimming flow. The c e n t r e of
the v o r t e x is 0 . 5 H and 0.6 W. A m a x i m u m H / W ratio of 0.2 (anticipated flow, isolated
wind speed of 2.6 m s -1 o c c u r s across the top roughness)
of the c a n y o n with r e l a t i v e l y high wind speeds F i g u r e 6(d) shows t h a t the flow is still typi-
down the face of the d o w n w i n d building. cal of w a k e interference, a l t h o u g h t h e r e is
F i g u r e 6(a)i shows the lateral flow a r o u n d the some evidence of a t r a n s i t i o n to isolated
building, but with a c a n y o n of this length, r o u g h n e s s flow. The maximum wind speed
the lateral c o m p o n e n t in the c e n t r e of the w i t h i n the c a n y o n has i n c r e a s e d to 3.1 m s -1
building is effectively zero. across the top of the canyon.

H / W ratio of 0.5 (anticipated flow, wake H / W ratio of 0.14 (anticipated flow, isolated
interference) roughness)
F i g u r e 6(b) shows a v o r t e x c e n t r e d at 0.45 H F i g u r e 6(e) shows isolated r o u g h n e s s flow
and 0.75 W. In the lee c o r n e r of the c a n y o n the with a r e t u r n to a f o r w a r d h o r i z o n t a l flow at
flow has c h a n g e d d i r e c t i o n and m a y i n d i c a t e a a p p r o x i m a t e l y 0.84 W. Again, the flow along
t r a n s i t i o n to w a k e i n t e r f e r e n c e flow. Maxi- the floor of the c a n y o n is still reverse. The
mum wind speeds o c c u r across the top of the m a x i m u m wind speed across the top of the
c a n y o n and r e l a t i v e l y high wind speeds o c c u r c a n y o n is 3.3 m s -1 and an a r e a of r e l a t i v e l y
down the face of the d o w n w i n d building. high wind speed exists in the lee eddy.

The results of the threshold value for the
change from skimming to wake interference
- - Oke ( 1 9 8 8 ) flow using the k-~ model verify the results
-o ..... o k--C model
0.25 presented by Oke [7]. The results from the
model also confirm the observation of Hussain
~ 0.33 and Lee [4] t h a t the length of the building has
little effect on this threshold value.
~ 0.50 For the change from wake interference to
W isolated roughness flow, the difference be-
z 1
tween the results of Oke [7] and those from
i I i l I i l the k-~ model is most pronounced. The meth-
(a) ods agree for cubic geometry only. Threshold
values calculated by the k - s model are signifi-
cantly greater, as shown in Fig. 7(b). The
threshold value appears to change slightly at
0.20 a H/W ratio of 0.19 for L/H ratios greater
than 5, whereas Oke suggests a H/W ratio of
0,25 /// 0.32.

0.33 /

I;: 0.50

1 The results of the modelling exercises de-
2 scribed present some interesting preliminary
4 I i i I I I I findings regarding the relationship between
o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
canyon geometry and prevailing air flow
LENGTH TO HEIGHT RATIO regime. In the range of canyon L/H ratios
(b) where observations are available, the k-~
Fig. 7. Threshold H / W values for t r a n s i t i o n from (a) model produces similar H/W thresholds for
s k i m m i n g to wake interferences a n d (b) wake interference changes in flow regime. For greater L/H ra-
to isolated r o u g h n e s s flow in u r b a n canyons. tios where there is a lack of data, the model
suggests that thresholds occur at smaller H~W
ratios than those estimated by Oke [7].
Summary It should be stressed that the findings are
Threshold values for the change of flow tentative and require validation by field obser-
regimes have been evaluated in detail above vation. Nevertheless, it is clear that the k-~
and are shown in summary form in Fig. 7 along model is capable of simulating the kind of flow
with the threshold values presented by Oke [7]. regimes which have been observed in both
Threshold values estimated from the k - e field and wind tunnel studies. Furthermore,
model of turbulence are similar to those of Oke and subject to verification, the model offers
[7], which are based on those of Hussain and the sort of flexibility than enables flow pat-
Lee [4] for skimming to wake interference flow terns in urban canyons to be investigated in a
(Fig. 7(a)), but differ somewhat for wake inter- way that has hitherto been beyond the scope
ference to isolated roughness flow (Fig. 7(b)). of field measurement programmes.
For a cubic geometry, and a threshold value
for the transition from skimming to wake inter-
ference flow, Oke suggests a H/W ratio of 0.71 REFERENCES
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