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Llogaritja e themeleve te tipit pilota nen vibrime vertikale

Example 2.5.1
Find the vertical, horizontal and rocking stiffness of the pile group based on
Novak’s formulation as shown in Fig. 2.5.8 and with the following soil
Length of the pile = 45.0 m; Diameter of the pile = 950 mm; Grade of concrete
M20 having a dynamic modulus as 300 × 106 kN/m2 . Consider Poisson’s ratio
of soil = 0.4.

Since each of the layers has different velocity and thickness we take a weighted
average of the shear wave velocity of the three soil layers as follows

60 × 10 + 110 × 20 + 215 × 15
vs = = 134 m/sec


10 m vs = 60 m/sec Layer#1
= 18 kN/m3

vs = 110 m/sec Layer#2

20 m = 20 kN/m3

vs = 215 m/sec Layer#3

30 m = 22 kN/m3

2000 2000

Geotechnical profile of soil in which the piles are located

3000 3000

3 6 9


2 5 8


1 4 7

Arrangement of the pile group in Plan

Figure 2.5.8 Machine foundation supported on piles.

18 × 10 + 20 × 20 + 22 × 15
Average weight density of soil is = γ s = =
20.22 kN/m3
Thus dynamic shear modulus of the soil is taken as
Gavg = × (134)2 = 37010 kN/m2 ; g, acceleration due to gravity is
taken as 9.81 m/sec2 .  
L×B 7×5
Equivalent Radius of pile cap = = = 3.33 m
π π
Vertical stiffness of piles
π × (0.95)2
Cross-sectional area of each pile = = 0.7088 m2
Dynamic modulus of concrete = 300 × 106 kN/m2
Density of concrete (γc ) = 25/kN/m3

Ep × g 300 × 106 × 9.81
vc = = = 10849 m/sec;
γp 25

vs 134
= = 1.235 × 10−2 ≈ 0.01
vc 10849
L 45
= = 94.7 > 25.
r0 0.475

For L/r0 = 95 and vs /vc = 0.01 we have from Novak’s Chart

→ f18,1 = 0.011 and f18,2 = 0.005.

Thus for each pile we have,

Ep A 300 × 106 × 0.7088

→ Kzi = f18,1 = × 0.011
r0 0.475

= 4.924 × 106 kN/m

Ep A 300 × 106 × 0.7088

and Czi = f18,2 → × 0.005
vs 134

= 7934 kN-sec/m.

Calculation of group interaction factor for, λ(L/r0 ) = 95

Thus, for group effect

9 × 4.924 × 106
Kzg = = 11480829 kN/m;

9 × 7934
Czg = = 18498 kN-sec/m.
Calculation of group interaction factor (vertical)

Pile No. Spacing (S) L/S α Remarks

1 0.0 0.0 1.0 Pile # 1 is the reference

2 2.0 22.5 0.474
3 4.0 11.25 0.368 α obtained vide
4 3.0 15.0 0.413 Eqn (7.5.6a)
5 3.6 12.5 0.384
6 5.0 9.0 0.334 0.5 ln(lp /s)
αA = for s ≤ lp
7 6.0 7.5 0.307 ln(lp dρA )
8 6.32 7.12 0.299
9 7.21 6.24 0.278
Total sum 3.86

Effect of the pile cap on overall pile stiffness

Here the effect of layer#1 will be more dominant on the pile cap as such for
finding out the stiffness properties in context of the pile cap, we have

Gs = × (60)2 = 6605 kN/m2

For embedded depth, h = 1.4 m and S1 = 2.7, we have,

f f
Kz = Gs h̄S1 → Kz = 6605 × 1.4 × 2.7 = 24969 kN/m.

f  6605 × 18
Cz = h̄r0 Gs γs /gS2 = 1.4 × 3.33 × 6.7 = 3438.6 kN/m.

Thus, total vertical stiffness = 11480829 + 24969 = 11505798 kN/m

Total damping for the pile and pile cap = 18498 + 3439 = 21937 kN-sec/m.

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