Chaptere 15 Summary

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To: Nancy Myers

From: William Conklin

Date: April 27, 2021
Subject: APLED 121-Chapter 15 Summary



Why Write Instructions? -we write instructions because our audience may not know how to perform a
specific task or operate equipment, systems or tools.

Criteria for Writing Instructions

• Audience Recognition-You need to recognize if your audience is high-tech or low-tech and lay
readers. Don’t assume they have a certain level of understanding. Give updated technical
specifications for high-tech readers and simple and precise information for low-tech and lay
• Ethical Instructions-Identifying potential for harm and clearly stated hazards and warnings can
protect your customer from injury or damage to equipment. Providing up to date customer
support will ensure your customers are able to receive current information on your product.
• Components of Instructions-Instructions should contain some or all the following: Title page,
Safety Requirements, Table of Contents, Introduction, Glossary, Required Tools for Equipment,
Instructional Steps, Additional Components and Graphics.
• Title Page-A title page should contain the topic you are writing about, the purpose of the
instructions and a graphic to help your audience see what the product will look like.
• Safety Requirements-You can preface your instructions with safety requirements to let the
reader know about possible dangers, hazards, cautions or notes prior to performing tasks. Make
hazard notations obvious and ensure that they are clearly defined. The use of different colors,
text alerts and icons can also help the reader understand the importance of the warning.
• Table of Contents-This will provide your reader access to information other than the steps that
need to be taken. This could include, troubleshooting tips, guarantees, technical specification
and warranties.
• Introduction-By drafting an introduction that is reader-friendly and involves the audience you
can promote good customer-company relationships. Use personal pronouns and positive
language to achieve that goal.
• Glossary-Define acronyms, abbreviations, and technical terms in a glossary to help your reader
understand your instructions. Your reader may not know that “S.C.U.B.A.” stands for Self-
Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus or that “DCV” is short for Directional Control Valve.
• Required Tools for Equipment-Provide a list or graphic of tools needed to perform a procedure.
This will help the reader be prepared for your instructions.
• Instructional Steps-These are the actions that your audience will take to complete a task.

✓ Organize the Steps Chronologically-You do not want to write your instructions out of
order. Putting step 6 before step 2 will confuse and your audience.
✓ Number Your Steps-Use numbers because they are infinitely available. Bullets will
make it hard for your reader to keep their place.
✓ Use Highlighting Techniques-To highlight special concerns use boldface, different font
styles and sizes, color, italics, text boxes or emphatic warning words.
✓ Limit the Information within Each Step-Separate the steps into short clear sentences.
✓ Develop Your Points Thoroughly-Avoid being vague with your descriptions.
✓ Use Short Words, Short Sentences, and Short Paragraphs-To help make the task
quicker and easier do not challenge your reader with long descriptions.
✓ Begin Your Steps with Verbs-For example use verbs like number, begin, use and
✓ Do Not Omit Articles-To make your text more fluid be sure to use articles such as a, an
and the.

• Additional Components:
o Technical Descriptions-This could be a schematic depicting a product or an
explanation of a products parts.
o Warranties-These not only protect the customer if a product malfunctions but
protects the manufacturer if the malfunction occurs after a designated period.
o Accessories-These are products that are not mandatory for the products
operation. This equipment may be offered in a list in the user manual for
purchase in addition to the product.
o Frequently Asked Questions-Adding a FAQ’s page can answer customer
questions and save your company time and money.
o Corporate Contact Information-This can include the company’s street address,
web site URL, social media sites and email address.

• Graphics-These can be helpful in conveying information that your reader might find difficult to
understand or you have trouble clearly explaining. They can use drawings, photographs, and
screen captures that are clear, large, simple and accurately labeled.

Collaboration to Create User Manuals-Complex and lengthy user manuals may require the input of a
team of collaborators. This can include writers, clients, analysts and developers.

Instructional Videos-These can be made available on a variety of program platform and communication
channels. Visual learners will find this format helpful and people on the go can access the information
digitally from their phones.

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)-A business or industry’s set of written instructions for technical or
administrative activities or routines.
• Reasons for Writing an SOP? -Ensuring quality, integrity and accuracy are a few reasons for
SOP’s. They are used to analyze data, troubleshoot equipment, collect lab samples and calibrate
• Components of SOPs:
▪ Title Page-This should include the topic, date and purpose of the SOP. A list of people
that need to sign off on the SOP can also be included.
▪ Scope and Applicability-This will explain who the SOP is intended for. Explain why the
SOP was written and how it meets regulatory requirements.
▪ Summary of Method-A short paragraph focusing on the procedure. This can include a
sequence of activities performed, the title of people involved or their roles and duties.
▪ Interference-Anything that can interfere with the process including contamination,
humidity, temperature, altitude and depth.
▪ Personnel Qualifications/Responsibilities-A list of the qualifications and experience
required for performing the SOP.
▪ Equipment and Supplies-A list of necessary items for the completion of the SOP.
✓ Tools
✓ Equipment
✓ Standards for the chemicals
▪ Data and Records Management-this section will include forms for the reports,
calculations to be performed, report receipts and more.
▪ Quality Control and Quality Assurance- Perform activities to ensure consistency and
quality are being checked. You will verify and report these results.
▪ Reference-Cite any literature, documents, or procedures that you referred to in you

Test for usability-You can use a checklist to gather quantifiable information about its useability.
Another way to check if your SOP is useable is to test it as follows:
o Select a test audience
o Ask the audience to test the instructions
o Monitor the audience
o Time the team members
o Quantify the audience’s responses

Sample Instructions-Sample instructions on how to view your photos on a Smartphone. This includes
pictures and graphics.

The Writing Process at Work

• Prewriting-Brainstorming
• Writing-Write an initial draft
• Rewriting-Edit and make revisions

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