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Ashley Lopez

Professor Perkins

English 1302

13 April, 2021

Final Draft

While no one should have to go through an abortion that does not mean they should be

banned. Banning abortion does not guarantee their extiction, resulting in an increase of unsafe

abortion, women dying, more children living in unsafe conditions, an increase capacity in

orphanages, an increase in mothers killing their children, and it is unconstitutional.

Abortion exists because at some point in time a woman decided that she did not want to

birth the child she was bearing. On the other hand, a woman could also end her pregnancy if it

was a matter of her life or the baby. No matter the reason, ending a pregnancy is a very traumatic

experience. However, just because it is terrible does not mean it is not

necessary(Mishra-Newbery). If abortion is really as bad as people make it out to be then it would

have been gone a long time ago. Taking away the life of a fetus is horrible no matter how you

look at it but nobody could understand what led the mother to making that decision. Taking such

harsh actions to ensure no woman is ever to have an abortion again is just unresonable(Caroline

Hymel). For example, women will revert to old ways of abortions. Banning abortions or putting

heavy restrictions on them will solve little to nothing.

Banning abortion does not ensure no mother will ever have one again. If anything it just

means more women will have no choice but to revert to the original ways of abortion. For

example, many women used clothing hangers to induce abortions and other dangerous acts.

Making abortioins illegal will force women to seek unqualified people to induce abortions. Also,

making any and all abortions illegal will just put many innocent women in prison(Jessa Reid). A

human being should not be convicted solely because they do not want to birth a child. A woman

who was a devoted pro-lifer throughout most her life only later realised when she was in medical

school what these women had to go through(Lydia Holmes). She thought that if a woman was

pregnant with a child she should give birth to it no matter the reason for her pregnancy(Lydia

Holmes). It was not until she had to work at a clinic that dealt with matters like these when she

realised how terrible it had to be for them to come to the clinic. Many of the women who went

to the clinic had complications and had little to no choice but to end the pregnancy. Why would

she want innocent women to go to jail when it was not even their fault? She realised she had no

right to judge them for something that many of them did not even want.

Banning abortions would also lead to an increase of deaths in women because they will

seek and practice dangerous way to have an abortion rather than having a certified official help

them. Women will die because they did not want the child or were not able to care for it.

Sometimes, having an abortion is not really an option in terms of life or death and if they are

banned then two lives are lost instead of one. Banning abortions would lead to a decrease in

other reproductive health areas like birth control. Abortions are very dangerouse and if not done

correctly by a proffesional there could be deadly consequences. Bill Clinton once said “

abortions should be safe, legal, and rare”(Sarah Jones). Getting rid of abortions does not mean

every women that ends up pregnant will just up and kill their baby. All it means is if a woman

wants or needs an abortions would be able to get one. Banning abortions would not do a great

amount of good because regardless if a woman wants to end her pregnancy she will find a way.

Banning abortions will just result in double of the fatalities rather if the mother was able to get

one safely by a proffesional. Banning abortions are just not worth it if there will be an increase in

both the child and mother passing away due to illness or self induced abortion.

In addition, women who birth unwanted children will just ship them to an orphanage

instead of aborting them(Caroline Hymel). Doing this will leave kids with no family and feeling

like a disappointment then leading to depression. This will then lead to a higher suicide rate in

children. Now, this would not happen if the mother would have just had an abortion like she

wanted to. Society will have more troubled kids and more kids with no family with no guarantee

of finding them one. Kids will live with terrible mental health issues and no way to cope with

them because they are all alone. When more children are born with no families who want them

there will be an overflow in the orphanages. More kids with no place to go feeling unwanted and

unloved would be terrible. People want to ban abortions when they should be thinking of what

needs to change to help the already born children that are on the streets or in orphanages.

If abortions are banned there will be more instances of mothers killing their young. This

will happen because the mother was not able to get an abortion and will resent her young which

in cases result in her murdering them. The mother will decide to get rid of them now since she

could not get rid of them before. Although this situation is not highly likely it is not impossible

and the likelihood of it happening will increase. While it is terrible to think about it is not

impossible. This situation may not happen as often as others but it does happen. Banning

abortions would increase the risk of this happening. Even if there is the slightest chance of

increases the risk of this is not worth banning abortion altogether.

In addition, banning abortions is just unconstitutional because it restricts their freedom to

choose what they beleive is right for them(Mishra Newbery). Women should not be told by the

government what is “right” and “wrong” for their body. If the people let the government tell

them what they can and cannot choose for themselves then later on people won't be able to eat

and drink without checking with their government. While abortions are horrible they are

neccesary to our freedom to choose.

Abortions are terrible but that does not mean they do no good. Women have had

abortions for houndreds of years. Banning abortions would have serious consequences on

scociety and the people living in it. Making abortions illegal would result in more deaths of

women and children. Banning abortions is just not worth the risks of more lives that don’t need



Mishra-Newbery, Uma, and Jaime Todd-Gher. “Abortion Bans Strip People of Their Human

Rights. Here's Why We Must Stand In Solidarity Against Them.” Time, Time, 27 Sept. 2019,

Hymel, Caroline. Collin College Library, 2016,




Medoff, Marsheall. Collin College Library, 2002,




Matthew Scarfone Postdoctoral Fellow, John. “If You're pro-Life, You Might Already Be

pro-Choice.” The Conversation, 20 Dec. 2020,

Holm, Lydia. “My Journey from Condemning to Protecting Abortion Rights.” Des Moines

Register, Des Moines Register, 19 Sept. 2020,


Jones, Sarah. “Abortion Is Morally Good.” Intelligencer, Intelligencer, 17 May 2019,

@jr_bolling, Jessa Reid Bolling |. “Abortion-Rights Advocates: 'Abortion Is Part of Sexual

Health Care'.” The Crimson White, 13 Feb. 2020,

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