University of Zimbabwe: Power Electronics and Motion Control: Ee420

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Lecturer : Dr. T. Marisa

Tutorial : 3

Question 1

For the single-phase voltage controller of Figure 1, the source is 120 V rms at 60 Hz, and the load is a
series RL combination with R = 20 Ω and L = 50 mH. The delay angle α is 90°.


+ vsw −
+ R
vs vo


Figure 1: Semi controlled rectifier with an RL load.

i. an expression for load current for the first half-period, [5]
ii. the rms load current, [3]
iii. the rms SCR current, [2]
iv. the average SCR current, [2]
v. the power delivered to the load, and [2]
vi. the power factor. [2]
Total for Q.1: 16 marks

Question 2

For the full-wave bridge rectifier circuit of Fig. 2,

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+ io

vo Vdc
− –

Figure 2: A single-phase ac voltage controller with an RL load.

the ac source is 120 V rms at 60 Hz, R =2 Ω, L = 10 mH, and Vdc = 80 V. Determine the power absorbed
by the dc voltage source and the power absorbed by the load resistor.
Question 3

The bridge rectifier circuit of Fig. 3 has an ac source with Vm =100 V at 60 Hz and a series RL load
with R=10 Ω and L=10 mH.

is io

D1 D4 R
vs(t) = +
Vm sin ωt

D3 D2

Figure 3: A single-phase ac voltage controller with an RL load.

i. Determine the average current in the load. [2]

ii. Estimate the peak-to-peak variation in load current based on the first ac term in the Fourier series. [2]
iii. Determine the power absorbed by the load and the power factor of the circuit. [2]
iv. Determine the average and rms currents in the diodes. [2]
Total for Q.3: 8 marks

Question 4

A three-phase controlled rectifier has an input voltage which is 480 V rms at 60 Hz. The load is modeled
as a series resistance and inductance with R=10 Ω and L=50 mH.

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Vn /Vm
n = 12

n = 18

0 40 80 120 160 200
Delay Angle (degrees)

Figure 4: Normalized output voltage harmonics as a function of delay angle for a three-phase rectifier.

(a) Determine the delay angle required to produce an average current of 50 A in the load. [3]
(b) Determine the amplitude of harmonics n = 6 and n = 12. Use the normalized harmonics plot in [4]
Figure 4.
Total for Q.4: 7 marks

Question 5

The full-wave rectifier of Fig. 5 has a 120 V source at 60 Hz, R=500 Ω, and C=100uF.

iC iR
vs(t) = +
vm sin(ωt) C R vo

Figure 5: Full-bridge rectifier with capacitive load.

(a) Determine the peak-to-peak voltage variation of the output. [3]

(b) Determine the value of capacitance that would reduce the output voltage ripple to 1 percent of the [4]
dc value.
Total for Q.5: 7 marks

Question 6

A full-wave rectifier has a source of vs(t) = 100 sin(377t) V. An LC filter as in Fig. 6 is used, with L =
5 mH and C = 10,000 uF.

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+ +
iL iC iR
vs(t) = +
vm sin(ωt) − vx C R vo

– –

Figure 6: Full-bridge rectifier with LC filtered output.

The load resistance is

(a) 5 Ω and [2]
(b) 50 Ω. [2]
(c) Determine the output voltage for each case. [2]
Total for Q.6: 6 marks

Question 7

The full-wave controlled bridge rectifier of Fig. 7 has an ac input of 120 V rms at 60 Hz and a 20 Ω load

S1 S3
vs = +
Vm sin ωt vo

S4 S2 –

Figure 7: Controlled full-wave bridge rectifier.

The delay angle is 40°. Determine the average current in the load, the power absorbed by the load, and
the source voltamperes.
Question 8

A controlled full-wave bridge rectifier of Fig. 8 has a source of 120 V rms at 60 Hz, R=10 Ω, L=20 mH,
and α = 60°.
vs (ωt) = +
Vm sin(ωt) vo


Figure 8: Controlled full-wave bridge rectifier.


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(a) an expression for load current, [2]
(b) the average load current, and [2]
(c) the power absorbed by the load. [2]
Total for Q.8: 6 marks

Question 9

The controlled rectifier of Fig. 9 has an ac source of 240 V rms at 60 Hz, Vdc = 100 V, R=10 Ω, and an
inductor large enough to cause continuous current.

R L io

vs (ωt) = +
Vm sin(ωt) − vo Vdc

Figure 9: Controlled full-wave bridge rectifier.

(a) Determine the delay angle such that the power absorbed by the dc source is 1000 W. [3]
(b) Determine the value of inductance that will limit the peak-to-peak load current variation to 2 A. [3]
Total for Q.9: 6 marks

Question 10

The three-phase rectifier of Fig. 10 has a three-phase source of 480 V rms line-to-line, and the load is a
25 Ω resistance in series with a 50mH inductance. Determine

R L io

vs (ωt) = +
Vm sin(ωt) − vo Vdc

Figure 10: Controlled full-wave bridge rectifier.

(a) the dc level of the output voltage, [2]

(b) the dc and first ac term of the load current, [2]
(c) the average and rms current in the diodes, [2]
(d) the rms current in the source, and [2]
(e) the apparent power from the source. [2]
Total for Q.10: 10 marks

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Question 11

A three-phase controlled rectifier has an input voltage which is 480 V rms at 60 Hz. The load is modeled
as a series resistance and inductance with R = 10 Ω and L=50 mH.
(a) Determine the delay angle required to produce an average current of 50A in the load. [3]
(b) Determine the amplitude of harmonics n=6 and n=12. [3]
Total for Q.11: 6 marks

Question 12

(a) Draw the non ideal model of a power capacitor and explain the effect of the components. [5]
(b) A half-wave thyristor converter supplies a purely inductive load as shown in Figure 11. If the
triggering angle of the thyristor, α, is 120°,

Figure 11: Voltage commutated thyristor chopper circuit.

i. Find the extinction angle, β [3]

ii. Comment on the design of the circuit and suggest any changes you might make to protect the [3]
Total for Q.12: 11 marks

Question 13

You are working in a design team that designs high power rectifiers for electrolysis plants. Your team is
working on the phase-controlled rectifier shown in the Figure 12


is (t) T1
+ iG1 + α π 2π 2π+α
vs (t) iG2 vd (t) Id
− − iG2

2π 2π+α
α π π+α

Figure 12: Phase-controlled rectifier with constant-current load.

where vs (t) = Vs sin(ωt). The thyristors given in the circuit are ideal. Each thyristor is controlled the
gate currents given in the figure where the firing angle is in the range 0 < α < π.

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(a) Determine and sketch the output voltage vd (t). Clearly indicate which thyristors are conducting [4]
during different intervals of operation.
(b) Determine and sketch the source current is (t). [2]
(c) What is vd a , the average value of vd (t)? [2]
(d) Plot the control characteristics (vd a vs. α) of this rectifier for 0 < α < π. [4]
(e) Calculate the average power delivered to the load by the voltage source vs (t). [2]
(f) Calculate S, the apparent power of voltage source vs (t). [2]
(g) Calculate the power factor kp of the source. [2]
(h) Is this rectifier capable of inversion? If yes, over what range of α is inversion possible. [2]
(i) How does the operation of the rectifier change as α → 0? Comment on what happens to vd (t), vd a , [4]
is (t) and kp .
Total for Q.13: 24 marks
Question 14

A boost converter is required to have an output voltage of 8 V and supply a load current of 1 A. The
input voltage varies from 2.7 to 4.2 V. A control circuit adjusts the duty ratio to keep the output voltage
constant. Select the switching frequency. Determine a value for the inductor such that the variation in
inductor current is no more than 40 percent of the average inductor current for all operating conditions.
Determine a value of an ideal capacitor such that the output voltage ripple is no more than 2 percent.
Determine the maximum capacitor equivalent series resistance for a 2 percent ripple.
Question 15

The three-phase rectifier of Figure 13 has a three-phase source of 480 V rms, 60 Hz line-to-line, and the
load is a 25 Ω resistance in series with a 50 mH inductance.
Vrms = 480
D1 D3 D5
A Dbreak Dbreak Dbreak
B R1
C 1
+ + +
– – – 50m
D4 D6 D2
Dbreak Dbreak Dbreak 2
0 PHASE = –120 PHASE = –240 out–

Figure 13: Three-phase full-bridge rectifier

i. the dc level of the output voltage, [2]
ii. the dc and first ac term of the load current, [2]
iii. the average and rms current in the diodes, [2]
iv. the rms current in the source, and [2]
v. the apparent power from the source. [2]
Total for Q.15: 10 marks
Question 16

(a) You are working on a project team to design a thyristor based fan drives, for the national railways
company. A voltage commutated thyristor chopper circuit is shown in Figure 14.

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Figure 14: Thyristor chopper circuit.

The chopper is operated at 700 Hz with 50% duty ratio. The load takes a constant current of 20 A.
i. Explain how the chopper circuit works, clearly defining the roles of T h1 and T h2 . [2]
ii. Evaluate the circuit turn off time for thyristor T h1 . [2]
iii. Calculate the value of inductor L, if the peak current through the main thyristor T h1 is limited [3]
to 180% of the load current.
iv. Calculate the maximum instantaneous output voltage of chopper. [2]
v. Comment on the design of the chopper circuit and suggest any changes you might make to [3]
enable it to work at a higher frequency.

End of Exam
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